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Thai woman self-immolates over loan


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She had a burning desire to clear that loan.

Sent from my LG-D858

Feel good about that comment do you ? You're a complete jerk.Mods why do you allow these scum bags to remain on a public forum ?

I feel ok.

It takes a special person to have the balls to set themselves on fire over some poor life choices.

Selfish act that will no doubt bring more financial hardship on her family now they will be lumped with the medical bills.

Treating burns is a long and expensive process.

Sent from my LG-D858

Humanity weeps for you. You don't know this person, her hardships, the full story about how she ended up in such a desperate state, her state of mind at the time etc.

Good to hear you've got intel on her family situation, though. Please share what you know.

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She was heard to say to a complaint official “why couldn’t you help me” before taking out a bottle of gasoline from her handbag, poured it on her clothes and lit it afire with a lighter. "I reckon, she had it all planned. " -----bryanlunadelacruz

Many Thanks Sherlock.........................coffee1.gif

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It's a horrible picture... and it's the ultimate protest against an indifferent system based on money, rank and patronage. She expected the response that she got and she was prepared for it.


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From my experience and looking at the photo, burns victims as severe as this will last about 3 days

before they die, but, I hope I am wrong…Poor lady.

50% does not bode well. I fear you are right. sad.png.pagespeed.ce.cyRRGRfa7C.png

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Not the sharpest knife in the drawer then!

400K loan that she lets escalate to well over a million, so she now botches her suicide bid and ends up in one of the most expensive hospitals in the country - Has she got a good insurance policy as it would appear that she MIGHT be walking / wheeling herself out of there with a hell of a lot more debt than she went in with.

Thailand - The hub of failure?

I think at the end of the day Thailand has to be the HUB of HUBS!

Edited by Briandajew
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Poor lady

I hope she will recover and get back her joy of life.

Her joy of life???? Are you for FuXXnMg REAL???? she was trying to burn herself alive , what joy in life did she have for crying out loud! Maybe she sets herself on fire everyday just for the fun of it..."Joy Of Life" unbelievable.

Edited by Briandajew
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Earlier this year I viewed an online video of an Indian woman, a school teacher, 'self-immolating' during a political protest to do with working conditions. Something I clicked on out of curiosity and turned out to be a very big mistake on my part. Perhaps the worst thing I've ever seen and it affected me for many months afterwards. That's just no way to go. Very sad that the Thai woman did not have an emotional support network to straighten her head out. It's only money and certainly not worth dying for. Especially not in that way; which is a very great possibility for her. Crazy stuff.

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What an irresponsible 52 year old child! I know 12 year olds with more self accountability than her. I hope they add the damages she caused to her loan bill.

Some posters here does make me loose faith in humanity coffee1.gif ....................................................

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What an irresponsible 52 year old child! I know 12 year olds with more self accountability than her. I hope they add the damages she caused to her loan bill.

bearing in mind you've never met this unfortunate lady and have no background info on which to very spitefully judge her so resolutely. I'd venture to say it'd be hard to find a bottle of human kindness milk in your fridge mate!

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I cannot understand how she could choose self-immolation as a solution. She is dying a horrible death right now and the persons she blames suffers not one whit. There are courts of law if she has been wronged and, if her situation is of her own making, she has just compounded her (and her family's) problems. This is not a normal reaction to debt or to loss of property, so I must assume she also has some mental problems (in not, many more people would be self-immolating because of debt burdens and I don't see that). Under the Thaksin governments, there were efforts to curtail loan sharking and to help victims refinance, through banks, to pay off the usurious, unregulated lenders. The OP is so short of details that I don't know if this was her first or tenth visit to the government office to seek help. The bureaucrat to whom she made the statement, "why couldn't you help me", may not have had the authority to solve her problem. I can imagine he and the others in the room are traumatized. I hope her actions, bizarre as they are, spur an investigation into her specific situation and generally, to find a way to better assist those in situations similar to hers. I grieve for her that she felt she had no other choice and also for her family that now has more financial and psychological problems than before. This is a tragedy any way you look at it.

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Think of the guts & courage it takes to set yourself on fire for something you believe in?

Some of the posts here are outrageous and utterly disgusting. I want nothing more to do with this thread.

For me it is mfr_closed1.gif

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Just horrible.

Suicide seems to be the norm here when people get into financial ruins. I guess when you are not taught critical thinking, your solutions are limited to either hurting yourself or someone else.

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She had every intention to lose the battle as she took the gasoline in with her expecting such a result.

.i am sorry for her family debt just keeps piling up after a stunt like that from mom

..she would have had more luck drinking the gas and trying it from inside out

...maybe she was trying to just create a show had she been thinking she would have captured it on video and sold footage on a personal website; could have paid off the measly 1.5

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