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National parks up entrance fees


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BANGKOK, 10 October 2014: Visits to Ko Surin and Similan marine national parks will be more expensive for international tourists, following a decision by Thailand’s national parks to raise the entrance fee to THB500 per day from the current THB400 fee.

The two national parks, both popular dive destinations for visitors to Phuket, are just two of 31 parks under Thailand’s Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation that will increase entrance fees effective 1 February next year.

Three national parks raise the entrance fee for foreigners to THB500, while the others range from THB200 to THB300 representing increases of THB100 to 200 for adults.




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a good way to discourage tourists who want to go diving for a few days ......500bht a day now multiply that by the number of days and would become rather expensive ...say your here for a 2 weeks diving trip maybe go diving 10 days ...na way too expensive

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but at least it does include this one in Narnia:


or is it Oz?

That is a cracking image of the 2 Chedi's atop Doi Inthanon . . . what the article doesn't tell you is that if you want to go here, you pay to get into the Park first . . then another fee (to the RTAF) on top to enter this particular site. (it is worth it though . . lovely place)

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Do what I do and refuse to pay it. Speak a little Thai point to the sign and tell him the price for Thais then give that amount. Works best when you have a Thai with you! End of the day the money is only trousered, After paying 80Bahts for 2 (should have been 240 if I paid the 200Bahts) what did we get? 1 ticket, so 4 bahts was erm trousered!

Still hats off the boys at Doi Inthanon, who let me in for free and free mini van up the last bit of hill since I turned up with crutches (genuinely needed). Reward, nice tip one good turn deserves another.

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Thai logic, and greed.

I do belive that once word is out the backpackers and budget travellers will avoid such places as they only stay for few day at a time in any particular place. 2 nights in Koh Samet @ 500B a night + 500B enterence fee 1500 B average cost per night 750B.

Giving free enterance or minimal charge of say 50B more than covers the upkeep of the park due to sheer numbers and..tourists have 450B more to spend in the local economy thus benefiting Thai people and erm not corrupt government agencies....

Just my 2 cents!

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a good way to discourage tourists who want to go diving for a few days ......500bht a day now multiply that by the number of days and would become rather expensive ...say your here for a 2 weeks diving trip maybe go diving 10 days ...na way too expensive

Since entrance fees are as one off payment, why would you multiply it with the number of days? Total fees for 4 days Similans and Surin national park diving were 1,600 Baht and will now be 1,800 Baht.

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a good way to discourage tourists who want to go diving for a few days ......500bht a day now multiply that by the number of days and would become rather expensive ...say your here for a 2 weeks diving trip maybe go diving 10 days ...na way too expensive

I can only assume you don't dive.

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Will tourists from the ASEAN Communities also be discrininated against for park fees? I'd think that with the Junta wanting to lead the ASEAN Communities rollout in 2015 that the Junta would not want to see discriminatory pricing practices between Thai's and ASEAN foreigners?

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China and Vietnam used to have double tier pricing in transport, tourist attraction, etc., but have abolished it already as governmental policy.

National parks, managed by the government (or its concessionaire?), must not have it, if the government doesn't want to discriminate foreigners. Not to mention privately operated amusement parks.

To me it's just a matter of discipline or commitment, but Thai version of it may be different from mine...

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Do what I do and refuse to pay it. Speak a little Thai point to the sign and tell him the price for Thais then give that amount. Works best when you have a Thai with you! End of the day the money is only trousered, After paying 80Bahts for 2 (should have been 240 if I paid the 200Bahts) what did we get? 1 ticket, so 4 bahts was erm trousered!

Still hats off the boys at Doi Inthanon, who let me in for free and free mini van up the last bit of hill since I turned up with crutches (genuinely needed). Reward, nice tip one good turn deserves another.

National parks all give out tickets and they have to be accounted for, a percentage goes to the park and the rest is handed up the chain.

Some of the smaller parks will not charge, I was at one on Monday this week and was just waved on through.

Another we stay at has charged me 200B but only for the first entry, stay for several nights and come and go as we please.

Not keen on any charge and certainly not on any increase but there is a cost to maintain the parks and I suppose in reality paying to go in is no different to paying to go into any other attraction.

Wont be going to the 500B ones though.

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I never visit National Parks these days - don't like the costs, I don't think most of them are worth it in terms of what they offer in return. Poor facilities badly maintained for the most part.

Other than Khao Yai (which I live near) we tend to visit any park we are near. I do go to Khao Yai but only once or twice a year :)

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I too stay near Khao yai and always get in at the thai rate with no problem.Use it as a short cut when heading north as its along way round and there is always the chance of seeing the wild elephants.

There are many smaller national parks that are hardly worth any entrance fee at all.If I can't get the thai rate I just don't go in.

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Do you still get Thai price if you show your Thai driving license, or have they taken that away from us as well?

It would have to be an actual policy for it to be taken away.

My DL WP or work ID has only failed to get me the local price once.

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That is a cracking image of the 2 Chedi's atop Doi Inthanon . . . what the article doesn't tell you is that if you want to go here, you pay to get into the Park first . . then another fee (to the RTAF) on top to enter this particular site. (it is worth it though . . lovely place)

Yes, it was a nice place when I went also. But at the time my Kodak box brownie had no "LSD" setting so my holiday snaps looked somewhat different to that one.

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Tourists numbers are down so Thai economics 101 kicks in. Charge those that are here extra to cover lost revenue. They will go home and spread the word on how it made thier experience even better. I really don't understand this dual pricing they would probably get more foreigners entering the parks if the lowered the prices and actually make more money

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"to raise the entrance fee to THB500 per day from the current THB400 fee."

Is this "per day" right? Whenever I have gone to Koh Samet I have always paid the entrance fee once on entry (Thai price as have a licence) but never been asked how long I staying for .

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"to raise the entrance fee to THB500 per day from the current THB400 fee."

Is this "per day" right? Whenever I have gone to Koh Samet I have always paid the entrance fee once on entry (Thai price as have a licence) but never been asked how long I staying for .

My experience has always been per entry.

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"Hey, I was just looking at the latest stats and it seems like the number of tourists coming here are on a downward turn, what do you think we should do about it?"

"Well, lets try to make a better, cleaner, safer experience and make everyone feel welcome with the best hospitality we can manage."

"Pfff. Let's just double the price."


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Ah well , another one of those places I will never see, as I am damned if I pay that exorbitant fee for mediocre and poor facilities, the views are nice but nature is free unless you live in Thailand where even Gods bounty is charged for.

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Ah well , another one of those places I will never see, as I am damned if I pay that exorbitant fee for mediocre and poor facilities, the views are nice but nature is free unless you live in Thailand where even Gods bounty is charged for.

National parks are not free in the US

Not sure about national parks but state parks usually have a reduced rate for residents.

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