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I'm not a Thai basher, but I will never accept anyone, who sits around every day drinking, and scrounging every day of others. That's just a part of Thai culture and the way it is.

Part of Thai culture? Why is it that you and some of these other dudes hang out in such a different Thailand as I do? Do you guys only know Thai BGs and their extended family?

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I'm not a Thai basher, but I will never accept anyone, who sits around every day drinking, and scrounging every day of others. That's just a part of Thai culture and the way it is.

Part of Thai culture? Why is it that you and some of these other dudes hang out in such a different Thailand as I do? Do you guys only know Thai BGs and their extended family?

The good far out weighs the bad here in Thailand compared to the UK, but no country is perfect, not even Thailand. What does dude mean? I suppose it is an uncomplimentary American slang word.

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I guess your right, think of all those immigrants coming into the UK, getting benefits paid for by the taxpayer, and lazing around all day. That would never be allowed to happen in Thailand.

lol! one brit moans that the immigrants are stealing the jobs and another moans thay they refuse to work and get welfare!

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its a Thai culture thing. called lazy arse hole syndrome. But not all Thais are like this.some actually have brains and have big money.

Yes, but most of the ones with brains and big money used their brains to find a way to illegally remove money from others. Sometimes under the cover of a legitimate business.

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its a Thai culture thing. called lazy arse hole syndrome. But not all Thais are like this.some actually have brains and have big money.

Yes, but most of the ones with brains and big money used their brains to find a way to illegally remove money from others. Sometimes under the cover of a legitimate business.

sounds like the west

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I'm not a Thai basher, but I will never accept anyone, who sits around every day drinking, and scrounging every day of others. That's just a part of Thai culture and the way it is.

Part of Thai culture? Why is it that you and some of these other dudes hang out in such a different Thailand as I do? Do you guys only know Thai BGs and their extended family?

The good far out weighs the bad here in Thailand compared to the UK, but no country is perfect, not even Thailand. What does dude mean? I suppose it is an uncomplimentary American slang word.
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I guess your right, think of all those immigrants coming into the UK, getting benefits paid for by the taxpayer, and lazing around all day. That would never be allowed to happen in Thailand.

lol! one brit moans that the immigrants are stealing the jobs and another moans thay they refuse to work and get welfare!

It happens both ways in the UK, immigrants from certain countries will come in and work for less than the locals, on the other hand immigrants will also come in with no intention to work, and just live on benefits, by courtesy of the British taxpayer.

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It depends completely on social class you associate with or place you live in.

I am middleclass Thai woman who never dated any westerner only Asian guys I have.

Even though he was a retard, he is always hardworking. Middle class or higher Thai or Asian men wont allow themself to be loser, unemployed or lazy since they know that social status and professional success is magnetic to all women.The higher title he holds or salary he earns means the higher profile girlfriend he could date. So there is no reason for them to abandon themself in despair and let women work alone.

I am middle class Thai woman working and earning second degree at the same time

to pursue my dream career at the Palace of Nations and I don't need farang support to achieve it

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a dude is someone that has a high & enlightned view of himself in his own world. speaks his mind, does not lie,but strechhhhhhes the truth to fit his world. the use of the word here was correct :-)

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I guess your right, think of all those immigrants coming into the UK, getting benefits paid for by the taxpayer, and lazing around all day. That would never be allowed to happen in Thailand.

lol! one brit moans that the immigrants are stealing the jobs and another moans thay they refuse to work and get welfare!

It happens both ways in the UK, immigrants from certain countries will come in and work for less than the locals, on the other hand immigrants will also come in with no intention to work, and just live on benefits, by courtesy of the British taxpayer.

In practice, even if you come from one of these countries, you won't automatically get benefits. For example, if you’re an EEA jobseeker who has never worked in the UK, you won't be able to claim benefits like Income Support, income-based Jobseeker's allowance, Child Benefit, Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction. But if you're an EEA worker who has been employed in the UK before becoming unemployed, you might be able to claim benefits whilst you’re looking for new work. This depends on which EEA country you're from and how long you've worked in the UK.

