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For those of you who are not allowed to go to the bars, try to sneak out and make a round of the Pattaya farang bars and see first hand how things REALLY work. Don't worry, we won't tell your wives or your bible study group. :o

Gary, I drink in Pattaya bars most nights. I walk down all different sois and walking street too trying out different bars and clubs at my own will. A lot of the time ladies grab me off the street and pull me into their bars, gosh it can be demanding. Most of the bars are open air beer bars and some of them even have ladies dancing on the tables too :D . There are other ladies on beach road and freelancers walking up the sois too, they approach me not me them.

I also have a lot of friends that are bar girls and yes they do tell me their stories and not one has ever told me she was forced into working there.

I have known some girls that have gone to America and Switzerland too with boyfriends or husbands but have ended back in a bar in Pattaya and in one case after 20 years of being away and she was one of the most level headed bar girls I ever met.

Some people just can't understand that the girls in Pattaya are there on their own free will.

Please bleeding hearts don't try to take the rights of a Thai girl away who is free to do what she likes in her own country. That would really break my heart. :D

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Kerryd. I don't know who all that was aimed at, me for saying I thought leftcross' post was good but that I didn't concur, or leftcross for what it actually said? I read your earlier posts when you mentioned about bar fining a friend and going out to dinner and nodded my head. I did the same for a friends 'girlfriend' and would take her out for the evening, no strings attached. I have never read this thread as being directed at falang bar owners, I thought it was aimed specifically at the concept of the bar fine. It appears I missed something somewhere along the line....

you have it specifically mentions farang bar owners

Somehow falang bar owners justify collecting the "bar fine".
I've merged the 'Sex Slaves' and 'Pimps' threads--essentially about the same topic--into a single thread re-titled 'Sex Tourism'.

Note to JRingo: Please refrain from starting multiple threads on what is essentially the same topic/moral campaign.

Yeah! and now I can't click on any of the reply nnotification emails!


I guess the thing that irritates me the most is the bleeding hearts who choose to condemn farangs for trying to make a living here by owning a bar. It's a REALLY tough way to try to make a living and if anything they are normally the ones being taken advantage of. The farangs didn't create the Thai sex industry.

I moved over here in 1991 to help build and start a new metal working industry for Thailand. I trained the Thai engineers and once every couple weeks or so they expected me to go bar hopping with them. We ALWAYS went to the Thai bars and nightclubs because the girls who worked at the farang bars were uneducated and dirty (?). The Thai bars were nice places and I was always accused of picking the ugliest women. I like the petite dark skinned girls. :o The Thai men preferred the tall light skinned girls even if they were ugly. MOST of the girls were university educated and spoke several languages. YES! High class girls. A beer in one of those bars was 150 baht and the bar fine was 1,500 baht. That sounds similar to today's prices but at that time there were 25 baht to a dollar. Beer in the farang ghetto was about 35 baht and a barfine was 100 or 200 baht. Being the low life that I am I always preferred the farang ghetto bars and liked the girls just as well even though many of them had no education and spoke no English.

If you are not familiar with the culture DON'T be trying to push your erroneous beliefs off on the rest of us.


Prostitution is not called the oldest profession in the world for nothing. It exists in one form or another in every cornor of the planet. In some more enlightened countries it is legal. This provides the Govts with a way to keep organized crime in check ( the real immoral tossers who by and sell women, boys and children for sex ) and provides for proper medical care and protection for the girls who choose that profession. Within these countries they accept the trade will go on with or without them and acknowledge there is a social service side which at the end of the day benefits their communities and in no short measure helps in keeping many forms of anti-social crimes in check.

Now in the LOS this is not the case. Girls from poor communities flock to the profession. Mostly through choice ( although accepted, almost unbearable social pressure may be brought to bare in some cases ) some through force which can never be condoned. I would hazard a bet that the girls who choose this profession are glad of a position in Farang owned bars. ( note I said the ones that choose to enter the trade ). Not all Farang owners are good guys, far from it. But the majority of the guys I know who own bars treat their staff well and do provide a minimum of medical care albeit perhaps only a monthly check up.

Do away with them and the trade will continue. Sadly as an earlier poster said, a number of the Thai run and styled bars are a little more like meat markets and can not be the way of choice girls who wish to join the trade.

