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Brit injured in fight on Walking Street, South Pattaya

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why are some people in Thailand? no interest in making thai friends, or always complaining about Thailand...i´d rather be in Thailand with all its problems than go back and live where im originally from, with all its mindless violence, break ins, junkies, pissheads spoiling for a fight every friday/ saturday night out, the awful weather, the high prices etc etc etc , the list goes on

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Does this really warrant news headlines? This type of "scuffle" is a regular occurrence every night in every town or city in the UK. Maybe it is to serve as a reminder to "newbies" to get advice on Thai protocol in these matters - e.g. the farang ALWAYS pays as he has obviously got more money, or he couldn't afford to get here in the first place!


lesson learned

never drink with the Thais

I think the Thais' take home lesson is: never drink with a Cheap Charlie.

But perhaps more accurately in this case, never drink with a Brit but that would be generalising, wouldn't you say?

It would be generalising, and you sound like the kind of person that is the Cheap Charlie! I've met your type many times before - you don't /don't want to understand the concept of buying in "rounds". Do you accept drinks from everyone in the company, and when it's your turn, make some excuse as to why you have suddenly got to "go home" (last bus, buffalo/mother in law sick etc etc) I think the lesson to be learned here is that farangs are always expected to pay for everything - that's their job!


Off topic I know- but what on earth is this guy wearing?

Looks like a polo shirt to me, what do you wear if you go out for a beer - a bespoke 3 piece Savile Row tweed suit ?


lesson learned

never drink with the Thais

I think the Thais' take home lesson is: never drink with a Cheap Charlie.

But perhaps more accurately in this case, never drink with a Brit but that would be generalising, wouldn't you say?

So when you go drinking with a group of people do you always pay for everyones drinks ?

Me personally I usually pay for my rounds or my share of drinks, my GF's if she's with me and sometimes everyones if it's a special occasion. Never felt obliged to always have to pay for all and sundry.


I bet any money that he was not knocked to the ground by a fist. Thais dont fight with their fists they grab something bigger, they will grab anything. when a Thai fight starts everyone runs into the bushes and comes out carrying all sorts of anything they can find to whip and lunge with. its hilarious to see. in the case of a bar fight a pool cue, or chair will do as a weapon


Only 23 , he should have done better than that. Old farts like me should be the ones pissed up and taking on the youngsters who end up on a stretcher , not 23 year olds


Lets take a look where this man hails from. During a Friday night in the UK a young person can hope to encounter many scenario's. The main scenario being a drunken scuffle. The UK can be a warzone on the weekend.

I imagine whilst drunk he forgot he was in Thailand. He has proceeded with drunken insults at the displeasure of the situation, only inflaming it beyond all proportion. The Thai will have then set about making an example of him. I have noticed the Thai do not do rude well, and struggle to grasp the concept of sarcasm.

People always end up fighting where alcohol is concerned and the British people know this. They won't tar the situation with the same credit as the recent murders in Koh Tao. They will liken it to a typical night out in the UK or on the Costa Del Sol.

Did you just imagine this scenario or are you some sort of mystic? I myself have no idea what happened but it looks like a young lad was beaten by a group of guys for little or no reason,

what say you mystic adam?


After 10 years here, I've got lots of Thai aquaintences , but I am far too intelligent to know I will never be a "friend " to them, as i am a foreigner and always will be. Don't be fooled by all the jibe. Too bad some are though.

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All Thais will expect the foreigner to pay, or try to get away without paying.
In my place of work when we go out for dinner (educated Thai Chinese university graduates) They will loiter for a while to see if i offer to pay.
Just yesterday i heard them argue over 8 baht.

Seriously.... Its a social thing that goes way beyond the scum of pattaya


To be fair it is possible the guy was not as stupid as it appears. I am thinking of a time about a year ago when I bought a Thai lady a drink one afternoon. I remember her phoning someone. Within minutes 3 friends of her friends turned up. By then I was playing her at pool. I did not offer her a second drink or speak to her friends other than being introduced and saying hello. Her friends sat on the next table to where our drinks were and ordered 2 rounds of drinks during the time I was playing pool. They bought drinks for the lady I was playing pool with too.

I was naively surprised I was not being hassled to pay for my pool partners drinks. You ve probably guessed by now ... It was all going in my bin. As I was playing pool I was not seeing the dockets going in.

So 4 games of pool cost me 10 drinks only one of which was for me. Very stupid of me I know not to have twigged what the game was. I thought Thai girls dont drink much. I paid ... lifes too short to get into conflicts unnecessarily over £30.

I know my stupidity so dont need telling ... just saying the guy MAY have bought one drink for one Thai guy and got a similiar shock when he got the bill for half the bar ... hence it ending in blows. But who knows.

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After 10 years here, I've got lots of Thai aquaintences , but I am far too intelligent to know I will never be a "friend " to them, as i am a foreigner and always will be. Don't be fooled by all the jibe. Too bad some are though.

A post which suggest someone is 'too intelligent' to ever become a genuine friend.... Perhaps through this superiority complex mutual stigma reins strong manifesting itself in reciprocal lack of acceptance...


