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Prayut vows to push ahead with Dawei and border economic projects

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Prayut vows to push ahead with Dawei and border economic projects
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Thailand and Myanmar have agreed during Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha's visit to mobilise all means available to move ahead with the Dawei Special Economic Zone mega-project for the benefit of Asean as a whole and border development.

"The Dawei project is a joint development between Thailand and Myanmar. If we can build up confidence, more investors would be keen to join the scheme," Prayut told reporters yesterday.

Initiated during the Thaksin Shinawatra government, the multibillion-dollar project is aimed as a strategic node for regional logistics and connectivity to link not only Thailand and Myanmar but also the entire Asean region and South Asia.

The previous government of Yingluck Shinawatra, which was toppled in a coup by Prayut in May, struggled to inject capital into the project. The idea to bring Japan in as the third party has not yet been realised.

There had been doubts earlier whether the Prayut government would push on with the project.

Government Spokesman Yongyuth Mayalarp said Thailand and Myanmar were ready to move ahead with the project. The Thai government has donated a small hospital for local residents in the Dawei area, he said.

Dawei Development Co, a subsidiary of Italian-Thai Development (ITD), earlier expressed strong confidence that the Dawei industrial estate and deep-sea port project would progress after Prayut's visit.

ITD struggle

ITD, Thailand's leading construction firm, had struggled to get the US$8-billion (Bt260-billion) project off the ground, as it was faced with funding problems, complicated land expropriation in Myanmar, and the political turmoil in Thailand. The project spreads over 200 square kilometres in the Dawei Special Economic Zone, west of Thailand's Kanchanaburi province.

Prayut yesterday wrapped up his first visit to Myanmar, his first foreign trip as prime minister. Besides the Dawei project, he also discussed with Myanmar President Thein Sein a wide range of bilateral and regional issues and cooperation.

Both sides focused on security and development of the border areas as the main priorities in relations between the two countries.

Prayut informed Thein Sein that Thailand would develop a special economic zone in Mae Sot district, a border gate to Myanmar's Myawaddy, for the benefit of people along the border areas, Yongyuth said.

Thailand has repaired the first Friendship Bridge across the Meoi River and a feasibility study for the second bridge has been completed, he said. Thailand also urged Myanmar to consider legalisation of convertible currency between the baht and Myanmar's kyat in border areas, he said.

The two leaders also discussed regulation of migrant labour in Thailand, where millions of Myanmar workers live and work legally and illegally. Thailand wanted to provide legal protection to migrant workers and prevent human trafficking, the PM said.

Thein Sein expressed his gratitude to Prayut for choosing Myanmar for his first foreign visit. Thailand is important for Myanmar's development, Yongyuth quoted the president as telling Prayut.

Myanmar has established centres in border areas near Mae Sai, Mae Sot and Ranong to combat human trafficking and coordinate with Thailand for that purpose.

During the visit, Prayut donated Bt3 million to Myanmar for renovation of a kindergarten in Pyin Ma Nar and a car for a mobile blood-donation unit, Yongyuth said.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Prayut-vows-to-push-ahead-with-Dawei-and-border-ec-30245248.html

-- The Nation 2014-10-11

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"Qui se ressemble s'assemble" : French saying for "whatever looks the same, goes together well" (sorry if my translation is broken).

I'm certain that confidence will be running high between the rulers of both countries.

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Well, good luck to PM Prayut in promoting this interesting project in Myanmar.

BTW Did I miss the allocation of a budget for Dawei promotion in the 2014/2015 National Budget, or is PM Prayut's support just as good and elaborate as that of the previous PM ?

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Don't know that Thailand should be investing in infrastructure projects in other countries when there is so much to do at home.

The fact that focus has shifted to a port and industrial area farther north in Burma with the prospect of direct road access to China has made Dawei fall from favor.

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"Qui se ressemble s'assemble" : French saying for "whatever looks the same, goes together well" (sorry if my translation is broken).

I'm certain that confidence will be running high between the rulers of both countries.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

Well, good luck to PM Prayut in promoting this interesting project in Myanmar.