In an ideal world none of this would happen. All the girls from the farms would be well educated and move on to meaningful jobs within their communities. But sadly in the real world this is not the case, and a well run Farang bar is no bad thing.


Actually she recieved no money she was only fifteen and she had to have medical attention but no charges as her aunt had connections!!!!!

and how do you know this is true?

...it is a bit outrageous of a story, but could have happened.

I have heard of young bargirls being sold a number of times as virgins on their first trip down

from up North.

Apparently, Chinese men believe that to have sex with a virgin adds years to their own life.

Just heard rumours though.

If anyone knows more about this than me please feel free to comment it has been 30 years since I have been to China.

Taoism one of the main religions of China and the religion of 90% of the doctors in China and believes that having sex with young women but not climaxing is the key to longevity among other things.

There are three levels of virgins and I can’t remember exactly what they are.

It is said that one Taoist physician at the royal court was the doctor of 5 emperors and lived past 100.

I don’t know if these beliefs are still held and or practiced but if they are it would take a whole lot of virgins to live to a ripe old age.

Gary, I drink in Pattaya bars most nights. I walk down all different sois and walking street too trying out different bars and clubs at my own will.

You the guy that keeps stealing my favourite seat(s) at my favourite bars/clubs ? :D

You should have come to the pissup last week so we could compare notes ! :D

I also have a lot of friends that are bar girls and yes they do tell me their stories and not one has ever told me she was forced into working there.

Same same. In the building I live in, there are 7 "working" girls (3 go-go and 4 bar girls). I've known a couple of them for over 2 years now. Sometimes some of them will drop my place and watch TV, check their email or chat about what ever is on their mind. It is a different relationship, as they don't look at me as a tourist or customer.

I know a number of other girls as well, and their (Thai) boyfriends/husbands.

Some people just can't understand that the girls in Pattaya are there on their own free will.

Please bleeding hearts don't try to take the rights of a Thai girl away who is free to do what she likes in her own country. That would really break my heart. :D

From what I've seen in this thread, I get the impression that some people have heard stories that have floated around for years, and are using those "urban legends" as the basis for their arguments.

For example. Someone asks where I'm living. I tell them Thailand. Suddenly they start with a story:

"Oh yeah, Thailand. A friend of mine went there a little while ago. He rented a big house on the beach. Hired one woman to do the cooking, and another to do the cleaning. They both slept with him at night. Cost him $50 US for a month !"

No lie, I've heard that same story from FIVE different people in the last 2 1/2 years ! While working in Afghanistan recently, I heard it 3 times ! I tell these people to go back to their "friend" and tell them they are full of <deleted>, and tell them that the Vietnam war ended over 30 years ago. :D

Hearing a story passed from a "friend of a friend that knows a guy whose brother went to school with a kid that had a dad who used to drink with a guy that flew over Thailand once" doesn't really carry the same weight as actually talking to:

Noi (lives next door), Pone and Fawn (live 2 floors down). Choi (across the hall with 2 other girls), Aaa (next to Choi), Aom (lives a couple hundred meters away), Ann (Aom's friend, about half a klick away), Onn (shares an apartment with 3 other girls), Jo (buying a house for her mom, brought her older sister to work with her in her club).

These are some of the people I see and socialize with on a fairly regular basis (and no, I haven't slept with all of them. Only 3 of them in fact, though I have barfined 6 of them, some more often than others).

I won't name the various bar owners/managers (farang and Thai).

Hmmmm, wonder how current my information is ? :o

MOST of the girls were university educated and spoke several languages. YES! High class girls.

University educated... sure, some are. High class? No.



Actually she recieved no money she was only fifteen and she had to have medical attention but no charges as her aunt had connections!!!!!

and how do you know this is true?

...it is a bit outrageous of a story, but could have happened.

I have heard of young bargirls being sold a number of times as virgins on their first trip down

from up North.

Apparently, Chinese men believe that to have sex with a virgin adds years to their own life.

Just heard rumours though.

If anyone knows more about this than me please feel free to comment it has been 30 years since I have been to China.

Taoism one of the main religions of China and the religion of 90% of the doctors in China and believes that having sex with young women but not climaxing is the key to longevity among other things.

There are three levels of virgins and I can’t remember exactly what they are.

It is said that one Taoist physician at the royal court was the doctor of 5 emperors and lived past 100.

I don’t know if these beliefs are still held and or practiced but if they are it would take a whole lot of virgins to live to a ripe old age.

