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Bangkok Police defend 'anti-bribery' cash reward


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Now it's back on again, it's like Koh Tau all over again, can they get anything right ???? There is now a counter offer from an anti corruption group, 20,000 baht for anyone producing a video showing a policeman ( dare we even call them that ) taking a bribe. Bangkok post just now.

Dangerous game getting played now. this is going to get somebody hurt or worse.

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I took a thai taxi from jomtiem to BK , got stopped at the toll gate in bk.

Police came to the drivers door, driver asked me for 200 bht.

Money slipped by accident to the hand of officer.

In some ways it's a lot simpler that dragging the driver though the court all over, done in 2 minutes and no red tape.

Very efficient.

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So if I ask the Officer I would prefer to pay an on the spot fine, is that offering a bribe? Especially when he says he's run out of receipts.

"Under Thai law, those found guilty of bribing state officials can face up to five years in prison, while accepting bribes from the public can land state officials in jail for life."

Has this law ever been enforced?

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I hope they don't start arresting people just for the sakes of claiming the 10000Baht reward...........

What will the suggested price tag be for not reporting a assumed (aka pulled from thin overheated polluted BKK air) bribe attempt? Several such donations will surely compensate for the paper work needed to obtain the official cheque...

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and added that the public can assist the police force by snapping photos or filming police officers who take bribes.

That can be a dangerous thing to do. You better make sure there is a lot of people about to confirm your story after that cop beats the crap out of you.

must be a real sharp camera that dicerns of the officer getting a Bhat note handed in place of the driver licence or id card.

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Asian countries are the most corrupt in the world,they are experts from top to bottom,it will never be eradicated, it almost defines them,forms them,it's who they are. The powers that be know it but they have to show they are trying to get some brownie points.

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So they get a bonus for not committing a crime that they aren't ethically supposed to do anyway.

OK. Fair enough. I didn't sexually assault any of my students this year. Do I get a 10,000 bonus for not committing that crime?

This is so beyond ridiculous. Reward those who set an example that is above and beyond. Not simply those who aren't criminals. This reward just screams "Hey, 0.05% of our force is honest and not on the take. Yeah, Thailand!"

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So they get a bonus for not committing a crime that they aren't ethically supposed to do anyway.

OK. Fair enough. I didn't sexually assault any of my students this year. Do I get a 10,000 bonus for not committing that crime?

This is so beyond ridiculous. Reward those who set an example that is above and beyond. Not simply those who aren't criminals. This reward just screams "Hey, 0.05% of our force is honest and not on the take. Yeah, Thailand!"

There are honest ones but i think they get stuffed and put into a museum

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This is actually the only way to stop tea money on the roads. OK, every police officer assigned to a traffic location is made to wear a pen or helmet camera. If the officer can catch or record money being handed over by the motorist, the motorist is arrested and fined 1000 baht back at the station. The police officer is then rewarded 50% and 500 baht goes to him. With the level of intelligence the police force throughout the kingdom will be thrilled at the idea. Daily these officers will be pictured with a 500 baht note along with a great big smile on his face. On the other side of the coin if a motorist can show he has given the officer money and was not arrested for it and the footage proves this, the officer gets a 1000 baht fine and this is given to the motorist.

Then within 3 months after the general public get to grips with the fact that it is now futile to hand over money along with the power of social media and the press, people will completely stop giving it to them. The average motorist will come to terms with the fact he must go the police station and pay the traffic offense fine. All of a sudden no one is getting caught on camera anymore; the smiles on their faces will turn to grimaces. Road corruption will be consigned to the history books.

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Reward police officers for not breaking the law.... There is nothing about this that makes any sense...

How about throwing them in the monkey house for a year and loosing their job if they do..... Next they will be paying criminals not to rob people.

That reminds me of a guy who always came to work late. I asked him why ... His comment " they don't pay me extra to come in on time" .... He was serious ... Hahaha

Whats the saying ...As stupid as stupid can get

This is actually the only way to stop tea money on the roads. OK, every police officer assigned to a traffic location is made to wear a pen or helmet camera. If the officer can catch or record money being handed over by the motorist, the motorist is arrested and fined 1000 baht back at the station. The police officer is then rewarded 50% and 500 baht goes to him. With the level of intelligence the police force throughout the kingdom will be thrilled at the idea. Daily these officers will be pictured with a 500 baht note along with a great big smile on his face. On the other side of the coin if a motorist can show he has given the officer money and was not arrested for it and the footage proves this, the officer gets a 1000 baht fine and this is given to the motorist.

Then within 3 months after the general public get to grips with the fact that it is now futile to hand over money along with the power of social media and the press, people will completely stop giving it to them. The average motorist will come to terms with the fact he must go the police station and pay the traffic offense fine. All of a sudden no one is getting caught on camera anymore; the smiles on their faces will turn to grimaces. Road corruption will be consigned to the history books.

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I have decided that I am not going to pull over my motorcycle if they try and make me... I will haul ass as fast as I can as far as I can until I can get in a crowd of farang and scream for help.... 55555

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Asian countries are the most corrupt in the world,they are experts from top to bottom,it will never be eradicated, it almost defines them,forms them,it's who they are. The powers that be know it but they have to show they are trying to get some brownie points.

Jeez, and their I was thinking the banks were the most corrupt, which i also thought were mainly NOT IN ASIA.

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Asian countries are the most corrupt in the world,they are experts from top to bottom,it will never be eradicated, it almost defines them,forms them,it's who they are. The powers that be know it but they have to show they are trying to get some brownie points.

Jeez, and their I was thinking the banks were the most corrupt, which i also thought were mainly NOT IN ASIA.

No argument about banks but i was talking about countries. Asia has its fair share of banks. The police chief in Bangkok has just called of the scheme after a lot of critic from online social sites so it is back to 200 Baht a time.

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How would a foreigner know if it is a bribe or a fine ? As a foreigner, I do not know what the official procedures are. If no receipt or ticket is issued then the police can say it never happened. Taking a photo is meaningless if their is no audio. "Please pose for the camera officer. "; at which point the officer directs you to pay more money at the police station. The police are innocent and in Thailand, the official is always right because there is no procedures and the laws are loose.

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