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How Come Some Thai Girls Never Get Fat?


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You all missed the obvious answer, many Thai girls don't get fat because they take drugs....methamphetamines.

That's how my fourth wife Noi died in 1999...years of abuse...finally had a brain anurism.

Thai Bar Girl Age 43. RIP

Of all the posts you have made, this is the most ridiculous. It is an uneccessary insult to Thai women. I am sorry to hear that you have been hit by such a personal tragedy but to use it to make such a comment about this being the obvious answer to the physique of Thai women shows how deep your views on the seedier side of Thailand run. My wife and many of her friends (but not all) do have slim figures, but that really does equate to what they eat. The west is getting fatter in direct proportion to the consumption of fast food. One day it will spread to Thailand.

Alright how about this..


I know my ladyboy friends like to stay slim but are also hungry as pigs.

They gorge themselves (at my expense usually) and then go the ladies room and puke it all up.

Then come back and eat some more.

The condition you describe is Bulimia Nervosa, Anorexia does not present this behaviour, merely starvation is the action there.

I would say that both of these disorders play a part (and a small one at that) in the thinness of Asian ladies, media imagery and peer pressure is huge worldwide and the effect of these illnesses is awful for both sufferer and loved ones alike.

Edited by Thaipwriter
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Well i know a few asian girls (not just Thai) who eat alot of food but they dont seem to put on the weight, a few of them I wouldnt call skinny and do have some padding but most of them are slim

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Alright how about this..


Mr JRingo. You have come up with some offerings here, from personal experience in an attempt to explain why some women are very slim. Whilst I cannot argue that the use of drugs, illnesses and eating disorders undoubtedly cause some women to be thin it cannot be used as a rational to explain Donz's point that many Thai women are slim.

90% of the Thai women that I know are slim, and to my knowledge none of them fit any of the profiles you offered previously. As previous people have stated, the genetic makeup and daily diet are far more likely an answer. All Thai women have the genetic makeup and the vaste majority eat the diet, significantlyless are drug users, sick or suffer from eating disorders.

The fact that your lady boy friends are conciously vomitting during dinner highlights that the Thai male genetic makeup is more disposed to gaining weight, and for them to compete with Thai women they have to take extreme actions.

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Something I was told, everyone has two types of muscle. Fast twitch and slow twitch. Some people have more/higher percentage fast twitch muscle mass, which burns more calories than slow twitch. Genetic. Some people can eat the same or even more than other people and remain slim due to their genetically having more fast twitch muscle. Add to that some people remain very active, while many just drive the car and sit on the couch. Many Thai dishes are high in protien and low in fats as well (although the curries with coconut milk are quite fattening). Watch what she eats. In Isaan they do eat tons of Som Tam (not fattening at all) and nam prik. I see Isaan women wanting to lose weight eat mostly Som tam and other extremely spicy dishes, with shrimp, frog, insects, and other things that are mostly protien as well. Also, I do see the oils they use to fry things is sometimes better than the vegetable oils we use in the west. I only found 100% soybean oil here in Thailand. Hard to find in the states, and usually mixed with other oils. Soybean oil is very good for light frying in a wok and not as fattening as some/most mixed vegetable oils.

Just some thoughts on the subject.


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My sister-in-law Nuan eats a lot of prunes to keep slim.

Apparently the faster you move your food through the digestive tract

the less fat you will become.

Well, yes, the faster it moves through the digestive tract the less likely you will gain weight. But also the less likely you will absorb the minerals and vitamins your body needs in order to remain healthy.

Too many women look for quick fixes to weight loss, all of which are unhealthy. I read a study that said women who constantly dieted were far more likely to have health issues than women (even heavy ones) who had remained a steady weight. The constant fluctuations and deprivations can deprive women of calcium as well as other vital nutrients and lead to long-term health problems.

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