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vet confussed

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I have an eight year old goldon retriever who has until lately been a healthy dog. A few weeks ago we noticed a lump/swelling near her vagina. We called the vet who said she had cancer but it was not serious and four keymo injections should get rid of it. The vet gave the first injection and the following day the dog would not eat. A week has passed and we arranged for the second injection. The doctor came but could not remember how big the swelling was last week so could not say if the injection had done any good ie she did not know if the swelling had got smaller. For some reason best known to herself the vet now believes the cancer is serious enough to have a biopsi done.....any thoughts please

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I'd get a second opinion. Chemo without a biopsy? I thought the biopsy came first to figure out what it is.

I had a dog that got cancer. In her case it was surgery followed by 6 months of chemo. She recovered and lived to die of old age. Of course there are many types of cancer if your dog even has cancer, so your situation will vary. BTW the chemo was a pill that she took 2x a day and it didn't make her sick or I might not have done it.

Good luck.

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It sounds like CTVT, if so a simple smear and investigation under a microscope by the vet should be enough for diagnosing it. I have arranged to have a few soi dogs taken for treatment for this, and chemo works very well against this type of cancer. Normally 4-5 treatments will see the cancer disappear completely and permanently (but, of course, the dog could become infected again later).


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For a bit of background info, check the wiki page for CTVT.

I see a fair bit of it in female soi dogs in Prachuap.

Preferred treatment would be surgery + chemo, dunno what Thai vets charge for chemo.

Always a chance that the cancer has spread by the time the lesions become obvious,

but if nothing else at least get the tumor mass cut out,

otherwise flies will drive your dog nutz.

In male dogs it was easier to treat - just chop off the penis (sawing through the bone)

and sow some thin plastic tubing into the urinary tract, until the post-op swelling went down. AA

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Two days after writing my dog lilly started bleeding we took her to the chiang mai pet hospital and she had operation to remove tumour....she seems ok now<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

For a bit of background info, check the wiki page for CTVT.

I see a fair bit of it in female soi dogs in Prachuap.

Preferred treatment would be surgery + chemo, dunno what Thai vets charge for chemo.

Always a chance that the cancer has spread by the time the lesions become obvious,

but if nothing else at least get the tumor mass cut out,

otherwise flies will drive your dog nutz.

In male dogs it was easier to treat - just chop off the penis (sawing through the bone)

and sow some thin plastic tubing into the urinary tract, until the post-op swelling went down. AA

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