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Australian Meat Cleaver Incident at Central Pattaya Car Wash


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No doubt the guy is a nutcase, however to be fair local staff and business operators do have the ability to send anyone nuts and of course when shit hits the roof , they never accept or admit to wrong doing.

He did take car to a car wash so having sticky window after the wash is not exactly job done,

Again not justifying his behaviour but can understand why he would go nuts

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Why would any one keep a meat clever in his glove box? in case he will encounter a chunk of

meat on the road? NO, anyone who dose that he's up to no good, and as for being an "Australian",

sadly, the type of passport you carry don't mean shit when it come to your behavior and respect

of local people...

That is the greatest fallacy, the wisdom of old men. They do not grow wise, they grow careful. Hemingway - I would say Hemingway didn't understand wisdom. Becoming careful shows wisdom and experience.

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Anger management problems...............a small piece of cloth and some thinner would have done the job (on the window of course).

Can't blame the car wash.....the sticker was removed


Yes --but to which one ???

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It must be fun to work in his restaurant kitchen

Customers would be better not to make any complaints in his restaurant or they might get more than they bargained forgiggle.gif

yes and I wouldn't like to work for him either, maybe the meat cleaver is his secret weapon to keep the staff from complaining

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Why would any one keep a meat clever in his glove box? in case he will encounter a chunk of

meat on the road? NO, anyone who dose that he's up to no good, and as for being an "Australian",

sadly, the type of passport you carry don't mean shit when it come to your behavior and respect

of local people...

What a wasted space this person is

A meat clever in the glove box cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif width=32 alt=cheesy.gif> cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif width=32 alt=cheesy.gif>cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif width=32 alt=cheesy.gif>

How is that explained??

I was going to cut up the buffalo I just hit?

Send him back to the Middle Eastern country he originated in

He is not Australian

Where does it say he kept a meat cleaver i his glove box? It does say he removed the cleaver from a box in his car and that he owns a restaurant. Would that be too crazy for him to have recently bought said cleaver for his restaurant and that's why it was in a box in his car?

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Check him out on youtube. From Oz don't think so. At least not born there. Please don't send him home if IT is Oz. Plenty of other places for these types. Not eating at Central again.

You guys who sympathise with him...c'mon fellas

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Well, he does sound like a nutter (I wish Americans had such witty expressions) but to be fair, the article does indicate the exact details are unclear between when he got angry and when the police arrived and found him with a cleaver.

Its entirely possible he voiced his displeasure at the sticker removal and was quickly confronted by half a dozen Thai car wash attendants ready to practice their Mui Thai moves on him--at which point he removed his cleaver.

Or perhaps he simply removed the cleaver to scrape off the sticker residue?

That sound about right mate after all he owns a restaurant it seems like the guy knows how to deal with those shifty Thai's

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He should go down to soi 6 and get some relief from his anger.

Dont send him home we need quality here.coffee1.gif


I know I've been there & done that......PISSED off at the world about something....<deleted> it.

Soi 6 here I cum!

Walk away smile.pngbiggrin.pngsmile.pngbiggrin.pngsmile.pngbiggrin.png

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Incase it has not been mentioned yet I don't think Walid Chami is an Australian name, more likely middle eastern.

What's that got to do with it he is from Australia full stop... it doesn't make Australians bad dip stick...About 60% of Australians living in Australia are from all walk of life even Thai peopel which call themselves Australians.

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