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30 years ago in Munich my doctor told me i had a slightly fatty liver which shocked me somewhat, i asked what i should do,should i stop drinking beer ( in Bavaria ? ) he just laughed and said everybody in Bavaria has a fatty liver,just carry on as normal but don't over do it,which i never did anyway. Here i am today, no problems with liver function.

very good advice - NAFL and fatty liver are usually harmless although it may lead to further problems down the line (including cancer) if you constantly abuse your liver over the long term. There again, the same result can occur if even if you don't have these diseases.

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I don't have fatty liver but another other condition that reacts with alcohol intake I still drink alcohol but not everyday, not even every week sometimes. I can have a beer with my dinner or go to a party and have no problem as long as I don't do it to often. Sometimes I even go see my friends at the bar and just drink soda with lime, tonic with lime or a coke just to get the social interaction.

But one thing I have realized is that my Thai friends easier accept when I don't drink alcohol than my expat friends!

I don't think that you appreciate it but coke/soda water is far worse for you than beer and will do far more damage. Don't believe me then check it out for yourself!!

You will be shocked. HFCS does infinitely more damage than alcohol!

What might also surprise you is that diet/zero calorie drinks are even worse than the sugary versions for both liver damage and putting on weight.

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I was having some health issues a while back and it was suggested that I "May" have a fatty liver.

It was also suggested that I clean out my liver by taking SAMARIN 140, it is pretty much a natural product in that it is made from an extract of the Milk Weed plant.

I bought some and took 2 tablets a day, 1 morning and 1 at night for a month, later extending that for 3 months at 1 a day on Doctor's advice.

For about 3 or 4 days after I started taking it, everything that passed out of me was either a dark colour or stunk to high heaven, that suggested to me that it was all the gunk coming out of my liver and I fealt much better for it, it is relatively cheap and readily available at most pharmacies.

Give it a go, nothing ventured, nothing gained and from what I have read it won't do you any harm.

PS: I am a light drinker and generally only drink low alcohol beer when I do drink.

You are 100% correct SAMARIN won't do you any harm but the only person it will help is the manufacturer.

I don't know the SAMARIN, but this milk thistle and Liv52 definitely helps on damaged liver (tested by many bodybuilders). But won't do anything against fatty liver, it helps recovering a damaged liver. And "everything that passed out of me was either a dark colour or stunk to high heaven, that suggested to me that it was all the gunk coming out of my liver and I fealt much better for it" is a bit strange at least.....

It does help fatty liver as the liver is very efficient at fixing itself. If you can relieve the toxic load (which milk thistle does) then it can get on with functioning how it is supposed to and the fat is removed out of (or from it's surface) in the process.

Exercise helps a lot and diet does also - you should increase the amount of 'good' saturated fats you eat and reduce the simple carbohydrates. Coconut oil is magical in this respect and other refined oils are extremely damaging so this is one of the first things I would do (replace with coconut oil). The bonus with this oil is that it can be heated safely whereas other oils are unstable and break down to form toxic substances.

Well Yes/No.....I expressed myself not clear. It helps, yes. But it won't help much about the fat issue if you got the fatty liver from eating too much (+unlucky genetics). If you continue to eat like that, it will help your liver to perform within the restrictions it has.

Diet away the fat and the problem is solved (if it is fatty from eating too much), exercise helps of course. Of course reducing fast carbs help a lot. Removing cheap junk fats.

(I don't know for the coconut oil). The fat must go away and diet is the way to go.....


30 years ago in Munich my doctor told me i had a slightly fatty liver which shocked me somewhat, i asked what i should do,should i stop drinking beer ( in Bavaria ? ) he just laughed and said everybody in Bavaria has a fatty liver,just carry on as normal but don't over do it,which i never did anyway. Here i am today, no problems with liver function.

Well you the Bavarian and we the Austrian are here different. Due to hard selection the last 2000 years and ongoing these who can't process alcohol in huge amounts even if massive overweight are already extinguished biggrin.png

And if the liver is broken down we can continue drinking on the spleen.

Prost my neighbor!

Add: before someone takes it serious: this is joking....


I know that some of this seems contradictory but you should do yourself a favour and type coconut oil and liver benefits into a search engine. do the same with soda, diet soda, good saturated fats with liver or even fatty liver and all will be revealed. Better still, add Dr Mercola as he is an excellent doctor that really knows his business.

Then you really discover what's good and what is not good, some of your findings might shock you - but at least it will put you on the right road to recovery!!

