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Police deny Koh Tao murder confessions retracted

Lite Beer

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"Police have resubmitted the case file to prosecutors along with a higher recommended sentence." and the sentence is: "Convict them in spite of any evidence tampering, lack of reason or investigation by authorities, anything that may result in acquittal or else pay the consequences".

I can see inquest: "death by suicide of suspects, as they arranged to have their food poisoned in order to tarnish Thailand's image, thus improving oh so important tourist sector of Burma."

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jtj everyone on here knows that you like to make statements praising your beloved rtp, but we all also know that you never abswer questions that may prove that they are not doing their job properly or honestly. so heres another one for you. About 4 days ago the thai pathologist in a television interview said that a 3rd persons dna had been found on hannahs body. Yet nowhere in anything the police have said did they mention that they were looking for a 3rd person, could you speculate why that may be. perhaps the 3rd person is someone they already know, but are not willing to charge. we await your reply with baited breath

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I wonder to what lengths this police will go to cover their wrongdoings and not loose face.

People in Thailand, people all over the world do not trust them.

Thai police and eventually Thailand have become the laughing stock of the world.

Somebody in this country, has to realise they are not protecting Thailand of ill repute but on the opposite they are damaging the reputation and integrity of Thailand.

"I wonder to what lengths this police will go to cover their wrongdoings and not loose face."

Have you noticed the amount of times in these articles that the police have expressed concerns that the suspects may commit suicide?

That way, nobody will be surprised if they do!

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Well at least the whole world can now see what a sham Thailand is when it comes to law enforcement and justice. it's still a feudal, hierarchical society with a thin veneer of civilisation on the top, where the only things that matter ultimately is money and position, if you have those you can do anything here, even get away with murder. Hopefully Thailand can redeem itself in the eyes of the world by throwing this case out, because if this travesty ever gets to court the judges are just going to go along with it, the 'verdict' will all be a forgone conclusion.

Agree Thailand needs to redeem itself, but surprised that some people still have faith in this junta: http://thediplomat.com/2014/10/thai-junta-beset-by-corruption-scandals/

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"Oh what a tangled web we weave, once we start to deceive" The RTP keep twisting this around so much that they don't even know what is real....and whats worse is because they wear uniforms, they think their words are golden and that everyone will kneel and believe them..

I pray that these men get a fair trial

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"Oh what a tangled web we weave, once we start to deceive" The RTP keep twisting this around so much that they don't even know what is real....and whats worse is because they wear uniforms, they think their words are golden and that everyone will kneel and believe them..

I pray that these men get a fair trial

Quite right.....one can only hope that this case with these 2 boys doesn't get to the trial stage........if it does...they're gonners!

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I wonder to what lengths this police will go to cover their wrongdoings and not loose face.

People in Thailand, people all over the world do not trust them.

Thai police and eventually Thailand have become the laughing stock of the world.

Somebody in this country, has to realise they are not protecting Thailand of ill repute but on the opposite they are damaging the reputation and integrity of Thailand.

"I wonder to what lengths this police will go to cover their wrongdoings and not loose face."

Have you noticed the amount of times in these articles that the police have expressed concerns that the suspects may commit suicide?

That way, nobody will be surprised if they do!

The RTP organization is the breeding ground for a major portion of the illegal activity in Thailand. Make a list of the politicians most associated with corruption and their common background seems to be former policemen. They act as godfathers in their sphere of influence and their rank ensures they get obiedence or at least silence from those reporting to them. They operate just like the numerous mafia type, set up in various proviences and in many cases in tandem with them, thus keeping competation at bay.

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If they commit "suicide " or they they will be hanged then it is will be most convenient solution for many with dirty hands in this country.

History repeats it self's and never ends if nothing radical happen this time...

Nothing surprise me any more in this world and similar "systems"

We always know what we allowed to know..

So, Mr. Prayuth ...please....I still keep believing in you and your action.

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I think that whatever statements they blurt out into public - by now the whole world knows that the RTP is a rotten to the core criminal underground organization who believe to be above the law, above common sense, above evidence, above logic, above human principles, above public opinion, and above life in general. Time for Gen. PM Prayuth to target these brown mafia structures, dismantle them and rebuild a police force that deserves respect due to having earned it! Perhaps we get lucky and the suicide rate amongst Thai policeman skyrockets to 90%, thus separating the wheat from the chaff naturally...

but of course he wont - theyre ingrained into Thai culture!!

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jtj everyone on here knows that you like to make statements praising your beloved rtp, but we all also know that you never abswer questions that may prove that they are not doing their job properly or honestly. so heres another one for you. About 4 days ago the thai pathologist in a television interview said that a 3rd persons dna had been found on hannahs body. Yet nowhere in anything the police have said did they mention that they were looking for a 3rd person, could you speculate why that may be. perhaps the 3rd person is someone they already know, but are not willing to charge. we await your reply with baited breath

The first 2 DNA samples spoke of were from a cigarette butt found near the scene...One of those DNA samples was from the female victim.