I think you'll find the sex with virgins thing is the same as when suckers ask for the " new " girl in the bar. STD's a worry the world over, as is the belief that you stand less chance to catch one of them with a " new girl ". :o


I will try and take it one at a time. Singapore and Costa Rica do rival Thailand. Costa Rica is seasonal however. If you want to go to Singapore to check it out let me know and I will give you a list. To get an equivalent experience to Thailand does involve some travel outside Singapore and is hit or miss unless you have an insiders knowledge of the changing market.

Kerry, now you are simply being absurd and I wonder if you have actually ever been to Singapore. I have lived here for 6 years and know of two places - both sanctioned/tolerated by the police. The first one is the very obvious Four Floors on Orchard and the second is Geylang where it is strictly controlled by the police. (of course there are also massage places, but to equate these with Brazil . . . whacky bakky, I'd say)

The prostitutes are Thai and are given visas for just this purpose. I don''t know the numbers but it certainly does not rival anything that even one spot in Thailand can show. Geylang is a suburb with restaurants, shops etc . . .

As for your comment:

To get an equivalent experience to Thailand does involve some travel outside Singapore and is hit or miss unless you have an insiders knowledge of the changing market.

Are you implying that Singapore has a hinterland? In case you were not aware of this; Singapore is a tiny island with zero hinterland. It is a city/state, by definition there is nothing but city.

Added to this it is a police state with virtually no crime, so I doubt your knowledge of any perceived 'dens of iniquity' actually exists. Your list is undoubtedly total nonsense.

Why is it that the Philippines misses out on your triumvirate of the flesh trade? Singapore? Perhaps you should make your list public and save all these sex-starved Singaporeans the hassle of flying to Bangkok or taking the ferry to Indonesia.

Singapore Hahahha :o:D

It is probably not appropriate for me to list 50 or so pleasure places in Singapore and the surrounding areas although I am tempted to do so.

All chicken houses that are located in the designated zone south of Geylang Road(which starts with Lorong 2 and extends all the way to Lorong 30) are legal. The prostitutes that operate there are issued with special certificates which allow them to ply their trade. However, they are not allowed to solicit sex by the roadside or at the hotel lobbies in the area.

Thai style brothels with the Aquarium (fish tank) concept are available mainly from Lorong 4 to 12 .

Keong Saik Street is located in the Chinatown and the whole area used to contain row after row of run down pre war terrace houses. The area has been an "approved" red light district for as long as I can remember. It traditionally served the poorer segment of Singapore Society and this holds true till today.

There is also significant action in close by Malaysia. If you really want to know PM me and I will give you the names of the places.


I think you'll find the sex with virgins thing is the same as when suckers ask for the " new " girl in the bar. STD's a worry the world over, as is the belief that you stand less chance to catch one of them with a " new girl ". :o

Reminds me of a mamasan telling a rookie farang about the new girl. She speaks no English and she has never been with a farang. That was indeed true. What she didn't tell him was that the girl came from a northern brothel near a Thai army camp.


I will try and take it one at a time. Singapore and Costa Rica do rival Thailand. Costa Rica is seasonal however. If you want to go to Singapore to check it out let me know and I will give you a list. To get an equivalent experience to Thailand does involve some travel outside Singapore and is hit or miss unless you have an insiders knowledge of the changing market.

Kerry, now you are simply being absurd and I wonder if you have actually ever been to Singapore. I have lived here for 6 years and know of two places - both sanctioned/tolerated by the police. The first one is the very obvious Four Floors on Orchard and the second is Geylang where it is strictly controlled by the police. (of course there are also massage places, but to equate these with Brazil . . . whacky bakky, I'd say)

The prostitutes are Thai and are given visas for just this purpose. I don''t know the numbers but it certainly does not rival anything that even one spot in Thailand can show. Geylang is a suburb with restaurants, shops etc . . .

As for your comment:

To get an equivalent experience to Thailand does involve some travel outside Singapore and is hit or miss unless you have an insiders knowledge of the changing market.

Are you implying that Singapore has a hinterland? In case you were not aware of this; Singapore is a tiny island with zero hinterland. It is a city/state, by definition there is nothing but city.

Added to this it is a police state with virtually no crime, so I doubt your knowledge of any perceived 'dens of iniquity' actually exists. Your list is undoubtedly total nonsense.

