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PM Prayut wants quality tourists to visit Thailand


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Let me use one good example of a man and his family that shows the greatest respect to the Thais and is well loved by the Thais. Donut the singer. You guys might learn something from him. My wife is Thai also. Big hint i did,nt meet her in a bar. Not a single member of her family drinks, gambles nor hangs in bars. They don,t think highly of most foreigners either. Seen too many bad examples. Like i said if you can,t respect their culture perhaps you should leave. It is only a matter of time before your likely tossed out anyway.

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For those who seem to hate the Thais. Perhaps they rip you off and treat you badly because : (A) You treat them like crap not much better than slave level. (B) You make little effort to learn anything about Thai customs and it really shows. © The majority of expats who have lived here for years can,t even count to five in Thai, without their girlfriend (bar girl- massage girl in tow are totally helpless. (D) You dress like you got your wardrobe out of a dumpster, sex tourists are a fine example. (E) Women walk around half naked down main street or on the beach. This is Thailand not Brazil. (F) You toss your money around, shows you have no idea how much prices should be. (E) You spend the majority of your time in bars and or drunk 24/7. (F) Have zero ability to eat or order in Thai . In the twenty years i have traveled throughout much of Thailand i can,t count less than a hand full i have ever seen eating REAL Thai food. Khao San Road crap food does not count nor foreign restaurants. Treat the Thais with respect and grow a brain of common sense and perhaps you won,t have so many problems. Agree there are rip offs but no Thai is holding a gun to your head. If a baht bus wants 200 baht for a 10 baht fare its your own damn fault for allowing it. Two words you need to learn in Thai. (Mai Ao) no more problems. This is not your country you are a guest here.

I showed my Thai wife your little diatribe.

Essentially, you can wear a tuxedo, eat somtam pla ra, count to a hundred in Thai, bow and scrape to your heart's content but you will still be up for what you can be taken for every step of the way.

Assuming the status of a farang with a Phd in Lonely Planeteerism who knows how to wai a tree means diddlysquat to any Thai.

You ain't Thai. You're fair game. Giving yourself some stupidly affected and imaginary airs and graces that set you apart from any Pattaya weekender is simply a delusion on your part.

Incidentally, I'm not a guest here. I live here lawfully as a resident and expect due process irrespective of which of my Hawaiian shirts I may sport.

I would really like to read your story of your permanent residency application approval.

I do assume you are a farang so according to your statement that you are just being fleeces

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Let me use one good example of a man and his family that shows the greatest respect to the Thais and is well loved by the Thais. Donut the singer. You guys might learn something from him. My wife is Thai also. Big hint i did,nt meet her in a bar. Not a single member of her family drinks, gambles nor hangs in bars. They don,t think highly of most foreigners either. Seen too many bad examples. Like i said if you can,t respect their culture perhaps you should leave. It is only a matter of time before your likely tossed out anyway.

Well, if by,culture you mean a craven regard for " hii sos ", taking a trip to a temple and praying for good luck, being too frightened to tell the police, poo yai, or any Mafia lackey to go screw, to watch utter gibberish on TV without once questioning why you can't criticise anyone ripping you off blind, to accept the world's worst in consumer protectionism even though you pay the most for crappy technology, to see everyday of your life how someone with money gets a better result because of corruption, to act like a little drone making honey for the 0.01%'of the population then yes, I don't give a flying toss about their culture.

It's hypocrisy and feudalism. How any Farang could possibly see this ghastly place as anything otherwise beats me.

Presumably, they're just stupid.

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Let me use one good example of a man and his family that shows the greatest respect to the Thais and is well loved by the Thais. Donut the singer. You guys might learn something from him. My wife is Thai also. Big hint i did,nt meet her in a bar. Not a single member of her family drinks, gambles nor hangs in bars. They don,t think highly of most foreigners either. Seen too many bad examples. Like i said if you can,t respect their culture perhaps you should leave. It is only a matter of time before your likely tossed out anyway.

Well, if by,culture you mean a craven regard for " hii sos ", taking a trip to a temple and praying for good luck, being too frightened to tell the police, poo yai, or any Mafia lackey to go screw, to watch utter gibberish on TV without once questioning why you can't criticise anyone ripping you off blind, to accept the world's worst in consumer protectionism even though you pay the most for crappy technology, to see everyday of your life how someone with money gets a better result because of corruption, to act like a little drone making honey for the 0.01%'of the population then yes, I don't give a flying toss about their culture.

It's hypocrisy and feudalism. How any Farang could possibly see this ghastly place as anything otherwise beats me.

Presumably, they're just stupid.

You speak very negatively about Thais.. I assume that your description of them includes your wife?

