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Koh Tao murders: Lawyer for migrants wants DNA evidence verified


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someone needs to make a website telling about all the bad things on Koh Tao. All the murders, rapes, police intimidation and bribes etc. Need to get that info out so that when people do searches for Kho Tao they see that instead of all the glorious images of Koh Tao. Maybe then people will reconsider vacationing in Koh Tao and hurt them the only place they care, their wallets. Hopefully inform people of all the great beaches in Vietnam and Myanmar and other places too. Thai's have proved they only care about money coming in through tourism. They don't care about things like justice, honesty and integrity. Not all Thai's of course, just the ones policing it. The ones that really matter

Edited by joedot
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Get that DNA verified

Heres another family whos son was killed on KT earlier this year while on holiday with his family for crissake, I say killed because ... well you can read yourself.


Im beginning to think theres possibly a serial killer on the loose somewhere on KT

These kids and thier families deserve Justice

Just how many people have died in the last few years, or raped ? someone should look at the numbers there should be a real full investigation into KT AND the other Islands, this is beginning to stink to high heaven

Wow, same beach.

Having lived on KPN years back I'm not surprised. Many FM party deaths are suspect and many murders and rapes aren't reported on.

The local, connected familes are a law unto themselves and the more thuggish family members are overtly menacing and have an air of untouchability.

I know of many horrific crimes that weren't given the attention that they should have.

The old woman who lived across the road from us had a vicious looking son visit her regularly, and one day a visiting friend of mine, whom was/is a long time resident, asked me if I knew who he was. Two years prior two tourists had been murdered in his house, buying ganja apparently. He did not spend a day in a cell.

Figures for murders are slippery to obtain but the general consensus is 300 - 400 per month in Thailand, most are Thai on Thai.

But T.I.T.

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Just to point out that the problems are not limited to Koh Tao but is a problem with Thailand in general. There are plenty of tourists murdered in Pattaya and Phuket and all over Thailand. How about all those jet ski scams, motorbike scams, beach umbrella scams. I would not shed one tear if people started spending their money in another country that actually deserved it

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The pm shows a complete lack of judgement and shows why he is a only a military guy and not a politician. First, he made the insensitive comment about bikini's and she wasn't even wearing a bikini. Second he practically jumped out of his chair to say what a great job the police did and put his reputation on the line by being on their side. Why would he want to sully his own name when the police were obviously bungling the case in every way imaginable. I can't comprehend the logic behind that.

Well he's the one that appointed the chief of police so he has to back his buddy up. And his buddy just said "a perfect job".
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A big international investigation needs to be started.

By which entity? Unsolved gruesome deaths of foreigners have been going on for decades in S/E Asia. Everyone with their eyes and ears open knows this.

The only differnece with this recent incident is that it escaped to the modern phenonema that is social media.

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If the RTP have nothing to hide an independent test would not / should not be a problem. What is there to hide if their analysis of the DNA is correct. The longer this goes on the more face Thailand will lose and eventually their much coveted to tourism industry.

I've phoned a number of my expat friends and a number of them are now preparing to leave - I still think the only way for Thailand to change is to force it by withdrawing money and if every expat walked the economy would take a massive hit... isn't it about time we served justice?

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The Thai authorities have painted themselves in a corner. As the Great Leader has already offered to reward the investigative police team for "resolving" the double murder, the fate of the remanded suspects is sealed.

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I would think at this point Thailand would welcome an outside independent investigation and DNA testing of the Burmese and other suspects. They need to clear this matter up and move on .....

They are loosing billions of Baht due to this .... Is it really worth it Thailand ? Is your face worth more than a human life and justice ?? If the Burmese are innocent is protecting the guilty worth billions ??? Time for the truth to be known !

This one is not going to end until the truth is known. Enough is enough !!!

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If the RTP have nothing to hide an independent test would not / should not be a problem. What is there to hide if their analysis of the DNA is correct. The longer this goes on the more face Thailand will lose and eventually their much coveted to tourism industry.

I've phoned a number of my expat friends and a number of them are now preparing to leave - I still think the only way for Thailand to change is to force it by withdrawing money and if every expat walked the economy would take a massive hit... isn't it about time we served justice?

Get real !! If you think the majority of expat's will pack up and leave because the RTP have done what they always do, and will continue to do, then you are sadly mistaken. Most of us who have put down roots here will be appalled at the behaviour of 'Law Enforcers' in this case but we are hardened to it and will get on with our lives. It is not for us as individuals to take on all the wrongs of this Nation.

The best 'punishment ' Thailand can receive is ever falling numbers of tourists bringing cash to their coffers and this could easily be achieved if European/ US Governments and Travel Agencies simply blank places like the Islands that are known for corrupt activities including law enforcement. Just refuse to advertise that said places exist and they would soon be denied what they desire the most....MONEY. However; it will not happen because of Politics and greed as Governments and the General Public in far off lands care little for what happens on the other side of the Planet. Sad but true.

