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Snooker hall licence (horror story)


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Owned a snooker hall for many years without any problems. I live in a small village in the heart of Thailand and its always been peaceful..... until the army took over. They have been going round all business's checking every detail and ruining peoples livelyhood for minor infringements.

They came to my snooker hall. As the army captain went round it he became more and more irritated at the fact i had nothing illegal going on. All CD's had receipts, alchohol licence up to date, taxes paid up to date etc etc. He even wanted to see an insureance cetificate which i actually had because i have petrol pumps ot side which need to be insured and the guy that did it said that he would include accident cover with it for just another 700Bt, so i did.

This went on for an hour, very tense. The police turned up and said they had checked the hall last month and found it to be totally legal and everything was in order. The captain basically told them to shut up. Things became way more tense. He began pushing people against the wall and asking for ID, he then told me to get against the wall, i refused saying i'd done nothing wrong and if he made me i'd report him and show the CCTV footage i've got to his superiors. He then noticed the camera's and backed down.

Just as he was abut to leave he asked to see the letter from the police. He realised it wasn't a legal licence and just permission to allow to play. We then got 'marched' in to his truck and tacken to the police station and charged with running a snooker hall without a licence which carries a maximum sentence of 3 months in jail. Fortunately for us the police went to court and spoke on our behalf and we got of with a small fine.

We have been trying to find out how to get the required licence but even the police dont know how and every snooker hall they know of hasn't got one (and that runs into the hundreds) the Amphur doesn't even know. The only person who seemed to 'think' they know is the company who change the table cloth when it gets worn. We called the number of the firm they gave us and they said it would cost..... 190,000 baht !!! When we told the police this they said it was a gaming licence which covers every game such as snooker and arcade games.

So, does anyone know how to get a snooker hall licence ? until then i'm closed.

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Lots of bars rent pool tables off "Influential People" this does away with any license requirements.

Seems like you'll have to enter some sort of "rental" agreement.

Isn't that just so "Thailand".

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Apparently the army guy didn't get the memo to 'restore happiness'...

Hope you are able to resolve this mess...

Almost all of my Thai friends are increasingly disappointed with the new regime. Big hat--no cattle...

"Here's the new boss...Same as the old boss"---The Who: 'Won't Get Fooled Again'...

Edited by cloghead
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I know it's too late now, hindsight is a wonderful thing, and that under the pressure you were in, quick thinking doesn't always take place, but it might have been more beneficial to keep quiet about the CCTV and let whatever may have happened happen.

You'd then have had your own ace to play, and might be open now as the captain skulks away..

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The 190,000baht is to buy a licence for life, you can sell them on with the snooker hall as a guy in town who bought a hall has one. He showed me it but hasn't a clue where it was obtained from. You can also close your snooker hall and sell the licence seperately which is what we are trying to do right now, driving around to various districts and enquiring if anyone has one and wants to sell. We came close but with the army doing what they are doing right now they have become a very sought after item.

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Hi mate thailand is for Thais to make money not for people to come here from the west and make money it is a very poor country and no work for Thais so if you came and live here live by the laws of thailand you are not to work here and if that happens to you good as far as I can say .

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Hi mate thailand is for Thais to make money not for people to come here from the west and make money it is a very poor country and no work for Thais so if you came and live here live by the laws of thailand you are not to work here and if that happens to you good as far as I can say .

LOL are you for real? he is employing Thai people and has invested his money into Thailand he's not doing anything illegal.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Hi mate thailand is for Thais to make money not for people to come here from the west and make money it is a very poor country and no work for Thais so if you came and live here live by the laws of thailand you are not to work here and if that happens to you good as far as I can say .

Licences are applicable to Thais as well. If a foreigner wants to open a business, has all the required paperwork and checks all the boxes, then he can open a business.

You need to get out a bit more, if you are actually in Thailand, and not believe all you read or hear from people with similar mindsets to your own.

OP, I feel for you with reference to the licences. The only thing I could suggest short of getting a lawyer is to go to the local municipality office and ask there. Although they are not directly involved with licencing they may be able to shed some light. They sorted some things out for me a few years back in my local area, hence the suggestion.

