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One in seven Australians on poverty line: report


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Shame on Australia. They should raise everyone's taxes and pay the poor so that everyone would be equal equally poor.

Good try, but as far as these things go, the traditional welfare system in Australia is highly targeted and far from generous.

Australia already has one the lowest tax rates to gdp ratios in the world. Yes we do more transfer payments than you guys do, but we are also pretty efficient at it.

What is less well policed is what has become known as 'middle class welfare' which is breaking the budget, but no one wants to talk about as they are massive vote winners. Things like

30% private health insurance rebate. Government held hostage to private insurers raising their fees and then government having to stump up 30 cents in every dollar that they do.

First home buyers allowance - $7k to $21k in some cases for buying your first home.

$5k baby bonus - otherwise known as the flat screen TV supplement. I think they got rid of that one though.

There are also holes in the tax base which need to be closed.

Fuel tax indexation. Had it for a long time and it was given away as an election bribe. Current conservative government trying to bring it back as it is progressively eating away at the revenue base.

Deisel fuel rebate. Designed for farmers, exploited by big mining companies. Another hole in the tax base.

A GST. The faires at the bottom of the garden (ie australian democrats - remember them??) negotiated that one away for what they deemed essential - food, books and a few others which just created more complexity in the tax system and did little to help the actual poor. They should put the GST on everything and then lower tax rates for lower income earners to compensate.

And the biggie. Negative gearing. Mums and dads engineering losses on their rental incomes so that they can offset it against their working income. A massive massive rort. One which is inflating the property market.

And finally, the property market itself. $800k for a mid level suburban house in OZ. Massive mortgage stress going on. I earn a decent salary but shudder how I can afford to live in OZ.

A day of reckoning is coming.

The average house price is not and has never been $800k in Australia get your facts right

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I'm going there in 5 weeks. I hope I can still buy my Eggs Benedict and coffee for $20 in Glebe

Eggs Benedict and a nice coffee in Perth is about $14 AUD

I was with a friend today, Chevron Island, Gold coast and she ordered that very thing. $21.

In Sydney CBD a year ago, $18

Newcastle, Darby street, $22.

But i have seen on the Gold coast quite a few places doing an all day breakfast for $5. Toast, 2 eggs, 2 x bacon. + Coffee $4ish

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White Xmas. your boring me.

$20 will buy you a lo so brekkie in Sydney, out in the crap hole somewhere.

Inner trendy sydney will cost you more, some places $5 or more just for the coffee. Out at my Sydney home, $20 might just cover the tip, so I guess it all depends what sort of grub u eat.

Sydney is not Perth.



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I'm going there in 5 weeks. I hope I can still buy my Eggs Benedict and coffee for $20 in Glebe

Eggs Benedict and a nice coffee in Perth is about $14 AUD

I was with a friend today, Chevron Island, Gold coast and she ordered that very thing. $21.

In Sydney CBD a year ago, $18

Newcastle, Darby street, $22.

But i have seen on the Gold coast quite a few places doing an all day breakfast for $5. Toast, 2 eggs, 2 x bacon. + Coffee $4ish

Well I don't live on the Gold Coast the breakfast here is $ 9.80 for a full breakfast

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I'm going there in 5 weeks. I hope I can still buy my Eggs Benedict and coffee for $20 in Glebe

Eggs Benedict and a nice coffee in Perth is about $14 AUD

I was with a friend today, Chevron Island, Gold coast and she ordered that very thing. $21.

In Sydney CBD a year ago, $18

Newcastle, Darby street, $22.

But i have seen on the Gold coast quite a few places doing an all day breakfast for $5. Toast, 2 eggs, 2 x bacon. + Coffee $4ish

Well I don't live on the Gold Coast the breakfast here is $ 9.80 for a full breakfast

When I was last in Perth, I paid much more than $10 for brekkie.

Mate ur eating a flipped burger at greasy joes.

Kurnell is a gentleman, he expect properly prepared organic eggs and decent coffee, something like a campos.

As I said to you before, there's breakfast and then there's breakfast.

Next time ur in Sydney, buzz me and I will take you to a nice place, if u can order eggs ben there for less than $20 with a coffee, I will shout.....if not, it ur shout ;)

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White Xmas. your boring me.

$20 will buy you a lo so brekkie in Sydney, out in the crap hole somewhere.

Inner trendy sydney will cost you more, some places $5 or more just for the coffee. Out at my Sydney home, $20 might just cover the tip, so I guess it all depends what sort of grub u eat.