All Thais will expect the foreigner to pay, or try to get away without paying.

In my place of work when we go out for dinner (educated Thai Chinese university graduates) They will loiter for a while to see if i offer to pay.

Just yesterday i heard them argue over 8 baht.

Seriously.... Its a social thing that goes way beyond the scum of pattaya


Replace 'All Thai's' with Some Thai's who have no respect of others....

Or.. change to... In my limited experience some Thai's I have met....


Yep, been there done that. My buddy and I and two Thai guys. Fun time, maybe 4 big bottles each. Bill time came, and we were expected to pay it all. We ended up negotiating a 50/50 split. Smooth talkers and naive farangs. Lesson learned.

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Come on people, if you are going to get fleeced, do it with the girls. Drinking with scuzzy thai men on walking street, when, for the same fleecing, you can drink with their girlfriends in the bar. These Thai Men that hang out there are just cutting out the middle man (their girlfriends). Go in and buy them drinks, those same men outside get the money anyway.

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The lesson here is never drink with Thai men you have just met on walking street , not the best place to find friends,

Right , but anyone stupid enough to drink with Thai males in the first place would not take that lesson in the first place.

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The lesson here is never drink with Thai men you have just met on walking street , not the best place to find friends,

Right , but anyone stupid enough to drink with Thai males in the first place would not take that lesson in the first place.

There have been a few times when i had been out for dinner or drinks with Thais. On some occassions, when i wanted to pay, the waiter declined because the Thai had already settled or left instructions that i was his guest. No fuss, no bother.

We are the sum of our own experiences, so i do not share this "don't drink with Thai men" nonsense. Of course, like all other countries, including Britain, there are people whom you just wouldn't drink with.

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lesson learned

never drink with the Thais

I think the Thais' take home lesson is: never drink with a Cheap Charlie.

But perhaps more accurately in this case, never drink with a Brit but that would be generalising, wouldn't you say?

It would be generalising, and you sound like the kind of person that is the Cheap Charlie! I've met your type many times before - you don't /don't want to understand the concept of buying in "rounds". Do you accept drinks from everyone in the company, and when it's your turn, make some excuse as to why you have suddenly got to "go home" (last bus, buffalo/mother in law sick etc etc) I think the lesson to be learned here is that farangs are always expected to pay for everything - that's their job!

I always buy by the bottle


The lesson here is never drink with Thai men you have just met on walking street , not the best place to find friends,

Right , but anyone stupid enough to drink with Thai males in the first place would not take that lesson in the first place.

There have been a few times when i had been out for dinner or drinks with Thais. On some occassions, when i wanted to pay, the waiter declined because the Thai had already settled or left instructions that i was his guest. No fuss, no bother.

We are the sum of our own experiences, so i do not share this "don't drink with Thai men" nonsense. Of course, like all other countries, including Britain, there are people whom you just wouldn't drink with.

Apparently, this story is about Walking Street. It sure isn't the Siam Financial District, nor is it farmland in Isaan. This is a place known for issues. Best not to approach strangers on the street and invite them for drinks. That is all we are saying. Sure...decent Thai's do exist....but please pick the venue.


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11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


They could have been relatives of his Thai GF.

They could have been little gay people he picked up in one of the clubs/bars.

I think the chances of meeting and joining in a drinking session with a bunch of Thai guys on walking street is pretty far fetched. Not impossible, but improbable.

Summary: probably a situation of his own making and the situation is being over reported because he banged his head on the ground during a scuffle instead of being beaten up.

Right, that's that sorted, next case..........................tongue.png


Yeah, he probably kept ordering more and more rounds of drinks, thinking his new friends would pay the tab for all the drinks he was ordering. I recall being told that certain people from a certain place have a habit of doing that. Happy to sit and drink as long as someone else was buying the rounds, but when it came their turn they would suddenly disappear (at least until someone else signaled for another round at which point they would miraculously reappear).

I go out drinking with my Thai friends all the time. I sometimes have a hard time trying to pay the bin as one of them has already scooped it. We've come up with a bit of system - each bar/club we go into, someone different pays the bill. If we sit in one place a long time and guys are buying drinks for friends/ladies, then everyone chips in. Never had, or seen, an argument over who was supposed to pay the bill but maybe that's because none of the people I hang out with try and take advantage of each other.

I think I would like to follow you around for a night and see this place where, "Thai Friends" pick up the drink tab. In all my years living in BKK, Pataya, Phuket I have never seen this happen and never, never ever have I had the luxury of a "Thai Friend."

Strange that after all the years you have been ' living in BKK, Pattaya and Phuket ' you don't have any Thai friends that you can go out with, and share the bill with you, or take turns paying on different nights out... maybe you lived in the wrong places, or hang with the wrong crowd. Here on the mainland, north of Phuket, it's quite common to go out and eat and drink with thai friends, and share the costs ( or to get invited by my thai friends and 'family' and return the favour at other times ). Bit of a different kind of friends than the tourist spot hang-arounds also... like in the pattaya story.

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