The 3rd DNA sample spoke of was found on the female victim from the 2nd suspect....hence 3 DNA samples mentioned.

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The lawyers, the embassy and the procecutors are all lying?? And the police is telling the truth??coffee1.gif

I think so.There is a big difference between:
- saying to the media that the suspect retracted
- making an official retraction to the police

I agree with JohnThailanJohn: "The lawyer seems to be playing to the conspiracy theorists"


How do you think they could tell the police they retracted their statements ?

Perhaps the 2 accused could call a press conference with the police chief along and publicly retract their admission of guilt before the world, do you think the police would allow that ?.

Even if they did tell the police they recanted do you really think the police would tell anyone ?

The police have continued to issue threats against then, on another topic.

A panel of prosecutors had merely asked the police investigators to review the case and to maximise the punishment in light of evidence the suspects had tried to cover up their crime, he said.

The suspects were informed of the revised penalty recommendation, but police have not said how many years in prison they may face, he said.

As per :

As you have retracted your confessions we have recommended any penalty against you be increased and if you continue we have the power to make things even worse for you.

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For me it is not important if the young burmese men confess or not confess and if they retract a confession or not. The two burmese men are now inside the prison in Koh Samui. The conditions inside a Thai prison are so terrible and life fearing, that they will confess anything just to survive the next couple of days...

If they retract their confession in a "private" talk with their lawyer and this talk is published by the lawyer, the two burmese men will have an immediately response inside the prison system. Its not nice to stay a day and a night in feces up to your lips and to fear that you could drown... They have no chance now and the penalization fantasy "inside" the Thai prison system is unimaginable for outsiders. They have to do whatever the authorities want them to do. If not, they not have to "commit suicide". An accusation of an "attempt to escape" is working fine in most cases.

The only chance is to wait for the trial and to have clear evidence that they are not involved in the murder. Maybe - if the burmese men can see a chance to get out of the prison direct after the trail - they are willing to retract their confessions openly.

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joe black sorry mate you are 100% wrong. the first 2 samples were supposed to have been from the 2 burmese guys. the third sample as stated by the pathologist was from an unknown subject. stop trying to apologise for the rtp. I don't know if you have followed this case from the start. if you have then your thinking is all wrong. i am sure that most people on this thread will put you right as too who the dna belongs to. but one thing is certain as stated by the police only these 2 guys are guilty, as for the 3rd dna we are too ****g lazy to investigate. No sorry we know who it belongs too, but we have been paid a million baht not to say anything. as the police of chief said " perfect job, cased closed'.

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Are we really surprised by these statements ?

I wonder why they bother. We all now know they are a joke.

Guess we are all hoping the good general will eventually get fed up with them embarrasing him, and he might sort them out.

The good general does not need the police to embarrass him, he is Supreme Commander of Police.

Has done a good job by himself with his Police Commissioner General helping.

The regime can instruct the Judiciary as to the verdict. Under Martial Law and the New Interim Constitution, regime can overrule and or suspend the Judiciary.

This starts on KT with W. Follow the family, business and political links you end up at the venerable S.

Right to the top.

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. i am sure that most people on this thread will put you right as too who the dna belongs to....

You know.. I think I will keep thinking for myself thanks..I don't remember apologizing for the RTP or anybody for that matter..

I still the reserve the right to have my own opinion as do you..

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"Oh what a tangled web we weave, once we start to deceive" The RTP keep twisting this around so much that they don't even know what is real....and whats worse is because they wear uniforms, they think their words are golden and that everyone will kneel and believe them..

I pray that these men get a fair trial


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"Oh what a tangled web we weave, once we start to deceive" The RTP keep twisting this around so much that they don't even know what is real....and whats worse is because they wear uniforms, they think their words are golden and that everyone will kneel and believe them..

I pray that these men get a fair trial

It shouldn't even get to trial?! It's ridiculous and why aren't they going after the real culprits? The longer they ignore the REAL suspects, the more foolish they will become.

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"Oh what a tangled web we weave, once we start to deceive" The RTP keep twisting this around so much that they don't even know what is real....and whats worse is because they wear uniforms, they think their words are golden and that everyone will kneel and believe them..

I pray that these men get a fair trial

It shouldn't even get to trial?! It's ridiculous and why aren't they going after the real culprits? The longer they ignore the REAL suspects, the more foolish they will become.

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"Oh what a tangled web we weave, once we start to deceive" The RTP keep twisting this around so much that they don't even know what is real....and whats worse is because they wear uniforms, they think their words are golden and that everyone will kneel and believe them..

I pray that these men get a fair trial

It shouldn't even get to trial?! It's ridiculous and why aren't they going after the real culprits? The longer they ignore the REAL suspects, the more foolish they will become.

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