Sydney is not Perth.



I bore you do I? We not talking about Sydney the subject is Australia get it ?

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White Xmas. your boring me.

$20 will buy you a lo so brekkie in Sydney, out in the crap hole somewhere.

Inner trendy sydney will cost you more, some places $5 or more just for the coffee. Out at my Sydney home, $20 might just cover the tip, so I guess it all depends what sort of grub u eat.

Sydney is not Perth.



I bore you do I? We not talking about Sydney the subject is Australia get it ?

well we arnt talking about Perth.

my good friend bookie has given u several examples from other places. I could easily do the same as I'm presently in Brisbane and u won't get it there either for $20.

this whole $20 thingy came up cos KURNELL wanted eggs ben in Glebe. Now Glebe is in Sydney......Do YOU get that?

Please, I can buy a car for $500, doesn't mean it will be a good car.

Kurnell doesn't want to fly to Sydney to eat a <deleted> sandwich, the man most likely isn't flying air Asia either .

ok ?

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White Xmas. your boring me.

$20 will buy you a lo so brekkie in Sydney, out in the crap hole somewhere.

Inner trendy sydney will cost you more, some places $5 or more just for the coffee. Out at my Sydney home, $20 might just cover the tip, so I guess it all depends what sort of grub u eat.

Sydney is not Perth.



I bore you do I? We not talking about Sydney the subject is Australia get it ?

Eggs ben @ kings park cafe - Perth = $19

Latte = $4.5

menu attached.


total $23.50.

Greasy joes or maccas = $10.

get it?

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White Xmas. your boring me.

$20 will buy you a lo so brekkie in Sydney, out in the crap hole somewhere.

Inner trendy sydney will cost you more, some places $5 or more just for the coffee. Out at my Sydney home, $20 might just cover the tip, so I guess it all depends what sort of grub u eat.

Sydney is not Perth.



I bore you do I? We not talking about Sydney the subject is Australia get it ?

well we arnt talking about Perth.

my good friend bookie has given u several examples from other places. I could easily do the same as I'm presently in Brisbane and u won't get it there either for $20.

this whole $20 thingy came up cos KURNELL wanted eggs ben in Glebe. Now Glebe is in Sydney......Do YOU get that?

Please, I can buy a car for $500, doesn't mean it will be a good car.

Kurnell doesn't want to fly to Sydney to eat a <deleted> sandwich, the man most likely isn't flying air Asia either .

ok ?

I don't know where you come from but I lived in Sydney for many years I now where Glebe is ok?

and what has that to do with Air Asia?

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White Xmas. your boring me.

$20 will buy you a lo so brekkie in Sydney, out in the crap hole somewhere.

Inner trendy sydney will cost you more, some places $5 or more just for the coffee. Out at my Sydney home, $20 might just cover the tip, so I guess it all depends what sort of grub u eat.

Sydney is not Perth.



I bore you do I? We not talking about Sydney the subject is Australia get it ?
well we arnt talking about Perth.

my good friend bookie has given u several examples from other places. I could easily do the same as I'm presently in Brisbane and u won't get it there either for $20.

this whole $20 thingy came up cos KURNELL wanted eggs ben in Glebe. Now Glebe is in Sydney......Do YOU get that?

Please, I can buy a car for $500, doesn't mean it will be a good car.

Kurnell doesn't want to fly to Sydney to eat a <deleted> sandwich, the man most likely isn't flying air Asia either .

ok ?

I don't know where you come from but I lived in Sydney for many years I now where Glebe is ok?

and what has that to do with Air Asia?

My point is, Mr Kurnell is an up market businessman. He's not going to get out of his Business class EK seat and walk down to greasy joes, sip on an armpit coffee and eat a flipped burger with pubic hair in it.

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Good try, but as far as these things go, the traditional welfare system in Australia is highly targeted and far from generous.

Australia already has one the lowest tax rates to gdp ratios in the world. Yes we do more transfer payments than you guys do, but we are also pretty efficient at it.

What is less well policed is what has become known as 'middle class welfare' which is breaking the budget, but no one wants to talk about as they are massive vote winners. Things like

30% private health insurance rebate. Government held hostage to private insurers raising their fees and then government having to stump up 30 cents in every dollar that they do.

First home buyers allowance - $7k to $21k in some cases for buying your first home.

$5k baby bonus - otherwise known as the flat screen TV supplement. I think they got rid of that one though.