Why is it that the Philippines misses out on your triumvirate of the flesh trade? Singapore? Perhaps you should make your list public and save all these sex-starved Singaporeans the hassle of flying to Bangkok or taking the ferry to Indonesia.

Singapore Hahahha :o:D

It is probably not appropriate for me to list 50 or so pleasure places in Singapore and the surrounding areas although I am tempted to do so.

All chicken houses that are located in the designated zone south of Geylang Road(which starts with Lorong 2 and extends all the way to Lorong 30) are legal. The prostitutes that operate there are issued with special certificates which allow them to ply their trade. However, they are not allowed to solicit sex by the roadside or at the hotel lobbies in the area.

Thai style brothels with the Aquarium (fish tank) concept are available mainly from Lorong 4 to 12 .

Keong Saik Street is located in the Chinatown and the whole area used to contain row after row of run down pre war terrace houses. The area has been an "approved" red light district for as long as I can remember. It traditionally served the poorer segment of Singapore Society and this holds true till today.

There is also significant action in close by Malaysia. If you really want to know PM me and I will give you the names of the places.

I did mention Geylang - why are you repeating what I am saying in regard to visas and the like - that was not the point of your assertion that Singapore ranks with Brazil etc as a vice/sex capital of the world.

Keong Saik probably 'boasts' a few remaining places left, but according to a CID mate here they number less than a dozen and are definitely not well known nor open to general view. When is the last time you were here? In the 70's?

There is also significant action in close by Malaysia

Now it is Malaysia that has significant action . . . mate, you seem to know far too much about prostitution in every country . . .

But please, do explain how Singapore ranks up there with Brazil in this regard and you make no mention of the Philippines? It is quite easy to just waffle and make statements you know you cannot prove.

Even more I'd like to meet these people you refer to in pubs that all speak about the comparative sex industry in Costa Rica, Singapore and Brazil. If there are that many, as you do say they are everywhere, then quite a few of the TV members would be part of this group, being bar visitors.

It is probably not appropriate for me to list 50 or so pleasure places in Singapore and the surrounding areas although I am tempted to do so.

Please do, so the aforementioned flying Singaporeans can spend their money at home. Anyway, why would it not be appropriate?

Singapore, Brazil, Costa Rica . . . :D

(Why does the 'quote' function not, err, function?)


Kerryd. I don't know who all that was aimed at, me for saying I thought leftcross' post was good but that I didn't concur, or leftcross for what it actually said? I read your earlier posts when you mentioned about bar fining a friend and going out to dinner and nodded my head. I did the same for a friends 'girlfriend' and would take her out for the evening, no strings attached. I have never read this thread as being directed at falang bar owners, I thought it was aimed specifically at the concept of the bar fine. It appears I missed something somewhere along the line....

you have it specifically mentions farang bar owners

Somehow falang bar owners justify collecting the "bar fine".

Thanks Wilko, I stand corrected. :o


Reply to Sing Sing.

I didn’t mention the Philippines because my post was in response to a post about prostitution losing the dignity of a country. I don’t think the Philippines has any dignity nor do I think they want dignity. I was trying to illustrate that prostitution has little to do with the dignity of a country. I had also mentioned the US, UK and Australia but Kat told me that prostitution was not the same in those countries as it was in Thailand. So I tried to pick another three countries.

When I go to Bangkok I usually stop into the

Beer Garden for a few beers in the afternoon. I always seem to run into a few guys from Iraq or the oil fields who are on holiday. Normally they are in Thailand for a few days and then off to some other location. They are invariably in a discussion of the relative merits of different cities and countries for a holiday with the ladies.

I don’t have an accurate count but I would estimate at least 1000 Thai women working there along with Chinese, Malaysian, Vietnamese and others.

There is a wealth of information about Singapore on the web, actually far more than Thailand as to what services are offered at what price and who is working and where they are working. And this information is updated on a daily basis.

I don’t think it is appropriate to post names of brothels on Thai Visa.

Kerryd. I don't know who all that was aimed at, me for saying I thought leftcross' post was good but that I didn't concur, or leftcross for what it actually said?

Thanks Wilko, I stand corrected. :D

It starts getting a little confusing, especially when the quotes aren't coming out properly.

In this case, I think it was just that my reply got posted after yours (and it was easier to make one large post, rather than try to reply to various individual posts).