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Mr. Fat sounds just like the type the PM was talking about. Did some comments hit a nerve because its the truth ? Granted Thais can get out of hand at times but this is their country. Many Thais i have spoken to don,t think highly of many foreigners . The first thing that comes up is how often foreigners are drunk causing problems. Thai men have bar girls also, but they don,t go around showing off their latest girl in public nor grabbing at Thai women out in public. Nothing more gross than a drunk fat old foreigner slobbering all over a young girl in public. The girl wants her money and to get away from the grossness as soon as possible. Don,t know how many foreigners i have seen daily walking out of a store with cases of booze or walking around before sunrise with beer in hand. Shows a serious lack of respect to the locals.

On the contrary Jim sound more like you're talking about yourself, you see I don't drink to the point of excess if I have 2 bottles of beer in 6 weeks that's about the norm for me.

You see I DO live with my Thai wife in the family home, and can count not too badly either, I eat all the local food including the bugs, which don't agree with me, I'm the ONLY Farang I the village so I'm more cultured than your diatribe, I was with my lass for 2 years before we got married in July, but I'm under no illusion that I'm still a Farang but I'm respected because I am always proactive in the village.

I also earn a decent salary too, and would rather spend it on the family than myself, I did all my wild shyt back in my 20's doesn't interest me theses days, I actually came to Thailand 2 years ago to do my advanced open water diver PADI course, and yes I met my lass in a bar, but tell me isn't that where most blokes all over western countries tend to meet the opposite sex???

You have a issue with stereotyping people, judge ye not and ye shall not be judged springs to mind, you know Nothing about me, but feel you can label me?

You are no different from any other Farang who THinks they no better, focus on your own boring life and leave others to live theirs.

Jdinasia, what part of if they were I my face didn't you get?? What RIGHT does anyone other than a Thai have to tell me my behaviour is not to their liking? It's called confrontation as in its none of their business, I said if he kept on at me, I'd bang him out, why? Because he's a nobody and doesn't have to stay and be confrontational, try stepping into a fight between farangs and Thais and you will know exactly where I'm coming from, don't get me wrong violence solves nothing and it would take a LOT of interfering for me to get my message " mind your own business" across.

But come into my personal space with an attitude that you're better than me is confrontational and down right rude!!!

The bar staff Are the ones I'd listen to, not some miserable old Farang who thinks he's something

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Right ... Words beget violence from you. Like I said. No need to repeat yourself.

Try a bit of reading comprehension Ibsaid if he was persistent I'm not a 12 year old schoolboy who needs to be spoken to by a stranger as if he's an authority I said I would listen to bar staff before some pompous ass!!

Besides if you'd have been reading and paying close attention you'd have read I DONT drink!!! And don't spend time in Bars 2 beers in 6 weeks is my limit these days.

So your comments and attempts to get a raise from me are moot as I'd not be putting myself in such a position as to use violence, my bark is worse than my bite.

I've met the sort before and telling them to mind their own business in a gruff jock accent tends to make them scurry off, with their lady friends often telling them to stop interfering ;-)

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Don,t know how many foreigners i have seen daily .....walking around before sunrise with beer in hand. Shows a serious lack of respect to the locals.

Us respectable foreigners and the respectable locals are mostly all in bed asleep at that time of the day so never see them. Have a stall on the market or something, do you?
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Mr. Fat sounds just like the type the PM was talking about. Did some comments hit a nerve because its the truth ? Granted Thais can get out of hand at times but this is their country. Many Thais i have spoken to don,t think highly of many foreigners . The first thing that comes up is how often foreigners are drunk causing problems. Thai men have bar girls also, but they don,t go around showing off their latest girl in public nor grabbing at Thai women out in public. Nothing more gross than a drunk fat old foreigner slobbering all over a young girl in public. The girl wants her money and to get away from the grossness as soon as possible. Don,t know how many foreigners i have seen daily walking out of a store with cases of booze or walking around before sunrise with beer in hand. Shows a serious lack of respect to the locals.

Weeeeell Jungle Tosser, where do I start. For sure you don't live in LOS, probably Scunthorpe or Alaska.

As a newbie you sure have a personal problem with stuff. Think you perhaps should consult the health forum cos we all want to help folk if we can...I wish you luck in getting sorted....thumbsup.gif

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Got it... You would not use violence. You just needed to assert that you would online.

Note - in my neck of the woods : should a group of rowdy farang come into a place, I would be asked to speak to them. If they didn't politely get the message they would be removed quickly :)

In other places it quite likely would be the farang that owns the bar.

In either scenario......

