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Metropolitan police chief suspends project to catch traffic bribers

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Metropolitan police chief suspends project to catch traffic bribers

BANGKOK: -- Acting Metropolitan Police chief Pol Maj Gen Sriwara Rangsipramkul said he had ordered the Traffic Police Division to suspend the campaign to give Bt10,000 reward to police officers who can catch motorists bribing them.

Sriwara said the campaign violated the people's rights and he would demand deputy Metropolitan police chief Poj Maj Gen Adul Narongsak, who initiated the campaign, to explain his reason behind the campaign.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Metropolitan-police-chief-suspends-project-to-catc-30245310.html

-- The Nation 2014-10-12

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Acting city police chief opposes 10,000 baht incentive for catching police bribers


BANGKOK: -- Acting commissioner of metropolitan police bureau Pol Maj-Gen Srivara Rangsipromnakul is opposed to a police project to award 10,000 baht incentive each to any policemen who manage to capture traffic violators in the act of bribing or attempting to bribe the officers.

He said that he found the incentive and the police use of spy cameras in order to catch the violators in the act of bribing or attempting to bribe a waste of money and a violation of the people’s right.

The project is the brainchild of Pol Maj-Gen Adul Narongsak, deputy commissioner of metropolitan police bureau in charge of traffic affairs.

Pol Maj-Gen Srivara said he would seek clarification about the project from Adul and expected an answer soon.

Personally, he said the project should be scrapped.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/acting-city-police-chief-opposes-10000-baht-incentive-catching-police-bribers/

-- Thai PBS 2014-10-12

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Thai people should make their own organization that offers rewards for cops demanding bribes. Then give the people who catch the police rewards. I think it's a MUCH better idea.

Now don't be silly.

If catching people bribing the police is "against people's rights"

I'm sure, catching police taking bribes is "against people's rights" too

(I wanted to say "against police's rights" but just realised, occasionally they are people too)

Basically offering or asking and accepting a bribe it's illegal on paper

but should anyone report on corruption, that's "against Peoples rights"


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There is/was a retaliation campaign launched or is about to be launched, where 20,000 baht is to be paid to anyone producing evidence of a policeman soliciting a bribe; it is crowd-funded and I understand is to be extended to bigger 'fish' soon.

Can't remember where I read it, sorry, but maybe that helped change their mind? clap2.gifclap2.gif

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I dont know why people dont just film them taking bribes... would be real easy to just film the BIB on one of their routine stop and bribe checkpoints they put up at random...

Camera zooms are great these days and with a bit of ingenuity even a voice recording wouldnt be hard to get.

Slap them up on you tube and facebook.......... bet if it caught on there would be hundreds going up in the first few weeks

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There is/was a retaliation campaign launched or is about to be launched, where 20,000 baht is to be paid to anyone producing evidence of a policeman soliciting a bribe; it is crowd-funded and I understand is to be extended to bigger 'fish' soon.

Can't remember where I read it, sorry, but maybe that helped change their mind? clap2.gifclap2.gif

In BP. wai2.gifwai.gif

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