BTW Did I miss the allocation of a budget for Dawei promotion in the 2014/2015 National Budget, or is PM Prayut's support just as good and elaborate as that of the previous PM ?

The Shin haters must be absolutely gutted by this turn of events.

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Myanmar, Thailand renew vows to resume Dawei SEZ


BANGKOK: -- Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha met with Myanmar President Thein Sein in Naypyidaw on Thursday, when the two military-turned-civilian leaders agreed once more to restart the Dawei Special Economic Zone (SEZ) project, The Irrawaddy reported.

No timeframe for the project has been set, but the president’s spokesperson, Minister of Information Ye Htut, told The Irrawaddy that it will resume “as soon as possible.”

Coinciding with the meeting on Thursday, a group of community-based groups and local activists issued a public press statement urging the Myanmar and Thai governments to directly address the complaints of affected farmers before proceeding with the project, and to only resume after settling grievances and demonstrating commitment to international best practices.

The Dawei Development Association (DDA), the Karen Environmental and Social Action Network (KESAN) and leading activist Kyaw Thu, the director of NGO consortium Paung Ku, all signed off on the statement. DDA Director Thant Zin implored both governments “to solve the existing problems and take lessons from them, and think about the best way to proceed.”

Speaking to The Irrawaddy on Friday, presidential spokesperson Ye Htut responded that: “The government has organized a committee to solve land rights problems. Some people didn’t own the land, started growing trees on it to increase the value, then asked for more money that isn’t theirs. We had to pay the people who deserved compensation; we will deal with the opportunists according to the law.”

The Myanmar NGOs opposing the Dawei SEZ filed an official complaint about the project with Thailand’s Human Rights Commission last year and the activists are due to testify during a public hearing of the commission later this month.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/myanmar-thailand-renew-vows-resume-dawei-sez/

-- Thai PBS 2014-10-11

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Well, good luck to PM Prayut in promoting this interesting project in Myanmar.

BTW Did I miss the allocation of a budget for Dawei promotion in the 2014/2015 National Budget, or is PM Prayut's support just as good and elaborate as that of the previous PM ?

Miaow. You never know, his "good and elaborate" support may even reach the dizzy heights achieved by the incumbent before Yingluck,........................


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ITD sounds as though they have the monopoly on the building contract, even if they don't go ahead with the project. This was granted to them in the 1990's by the Burma military good ole boys.

Japan was asked to look at it.

They also have a labour supply in the area? http://www.voanews.com/content/reu-burma-turns-japan-thailand-kick-start-dawei/1792986.html

"A Thai government study says the investment costs of the much-delayed Dawei port and industrial special economic zone in southeast Burma have risen to US $10.7 billion, up from $6.6 billion projected two years ago, The Nation reports. Of the total expenditure $8.2 billion would be spent in Burma, while the remainder would cover transport and power-connections in Thailand. The first project phase, which is scheduled to end in 2015, would cost $6.8 billion. Burma is seeking to replace the previous Italian-Thai project developer with a new holding company comprising the Burmese government, Thai state-owned companies and Japanese investors." http://www.burmalibrary.org/show.php?cat=3266

If they got rid of ITD, a big sum would be asked for time and money spent?

Apart from these constraints and if BSJ is spot on, yes may be big white elephant?

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"Qui se ressemble s'assemble" : French saying for "whatever looks the same, goes together well" (sorry if my translation is broken).

I'm certain that confidence will be running high between the rulers of both countries.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

Well, good luck to PM Prayut in promoting this interesting project in Myanmar.

BTW Did I miss the allocation of a budget for Dawei promotion in the 2014/2015 National Budget, or is PM Prayut's support just as good and elaborate as that of the previous PM ?

The Shin haters must be absolutely gutted by this turn of events.


Imagine PM Prayut being so 'diplomatic' in his words that we have

"No timeframe for the project has been set, but the president’s spokesperson, Minister of Information Ye Htut, told The Irrawaddy that it will resume “as soon as possible.”"

Nothing changes, nothing gets done, no Thai seems really interested in developing a Myanmar project which even the Myanmar government like to put much money in.

