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Three Myanmar witnesses are to testify in advance on Koh Tao murder case


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In effect, they said that the police must be lying because they stated that semen was found on the outside of the condoms.

As they went on to say they didn't use condoms WHEN THEY SEXUALLY ASSAULTED HER then how could their DNA be on the outside of the condom.

So, in refuting the police evidence they plain flat admitted they had carried out the rapes!

Please try to read Steve rather than just believing what the police said they said as was reported in overseas press..

deputy national police chief Pol General Somyot Poompanmoung - a condom found in the area that had Witheridge's DNA on the outside but nothing on the inside.

Please explain where there sperm came from when the deputy police chief said that only Witheridge's DNA was on the outside of the condom.

The sperm on the outside of the condom is completely new as it was not mentioned by the deputy police chief when he made his statement on Wednesday 24th September as reported on Friday 26th September.

Why have you have added the word only - they found both of the Burmese sperm on the outside of the condom as well as Hannah's.

This is not my argument - I am pointing out that in attempting to dispute the police evidence they stated that they indeed raped her.

No denying that fact.

The police evidence in this case Steve is only what the police have said, The accused said nothing directly to the press or anyone else.

The police said that they said, with no legal representation present or anyone to corroborate the police statement.

You may want to believe everything the police are reported as having said but there are others who have grave doubts.

Do I have to re-post the deputy police chief's reported statement ?

Yes I added the word only because the DPC only mentioned Hannah's DNA.

If there was any sperm on the outside of the condom do you really think the DPC would have neglected to state such an important piece of evidence ?

After all they were at that point doing their best to get a quick result and making press statements on everything.

Sperm on the condom would have been a hugely damming piece of evidence which would have connected the owner (s) of the sperm directly to the scene of the crime and associated them with Hannah's DNA which the DPC stated was on the condom.

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Court refuses time for defence to prepare case.

PM denies UKFO summons and says diplomat went to explain voluntarily.

However you cut the cake, guilty or not, this trial is already done.

That's funny, I thought it had just started - what was the outcome then?

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Court refuses time for defence to prepare case.

PM denies UKFO summons and says diplomat went to explain voluntarily.

However you cut the cake, guilty or not, this trial is already done.

That's funny, I thought it had just started - what was the outcome then?

From what you have been writing the past few weeks I thought you had a crystal ball so why ask?

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So you support the police's word when it suits your story but everything else they say cannot be corroborated. Yeh!, very balanced discussion indeed.

No Steve that's what you are doing.

You are trying to tell us that there is no doubt about their guilt because of a statement from the police, yet you discount all others that might upset your stance.

I say there is doubt because of conflicting statements.

Note. Doubt, I am not saying they are guilty or not guilty.

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What concerns me more now is that the RTP have lost so much face in this case, that dna could be planted into any dna samples. RTP cannot be wrong anymore.

With all the bruises these guys have on their bodies, it is easy to swab here and there and add it to the evidence. Just sayin'. coffee1.gif

Have you seen these bruises??

If there are bruises then I think it likely that they were self afflicted!!

There are photo's around, self inflicted? nearly all the back and kidney area as well as scalding on shoulder and armpit. Keep up

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Steve is just being an ass now....best ignored IMHO.

he's been an ignorant RTP ass kisser from day one.


I have been their biggest and most vocal critic when challenged on this.

They are abject, incompetent, corrupt, and what's more they could have been responsible for letting two illegal immigrants get away with murder and rape. Fortunately, I think that the evidence is so substantial that even their numerous cock-ups all along the line will not be enough to allow this to happen.

There you go - it's on the record again. Sack the lot of them and get a proper police force that doesn't worship Thaksin's money!

Reading between your lines you portray a very deep and dark soul.

These type of people are normally very good at physically and mentally abusing wife and children. Control freaks.

The photo's he seems to think are funny says it all...he does it better so he's in a position to justify his comments.

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Steve is just being an ass now....best ignored IMHO.

he's been an ignorant RTP ass kisser from day one.