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I have drank most of my life, I was diagnosed with fatty infiltration of the liver more than 15 years ago. It can go two ways, but in Thailand you never know what to believe.

My problems escalated into Acute Pancreatitis, this is not nice, I was told never to drink again. I like a beer too much to comply with that so there was no way I was stopping having a beer. What I have found out over the last 15 years is that if you make sure you EAT some food before you drink you can almost eliminate the pancreas problems, I have lapsed on my own advice and have ended up in emergency about 6 times over the years all because I did not eat first.

Secondly, misdiagnosis - this is a bigger problem. I have constantly been told that I have the fatty liver, however it depends on the hospital you go to as to how fatty the liver is. I have been to 3 hospitals, the first one told me I was one stage from cancer, the next one told me it was mild, I went back to the first one after 3 years and they said it was mild.

But then they decided they found Gall Stones and wanted to operate on me to remove my Gall bladder ( again depends on the hospital) Thursday night they did an ultrasound, no problem, Monday they did an ultrasound (same doctor) and found a 1 inch gall stone. I was previously checked 6 times before by the same hospital and an international hospital in China that all found no evidence of gall stones.

I then went to another hospital in Chiang Mai and three doctors came and double checked my ultrasounds and said that there was no evidence of gall stones whatsoever.

From my experience, keep off any hard liquor, no spirits or lao kao or any of that shit, make sure you eat before drinking, stick to 5 big bottles of Chang per night as a maximum and you will probably be OK. I am not a doctor, but I don't trust the doctors here, If my advice turns out to be wrong and I die I will drop you a PM OK?

For the ultrasound, it needs a lot experience to see the things clearly. When I was at the military 2 docs who ultrasounded me told me that they have no clue about it, so they just write the worst case on the diagnose...just to be safe.

In the hospital the doc won't say that but still has no clue.

The doctors that checked me out spent over 1 hour on ultrasound and found nothing, the original doctor found nothing on at least 4 occaisions before, the last one 3 days before finding this huge 1" stone. I just do not trust them here. The doctors in Chiang Mai said it was probably a shadow. Myself, I am not sure, my mothers family have a history of gall stones, personally I think it is just pancreatitis due to drinking, I know I drink too much and that is the risk I take. At least here I am not costing anyone but myself for surgery etc. I have to pay out of my own pocket. But there is no way I want some trigger happy doctor removing my gall bladder just for the cash. They would probably stick an old piece of gravel in it after they cut it out just to justify their actions. It amazes me how many people you see complaining about the NHS in the UK when you compare it to here or China ( as a point of interest, I spent 4 nights in a local hospital here, given anti biotics, X-ray Ultrasound and various meds when I had pancreatitis, they were fantastic to be honest, I had the exact same treatment in Shanghai, 4 nights...same meds only a nicer room - Chiang Mai 18,000 Baht, Shanghai, 60,000 Yuan! (almost 300K Thai Baht, and they nearly killed me twice with wrong meds and blood sugar problems)

And just for the benefit of anyone without insurance that have to pay on their own, make sure you check out the hospital first! My 18K bill was for 4 nights in a San Patong Hospital, my wife wanted me to go into the city, the Maharaj Hospital. Be very careful here as this hospital is as bad as the KKK regarding Racism. They charge a Thai 1800 Baht a night (generally speaking - nursing meds etc.) but if you are a westerner, and it does NOT matter if you have your little yellow book, they have been told by the directors / admin of the hospital to fleece farang! I was charged almost 14K Baht for one day, my wife (Thai ) questioned this and the girl making up the bills told her straight that she had been told that farang had to be charged as much as possible!

You would actually be better off paying for the Chiang Mai Ram! at least you would get a private room with a TV and run up about 7-8K per day rather than spend it in a ward with 8 other people where the place is actually filthy, cobwebs and spiders over your bed, no air con absolutely nothing.

Well I would be very critical on everything ultrasound. I don't know Sheryl, FBN??? A stone should be possible to confirm per XRay or?

And there are many problems that can be fixed without surgeries, just by changing life, food, diet etc. But there is no money in this, so would would be the point of the doctor recommending it.

Don't misunderstand me....I am not on you have cancer or AIDS and with going to eat magic food it will go away. But for small problems there are often solutions...knee problems....fatty liver....the back hurts....many things on stomach and allergies can be fixed with changes in life style (instead of antihistamine, taking out the carpet helps often). But sometimes...sometimes not.