Probably riles the Thaksin lovers that one of his bright ideas didn't get picked up properly. Not even his sister allocated much money, only voiced the importance and how much profitable it wcould be for Japanese investors.

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Well, good luck to PM Prayut in promoting this interesting project in Myanmar.

BTW Did I miss the allocation of a budget for Dawei promotion in the 2014/2015 National Budget, or is PM Prayut's support just as good and elaborate as that of the previous PM ?

Miaow. You never know, his "good and elaborate" support may even reach the dizzy heights achieved by the incumbent before Yingluck,........................


It hurts, doesn't it? To have a project initiated by Thaksin, largely ignored by Somchai, kept 'alive' by Abhisit and actively supported by Ms. Yingluck who told prospective Japanese investors about a good deal she would let them in on (allowing her to avoid spending money).

Even now we have again those really promising words and intentions about this obviously very important project

"No timeframe for the project has been set, but the president’s spokesperson, Minister of Information Ye Htut, told The Irrawaddy that it will resume “as soon as possible.”"

PS we had this discussion a few weeks ago and you may want to check again what details you seem to hacve forgotten by now.

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ITD sounds as though they have the monopoly on the building contract, even if they don't go ahead with the project. This was granted to them in the 1990's by the Burma military good ole boys.

Japan was asked to look at it.

They also have a labour supply in the area? http://www.voanews.com/content/reu-burma-turns-japan-thailand-kick-start-dawei/1792986.html

"A Thai government study says the investment costs of the much-delayed Dawei port and industrial special economic zone in southeast Burma have risen to US $10.7 billion, up from $6.6 billion projected two years ago, The Nation reports. Of the total expenditure $8.2 billion would be spent in Burma, while the remainder would cover transport and power-connections in Thailand. The first project phase, which is scheduled to end in 2015, would cost $6.8 billion. Burma is seeking to replace the previous Italian-Thai project developer with a new holding company comprising the Burmese government, Thai state-owned companies and Japanese investors." http://www.burmalibrary.org/show.php?cat=3266

If they got rid of ITD, a big sum would be asked for time and money spent?

Apart from these constraints and if BSJ is spot on, yes may be big white elephant?

It would seem a white elephant everyone likes to walk around only.

Would ITD be able to sue the Myanmar or Thai government if they are left on the project which doesn't have anyone's attention?

""No timeframe for the project has been set, but the president’s spokesperson, Minister of Information Ye Htut, told The Irrawaddy that it will resume “as soon as possible.”""

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Well, good luck to PM Prayut in promoting this interesting project in Myanmar.

BTW Did I miss the allocation of a budget for Dawei promotion in the 2014/2015 National Budget, or is PM Prayut's support just as good and elaborate as that of the previous PM ?

Miaow. You never know, his "good and elaborate" support may even reach the dizzy heights achieved by the incumbent before Yingluck,........................


It hurts, doesn't it? To have a project initiated by Thaksin, largely ignored by Somchai, kept 'alive' by Abhisit and actively supported by Ms. Yingluck who told prospective Japanese investors about a good deal she would let them in on (allowing her to avoid spending money).

Even now we have again those really promising words and intentions about this obviously very important project

"No timeframe for the project has been set, but the president’s spokesperson, Minister of Information Ye Htut, told The Irrawaddy that it will resume “as soon as possible.”"

PS we had this discussion a few weeks ago and you may want to check again what details you seem to hacve forgotten by now.

Do enlighten me about those details, Why should it hurt? abhisit pushed Dawei because he wanted a solution to Map Ta Phut and he got about as far as Thaksin before him and Yingluck after - I'm just curious as to why you highlighted Yingluck and ignored abhisit on the stalled project front, bias perhaps, surely not?

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Are the stark raving mad! The Chinese are wanting to build a railway to Myanmar ( that will make the Dawei Special Economic Zone redundant.) Can anyone say White Elephant?

Try to have a look at a map over the area!! No matter who initiated it, it is a very good idea!!thumbsup.gif

That the two governments (previous and present) didn't manage to attract investors, had IMO nothing to do with the viability of the project, but more to do with careful investors, who didn't trust the political stability in the two involved countries. Especially Japanese investors are known to be careful.