I have been their biggest and most vocal critic when challenged on this.

They are abject, incompetent, corrupt, and what's more they could have been responsible for letting two illegal immigrants get away with murder and rape. Fortunately, I think that the evidence is so substantial that even their numerous cock-ups all along the line will not be enough to allow this to happen.

There you go - it's on the record again. Sack the lot of them and get a proper police force that doesn't worship Thaksin's money!

Reading between your lines you portray a very deep and dark soul.

These type of people are normally very good at physically and mentally abusing wife and children. Control freaks.

The photo's he seems to think are funny says it all...he does it better so he's in a position to justify his comments.

I have only ever hit one female in my 57 years of life - a girl called Wendy Busson slapped me around the face for no apparent reason when we were both 11 or 12. I immediately slapped her back and she was stunned. I can still see her face, it was a picture!

If that makes a wife beater and child abuser then I hold my hands up.

Yes I do find those photos funny when they are labelled as 'pitiful' to look at.

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So you support the police's word when it suits your story but everything else they say cannot be corroborated. Yeh!, very balanced discussion indeed.

No Steve that's what you are doing.

You are trying to tell us that there is no doubt about their guilt because of a statement from the police, yet you discount all others that might upset your stance.

I say there is doubt because of conflicting statements.

Note. Doubt, I am not saying they are guilty or not guilty.

I think the best thing to do is forget what was said, not said, confessed, retracted - the court case should decide their guilt or innocence from the evidence.

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What concerns me more now is that the RTP have lost so much face in this case, that dna could be planted into any dna samples. RTP cannot be wrong anymore.

With all the bruises these guys have on their bodies, it is easy to swab here and there and add it to the evidence. Just sayin'. coffee1.gif

Have you seen these bruises??

If there are bruises then I think it likely that they were self afflicted!!

There are photo's around, self inflicted? nearly all the back and kidney area as well as scalding on shoulder and armpit. Keep up

Can I see them? where did you see them?

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So you support the police's word when it suits your story but everything else they say cannot be corroborated. Yeh!, very balanced discussion indeed.

No Steve that's what you are doing.

You are trying to tell us that there is no doubt about their guilt because of a statement from the police, yet you discount all others that might upset your stance.

I say there is doubt because of conflicting statements.

Note. Doubt, I am not saying they are guilty or not guilty.

I think the best thing to do is forget what was said, not said, confessed, retracted - the court case should decide their guilt or innocence from the evidence.

I wouldnt put too much faith in anything said by RTP or the courts regarding the truth let alone justice.

Just for the the record, the Thai legal system is a mess and cant really be called anything like consistent and reliable, its almost as corrupt and abysmal as the RTP.

Thal courts and justice often dosnt belong in the same sentence.(excuse the pun)

Steve, I know you have this crazy idea everything bad like police corruption is all the fault of Thaksin...... truth is its always been bad in the RTP long before him and also how he got the contracts that got him started in the first place.

About time people realised that corruption and lying IS endemic in Thailand and always has been

Thaksin was just the latest product of a Thai society already gone bad, You cant bribe someone if they are honest. Thaksin was just particularly good at it and, encouraged by its totally corrupt social top down system of face by status, wealth, payoffs, corrupt officials and aids.

After all how many Countries do you know where half its military generals or police chiefs are multi millionaires ? thats £ or $ millionaires btw not baht...

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Robert Kennedy Assassination: Intimidation of a witness

This is the official LAPD audio tape of the lie detector test given to witness Sandy Serrano who claimed she saw a woman in a polka dot dress running from the Robert Kennedy assassination exclaiming "We shot him". The interviewing officer, LAPD Detective Hank Hernandez, was rumored to have intelligence connections, which would explain his having administered a lie detector test to the dictator of Venzuela just prior to doing the same to Sandy Serrano. This audio tape excerpt of the interview was obtained by Serrano's lawyers when she sued the LAPD.

