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PM supports the creation of safe bike lanes across Thailand: Report


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from what I have seen,,,drivers )both(Thai ahd Falang) here break every road law in the world with immunity

have never seen anyone getting a ticket for any infractions exept maybe no helmet, ni licwense and impaired

the bad driving habits seem to be ignored which just encouages more bad driving

maybe het should be handing out tickets for driving on sidewalks, driving the wrong way on the wronf side of the street etc

then they could afford the bike paths,,,now just how are they going to keep the moto;s off of them

when they can't keep them off the sidewalks

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There are some relatively new specially-coloured and signed bicycle lanes in and around Cha Am used and appreciated by local cycling enthusiasts and visitors, who are encouraged to hire bicycles for recreation and sightseeing.

Unfortunately, while the designated lanes outside the town are generally quiet and safe to ride, those in the busier inner areas are routinely cluttered with delivery vans and private cars belonging to drivers who cannot be bothered to park in one of the numerous side-roads.

As a result cyclists have to risk life and limb lane-hopping to avoid these vehicles, in the process crossing lines of raised marker studs which become a slippery hazard in wet weather.

Parking is an increasing problem here, as in many other rapidly-expanding tourist towns, yet meeting the growing demand of car-owning visitors and residents seems a low priority.

If I was running the place (Heaven forbid!) parking meters would be installed where appropriate and I would build a couple of multi-storey municipal car parks, one for the main shopping area and the other for the beach. The revenuefrom parking fees would help defray development costs.

Parking on designated cycle lanes should be declared unlawful and offenders fined.

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