Btw. Please tell me, how a railroad from China to Myanmar would affect the Dawei project??

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Well, good luck to PM Prayut in promoting this interesting project in Myanmar.

BTW Did I miss the allocation of a budget for Dawei promotion in the 2014/2015 National Budget, or is PM Prayut's support just as good and elaborate as that of the previous PM ?

Miaow. You never know, his "good and elaborate" support may even reach the dizzy heights achieved by the incumbent before Yingluck,........................


It hurts, doesn't it? To have a project initiated by Thaksin, largely ignored by Somchai, kept 'alive' by Abhisit and actively supported by Ms. Yingluck who told prospective Japanese investors about a good deal she would let them in on (allowing her to avoid spending money).

Even now we have again those really promising words and intentions about this obviously very important project

"No timeframe for the project has been set, but the president’s spokesperson, Minister of Information Ye Htut, told The Irrawaddy that it will resume “as soon as possible.”"

PS we had this discussion a few weeks ago and you may want to check again what details you seem to hacve forgotten by now.

Do enlighten me about those details, Why should it hurt? abhisit pushed Dawei because he wanted a solution to Map Ta Phut and he got about as far as Thaksin before him and Yingluck after - I'm just curious as to why you highlighted Yingluck and ignored abhisit on the stalled project front, bias perhaps, surely not?

and you trying to highlight Abhisit and ignore all other aspects.

BTW The post you replied to only had the question "is PM Prayut's support just as good and elaborate as that of the previous PM ?" With me being a blind follower of the junta (allegedly that is) you should see my question as implicit praise of the highest level and deep sincerity.

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Well, good luck to PM Prayut in promoting this interesting project in Myanmar.

BTW Did I miss the allocation of a budget for Dawei promotion in the 2014/2015 National Budget, or is PM Prayut's support just as good and elaborate as that of the previous PM ?

It hurts, doesn't it? To have a project initiated by Thaksin, largely ignored by Somchai, kept 'alive' by Abhisit and actively supported by Ms. Yingluck who told prospective Japanese investors about a good deal she would let them in on (allowing her to avoid spending money).

Even now we have again those really promising words and intentions about this obviously very important project

"No timeframe for the project has been set, but the president’s spokesperson, Minister of Information Ye Htut, told The Irrawaddy that it will resume “as soon as possible.”"

PS we had this discussion a few weeks ago and you may want to check again what details you seem to hacve forgotten by now.

Do enlighten me about those details, Why should it hurt? abhisit pushed Dawei because he wanted a solution to Map Ta Phut and he got about as far as Thaksin before him and Yingluck after - I'm just curious as to why you highlighted Yingluck and ignored abhisit on the stalled project front, bias perhaps, surely not?

and you trying to highlight Abhisit and ignore all other aspects.

BTW The post you replied to only had the question "is PM Prayut's support just as good and elaborate as that of the previous PM ?" With me being a blind follower of the junta (allegedly that is) you should see my question as implicit praise of the highest level and deep sincerity.

Was I? Perhaps you have difficulty understanding this sentence;

"abhisit pushed Dawei because he wanted a solution to Map Ta Phut and he got about as far as Thaksin before him and Yingluck after"

Interesting how you edit your own words to take them out of context to support the latest twist in your "argument"

Your original wording (unedited) was this;

BTW Did I miss the allocation of a budget for Dawei promotion in the 2014/2015 National Budget, or is PM Prayut's support just as good and elaborate as that of the previous PM ?

.....................which implies something completely different, regardless of what I think of your obeisance to the junta. With the amount you twist around, you must have to screw your socks on in the morning.

Edited by fab4
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It hurts, doesn't it? To have a project initiated by Thaksin, largely ignored by Somchai, kept 'alive' by Abhisit and actively supported by Ms. Yingluck who told prospective Japanese investors about a good deal she would let them in on (allowing her to avoid spending money).