I know that some of this seems contradictory but you should do yourself a favour and type coconut oil and liver benefits into a search engine. do the same with soda, diet soda, good saturated fats with liver or even fatty liver and all will be revealed. Better still, add Dr Mercola as he is an excellent doctor that really knows his business.

Then you really discover what's good and what is not good, some of your findings might shock you - but at least it will put you on the right road to recovery!!

My liver values are excellent, so I don't need recovery.

But most probably I already do most of what is recommended. I don't drink any sodas, almost no fruit juice, no sugar, low carbs, low fat (often a problem with my wife), exercise, no fast food, 99% self cooked etc.

Only a bit on the alcohol side, sometimes


30 years ago in Munich my doctor told me i had a slightly fatty liver which shocked me somewhat, i asked what i should do,should i stop drinking beer ( in Bavaria ? ) he just laughed and said everybody in Bavaria has a fatty liver,just carry on as normal but don't over do it,which i never did anyway. Here i am today, no problems with liver function.

Well you the Bavarian and we the Austrian are here different. Due to hard selection the last 2000 years and ongoing these who can't process alcohol in huge amounts even if massive overweight are already extinguished biggrin.png

And if the liver is broken down we can continue drinking on the spleen.

Prost my neighbor!

Add: before someone takes it serious: this is joking....

Actually i am British,unfortunately i was born there, but i worked 45 years in Bavaria. I didn't have a beer stomach but all my colleagues did of which they were very proud, ''A man without a beer stomach is a cripple'' or, ''All bought and paid for'' were just a few of the comments that i heard. Ein Bierchen fuer das Tierchen.


I know that some of this seems contradictory but you should do yourself a favour and type coconut oil and liver benefits into a search engine. do the same with soda, diet soda, good saturated fats with liver or even fatty liver and all will be revealed. Better still, add Dr Mercola as he is an excellent doctor that really knows his business.

Then you really discover what's good and what is not good, some of your findings might shock you - but at least it will put you on the right road to recovery!!

My liver values are excellent, so I don't need recovery.

But most probably I already do most of what is recommended. I don't drink any sodas, almost no fruit juice, no sugar, low carbs, low fat (often a problem with my wife), exercise, no fast food, 99% self cooked etc.

Only a bit on the alcohol side, sometimes

All good except for one thing - the self same thing that you mention that you have a problem with your wife about.

Some fats are good for the liver - as cited by me in a different post eg: avocado, nuts and seeds and coconut oil specifically.

People make the fatal mistake of believing low fat/zero fat, low sugar/zero sugar and health food (on the label) are better for you. THEY ARE NOT!!

Everything else you do is perfect and you are to be commended on that - have a look at liver and fats in a search engine and you will see that it is only trans and refined fats and oils that are bad for the liver - the damage is multiplied once you apply heat to them.

It is not save to cook and eat vegetable oils, especially safflower and canola oil. Stick to healthy organic virgin coconut oil for cooking and extra virgin olive oil for 'light' cooking and marinades and you can't go wrong.


30 years ago in Munich my doctor told me i had a slightly fatty liver which shocked me somewhat, i asked what i should do,should i stop drinking beer ( in Bavaria ? ) he just laughed and said everybody in Bavaria has a fatty liver,just carry on as normal but don't over do it,which i never did anyway. Here i am today, no problems with liver function.

Well you the Bavarian and we the Austrian are here different. Due to hard selection the last 2000 years and ongoing these who can't process alcohol in huge amounts even if massive overweight are already extinguished biggrin.png

And if the liver is broken down we can continue drinking on the spleen.

Prost my neighbor!

Add: before someone takes it serious: this is joking....

Actually i am British,unfortunately i was born there, but i worked 45 years in Bavaria. I didn't have a beer stomach but all my colleagues did of which they were very proud, ''A man without a beer stomach is a cripple'' or, ''All bought and paid for'' were just a few of the comments that i heard. Ein Bierchen fuer das Tierchen.

Sorry to hear that you aren't of this superior genetics (I am obviously not as well, as I get a hangover after relative small amounts). But I know of people who drink almost EVERY DAY 20 bottle of beer (in Europe 10 liter and the alc content is lower than here but still) or Russians that drink 4-5 bottle wodka (2-2.5 liter, even if it has 30 or less alc it is a lot). I am not original genetics but some must have a superior liver.