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No problem with social security, but it is being abused. Many Americans, including my sister, who worked continuously from the age of 16 to 61. She became seriously ill and was denied any help from social security, she died not receiving one penny. On the other hand there are many Thais that haven't even been to America, and are, receiving social security benefits. Many retired expats are fathering babies that are entitled to social security benefits at birth. Also their Thai wives will be eligible when they reach 62, without ever contributing anything. Is it no wonder social security is going broke, and many people who actually worked for it, are being denied

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Pretty much, yes.

But where I live in Rhek Thum, they haven't discovered hammocks yet, so they ride three physically grown men to one 110cc scooter (that's 36cc per male--doesn't seem like much …. what? … no, not brain pan size, cylinder size!) holding bird cages headed for an empty lot to have a day of drinking and listening to their birds sing while the women cut rubber trees and cook food.

"I live in Rhek Thum"


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From what I have seen in Thailand,men do the work and women "work" in the sex industry.I mean,men open their sweat glands and women open their legs.

My Thai girlfriend wants to retire now at the age of 45. Yes,I said 45! When I told her she was in her prime(work-wise,not open legs-wise)she said she wants to slow down.

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ClutchClark, on 15 Oct 2014 - 00:19, said:

So how many posters and ex-pats in Thailand wouldn't jump at the opportunity to sit around all day at a beach, at a pub, on the porch taking the piss all day IF only they had someone to mooch off of? How many ex-pats are here right now living off the tit of their social welfare programs back home?

I have met many farang in the CM/CR region that don't do diddly all day while their Thai wife works to support them.

To answer the OP's query. I suppose its as common here amongst Thais as it is amongst farang to exploit.


Do you really expect us to believe that many Thai wives, work to "support" their farang husbands... I think not, I think their husbands have/are providing financial help, you also seem to neglect the fact their husbands aren't allowed to work, you know, that thing called a work permit. As for "living off the tit of their social welfare" well can you provide any proof that they are doing something illegal, I suggest many may be on a pension, but then so are many in their home country, this is their right. You seem to have a problem, perhaps a name change to SlippingClutchClark.

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It depends completely on social class you associate with or place you live in.

I am middleclass Thai woman who never dated any westerner only Asian guys I have.

Even though he was a retard, he is always hardworking. Middle class or higher Thai or Asian men wont allow themself to be loser, unemployed or lazy since they know that social status and professional success is magnetic to all women.The higher title he holds or salary he earns means the higher profile girlfriend he could date. So there is no reason for them to abandon themself in despair and let women work alone.

I am middle class Thai woman working and earning second degree at the same time

to pursue my dream career at the Palace of Nations and I don't need farang support to achieve it

Wow. Bravo. You are courageous to have entered the den of wolves. Also interesting insight.

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I'm not a Thai basher, but I will never accept anyone, who sits around every day drinking, and scrounging every day of others. That's just a part of Thai culture and the way it is.

Part of Thai culture? Why is it that you and some of these other dudes hang out in such a different Thailand as I do? Do you guys only know Thai BGs and their extended family?

The good far out weighs the bad here in Thailand compared to the UK, but no country is perfect, not even Thailand. What does dude mean? I suppose it is an uncomplimentary American slang word.

Fair enough. The word "dude," by the way, is not a derogatory term. It's mostly used among friends/acquaintances. But in this case, I was using it in place of "knobs" or "knuckleheads." Not meant for you directly, but some of these other "dudes."

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I'm not a Thai basher, but I will never accept anyone, who sits around every day drinking, and scrounging every day of others. That's just a part of Thai culture and the way it is.

Part of Thai culture? Why is it that you and some of these other dudes hang out in such a different Thailand as I do? Do you guys only know Thai BGs and their extended family?