Even now we have again those really promising words and intentions about this obviously very important project

"No timeframe for the project has been set, but the president’s spokesperson, Minister of Information Ye Htut, told The Irrawaddy that it will resume “as soon as possible.”"

PS we had this discussion a few weeks ago and you may want to check again what details you seem to hacve forgotten by now.

Do enlighten me about those details, Why should it hurt? abhisit pushed Dawei because he wanted a solution to Map Ta Phut and he got about as far as Thaksin before him and Yingluck after - I'm just curious as to why you highlighted Yingluck and ignored abhisit on the stalled project front, bias perhaps, surely not?

and you trying to highlight Abhisit and ignore all other aspects.

BTW The post you replied to only had the question "is PM Prayut's support just as good and elaborate as that of the previous PM ?" With me being a blind follower of the junta (allegedly that is) you should see my question as implicit praise of the highest level and deep sincerity.

Was I? Perhaps you have difficulty understanding this sentence;

"abhisit pushed Dawei because he wanted a solution to Map Ta Phut and he got about as far as Thaksin before him and Yingluck after"

Interesting how you edit your own words to take them out of context to support the latest twist in your "argument"

Your original wording (unedited) was this;

BTW Did I miss the allocation of a budget for Dawei promotion in the 2014/2015 National Budget, or is PM Prayut's support just as good and elaborate as that of the previous PM ?

.....................which implies something completely different, regardless of what I think of your obeisance to the junta. With the amount you twist around, you must have to screw your socks on in the morning.

Did you miss that when I 'highlighted' the part where I mentioned a previous PM the full sentence was still within the quoted posts? Did you miss my reply directed at your diversion on 'but, but, Abhisit'?

Do you want to go on with this type of obfuscation and distortion? Do you really want to twist some more, especially after some interesting 'cut and paste' work on a Reuters article and 'forgetting' to provide a link as if the obfuscate a wee bit more?

Edited by rubl
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Was I? Perhaps you have difficulty understanding this sentence;

"abhisit pushed Dawei because he wanted a solution to Map Ta Phut and he got about as far as Thaksin before him and Yingluck after"

Interesting how you edit your own words to take them out of context to support the latest twist in your "argument"

Your original wording (unedited) was this;

BTW Did I miss the allocation of a budget for Dawei promotion in the 2014/2015 National Budget, or is PM Prayut's support just as good and elaborate as that of the previous PM ?

.....................which implies something completely different, regardless of what I think of your obeisance to the junta. With the amount you twist around, you must have to screw your socks on in the morning.

Did you miss that when I 'highlighted' the part where I mentioned a previous PM the full sentence was still within the quoted posts? Did you miss my reply directed at your diversion on 'but, but, Abhisit'?

Do you want to go on with this type of obfuscation and distortion? Do you really want to twist some more?

Nope, I don't miss any of that.

This "obfuscation and distortion" of which you speak - care to explain, because as far as I can see I've been discussing the thread. If you don't understand my posts and can't see where I've pointed out your errors, there's not much more I can do for you.

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First of all let's add the link to the article you quote from


Next let's add the last few words of the line you put in the quote box, highlight by yours truly

""We would like to see the Dawei project advance in cooperation with Thailand and Myanmar after a long suspension," Kiuchi said, giving no further details."

The part Reuters had to say is their view on things. Personally I have no problem with blaming a private business, but in this case the reluctance of five of six subsequent governments to do much more than talk and sign memorandi of intention may have negatively influenced or even obstructed private initiative.

Somehow no one seems really willing to put their money where their words point at. With the exception of ITD which may find itself the big loser in this game.

So you can use the search function on the internet. He gave no further details but the junta did. You usually lap up their words, why ignore them now - oh, because it suits your "argument"

"The prime minister said we will push to develop the Dawei zone with Myanmar and Thailand and all sides are prepared to move forwards with trilateral talks so that the Dawei project can materialize as quickly as possible," Yongyuth Mayalarp, a junta spokesman, told Reuters.

Oh, and just what were those "details I'd forgotten about"?

When you quote you're supposed to add a link. That's independent of other posters being able to find the article. You used 'quote' markers, so show the link.