Too many posts in too many threads, plus I was trying to get out of here, as I had to deliver a message to one of those evil women that works in a bar, but doesn't sell her body, but is still considered a prostitute by some. :o



I wasn't being serious about naming brothels . . . of course, but I still take exception to your comment that Singapore and Brazil are on the same level . . . no way in the world, doesn't matter what some sexpat websites say.

I do love your comment:

I didn’t mention the Philippines because my post was in response to a post about prostitution losing the dignity of a country. I don’t think the Philippines has any dignity nor do I think they want dignity.

Well put and accepted in those terms, my apologies if I overlooked that.

Still - the entire population of Singapore is less than the number you put on prostitutes in Thailand, so if Brazil is even close to Thailand then the numbers are spurious at best.

If you would have said China, Korea etc . . . then I might have believed it, but as I live here I can't agree as Singapore is a police state and more tightly controlled than a frog's anus. (With no corruption at that level to hide these things)


How many International Beach resorts do you know that has a sea unsafe to swim in because of pollution, and where the traffic police wear face masks to protect against the pollution in the air.

Traffic problems are a daily event and at weekends intolerable, crime rates are rocketing and you can't cross the road without taking a serious risk.

I know one, Pattaya Beach Thailand.

International beach resort, don't make me laugh.

Take away the cheap sex scene and it would be a ghost town.

The place should be bulldozed.


Kerryd. I don't know who all that was aimed at, me for saying I thought leftcross' post was good but that I didn't concur, or leftcross for what it actually said?

Thanks Wilko, I stand corrected. :D

It starts getting a little confusing, especially when the quotes aren't coming out properly.


Tell me about it!! 28 pages long in this thread, and still going strong. I have trouble remebering what country I am in let alone who said what and when.

Hope you have a good evening with your friend. :D

How many International Beach resorts do you know that has a sea unsafe to swim in because of pollution, and where the traffic police wear face masks to protect against the pollution in the air.

Traffic problems are a daily event and at weekends intolerable, crime rates are rocketing and you can't cross the road without taking a serious risk.

I know one, Pattaya Beach Thailand.

International beach resort, don't make me laugh.

Take away the cheap sex scene and it would be a ghost town.

The place should be bulldozed.

And thats your (extremely narrowminded) opinion. :o


Well, enough about Pattaya. You want to flame Pattaya do so in the Pattaya forum and we'll clean up the bloodbath later :o

Regardless, the state of Pattayas beaches or air isn't really the issue here and neither is Pattaya the only place you will find farangs running bars that offer women.

I have lived in Bangkok for 12 years I work for large hotel chain.

I have never heard of sex Tourism.

Please stop dreaming about this and wake up.

Their is no sex for money in Thailand.

Rrrrriiiiggghhhhht. They're coming to take me away haha, they're coming to take me away.


Well, enough about Pattaya. You want to flame Pattaya do so in the Pattaya forum and we'll clean up the bloodbath later :D

Regardless, the state of Pattayas beaches or air isn't really the issue here and neither is Pattaya the only place you will find farangs running bars that offer women.

SBK, I know it's not the only place, but it certainly is a place, if I just said ' Thailand ', I would have been crucified, so I give an example of a sex tourist destination. And the title of this thread is Sex Tourism.

Pattaya is a prime example, I challenge anyone to disagree with this.

Dave, you gotta be having a laugh mate, you reckon the sea is clean and the Air is good and Pattaya isn't a destination for sex tourists? :o


Shut all the establishments down that cater to sex tourists, and there certainly wouldn't be many places serving Full English Breakfasts.

Well, enough about Pattaya. You want to flame Pattaya do so in the Pattaya forum and we'll clean up the bloodbath later :o

Regardless, the state of Pattayas beaches or air isn't really the issue here and neither is Pattaya the only place you will find farangs running bars that offer women.

I think the point about Pattaya was made in relation to a drop in the sex industry spelling the end of the place.

As horrid as it may be today (sorry, Pattayans - Dave, making a comment about Pattaya is not automatically insulting you) it used to be the quickest escape for Thais from Bangkok, with family, to the beach. And it would revert to the same again after initial hardships.


Well, enough about Pattaya. You want to flame Pattaya do so in the Pattaya forum and we'll clean up the bloodbath later :o

Regardless, the state of Pattayas beaches or air isn't really the issue here and neither is Pattaya the only place you will find farangs running bars that offer women.