(Ans geht immer no (Eines geht noch immer) one more is always possible)


My father had a fatty liver and the doc told him to not drink at all and massive reduce weight.

He got really slim, doc checked again and fatty liver was complete gone and he got the green light for drinking again burp.gif.pagespeed.ce.RBpw6FUyRR.gif

He didn't take any medications. But keep slim.


I know that some of this seems contradictory but you should do yourself a favour and type coconut oil and liver benefits into a search engine. do the same with soda, diet soda, good saturated fats with liver or even fatty liver and all will be revealed. Better still, add Dr Mercola as he is an excellent doctor that really knows his business.

Then you really discover what's good and what is not good, some of your findings might shock you - but at least it will put you on the right road to recovery!!

My liver values are excellent, so I don't need recovery.

But most probably I already do most of what is recommended. I don't drink any sodas, almost no fruit juice, no sugar, low carbs, low fat (often a problem with my wife), exercise, no fast food, 99% self cooked etc.

Only a bit on the alcohol side, sometimes

All good except for one thing - the self same thing that you mention that you have a problem with your wife about.

Some fats are good for the liver - as cited by me in a different post eg: avocado, nuts and seeds and coconut oil specifically.

People make the fatal mistake of believing low fat/zero fat, low sugar/zero sugar and health food (on the label) are better for you. THEY ARE NOT!!

Everything else you do is perfect and you are to be commended on that - have a look at liver and fats in a search engine and you will see that it is only trans and refined fats and oils that are bad for the liver - the damage is multiplied once you apply heat to them.

It is not save to cook and eat vegetable oils, especially safflower and canola oil. Stick to healthy organic virgin coconut oil for cooking and extra virgin olive oil for 'light' cooking and marinades and you can't go wrong.

Well, while I agree I want to add: "on the label" means nothing. In my opinion it is fraud to write on the label "no sugar" but than you have apple juice concentrate in the musli. That are exactly sugar crystals, just from another plant.

I don't buy any food (well almost) and cook myself or my wife. And she cooks very fat. Healthy fat fat pieces of pork in a heavy coconut milk curry. If it is spicy as well you need to eat it with a bit rice. Not very bad. But too many carbs too much fat.

Today I weight myself...67 kg at 1.70 height with some muscles all over the body (but not extreme). 4 of the 6 muscles on the bellies can be seen. So I am not too bad, but it is a 2-5 kg too much.

Sound good, but I was far above 80 before and if I would eat what I can get I would reach the 100 fast......


a fatty liver means you are a fat <deleted>#k, drop 20-30 pounds and the liver fat is gone. you will not need meds, it just goes away with weight loss. :-)


I know that some of this seems contradictory but you should do yourself a favour and type coconut oil and liver benefits into a search engine. do the same with soda, diet soda, good saturated fats with liver or even fatty liver and all will be revealed. Better still, add Dr Mercola as he is an excellent doctor that really knows his business.

Then you really discover what's good and what is not good, some of your findings might shock you - but at least it will put you on the right road to recovery!!

My liver values are excellent, so I don't need recovery.

But most probably I already do most of what is recommended. I don't drink any sodas, almost no fruit juice, no sugar, low carbs, low fat (often a problem with my wife), exercise, no fast food, 99% self cooked etc.

Only a bit on the alcohol side, sometimes

As sichonsteve said every thing except the low fat is good.

For 6 years I had fat around my liver, however 2 years ago I stopped eating carbs and changed to a high fat, moderate protein diet with plenty of water. This year at my checkup I had lost 9kg and all the visceral fat. I could still stand to loose at least another 10+ kg but the chance of that happening is not high.


I know that some of this seems contradictory but you should do yourself a favour and type coconut oil and liver benefits into a search engine. do the same with soda, diet soda, good saturated fats with liver or even fatty liver and all will be revealed. Better still, add Dr Mercola as he is an excellent doctor that really knows his business.

Then you really discover what's good and what is not good, some of your findings might shock you - but at least it will put you on the right road to recovery!!

My liver values are excellent, so I don't need recovery.

But most probably I already do most of what is recommended. I don't drink any sodas, almost no fruit juice, no sugar, low carbs, low fat (often a problem with my wife), exercise, no fast food, 99% self cooked etc.

Only a bit on the alcohol side, sometimes

All good except for one thing - the self same thing that you mention that you have a problem with your wife about.

Some fats are good for the liver - as cited by me in a different post eg: avocado, nuts and seeds and coconut oil specifically.