There are also holes in the tax base which need to be closed.

Fuel tax indexation. Had it for a long time and it was given away as an election bribe. Current conservative government trying to bring it back as it is progressively eating away at the revenue base.

Deisel fuel rebate. Designed for farmers, exploited by big mining companies. Another hole in the tax base.

A GST. The faires at the bottom of the garden (ie australian democrats - remember them??) negotiated that one away for what they deemed essential - food, books and a few others which just created more complexity in the tax system and did little to help the actual poor. They should put the GST on everything and then lower tax rates for lower income earners to compensate.

And the biggie. Negative gearing. Mums and dads engineering losses on their rental incomes so that they can offset it against their working income. A massive massive rort. One which is inflating the property market.

And finally, the property market itself. $800k for a mid level suburban house in OZ. Massive mortgage stress going on. I earn a decent salary but shudder how I can afford to live in OZ.

A day of reckoning is coming.

The average house price is not and has never been $800k in Australia get your facts right

So with everything else I write, that is your one issue? And I'm not even far off the mark for Sydney?

As for melbourne which I know best, a small three bed room unit 25km from the city which I used to live in is going for $550k to $600k. A unit! The nearest train station is 8km away...

No, the house prices which people are paying now are silly, and $800k isn't too far off unless you are wanting to live a 90 minute commute out of town.

Sydney is an important barometer. The most populous state with the most jobs.

" And I'm not even far off the mark for Sydney? "thumbsup.gif

The small house in Surry Hills, in inner city Sydney, in fact is a converted 7x6m parking garage,blink.png which featured in an episode of Grand Designs Australia, is going up for sale in a month. The owners, including original architect Dominic Alvaro, are asking for a cool $1.875 million.facepalm.gifsad.png on a tiny 42sqm corner plot,


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Having lived in 4 countries including Australia, it is an over regulated, over taxed nanny police state but it does have nice beaches and ability to earn good money without an education

UK is the same without the beaches and the money making opportunity .

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I honestly wonder how anybody could possibly survive on $400AUD per week. The joint is horrendously expensive. I've lived & travelled to various parts of the world, so I'm hardly neive, but I can now see first hand how expensive the place has become.

The price of food in the supermarket amazes me.

I can see the locally made cars are cheap (prices haven't changed much) but it's easy to see the cars are being built to a price point and quality is poor. Soon that option will be completely gone as all vehicle manufacturers are winding up business there.

The price of imports is going to rise soon, as the dollar drops.

The price if internet is a complete joke, I laughed at how expensive it was, thought they were joking.....and the good money doesn't mean speed, the internet speeds are low. Outside the cities he phone signal constantly drops and the local country roads are pathetic.

The lucky country it once was, not anymore. Fat cats like Clive (all 3 tonnes of him) & other jokers keep getting richer and pay minimal taxes while the working class are taxed to within an inch of their lives.

Then Rees the millions of welfare bludgers, that line the streets, stinking the place up and moaning about how they got locked up for this and that and so forth......these must be some if the dead heads on $400 per week. The reality is, they also get cheap housing, free health care, bus rides, this and that, what a joke, there's no shortage of them crime ing the place up and stealing from the working class while they are out trying to earn enough money to pay their ever expanding tax bills.

Income tax,


Capital gains tax,

Medicare levy

Medicare levy surcharge

Fire levy

Local council rates

Departure taxes

Excise taxes

fringe benefits tax

inheritance tax

superannuation tax

fuel levy (3x3) (3x3 was suppose to be 3 cents for 3 years and was brought in some 25-30 years ago.

Carbon tax (no defunct) & soon to be replaced.

Payroll taxes

disability levies

The real victims are the working class, the ones that earn between 50k and 150k, there the ones that earn reasonable money and probably end up with less than$400 after all the <deleted> taxes are paid.

Australia is a joke, corrupt pollies and fat cats..... nothing changes, just the names of the taxes. What a shitehole.

You forgot water rates which are expensive and the per litre cost increases, the more you use. (not always in local council rates).

Have to agree totally about internet charges. My friends tell me not to send photos, as it eats up their internet allowance.

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Wanna fix it, gotta get Icelandic with the bankers and completely do away with fractional reserve banking and start using real money. After all, bankers don't produce anything, they;re just clever bean counters who steal from everyone. As for politicos, a strong central government is never the answer as it completely erodes local autonomy and hands it over to the mob.

