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Taliban splinter group threatens Nobel laureate Malala

Lite Beer

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I don't think it is the religion, it's a bad group of people who happen to follow the religion.

That group failed in its original mission and now they are upset. Luckily for most, I think her movement will have more traction than theirs, but it won't be an easy road for those that follow her.

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It can be used to advantage. Set-up a bear trap for assassin wannabes.

Announce a talk by the Nobel Laureate. Have announcement leaflets left in places where radicals will see them. Everyone who shows up for the talk gets padded down. More importantly, arrest and investigate any who try sneaking in to the venue, by back doors, whatever. Bust anyone showing up with a weapon, if it indicates he has criminal intent.

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Malala is like a weed flower for radicals. They see it as a threat, charge over to the flower to try and chop it down. Ooops, too late. The flower has already set seed, and by trying to chop it down, a thousand seeds will scatter. Awhile later, those thousand seeds will germinate and flower, and each will generate a thousand more, and so on.

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I don't think it is the religion, it's a bad group of people who happen to follow the religion.

I think it is both. Christians follow a man who says to turn the other cheek and allow enemies to strike them. Muslims follow a man that ordered them to to spread Islamic rule by force, subjugating others until they either convert to Islam or pay money. Moderate Muslims ignore these teachings, but they are integral to the religion of Islam.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I don't think it is the religion, it's a bad group of people who happen to follow the religion.

I think it is both. Christians follow a man who says to turn the other cheek and allow enemies to strike them. Muslims follow a man that ordered them to to spread Islamic rule by force, subjugating others until they either convert to Islam or pay money. Moderate Muslims ignore these teachings, but they are integral to the religion of Islam.
Genuine question, this makes them heritics, no? Edited by samran
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When a newspaper printed a cartoon of the prophet there were riots and demonstrations around the world. Millions of Muslims showing their anger. What is needed to stop radical Islam is demonstrations of the same magnitude by the so called moderate Muslims we hear about but never see against the mindless slaughter of innocent men women and children in the name of Islam. Only then might the radicals be beaten.

Bombing them certainly isn't going to stop them as Iraq and Afghanistan has shown

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You cowardly animals have already tried murdering her by shooting her in the head. Yeah I'm sure more threats are going to deter her.

Head back to your caves and beat your wives there. Scum. bah.gif

I must admit that Malala's voice ( Squeal/Screech) and message is starting to grate on me too. I urge all who wish her dead to spare her. Okay! ? Enough said Yo!

Perhaps if you had been shot in the head your speech may not be so great either! Be tolerant.

As you have stated the obvious about getting shot in the face but that surely does not change the fact that her voice and message still grates on me. She should get a job hosting the voice taking over for whoopie \goldburg. Are you the defender of face shot victims with screechy voices preaching about girls should read and write.

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When a newspaper printed a cartoon of the prophet there were riots and demonstrations around the world. Millions of Muslims showing their anger. What is needed to stop radical Islam is demonstrations of the same magnitude by the so called moderate Muslims we hear about but never see against the mindless slaughter of innocent men women and children in the name of Islam. Only then might the radicals be beaten.

Bombing them certainly isn't going to stop them as Iraq and Afghanistan has shown

Yes a few protests threatening beheading should send a message of peace.


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You cowardly animals have already tried murdering her by shooting her in the head. Yeah I'm sure more threats are going to deter her.

Head back to your caves and beat your wives there. Scum. bah.gif

I must admit that Malala's voice ( Squeal/Screech) and message is starting to grate on me too. I urge all who wish her dead to spare her. Okay! ? Enough said Yo!

Perhaps if you had been shot in the head your speech may not be so great either! Be tolerant.

As you have stated the obvious about getting shot in the face but that surely does not change the fact that her voice and message still grates on me. She should get a job hosting the voice taking over for whoopie \goldburg. Are you the defender of face shot victims with screechy voices preaching about girls should read and write.

Oh dear, what a sensitive little soul you must be that this offends you so much.

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When a newspaper printed a cartoon of the prophet there were riots and demonstrations around the world. Millions of Muslims showing their anger. What is needed to stop radical Islam is demonstrations of the same magnitude by the so called moderate Muslims we hear about but never see against the mindless slaughter of innocent men women and children in the name of Islam. Only then might the radicals be beaten.

Bombing them certainly isn't going to stop them as Iraq and Afghanistan has shown

Yes a few protests threatening beheading should send a message of peace.


JEEZ don't you read English ?

I want to see protesters protesting about the mindless slaughter in the name of Islam not calling for the newspaper to be destroyed and people killed.

The clue is in the words

" The same magnitude "

At the moment we have a few hardly known or heard Imams calling these killings unislamic. The so called moderates need to be heard all over the world and loudly

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When a newspaper printed a cartoon of the prophet there were riots and demonstrations around the world. Millions of Muslims showing their anger. What is needed to stop radical Islam is demonstrations of the same magnitude by the so called moderate Muslims we hear about but never see against the mindless slaughter of innocent men women and children in the name of Islam. Only then might the radicals be beaten.

Bombing them certainly isn't going to stop them as Iraq and Afghanistan has shown

Yes a few protests threatening beheading should send a message of peace.


JEEZ don't you read English ?

I want to see protesters protesting about the mindless slaughter in the name of Islam not calling for the newspaper to be destroyed and people killed.