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Jim is just upset his favourite cheap cider has been bought by the rowdy tourists before he can get to the 7/11.

There's poorly behaved tourists all over the globe Thailand is no exception, but the way some people are going on and on about this, you'd think it was just a Thai thing.

Oh and jdinasia, I dare you to approach a group of squaddies on leave from Afghanistan that are a bit lairy and see how well you'd be received.

Somehow I think your bottle would crash and discretion over valour would be the move you'd make ;-)

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Got it... You would not use violence. You just needed to assert that you would online.

Note - in my neck of the woods : should a group of rowdy farang come into a place, I would be asked to speak to them. If they didn't politely get the message they would be removed quickly :)

In other places it quite likely would be the farang that owns the bar.

In either scenario......

Why would the bar staff talk to you unless you were a permanent fixture in there?

Strangers dont get asked to get involved in a potential flash point in my neck of the woods

Put it this way jd, there's NO knowing the reaction you'd get, it might be a No dramas mate we're sorry, on the flip side glassed in the face from a moron who doesn't give a toss about anything!!!

Me? If I was asked to "speak" to rowdy Farang by Thai bar staff who didn't know me from ADam I'd politely decline stating it's not my place or concern, drink up and leave.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions and I seen A mob turn on a guy who was only trying to help out another Farang in Patong and he got a right good beasting from them.

A word from my Thai wife at the time said don't help out it's none of your business leave it to the police, you could get seriously hurt, as there was bottles and pool cues flying about!!

Wise words from her

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You are very new in Thailand, FH

Everyone was very new at one point jd including yourself the difference it seems is that I DO

Indeed mind my own business in a country where I am a guest.

It's NOT my place to pour scorn on other farangs unless they are friends in this country that's down to the Thais to deal with.

Being new has nothing to do with knowing when to keep ones gob shut sir.

I've seen the same behaviour from foreign tourists in Scotland getting out of hand, I've seen it in Spain, Germany Cyprus America North and South there's a reason why UK pubs have security on their doors at night they don't need " do gooders" creating potential flashpoint

Maybe Thai bars need the same thing ?

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In my neck of the woods, I am the only farang for miles. The patrons would make the request, not the staff.

I would happily comply and sit back down

Worth note. The patrons where I hang are all officers these are polite folks who do not enjoy their relaxation time disrupted. I have never seen a fight or even an argument amongst them. I have seen a group of rowdy Thai guys hauled off for a short vacation though.

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Quality ? I wonder what he really means ..... Handsome and beautiful tourist ? Educated tourist ? Quiet tourist ? Forgiving tourist ? Rich tourist ?

Is ugly ok ? Is loud ok ? Is uneducated ok? Is a tourist who questions things ok ? Is poor ok ?

Why not make the Amazing Thailand advertisements explain who is welcome and who is not.....

Judge not and you will not be judged.

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Beer Chang wife beater T-shirt typical formal wear for many foreigners in Thailand. Don,t forget the torn shorts, flip flops, goofy hat, and the over sized hairy gut hanging out. I have witness more than a few foreigners getting tossed out of the bars and later badly beaten and left out in the street covered in blood. Why? Where unable to behave. As for my early morning hours, i tend to go to bed early and up before sunrise. And yes have seen numerous foreigners staggering with beer in hand before sunrise. One had only his underwear lovely sight.

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Beer Chang wife beater T-shirt typical formal wear for many foreigners in Thailand. Don,t forget the torn shorts, flip flops, goofy hat, and the over sized hairy gut hanging out. I have witness more than a few foreigners getting tossed out of the bars and later badly beaten and left out in the street covered in blood. Why? Where unable to behave. As for my early morning hours, i tend to go to bed early and up before sunrise. And yes have seen numerous foreigners staggering with beer in hand before sunrise. One had only his underwear lovely sight.

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Quality tourists are not interested in low standard hotels/service, scams, hassle & pestering of sex workers & touts, or the difficulty in insurance cover & the stigma one gets visiting the worlds whore house & corruption sewer.

Think Thailand already gets far better quality tourist than it deserves .

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Seems like blatant discrimination, which happens everywhere. I know guys who shop at Goodwill and have millions, and those who have 2k USD watches and are broke. I know old guys who have cash and are sex tourists, and backpackers who are mellow and are very laid back. The most jacked up people I know are the most rich, but, it is true, most of college-age will like to party. Those overweight are more likely to be morally corrupt? Old and single in Thailand more likely to have issues?

Let's not kid ourselves....most old guys go to the bars give the rest of us a bad name. college-age kids are less likely to stay long-term, and are more likely to change. I say ban everyone over 50. Well, unless you have elite visa card. oh, the dilemma!!

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