I think the point about Pattaya was made in relation to a drop in the sex industry spelling the end of the place.

As horrid as it may be today (sorry, Pattayans - Dave, making a comment about Pattaya is not automatically insulting you) it used to be the quickest escape for Thais from Bangkok, with family, to the beach. And it would revert to the same again after initial hardships.

Sure Sing, the Thais are going to stay at the Marriott in the same numbers as Farang. The Thais are going to pay 150 baht for a beer, sure. The Thais are going to spend an average of 3000 baht a day like the Farangs, sure.

You should see the look on my woman’s face when I order a lobster dinner and a Guinness.


Well, enough about Pattaya. You want to flame Pattaya do so in the Pattaya forum and we'll clean up the bloodbath later :D

Regardless, the state of Pattayas beaches or air isn't really the issue here and neither is Pattaya the only place you will find farangs running bars that offer women.

I think the point about Pattaya was made in relation to a drop in the sex industry spelling the end of the place.

As horrid as it may be today (sorry, Pattayans - Dave, making a comment about Pattaya is not automatically insulting you) it used to be the quickest escape for Thais from Bangkok, with family, to the beach. And it would revert to the same again after initial hardships.

Cheers Sing_Sling but it had degenerated into a flame fest against Pattaya and not really anything to do with anything at all :D

So, I don't think Pattaya would die as its reputation internationally has been changing and the area around it does attract Bangkokians in need of some sea air.

Is it a destination for sex tourists? Absolutely, but then so are a few other places in Thailand too. And yes, Maigo, Thailand is a destination for sex tourists, as are a few other countries as well.

But don't flame away 'cause I'll be offended :o

However, I know this thread was merged with the one about farangs involved in the sex industry, and to be honest, this has always fascinated me. At home, it is not a respectable job or career or business to own so why do they think that transplanting it to Asia makes it respectable? And what do they tell their friends and family back home?


Dave you are a pimp.

That is sample.

Not my problem that you are stupid pimp

Then why do you feel the need to comment on it? If you had taken the time to read Dave's earlier posts you would appreciate that he actually runs a bar in Pattaya that does not offer 'flesh' on the menu. At least he has a valid point of view to add, unlike yourself who is clearly flaming people in an attempt to get the thread closed down or be noticed. If you don't like it here then you need to look for the button that says 'log out'.


Its a bullshit subject at the end of the day. :o

We are'nt in the USA or the UK etc etc and the barfine rules existed before most farang barowners, who are they to change the rules? Especially in Pattaya.

FYO the girl collects a share of the barfine, do you really think the girls don't push for this? Gogo girls earn a salary of around 8000 - 12000bht per month plus tips from barfines and lady drinks which could add up to another 5000bht easily.

If i'm guilty of living of immoral earnings then

i live off of about 1000bht per week.


Dave you are a pimp.

That is sample.

Not my problem that you are stupid pimp.

Maybe you hire me to teach you how to make more.

It is a pity to be a pimp and make so little.

I think you should pm me so at least we can have a benifit for you.

Oh dear :D Do your parents know that you're playing on their PC?

Well, enough about Pattaya. You want to flame Pattaya do so in the Pattaya forum and we'll clean up the bloodbath later :D

Regardless, the state of Pattayas beaches or air isn't really the issue here and neither is Pattaya the only place you will find farangs running bars that offer women.

SBK, I know it's not the only place, but it certainly is a place, if I just said ' Thailand ', I would have been crucified, so I give an example of a sex tourist destination. And the title of this thread is Sex Tourism.

Pattaya is a prime example, I challenge anyone to disagree with this.

Dave, you gotta be having a laugh mate, you reckon the sea is clean and the Air is good and Pattaya isn't a destination for sex tourists? :D


Shut all the establishments down that cater to sex tourists, and there certainly wouldn't be many places serving Full English Breakfasts.

Is that what you look for then? "Full English Breakfasts?" :D


One thing I have learned about these ladies - they do love to tell you everything that is going on in their lives. In fact its hard to keep their gob shut once you've got them started. :o

They are not going to tell you what is going on in their private family life.

Hmmm dare say you are wrong - I've had chats with some really genuine ladies which would make you cringe. I'll spare the details but I certainly wouldn't wish such things on my worst enemies. :D

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