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Best Liver Detox


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I have inadvertently found what I consider is the best liver detox you can do.

Now I have used milk thistle, dandelion, apple cider vinegar and various other herbal remedies and they have all worked to an extent.

But castor oil packs beat all other therapies hands down in my opinion.

I have had what the doctors call Gilberts syndrome all my life so every time i do a blood test my bilirubin levels are elevated.

After doing castor oil packs for two weeks 1 hour a night I found for the first time i had normal levels and the they were significantly under the highest value.

I used organic castor oil soaked in a white tea towel and put a hot water bottle on top with a plastic bag in between.

I bought the castor oil in Oz so not sure if you can get organic castor oil in pattaya where i am but would be interested if anyone knows if you can and where.

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Detox is misleading. The liver doesn't collect toxins which it can get rid off.

It get damaged by toxins.

milk thistle surely helps. The other things not.

But the help isn't wonder. Live healthy, give the liver time to relax and the milk thistle will support that.

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Detox is misleading. The liver doesn't collect toxins which it can get rid off.

It get damaged by toxins.

milk thistle surely helps. The other things not.

But the help isn't wonder. Live healthy, give the liver time to relax and the milk thistle will support that.

Call it what you want the fact is that I have been living healthy for years and taking milk thistle etc but I still had elevated bilirubin levels.

However after doing the castor oil packs for two weeks somehow they must have cleared the ducts to the liver or whatever and my levels are now well under the maximum.

So I would recommend using castor oil packs to anyone looking to improve liver function.

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Detox is misleading. The liver doesn't collect toxins which it can get rid off.

It get damaged by toxins.

milk thistle surely helps. The other things not.

But the help isn't wonder. Live healthy, give the liver time to relax and the milk thistle will support that.

Thank you!

In a separate but related discussion the issue of detox has arisen, people seem to not understand that the function of the liver is to detox the body, aka remove poisons from it. The idea that the detox unit (the liver) stores toxins and in turn can be detoxed, detox the detox (!), is really naive. Milk thistle does provide a layer of additional protection and helps promote cell growth, it doesn't detoxify anything.

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Detox is misleading. The liver doesn't collect toxins which it can get rid off.

It get damaged by toxins.

milk thistle surely helps. The other things not.

But the help isn't wonder. Live healthy, give the liver time to relax and the milk thistle will support that.

Thank you!

In a separate but related discussion the issue of detox has arisen, people seem to not understand that the function of the liver is to detox the body, aka remove poisons from it. The idea that the detox unit (the liver) stores toxins and in turn can be detoxed, detox the detox (!), is really naive. Milk thistle does provide a layer of additional protection and helps promote cell growth, it doesn't detoxify anything.

Thank you! worded much better than I could do...

Liv.52 just jumped into my mind....it should be good, but never tried it.

yes the liver is a chemical factory. It brakes things apart and build new ones out of it. Or for harmful things it brakes them down into harmless one. If it has to much to do, it gets damaged, but regenerates easily. If fatty liver, it is cloaked with fat and can't work at full capacity. (But doesn't need a detox it needs a diet). Milk Thistle, Liv.52 (and a few other substances) help the liver to regenerate, work faster/better (so it is not on the limit).

But it has nothing to do with getting rid of toxins. But if someone want to call it Detox.....OK....it is good for the liver and the liver doesn't care how you name it tongue.png

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I understand that Gilberts Syndrome is a Genetic illness. It is reportedly harmless and the only inconvenience can be slighty yellow colored skin and eyes.

If the discolorization is perceived as unpleasant there is some medications that can be used such as Rimactan that can lower the levels of Bilirubin and thus removing the unpleasant color.

What the OP has discovered is apparently an alternative way to lower the Bilirubin levels in the blood, other than taking Rimactan.

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Detox is misleading. The liver doesn't collect toxins which it can get rid off.

It get damaged by toxins.

milk thistle surely helps. The other things not.

But the help isn't wonder. Live healthy, give the liver time to relax and the milk thistle will support that.

Thank you!

In a separate but related discussion the issue of detox has arisen, people seem to not understand that the function of the liver is to detox the body, aka remove poisons from it. The idea that the detox unit (the liver) stores toxins and in turn can be detoxed, detox the detox (!), is really naive. Milk thistle does provide a layer of additional protection and helps promote cell growth, it doesn't detoxify anything.

This is correct.

in the case of Gilbert's Suyndrome, which is apparently what the OP has, there is a genetic defect which impairs the liver's ability to break down bilirubin and this leads to increased bilirubin levels in the blood. It can be annoying but is usually harmless.

Castor oil is a purgative. It is also of course an oil so it would draw bile into the intestine since it is the function of bile to emulsify fat so that it can then be absorbed. The combination of drawing bile into the intestine and promoting bowel movements could possibly thus lower bilirubin levels, bilirubin being contained in bile. No scientific studies on this but there is at least a plausible physiological mechanism for how it might work.

Nothing whatsoever to do with "detoixifying" the liver. And no application to people who do not suffer from increased levels of bilirubin (i.e. vast majority of people) so it should not be promoted as a "liver detox".


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