Furthermore you did an interesting 'cut and paste' which left out significant words. You also seem to accept as 'business like, signed contract' the statements of spokespersons. Must be the influence of the junta of course. Especially the 'prepared to move forward with trilateral talks' sound like the 'materialise as quickly as possible' might, but only might still be in this decade.

Oh btw, since you had such interesting remarks in a previous topic on Dawei I'd imagine you can recall all those details, even the ones you didn't like.

Now please cut the crap, and focus on the topic with PM Prayut having promised nothing really as if he's been a politician for years, and the Myanmar people still happily smiling as well.

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Nope, I don't miss any of that.

This "obfuscation and distortion" of which you speak - care to explain, because as far as I can see I've been discussing the thread. If you don't understand my posts and can't see where I've pointed out your errors, there's not much more I can do for you.

Your annoying attitude to put all and any possible blame on Abhisit in any topic is starting to get more distracting and into distortion than just being obfuscation.

You go on and on and in the mean time we have PM Prayut getting away with talking nicely, promising nothing solid and the Myanmar people happy.

It would seem that all this is in the good tradition not even started by Abhisit who was 'talk only' in the follow up of Thaksin's idea and after not much from 'otherwise' occupied Samak and Somchai. Following even Thaksin's clone Ms Yingluck talked a lot and even went to Japan to get some money where her government didn't want to invest.

So, may I interest you in investing in Dawei? The governments involved are really positive about it. Surely if you don't invest now Japanese investors will pick up all the better parts rolleyes.gif

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When you quote you're supposed to add a link. That's independent of other posters being able to find the article. You used 'quote' markers, so show the link.

Furthermore you did an interesting 'cut and paste' which left out significant words. You also seem to accept as 'business like, signed contract' the statements of spokespersons. Must be the influence of the junta of course. Especially the 'prepared to move forward with trilateral talks' sound like the 'materialise as quickly as possible' might, but only might still be in this decade.

Oh btw, since you had such interesting remarks in a previous topic on Dawei I'd imagine you can recall all those details, even the ones you didn't like.

Now please cut the crap, and focus on the topic with PM Prayut having promised nothing really as if he's been a politician for years, and the Myanmar people still happily smiling as well.


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ITD sounds as though they have the monopoly on the building contract, even if they don't go ahead with the project. This was granted to them in the 1990's by the Burma military good ole boys.

Japan was asked to look at it.

They also have a labour supply in the area? http://www.voanews.com/content/reu-burma-turns-japan-thailand-kick-start-dawei/1792986.html

"A Thai government study says the investment costs of the much-delayed Dawei port and industrial special economic zone in southeast Burma have risen to US $10.7 billion, up from $6.6 billion projected two years ago, The Nation reports. Of the total expenditure $8.2 billion would be spent in Burma, while the remainder would cover transport and power-connections in Thailand. The first project phase, which is scheduled to end in 2015, would cost $6.8 billion. Burma is seeking to replace the previous Italian-Thai project developer with a new holding company comprising the Burmese government, Thai state-owned companies and Japanese investors." http://www.burmalibrary.org/show.php?cat=3266

If they got rid of ITD, a big sum would be asked for time and money spent?

Apart from these constraints and if BSJ is spot on, yes may be big white elephant?

It would seem a white elephant everyone likes to walk around only.

Would ITD be able to sue the Myanmar or Thai government if they are left on the project which doesn't have anyone's attention?

""No timeframe for the project has been set, but the president’s spokesperson, Minister of Information Ye Htut, told The Irrawaddy that it will resume “as soon as possible.”""

The Burma Generals gave ITD the right to develop the site back in the 1990's. Even if they are not the developer, they would become the lead builder for the site. That is how I understood it from the articles about this project.

It’s not about having anyone’s attention? It’s about anyone stepping onto the site to build or develop. if agreements are in writing I think ITD would begin litigation should they fail to be either? Don't know how that would work with the Thai Government?

Rubi, did you read some of the history about this site?

