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High School Diploma via Non Formal Education


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High School Diploma via Non Formal Education

Would any TV member have information/experience/websites regarding a Thai obtaining a high school diploma via non formal education? The person will be working for me on a full time basis and will need to do the study part-time. If possible please send me a private message to avoid the TV trolls.

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The High School Diploma takes six years; to do M.1-6 in the Non-formal 'system' takes 2 years. The quality of the teaching varies widely, but on the whole the teaching of the HSD is likely to be better (or less bad).

How much the student learns depends on him, not on the teaching.

I helped a young man to upgrade his educational skills. He had only done P.1-6 before going out to work (at the age of 13). When I started helping him, he was 20 or 21. The NFE system was the only one practically available. He duly completed it in 2 years, getting a reasonable grade of about 2.7, BUT (and this is the important point) his NFE certificate enabled him to gain entry into the Higher Diploma level at a Vocational College (this starts after completion of M.6). He passed this with some credit, and got a good job afterwards.

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