The good far out weighs the bad here in Thailand compared to the UK, but no country is perfect, not even Thailand. What does dude mean? I suppose it is an uncomplimentary American slang word.

Fair enough. The word "dude," by the way, is not a derogatory term. It's mostly used among friends/acquaintances. But in this case, I was using it in place of "knobs" or "knuckleheads." Not meant for you directly, but some of these other "dudes."

Nice to know that.

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Painting with a pretty broad brush here! Every country has lazy people and every country has it's go getters, including Thailand. I've personally worked with many such men and women of the latter over the years as a lawyer handling large business transactions over there. If what you are seeing is lazy and unproductive people then you likely need to find a better class of friends to associate with.

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AZBill, on 15 Oct 2014 - 17:11, said:AZBill, on 15 Oct 2014 - 17:11, said:

Painting with a pretty broad brush here! Every country has lazy people and every country has it's go getters, including Thailand. I've personally worked with many such men and women of the latter over the years as a lawyer handling large business transactions over there. If what you are seeing is lazy and unproductive people then you likely need to find a better class of friends to associate with.

A "lawyer" really, strange, your comment does seem like that of a "lawyer." I would have thought a "lawyer" would know that the MAJORITY of Thais would not use your services, going by YOUR statement, you have only worked with "go getters" in large businesses. I find your comment to be untruthful....... Guilty.

Edited by MediaWatcher
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Painting with a pretty broad brush here! Every country has lazy people and every country has it's go getters, including Thailand. I've personally worked with many such men and women of the latter over the years as a lawyer handling large business transactions over there. If what you are seeing is lazy and unproductive people then you likely need to find a better class of friends to associate with.

Sorry, yes it is painting with a broad brush but in all due respect from your response I will make a assumption from your response. You do not live in Thailand but have been here doing business as noted and most likely only in Bangkok? Your's is most likely a very narrow business association although you say" many" I doubt if it is even fifty? And my assumption is most likely it is in Bangkok and Bangkok is a whole different ballgame that just in general might provide a different class of people but the majority or masses of Thais live outside of Bangkok.

I have lived here for nearly 10 years and have lived with Thais, in general they are good people and honest but living here has taught me that it is a country that are run by men although they had a women recently in charge lately. Here women are still considered second class citizens, the men make the laws and enforces them and the one's they do not enforce is the one's that give women their rights. They talk big but rarely do they go after the men for child and spouse support and rarely do they put a man in jail for beating a women. To prove my point just last year a Thai MP spoke the truth and his comments were printed in the Bangkok Post " If Thai women want a better life they should marry a Falang " another editorial written last year also spoke until Thai women educate themselves better and demand more from their own men they will continue to run away from responsibilities like taking care of the children they produce. Basically the editorial was saying Thai ladies keep your legs closed until something better comes along like a guy having a job! Until this happens nothing changes! A good example is Japan and Korea until they upgraded their education system and the women got more educated at home and went abroad they took shit now see how far you are going to get with a educated Japanese or Korean women? This is a reason you see so many of these sex mongers coming as tourist to Bangkok and Pattaya for holiday. They want that GFE experience because when they go home they're going to have to do the housework just like the men in the West..

Personally, I wish it wasn't true but the masses the men seem to work for their next Leo beer and where the next free piece of A-- is going to come from just like the Soi dogs you see everywhere just laying around waiting? if you can understand and speak how they talk you would be writing this instead of me? In the villages you see the men giving beer and whiskey to their kids as young as 10 years old like it is a right to adulthood passage. I hear from Thais mother and father why is my son or daughter running around not calling or coming home year later like 14-15 years old? they say all the same! they hate the result but do not understand they contribute to the problem but do not know how to fix it because they have not been educated enough to know there is another way? I try to tell them without insulting people that when you give.. basically train them that it is o.k. to get or feel drunk at that young age just like their father or mother the result are very obvious! In my village I have known kids since they were 8 or 9, and their future is like watching a CD, father finish work buys Beer to drink and relax, girls pregnant bt 17, and boys running in groups on their motorbikes smoking ( shisha ) drinking beer just like they way they were trained. And when the boys run off like the men they girls go work in Bangkok, and Pattaya sex scene it is like a factory. The real Thailand is SAD! not just a few who you do business with! Sorry from my experience you have not seen or experiences the real Thailand. The best thing about Thailand is the women they are the greatest strength and asset without them the place would fall apart!