The clue is in the words

" The same magnitude "

At the moment we have a few hardly known or heard Imams calling these killings unislamic. The so called moderates need to be heard all over the world and loudly

Perhaps you might find the search for dark matter more rewarding. Hint, an opinion poll conducted in Saudi Arabia found 92% of those questioned believed IS were faithfully following the Koran and Islamic values. Sure there are moderates and plenty of them, but they are viewed as apostates and are higher up the priority list for death than any infidels. Incidentally I suspect people greatly underestimate the number of religious conservatives and likewise overestimate the number of moderates.
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Why oh why can't the moderate muslim world whom outnumber the radicals by at least 100 to 1 (possibly 1000 or even 10,000 to 1... I dunno)....get rid of these idiots once and for all before the rest of the non-muslim world turns on the lot of them and eradicates the world of Islam once and for all.

This may seem a bit odd WB but have a think about it...then it may make sense.

Have you ever belonged to a union? You know...protect the workers rights & all that

plus you may have to join a union to get that job you need. So...you're in the union

and everything is going fine, good pay, good working conditions etc...then one day

you come to work & find that the union you belong to is on strike...perhaps because

some twit across your country got fired because he/she was a layabout and complained

to the union rep & management stuck to their principles & sacked the person anyway.

So...you go home because, as a member of said union being on strike, you cannot

work since th eunion is on strike and members must show solidarity. Oh yeah...you must

be in the union in order to have the job...strike or not. And the strike drags on...and on...

and on.

Support of the brotherhood man. That's what it's all about. Whether you care about the poor

twit who got sacked or not or even if you kinow em...it doesn't matter you're on strike.

Everybody who belongs to that union is on strike BTW...regardless of where they're

employed or by whom or where they live...everybody is on strike because some lazy

twit got what he/she deserved...sacked.

Islam is like that. It's more of a brotherhood (seriously because they can do wihout sisters)

than a religion. It is a way of life also. So moderates will rarely raise any attention to radicals

or extremeists or whatever moniker you may tag to those who instill terror in everyday

folks, to promote "their " cause. Why? How about saving their own bums & or...simply

being a member of said brotherhood and refusing to rat out another union member.

Remember the Islamic "union" operates 24/7/365 globally...and it's a very strong union.

Think about it.

A solution the radical/extremist problem?... I have my idea however I'll keep that to

myself as it may make the world as we know it right now a completely different

place than we could ever possibly imagine. And when it's over...for some reason

or another mankind will still need another scapegoat to fight against. It's human

nature...always has been...always will be.

I am not lazy.My boss was corrupt,and i never received my due entitlements.Fellow unionist withdrew their labor and money was soon forth coming,strike time paid.Why do you put unions in a bad light in your analogy,without unions the workers would be at a huge disadvantage.Greed is the root of all evil.

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The Q'ran was written from 1400 years ago. It relates to the times and the man who wrote it. He was a raider and an outcast and had a bunch of axes to grind. He also lusted after little girls and even adjusted his writings so he could get the wife of someone else. He allowed his underlings to rape women of fighters they just defeated, even thous his underlings thought it might not be proper. In other words, he was a product of his times. He didn't even mention Hindus or Buddhists or American Indians or Australia or the Mayan because he simply wasn't aware of most the world. He was enmeshed with his own little world of continuous raids and clashes and wife stealing, and beheadings, etc. He did mention Jews and Christians because they existed in his little world, so naturally, because they weren't directly on his side of conflicts, he told his followers to exact tribute from them or kill them.

In sum: the little Q'ran book fit with the times, but is vastly out of touch with modernity. Islamists should realize that and yank their thoughts out of the camel-dung-burning pre-middle ages. Hello Muslims, come on in to the 21st century, Ok?! 7th century Medina and Mecca were interesting, but those times are behind us. Things change. People adjust.

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When a newspaper printed a cartoon of the prophet there were riots and demonstrations around the world. Millions of Muslims showing their anger. What is needed to stop radical Islam is demonstrations of the same magnitude by the so called moderate Muslims we hear about but never see against the mindless slaughter of innocent men women and children in the name of Islam. Only then might the radicals be beaten.

Bombing them certainly isn't going to stop them as Iraq and Afghanistan has shown

Yes a few protests threatening beheading should send a message of peace.


JEEZ don't you read English ?

I want to see protesters protesting about the mindless slaughter in the name of Islam not calling for the newspaper to be destroyed and people killed.

The clue is in the words

" The same magnitude "

At the moment we have a few hardly known or heard Imams calling these killings unislamic. The so called moderates need to be heard all over the world and loudly

Don't be daft. You won't hear a peep out of them.

1. They're moderate

2. They're terrified of being accused of betraying Islam.

It's like one big cult.

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You cowardly animals have already tried murdering her by shooting her in the head. Yeah I'm sure more threats are going to deter her.

Head back to your caves and beat your wives there. Scum. bah.gif

I must admit that Malala's voice ( Squeal/Screech) and message is starting to grate on me too. I urge all who wish her dead to spare her. Okay! ? Enough said Yo!

Perhaps if you had been shot in the head your speech may not be so great either! Be tolerant.

As you have stated the obvious about getting shot in the face but that surely does not change the fact that her voice and message still grates on me. She should get a job hosting the voice taking over for whoopie \goldburg. Are you the defender of face shot victims with screechy voices preaching about girls should read and write.

To answer your question - NO.

Learn tolerance and recognise what this young girl is trying to achieve.

Or perhaps I will "un-learn" my tolerance and ask who gives a s**t about your whingeing!

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It'll be hundreds of years before this lot is eradicated and behind us and the world can move on. Just imagine, no more wanting to kill people because they are not following the word of some random long dead renegade, but letting people get on with their lives as they please, preferably with focus on the planet and nature and not on the self or this or that pathetic little group. Interesting times they would be, indeed, for right now it is a F mess!

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