People make the fatal mistake of believing low fat/zero fat, low sugar/zero sugar and health food (on the label) are better for you. THEY ARE NOT!!

Everything else you do is perfect and you are to be commended on that - have a look at liver and fats in a search engine and you will see that it is only trans and refined fats and oils that are bad for the liver - the damage is multiplied once you apply heat to them.

It is not save to cook and eat vegetable oils, especially safflower and canola oil. Stick to healthy organic virgin coconut oil for cooking and extra virgin olive oil for 'light' cooking and marinades and you can't go wrong.

Well, while I agree I want to add: "on the label" means nothing. In my opinion it is fraud to write on the label "no sugar" but than you have apple juice concentrate in the musli. That are exactly sugar crystals, just from another plant.

I don't buy any food (well almost) and cook myself or my wife. And she cooks very fat. Healthy fat fat pieces of pork in a heavy coconut milk curry. If it is spicy as well you need to eat it with a bit rice. Not very bad. But too many carbs too much fat.

Today I weight myself...67 kg at 1.70 height with some muscles all over the body (but not extreme). 4 of the 6 muscles on the bellies can be seen. So I am not too bad, but it is a 2-5 kg too much.

Sound good, but I was far above 80 before and if I would eat what I can get I would reach the 100 fast......

Sugar from 'whole' fruit is nowhere near as bad as refined table sugar. The real killer that leads to obesity and heart problems is HFCS (high fructose corn sugar) - it is a very cheap form and is used to cheapen virtually every refined food (factory produced) out there. If you want to find out how bad it is then check that horror story out.

Cereals and bread (even whole wheat bread) are terrible for you as they are simple carbs that turn to sugar instantly they reach the blood stream. If you want to improve your (virtually perfect diet as far as I can see) then replace the white rice with brown and avoid breakfast cereals like the plague NB: they are loaded with sugar and salt as well as being simple carbohydrates in nature.

Eat whole fruit, but not too much in the way of apples and specifically oranges in one sitting as they contain quite a lot of fructose. Also, don't drink anything from a supermarket - even fruit juices and energy drinks as they are loaded with sugar. Artificial sugars are synthetic chemicals that are poisonous to the liver and create toxic overload so that is not the answer.


I know that some of this seems contradictory but you should do yourself a favour and type coconut oil and liver benefits into a search engine. do the same with soda, diet soda, good saturated fats with liver or even fatty liver and all will be revealed. Better still, add Dr Mercola as he is an excellent doctor that really knows his business.

Then you really discover what's good and what is not good, some of your findings might shock you - but at least it will put you on the right road to recovery!!

My liver values are excellent, so I don't need recovery.

But most probably I already do most of what is recommended. I don't drink any sodas, almost no fruit juice, no sugar, low carbs, low fat (often a problem with my wife), exercise, no fast food, 99% self cooked etc.

Only a bit on the alcohol side, sometimes

As sichonsteve said every thing except the low fat is good.

For 6 years I had fat around my liver, however 2 years ago I stopped eating carbs and changed to a high fat, moderate protein diet with plenty of water. This year at my checkup I had lost 9kg and all the visceral fat. I could still stand to loose at least another 10+ kg but the chance of that happening is not high.

It goes to show that replacing simple carbs with healthy saturated fat is the way to lose dangerous sub cutaneous and in particular visceral fat,


Look into detoxing your liver, milk thistle type supp with reduced drinking should help but do speak to a qualified physician or pharmacist if they recommend this. This is unless you require prescription meds.


Had a Fatty Liver and Heart once. Got rid of them both but probably got them both back again.

It isn't caused by drinking (directly). The main cause is Overweight, which beer adds to. The people most at risk are people who have been very active, per say, then suddenly stop. Perhaps someone who had an active job then Retired to an inactive life. They tend to drink alcohol and eat more and exercise less, thus basically become lazy. In general, they produced fat faster then the body can store along the waist line. So it is stored at the Liver and Heart as well.

You need to reduce your weight and alcohol intake. Most importantly you need to be more active. I never quit drinking entirely, but this is up to you. It certainly wouldn't hurt for awhile.


Look into detoxing your liver, milk thistle type supp with reduced drinking should help but do speak to a qualified physician or pharmacist if they recommend this. This is unless you require prescription meds.

Forget about taking meds and go for the milk thistle as this works and no side affects.


My father had a fatty liver and the doc told him to not drink at all and massive reduce weight.