I include this audio sample here to prove an historical tendency for law enforcement officials with intelligence connections to harass and intimidate witnesses. There is no confusing whatsoever that Hernandez' intent is to convince Sandy Serrano to alter her story. Hernandez spent 50 minutes trying to get Sandy to alter her story. This tape covers only a small portion of what went on.

The media is spending a lot of time on today being the 70th anniversary of D-Day. But it is also the 46th anniversary of the day Robert Kennedy was assassinated in Los Angeles. As was the case with the assassination of his older brother, there are many reason to doubt the official story. This is just one of them. Others include the fact that there were more bullet holes in the walls of the Pantry than Sirhan's gun could hold. The audio recordings of the event captured at least 13 gun shots, while Sirhan's gun only held 8 rounds. Another is that Robert Kennedy's fatal gunshot wound came from the rear and hit behind his ear, while Sirhan was never close to being in that position. But the clearest evidence of cover up were the photographs taken by young photographer James Scott Enyart, who captured the exact moment of the assassination on film. Enyart's film was confiscated as evidence by the police. When Enyart asked for their return after the case was closed, the LAPD claimed the negatives had been lost. Enyart sued, and suddenly the LAPD claimed negatives were found in Fresno. They were being couriered to Los Angeles to return them to Enyart, but the courier got a flat tire on his rental car shortly after leaving the Los Angeles airport, stopped at a service station to get the tire fixed, where the briefcase containing the photographs was conveniently stolen from the car.

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So you support the police's word when it suits your story but everything else they say cannot be corroborated. Yeh!, very balanced discussion indeed.

No Steve that's what you are doing.

You are trying to tell us that there is no doubt about their guilt because of a statement from the police, yet you discount all others that might upset your stance.

I say there is doubt because of conflicting statements.

Note. Doubt, I am not saying they are guilty or not guilty.

I think the best thing to do is forget what was said, not said, confessed, retracted - the court case should decide their guilt or innocence from the evidence.

I wouldnt put too much faith in anything said by RTP or the courts regarding the truth let alone justice.

Just for the the record, the Thai legal system is a mess and cant really be called anything like consistent and reliable, its almost as corrupt and abysmal as the RTP.

Thal courts and justice often dosnt belong in the same sentence.(excuse the pun)

Steve, I know you have this crazy idea everything bad like police corruption is all the fault of Thaksin...... truth is its always been bad in the RTP long before him and also how he got the contracts that got him started in the first place.

About time people realised that corruption and lying IS endemic in Thailand and always has been

Thaksin was just the latest product of a Thai society already gone bad, You cant bribe someone if they are honest. Thaksin was just particularly good at it and, encouraged by its totally corrupt social top down system of face by status, wealth, payoffs, corrupt officials and aids.

After all how many Countries do you know where half its military generals or police chiefs are multi millionaires ? thats £ or $ millionaires btw not baht...

The courts aren't there to say anything - they listen to the evidence from the prosecutors and defence and decide whether they are guilty of the crimes accused of. What the police say is essentially for the press.

I think that the police are infinitely more corrupt than they were 12 years ago. I think that he has rewarded them handsomely to service him as his stooges (the same as his political hangers on in the various parties he owned).

As to your last paragraph, I think that it is highly suspicious as to how they have gained that wealth on armed forces salaries and there should be a thorough and independent enquiry into just how they amassed such fortunes. All of those that cannot explain where their wealth came from should be further investigated in great detail and if it is from corrupt practices then they should face the courts. It is quite possible that it could have come from an inheritance so we mustn't jump to conclusions until there has been a thorough enquiry.

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The military have and never will be held to account steve they are immune from any investigation or prosecution, they write it in to every constitution. It'll never happen until it becomes subservient to civilian rules, laws and an elected government. But thats another topic

btw update

Koh Tao murders: ‘Third man’ released, returning to Burma

Burmese migrant worker Maung Maung – held in Thai police custody for two weeks as a potential witness in the Koh Tao murder case – has been released and says he wants to return home to Burma immediately, http://www.dvb.no/news/koh-tao-murders-third-man-released-returning-to-burma-myanmar/45040

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