The concept is good idea, but its economic worth may not be sound. The idea is now about 25 years old? sounds long in the tooth to get off the ground as no one is putting any money in.

Edited by Chris Lawrence
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Well, good luck to PM Prayut in promoting this interesting project in Myanmar.

BTW Did I miss the allocation of a budget for Dawei promotion in the 2014/2015 National Budget, or is PM Prayut's support just as good and elaborate as that of the previous PM ?

Miaow. You never know, his "good and elaborate" support may even reach the dizzy heights achieved by the incumbent before Yingluck,........................


... But Abhisit...

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Well, good luck to PM Prayut in promoting this interesting project in Myanmar.

BTW Did I miss the allocation of a budget for Dawei promotion in the 2014/2015 National Budget, or is PM Prayut's support just as good and elaborate as that of the previous PM ?

Miaow. You never know, his "good and elaborate" support may even reach the dizzy heights achieved by the incumbent before Yingluck,........................


... But Abhisit...

I take it that you also do not understand that when one posts baiting posts such as this

"BTW Did I miss the allocation of a budget for Dawei promotion in the 2014/2015 National Budget, or is PM Prayut's support just as good and elaborate as that of the previous PM"

one is likely to get a reply pointing out that a similar situation occured by another political person and that it is being used as an example. Of course you and your ilk prefer to ignore this reasonable riposte and deride it as a "but abhisit" moment.

If you could see past your bias you would presumably have labelled rubl's post as "but, Yingluck" moment. But of course you didn't, for obvious reasons. Oh well, keep up your reasoned objectivity.................coffee1.gif

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The Burma Generals gave ITD the right to develop the site back in the 1990's. Even if they are not the developer, they would become the lead builder for the site. That is how I understood it from the articles about this project.

It’s not about having anyone’s attention? It’s about anyone stepping onto the site to build or develop. if agreements are in writing I think ITD would begin litigation should they fail to be either? Don't know how that would work with the Thai Government?

Rubi, did you read some of the history about this site?

The concept is good idea, but its economic worth may not be sound. The idea is now about 25 years old? sounds long in the tooth to get off the ground as no one is putting any money in.

I did read some of the history. I had an interesting discussion with dear fabs and dug into it a bit.

The oldest I found was

""Government of the Kingdom of Thailand and the Government of the Union of Myanmar signed the Memorandum of Understanding ( MOU ) on May 19th, 2008 to develop a deep sea port in Dawei and a connecting road link to Bangkok, Italian-Thai Development Public Company Limited ( ITD ), the project feasibility and engineering design are on the due process toward implementing the project effectively.""


Somewhat newer we had


"Ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra confirmed yesterday he travelled to Burma last week to help smooth the way for his sister, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, to visit and said the move would benefit Thailand."


And from last month


"The mammoth Dawei deep-sea port project would also be on the agenda but any substantial progress would rest on the interest of foreign investors and the project's much needed transparency. Myanmar's main focus has always been on the Thilawa Port, which receives Japan's full financial support."


All in all I'm getting the impression that no one is really interested in the "Dawei project" and officials only agree 'in principle' without allocating substantial budgets or giving clear timeframes.

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I take it that you also do not understand that when one posts baiting posts such as this

"BTW Did I miss the allocation of a budget for Dawei promotion in the 2014/2015 National Budget, or is PM Prayut's support just as good and elaborate as that of the previous PM"

one is likely to get a reply pointing out that a similar situation occured by another political person and that it is being used as an example. Of course you and your ilk prefer to ignore this reasonable riposte and deride it as a "but abhisit" moment.

If you could see past your bias you would presumably have labelled rubl's post as "but, Yingluck" moment. But of course you didn't, for obvious reasons. Oh well, keep up your reasoned objectivity.................coffee1.gif

Baiting posts ?

Tell me what's baiting in that sentence?

Anyway, as I just wrote

"All in all I'm getting the impression that no one is really interested in the "Dawei project" and officials only agree 'in principle' without allocating substantial budgets or giving clear timeframes."

And to avoid another accusation of 'baiting' I leave it up to you to find the post I just wrote which is clearly visible above this one rolleyes.gif

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