He got really slim, doc checked again and fatty liver was complete gone and he got the green light for drinking again burp.gif.pagespeed.ce.RBpw6FUyRR.gif

He didn't take any medications. But keep slim.

The OP needs to stop drinking completely. The HEP B he had and now free due to the body building the enzimes that fought it off. The Hep is still there albeit not affecting him and he is not a carrier anymore but the liver loves alcohol and so does HEP Keep drinking and the fat will turn to scar tissue/ cirrosis and cancer & bye bye or transplant time


There seems to be some confusion about Samarin140 tablets. The truth is Silymarin--Milk Thistle--Samarin140 are all the same thing. Samarin140 is only the trade name for Silymarin.They are all derived from the herb Milk Thistle. Do a google search and get all the info if you are interested. Some guys take a couple when they have a hangover. It does not make you feel better but they say it heals any liver damage and replaces cells.

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The evil devil says keep drinking for early death. We need to clean out the alcoholic Brits and other Westerners from Thailand.

What about the alcoholic Thais

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Sichonsteve, you said; " I don't think that you appreciate it but coke/soda water is far worse for you than beer and will do far more damage. Don't believe me then check it out for yourself!!

You will be shocked. HFCS does infinitely more damage than alcohol!

What might also surprise you is that diet/zero calorie drinks are even worse than the sugary versions for both liver damage and putting on weight."

I don't disagree that both coke and diet coke are bad for you, but I do disagree that drinking diet coke can make you gain weight. I switched from regular coke to diet coke and in three months lost 15 kilograms. Also doing a search I could only find that soda water us good for you, not bad for you.


Sichonsteve, you said; " I don't think that you appreciate it but coke/soda water is far worse for you than beer and will do far more damage. Don't believe me then check it out for yourself!!

You will be shocked. HFCS does infinitely more damage than alcohol!

What might also surprise you is that diet/zero calorie drinks are even worse than the sugary versions for both liver damage and putting on weight."

I don't disagree that both coke and diet coke are bad for you, but I do disagree that drinking diet coke can make you gain weight. I switched from regular coke to diet coke and in three months lost 15 kilograms. Also doing a search I could only find that soda water us good for you, not bad for you.

Don't know how you came to that conclusion as it is irrefutable (unless you listen to soda manufacturers) that it is causing widespread liver damage and is killing people!

Don't know how to do links but check out 'how soft drinks damage your liver by Dr Mercola and put the words soda and liver damage into a search engine.

Artificial sweeteners are toxic and DO cause you to put on weight. put toxic weight gain and artificial sweeteners into a search engine whilst you are at it.


Sichonsteve, you said; " I don't think that you appreciate it but coke/soda water is far worse for you than beer and will do far more damage. Don't believe me then check it out for yourself!!

You will be shocked. HFCS does infinitely more damage than alcohol!

What might also surprise you is that diet/zero calorie drinks are even worse than the sugary versions for both liver damage and putting on weight."

I don't disagree that both coke and diet coke are bad for you, but I do disagree that drinking diet coke can make you gain weight. I switched from regular coke to diet coke and in three months lost 15 kilograms. Also doing a search I could only find that soda water us good for you, not bad for you.

Don't know how you came to that conclusion as it is irrefutable (unless you listen to soda manufacturers) that it is causing widespread liver damage and is killing people!

Don't know how to do links but check out 'how soft drinks damage your liver by Dr Mercola and put the words soda and liver damage into a search engine.

Artificial sweeteners are toxic and DO cause you to put on weight. put toxic weight gain and artificial sweeteners into a search engine whilst you are at it.

I think you speak about something different: one speaks about Soda and mean coke, fanta, sprite, etc.. And the other means Soda= Soda water.

I think the word Soda is used different in different regions.


After one day of those health checks at BPH three years ago i was told i had a severely fatty liver along with extremely high cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure as well as being overweight. The main culprit was not so much alcohol as food - since moving to Thailand a couple of years previously i could probably count on one hand the number of times i had cooked at home.

Three years on my liver is now normal along with blood without meds. Single biggest change was dietary with me now eating out once, possibly twice a week as a treat with the rest being meals at home avoiding virtually all processed food. Combined with regular exercise after joining a gym i am now a lot healthier with a 25% reduction in body weight.

yes that is it....Fatty liver: reduce body fat and the liver will be happy again.

Please post sometime in the "I'm too fat forum" how you did it. I am sure other members would benefit from your experiences on loosing weight.

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