Certainly one of the downsides to the enforcement and ignoring of laws here by the authorities. Some are disregarded for so long that they eventually become lost or mislaid at times.

Best of luck buddy.

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There is no mention of the number of tables you have, how you snooker hall is laid out, tables seperated, etc.

These are items that can determine the liscense/legality of your business. ^The police endorsement does not give legality to any business, except the monkey business they participate in. As mentioned legal advise or even a trip to the city officials may get things in order or show once again how some policemen have tried to set up a police state and its being questioned and possibly on the way to destruction via the military.

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The laws in this country seem more grey than black and white.

They have been deigned to be a perfect midpoint grey. Not too dark but not too pale.

That's 18 percent gray. smile.png

You can bet your white balance on that. thumbsup.gif .

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I've 3 tables, evenly spaced with tables and chairs in between. Its all enclosed, quiet and has lit parking space. The police love it as it quiet and well maintained unlike the sheds the other 'snooker halls' have. Also, my CCTV has a camera pointing down the soi which the police asked for and its caught 2 robbers already using the night vision... its just the army who's causing me the probs. Time for a fair election and not a dictatorship forged down the barrel of a gun.

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I've 3 tables, evenly spaced with tables and chairs in between. Its all enclosed, quiet and has lit parking space. The police love it as it quiet and well maintained unlike the sheds the other 'snooker halls' have. Also, my CCTV has a camera pointing down the soi which the police asked for and its caught 2 robbers already using the night vision... its just the army who's causing me the probs. Time for a fair election and not a dictatorship forged down the barrel of a gun.

Most of the bars in Pattaya offer free pool I expect it's to circumvent this permit.

Can't you offer free pool but insist they buy a drink at an inflated price before they play?

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I've 3 tables, evenly spaced with tables and chairs in between. Its all enclosed, quiet and has lit parking space. The police love it as it quiet and well maintained unlike the sheds the other 'snooker halls' have. Also, my CCTV has a camera pointing down the soi which the police asked for and its caught 2 robbers already using the night vision... its just the army who's causing me the probs. Time for a fair election and not a dictatorship forged down the barrel of a gun.

actually all the army is doing is ensuring you are a legal entity, obviously you are not and the police have been taking payments? to supply a worhtless piece of paper. You cannot bitch about the army making you become legal, that is what you should have done originally, maybe if you had checked out the laws and not relied on the local bib with their hands out you wouldnt be in this position. I am sorry for the mess you are im but trying to blame the people that found out you are illegal isnt the answer, thats like shooting someone then saying you didnt know the gun was loaded.

You should be well aware that you need to follow the laws here especially if you are a farang, not checking it out thoroughly when you opened is solely on you I am afraid, mate you just have to cop that you did the wrong thing and it is your own fault when it boils down to it. Just buy a licence and be legal then they will leave you alone, simple but the bib will still want their regular donations no doubt.

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Hi mate thailand is for Thais to make money not for people to come here from the west and make money it is a very poor country and no work for Thais so if you came and live here live by the laws of thailand you are not to work here and if that happens to you good as far as I can say .

LOL are you for real? he is employing Thai people and has invested his money into Thailand he's not doing anything illegal.

. So what if he employing Thais if try and come here to make money you have no hop
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Hi mate thailand is for Thais to make money not for people to come here from the west and make money it is a very poor country and no work for Thais so if you came and live here live by the laws of thailand you are not to work here and if that happens to you good as far as I can say .

LOL are you for real? he is employing Thai people and has invested his money into Thailand he's not doing anything illegal.

. So what if he employing Thais if try and come here to make money you have no hop
i have no hop you say I don't need hop I have lots of money mate but I am not going to put all my money in to thailand I am to smart for that not like you
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A lawyer will be able to tell you the licences you need.

I see you mentioned you had CDs with receipts. What receipts is that exactly?

You probably know this already but if you play music in a resturant or bar then you need to pay a licence fee to the copyright owner - the music companies - for public usage. Actually the Army probably have no idea, but a tip off to any music company could have your business visited by police and fined.

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