I almost emigrated to Aussie land. Liked it and the people, but i saw it was going the way of the red, white and blue bugle bunnies across the ponds. Too bad the big red one is gonna getcha ,,,, but goodonya anyhoo.

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Jesus who would want to live in Australia? NZ is cheaper and the people far nicer. My sister lived in Bundaberg, visited once never again, horrible, expensive and as dull as ditch water. Worked with a bloke in the UK in 1970 who had just come back from OZ. They did the 10 quid assisted passage I think, anyway on the way from the dock to where they were staying his mrs decided she did not like it so they came straight back, probably right.

Edited by jacky54
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And finally, the property market itself. $800k for a mid level suburban house in OZ. Massive mortgage stress going on. I earn a decent salary but shudder how I can afford to live in OZ.

A day of reckoning is coming.

The average house price is not and has never been $800k in Australia get your facts right

Sydney's median price is now over $800k


* Sydney - $811,837, up 17 pct

* Melbourne - $607,721, up 10.3 pct

* Brisbane - $477,352, up 6.9 pct

* Hobart - $329,186, up 6.0 pct

* Adelaide - $462,129, up 5.8 pct

* Perth - $619,532, up 5.1 pct

* Darwin - $655,615, up 1.3 pct

* Canberra - $576,367, down 0.5 pct

* National - $627,940, up 10.3 pct


Note that these prices are not for NEW houses and of course include land which is far from cheap.

Looking around some newish subdivisions 40km north of Perth, I was amazed by the size of the houses, the unnecessary rooms IMHO, such as 'Video room' when they have a living room, breakfast corner, dining room.

The streets are empty by day, as everyone is out working to repay the mortgage. Poor public transport, two cars per family.


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All of this and not one mention of the elderly folk who cannot afford to buy meat nor turn on the heater in winter. Yet our wonderful politicians are quick to say that they are costing the country too much. These same pollies can't see why it would be better to let them expatriate their pensions. These same pollies who think that a $100,000 pay rise is a pittance.

In my humble opinion Australia has lost all sense of staunchness and has become a land of liars and petty thieves, and that is just those that are governing at any particular time.

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In my humble opinion Australia has lost all sense of staunchness and has become a land of liars and petty thieves, and that is just those that are governing at any particular time.

I would disagree with describing them as 'petty' thieves; there's some grand larceny going on at the big end of town!


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Jesus who would want to live in Australia? NZ is cheaper and the people far nicer. My sister lived in Bundaberg, visited once never again, horrible, expensive and as dull as ditch water. Worked with a bloke in the UK in 1970 who had just come back from OZ. They did the 10 quid assisted passage I think, anyway on the way from the dock to where they were staying his mrs decided she did not like it so they came straight back, probably right.

At least they gave it a chance of working out...coffee1.gif

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I honestly wonder how anybody could possibly survive on $400AUD per week. The joint is horrendously expensive. I've lived & travelled to various parts of the world, so I'm hardly neive, but I can now see first hand how expensive the place has become.

The price of food in the supermarket amazes me.

I can see the locally made cars are cheap (prices haven't changed much) but it's easy to see the cars are being built to a price point and quality is poor. Soon that option will be completely gone as all vehicle manufacturers are winding up business there.

The price of imports is going to rise soon, as the dollar drops.

The price if internet is a complete joke, I laughed at how expensive it was, thought they were joking.....and the good money doesn't mean speed, the internet speeds are low. Outside the cities he phone signal constantly drops and the local country roads are pathetic.

The lucky country it once was, not anymore. Fat cats like Clive (all 3 tonnes of him) & other jokers keep getting richer and pay minimal taxes while the working class are taxed to within an inch of their lives.

Then Rees the millions of welfare bludgers, that line the streets, stinking the place up and moaning about how they got locked up for this and that and so forth......these must be some if the dead heads on $400 per week. The reality is, they also get cheap housing, free health care, bus rides, this and that, what a joke, there's no shortage of them crime ing the place up and stealing from the working class while they are out trying to earn enough money to pay their ever expanding tax bills.

Income tax,


Capital gains tax,

Medicare levy

Medicare levy surcharge

Fire levy

Local council rates

Departure taxes

Excise taxes

fringe benefits tax

inheritance tax

superannuation tax

fuel levy (3x3) (3x3 was suppose to be 3 cents for 3 years and was brought in some 25-30 years ago.

Carbon tax (no defunct) & soon to be replaced.

