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Thai PM plays down British offer of help in beach murder probe

Lite Beer

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I fear this could blow up into an international diplomatic incident

IMHO I rather doubt it

I don't. Quite the altercation this is turning into now. One side will have to eat humble pie and neither like the taste..

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That statement is rather telling and almost threat-like:

"Anyone can come to Thailand, but don't forget that what is our issue, is our issue," he said of British offer of help.

Can you imagine the UK allowing Thai help in their country?

Or what about the US lol

If another country wanted to see the evidence they would be welcome in the US. Can't say about the UK. But the investigation would be transparent, expertly done, and there would be nothing to hide.

ALL of the evidence would also become public at the trial.

This is about something to hide and it's being hidden from Burma who is complaining and from the UK who is complaining. If the Thais really have proof they need to show the world because they are quickly losing all credibility. Period.

Fair point.

I feel the dictators have to refuse help - they know the police have framed two innocent but can't turn around now, it would be such a loss of face.

Actually, according to the news, 4 days after the murder, RTP was looking in bkk for the son of a local business owner where the victims spent the night with friends. Then they suddenly changed direction and started looking for scapegoats. Not sure if this change was independently taken by RTP or was ordered by a pm that is seeing tourism fall over 10% yoy for its martial law and unacceptable coup.

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The General is shooting for a record breaking low high season. I guess saving face has more value than all else.

Having pissed off the UK government I expect this fiasco will be featuring heavily in news reports around the world for some time to come.

Has the prosecutor given the go ahead yet??

I would hope not yet.

I would hope the accused get at least five minutes with a defense attorney before the trial.

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The General is shooting for a record breaking low high season. I guess saving face has more value than all else.

Having pissed off the UK government I expect this fiasco will be featuring heavily in news reports around the world for some time to come.

Has the prosecutor given the go ahead yet??

I would hope not yet.

I would hope the accused get at least five minutes with a defense attorney before the trial.

It seems they don't need one....the police have "extracted" a confession.

Why muddy the waters?

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Well, it's official now. I have now lost all faith in, and respect for, the PM. It is now too obvious that the coup agenda is NOT to reform Thailand, but only to get rid of the Shin threat. There will be no sweeping reforms that bring Thailand into the 21st century, or even the 20th. Once the Shin threat has been suitably eliminated, then things can return to business as usual.

Shin threat? No way related to the ko tao murders. Coup or no coup this case needs to be reinvestigated properly due to the international and national disbelief in the incredibly bad investigation and scapegoat suspects.

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"Anyone can come to Thailand, but don't forget that what is our issue, is our issue,"

The issue is not everyone leaves alive though and when they don't the world expects the culprits to be punished, and not a couple of poor sods who already passed the DNA test.

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"The grisly murders on the normally tranquil Thai island"

The Island is far from tranquil from what I have heard of the place


the island is a hub for smuggled drugs. almost all my female travelling friends tell me about how they get free drugs, (well, the pretty ones). selling alcohol must be great for business. to be giving away free X and coke.

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That statement is rather telling and almost threat-like:

"Anyone can come to Thailand, but don't forget that what is our issue, is our issue," he said of British offer of help.

Can you imagine the UK allowing Thai help in their country?

Or what about the US lol

Why should first world countries need or allow the help of developing countries - or of not developing countries?

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Actually, according to the news, 4 days after the murder, RTP was looking in bkk for the son of a local business owner where the victims spent the night with friends. Then they suddenly changed direction and started looking for scapegoats. Not sure if this change was independently taken by RTP or was ordered by a pm that is seeing tourism fall over 10% yoy for its martial law and unacceptable coup.

You'r OT, so Iam

the coup was more than acceptable - it was necessary

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I fear this could blow up into an international diplomatic incident

Unfortunately this is what happens when unelected Generals take power thanks to the support of a corrupted support base.

I hope all well Intentioned Thais and expats that were supporting this coup just for the sake of getting rid of TS and YS realize the risk and terrible effects of eliminating the democratic rule. When is this going to end?

eliminating the democratic rule ?

clap2.gif clap2.gif clap2.gif

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Actually, according to the news, 4 days after the murder, RTP was looking in bkk for the son of a local business owner where the victims spent the night with friends. Then they suddenly changed direction and started looking for scapegoats. Not sure if this change was independently taken by RTP or was ordered by a pm that is seeing tourism fall over 10% yoy for its martial law and unacceptable coup.

You'r OT, so Iam

the coup was more than acceptable - it was necessary

Subjective and totally unrelated to the topic.

Try to keep it on track.....

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Another time, another country (Australia 1972)....Scotland Yard was requested to assist Police in South Australia, with the investigation of a murder in which it was thought a few cops may have been involved. Two gentlemen had been "getting to know each other" on the banks of the River Torrens in Adelaide late one evening. They were set upon by three rather Large men who chucked them both in "the drink". One crawled out and later made his way to hospital where he reported the incident.

Next morning the City's News Crews were on hand when a gent with his trousers around his ankles was pulled from the water (very dead) and laid on the river bank. One news crew arrived too late to get footage of the "discovery" but somehow the deceased, George Ogilvie Duncan, (a lecturer in Law, newly arrived from England) managed to fall back into the river. He was pulled out again and this time Channel 7 got their shots.

At the inquest it was revealed that the dead man was a Passive Homosexual. All hell broke out, the Police Commissioner, a former "Yard Man" called in his mates from London. They investigated not only the S.A. Police Force but also turned the Adelaide Gay Community upside down. They had the names of some very prominent and very worried folk in their file, which became known as "Harold Salisbury's PINK File. (Harold Salisbury was the Police Commissioner.)

The State Premier, Don Dunstan (noted for wearing a pair of Tight Pink Shorts into Parliament) was incensed and with flared nostrils, demanded that Harold turn over the "Pink File." The battle raged on and on and in time, Premier Donny managed to have Homosexuality Decriminalised in South Australia. Some were relieved that he didn't make it Compulsory!

BOTTOM Line: If Thailand accepts help from the British Police, be prepared for whatever may happen!

Edited by Torrens54
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