Edited by thailand49
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AZBill, on 15 Oct 2014 - 17:11, said:AZBill, on 15 Oct 2014 - 17:11, said:

Painting with a pretty broad brush here! Every country has lazy people and every country has it's go getters, including Thailand. I've personally worked with many such men and women of the latter over the years as a lawyer handling large business transactions over there. If what you are seeing is lazy and unproductive people then you likely need to find a better class of friends to associate with.

A "lawyer" really, strange, your comment does seem like that of a "lawyer." I would have thought a "lawyer" would know that the MAJORITY of Thais would not use your services, going by YOUR statement, you have only worked with "go getters" in large businesses. I find your comment to be untruthful....... Guilty.

I guest that he was talking about his colleagues not his clients. Most of his clients must have been foreign companies definitely, no doubt. But there are Thais who work in such large international company and law firm such as Deloitte E&Y or Mackinsey and they are quite ambitious. Some graduated from prestigious schools like LSE LBS etc. and eager to improve themself. So it'not surprise for me if he sees them as the go getters.

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Keith ... can I call you Keith?

Are you inquiring for ALL of Thailand, your specific area in Thailand (isaan etc), your City/Village ... or simply your immediate Family ... or someone's Family who you know?

Details please ... we need details ... rolleyes.gif

Gee in my village all the girls go to work in hotels in Pattaya and within two years come back and build a new house for their parents and a pickup. Thai girls are more industrious than the boys.

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Boys here are treated with more leniency and given more freedom. Remember there is no social welfare system here, which means that all Thais must make their own way in life financially. Some will become entrepreneurs, others will be management, workers, etc etc. A portion will become freeloaders (only if they are allowed to) and just like a child, will exploit that as far as possible.Those who allow the free ride are more responsible than the free rider IMHO.

Hmmm.....right is right, wrong is wrong......you were not referring to little children, i guess, but to adults who act with a little childs mindset....right ?

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AZBill, on 15 Oct 2014 - 17:11, said:AZBill, on 15 Oct 2014 - 17:11, said:

Painting with a pretty broad brush here! Every country has lazy people and every country has it's go getters, including Thailand. I've personally worked with many such men and women of the latter over the years as a lawyer handling large business transactions over there. If what you are seeing is lazy and unproductive people then you likely need to find a better class of friends to associate with.

A "lawyer" really, strange, your comment does seem like that of a "lawyer." I would have thought a "lawyer" would know that the MAJORITY of Thais would not use your services, going by YOUR statement, you have only worked with "go getters" in large businesses. I find your comment to be untruthful....... Guilty.

I guest that he was talking about his colleagues not his clients. Most of his clients must have been foreign companies definitely, no doubt. But there are Thais who work in such large international company and law firm such as Deloitte E&Y or Mackinsey and they are quite ambitious. Some graduated from prestigious schools like LSE LBS etc. and eager to improve themself. So it'not surprise for me if he sees them as the go getters.

You are right! But aside from Bangkok, even in Bangkok, how many average Thais will be going to a International school, and if you are that lucky maybe 5% of the population who can they will get a dose of a Western education that give constructive criticism and educated on goals and ambition like in the west. The majority of Thais coming from Thai or semi private schools leaving M-3 do not even have a 2nd grade English level nor can a majority of so call Thai University grad add without a calculator! Again, just last month a editorial in BK Post suggested it is time to revamp the education system especially teachers are hired.

Goals and ambition is a foreign concept to Thais?

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