Payroll taxes

disability levies

The real victims are the working class, the ones that earn between 50k and 150k, there the ones that earn reasonable money and probably end up with less than$400 after all the <deleted> taxes are paid.

Australia is a joke, corrupt pollies and fat cats..... nothing changes, just the names of the taxes. What a shitehole.

Totally agree and think you just summed it all up very nicely. This is the reason so many people are getting the hell out while they can. I have no desire to ever to return. It's a beautiful country to visit, but is now so expensive to live there and so many rules and regulations. I guess if you like living like a robot (little worker ants I call them) travelling back and forth to work 6 days a week just to make ends meet then it's ok.

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The average house price is not and has never been $800k in Australia get your facts right

So with everything else I write, that is your one issue? And I'm not even far off the mark for Sydney?

As for melbourne which I know best, a small three bed room unit 25km from the city which I used to live in is going for $550k to $600k. A unit! The nearest train station is 8km away...

No, the house prices which people are paying now are silly, and $800k isn't too far off unless you are wanting to live a 90 minute commute out of town.

Sydney is an important barometer. The most populous state with the most jobs.

" And I'm not even far off the mark for Sydney? "thumbsup.gif

The small house in Surry Hills, in inner city Sydney, in fact is a converted 7x6m parking garage,blink.png which featured in an episode of Grand Designs Australia, is going up for sale in a month. The owners, including original architect Dominic Alvaro, are asking for a cool $1.875 million.facepalm.gifsad.png on a tiny 42sqm corner plot,


So the price of a small house in Sydney has now gone up to 1.8 Mill, right?

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neverdie, on 13 Oct 2014 - 12:26, said:

I honestly wonder how anybody could possibly survive on $400AUD per week. The joint is horrendously expensive. I've lived & travelled to various parts of the world, so I'm hardly neive, but I can now see first hand how expensive the place has become.

The price of food in the supermarket amazes me.

I can see the locally made cars are cheap (prices haven't changed much) but it's easy to see the cars are being built to a price point and quality is poor. Soon that option will be completely gone as all vehicle manufacturers are winding up business there.

The price of imports is going to rise soon, as the dollar drops.

The price if internet is a complete joke, I laughed at how expensive it was, thought they were joking.....and the good money doesn't mean speed, the internet speeds are low. Outside the cities he phone signal constantly drops and the local country roads are pathetic.

The lucky country it once was, not anymore. Fat cats like Clive (all 3 tonnes of him) & other jokers keep getting richer and pay minimal taxes while the working class are taxed to within an inch of their lives.

Then Rees the millions of welfare bludgers, that line the streets, stinking the place up and moaning about how they got locked up for this and that and so forth......these must be some if the dead heads on $400 per week. The reality is, they also get cheap housing, free health care, bus rides, this and that, what a joke, there's no shortage of them crime ing the place up and stealing from the working class while they are out trying to earn enough money to pay their ever expanding tax bills.

Income tax,


Capital gains tax,

Medicare levy

Medicare levy surcharge

Fire levy

Local council rates

Departure taxes

Excise taxes

fringe benefits tax

inheritance tax

superannuation tax

fuel levy (3x3) (3x3 was suppose to be 3 cents for 3 years and was brought in some 25-30 years ago.

Carbon tax (no defunct) & soon to be replaced.

Payroll taxes

disability levies

The real victims are the working class, the ones that earn between 50k and 150k, there the ones that earn reasonable money and probably end up with less than$400 after all the <deleted> taxes are paid.

Australia is a joke, corrupt pollies and fat cats..... nothing changes, just the names of the taxes. What a shitehole.

$400 a week, I wish it was true, for those on job search allowance (previously the dole) it's only $250 a week, OK, I know some people will mouth off, before thinking, and say get a job you lazy so and sos, well, I can tell you many would work, but there is a lot of discrimination against age, most jobs go through recruitment agents and although there is legislation prohibiting age discrimination, it is not enforced. In many cases, if over 40 you will NOT get an interview... you are too old.

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How do you fix it? High earners need to be paying more tax, less tax breaks, the current property boom is being run by investors, we need a sales tax on property over a certian amount, we need to rejig negative gearing, we need excutives of companys to prove that there worth there pay packets, we need to bring back cpi increases for workers below a set limit.

Actually the whole western world needs to get rid of the single parent family.

That is what's really dragging all the developed countries down.

Sadly Australia has gone from being the best country in the civilized world to one of the worst in a very short space of time.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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