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If the RTP have nothing to hide an independent test would not / should not be a problem. What is there to hide if their analysis of the DNA is correct. The longer this goes on the more face Thailand will lose and eventually their much coveted to tourism industry.

I've phoned a number of my expat friends and a number of them are now preparing to leave - I still think the only way for Thailand to change is to force it by withdrawing money and if every expat walked the economy would take a massive hit... isn't it about time we served justice?

You're obviously not a long-term settler here, and free to do as you wish, as you run to the loo from your bar stool.

However, there are those of us who have families, own houses, own cars, and are very well established with good and exemplary wives. We don't live in areas reknowned for trouble and scams (especially the islands), because we know how the system works and, added to that, we know how to play the system. Why would we desire to walk away from our established and clean paradises when we, nor our families, have commited no wrong, for the sake of the RTP crap? Answer that please.

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I've been posting that this is what is needed from the beginning. Who knows if samples sent to Singapore or "done by Thais" were even that found in Hannah? Who knows the same about the suspects?

If the RTP have total control, they could use the same DNA from the same people, even some people from Isaan to test in both cases and of course they would match but they wouldn't be of the suspects.

There was a report a day or so ago stating that the DNA testing that "confirmed" these 2 x migrant workers DNA was done in Bangkok and Chiang Mai . . . not been a mention of Singapore since the early days of this case.

What we can suspect is that original samples have been replaced long ago. Now you can send the "official" samples to any lab in the world, results will probably match with the two Burmese. It might be too late.
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This little revelation has basically signed their death warrants, can you imagine a re-investigation, re-sample analysis, then probably come up with something totally contradictory to the authorities ? I think Thailand in their short sightedness would probably deport every westerner in an attempt to save face........... Everybody knows that this case is now too big for the Thai government to hush up, and thankfully so, hopefully the Burmese lawyer, along with the British Embassy can hold a Thai proof investigation, or else it's going to be two murdered Brits, and two murdered Burmese..............LOS ? Not these days.............

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This little revelation has basically signed their death warrants, can you imagine a re-investigation, re-sample analysis, then probably come up with something totally contradictory to the authorities ? I think Thailand in their short sightedness would probably deport every westerner in an attempt to save face........... Everybody knows that this case is now too big for the Thai government to hush up, and thankfully so, hopefully the Burmese lawyer, along with the British Embassy can hold a Thai proof investigation, or else it's going to be two murdered Brits, and two murdered Burmese..............LOS ? Not these days.............

Two murdered Burmese? w00t.gif

They won't be murdered, they are going to commit suicide in their cells and, in due respect, be cremated as quickly as possible in Myanmar tradition. bah.gif

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I would not trust the police to send the correct DNA samples (if they even exist).

After reading the link of the man found dead on during New Year, I would also be interested to see a list (news reports if they exist) of all the foreigners either raped or murdered on this godforsaken island during say the last ten years.

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A big international investigation needs to be started.

By which entity? Unsolved gruesome deaths of foreigners have been going on for decades in S/E Asia. Everyone with their eyes and ears open knows this.

The only differnece with this recent incident is that it escaped to the modern phenonema that is social media.

And internet and social media can continue to make it public. So after some time it will be in the consciousness everywhere in the world. Then tourists will avoid dangerous parts of the world. Do not tourists need to know that the place were they are going is safe - and it's very unlikely they travel home in a bag and their murderers walk free and even more injustice instead of the murderers the life of innocent scapegoats will be destroyed as well?

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I would not trust the police to send the correct DNA samples (if they even exist).

After reading the link of the man found dead on during New Year, I would also be interested to see a list (news reports if they exist) of all the foreigners either raped or murdered on this godforsaken island during say the last ten years.

I am afraid this list will not be available from the police

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Another murder earlier this year, New Yrs Eve, same beach , head injuries, pol saying he fell 50ft, but no broken bones, .

The post mortem in the UK reveals he died from drowning !

This society is sick, its obvious that this island has killers on it, who are immune to prosecution.

The Embassies have a duty to , not just to blither about the dangers of travelling to Thailand, but they now have to isolate this island and others where it has become life threatening to go there.

Why will they not, are they scared of ,'upsetting someone' while young Brits are being brutally killed, i don't get it, as ive said before Mark Kent resign, your predesessor was much more pro active,than you, but they moved him on !

He had actually started to complain to Mayors etc about the scams going on, especially the jet ski one, he did'nt sit on his high perch waffeling on and making stupid comments !

Edited by phanangpete
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This little revelation has basically signed their death warrants, can you imagine a re-investigation, re-sample analysis, then probably come up with something totally contradictory to the authorities ? I think Thailand in their short sightedness would probably deport every westerner in an attempt to save face........... Everybody knows that this case is now too big for the Thai government to hush up, and thankfully so, hopefully the Burmese lawyer, along with the British Embassy can hold a Thai proof investigation, or else it's going to be two murdered Brits, and two murdered Burmese..............LOS ? Not these days.............

Three murdered Britons.

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