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Yingluck impeachment case file reaches NLA


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Yingluck impeachment case file reaches NLA


BANGKOK: -- The impeachment case file indicting former Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra for alleged dereliction that incurred tremendous damages to the country from her rice-pledging scheme has reached the hands of the National Legislative Assembly (NLA).

NLA speaker Pornpetch Pichitcholchai said the NLA administrative officials received the case file yesterday but he hadn’t seen it.

After it was received, the NLA has 30 day to scrutinise it.

But he assured that her case file would not be scrutinised simultaneously with the case files of the 39 former senators over the change of the composition of the constitution, and of the former two speakers over malfeasances as had been earlier submitted by the NACC.

They would be considered separately, he said.

He said the NLA will begin to scrutinise the case file of the former speakers on October 17.

He also disclosed that the NLA whips have resolved that the NLA has power to impeach and remove holders of political posts as is clearly stated in the 2014 provisional charter.

Full story: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/yingluck-impeachment-case-file-reaches-nla/

-- Thai PBS 2014-10-15

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But she does not hold a political post. Has not since the new charter replaced the one they tore up. Oops - isn't that why they are trying to impeach some of the other guys as well - trying to change the constitution? Goose and gander....

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Here we go again!! If we can't win at the ballot-box, let us use the "independant" Thai judiciary to get rid of them!!whistling.gif

"Oh it is not legal, so let us change the constitution"

Im am not saying, that the "reds" are any better, but at least let the Thai people have a say in, who is stealing from them!!coffee1.gif

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Here we go again!! If we can't win at the ballot-box, let us use the "independant" Thai judiciary to get rid of them!!whistling.gif

"Oh it is not legal, so let us change the constitution"

Im am not saying, that the "reds" are any better, but at least let the Thai people have a say in, who is stealing from them!!coffee1.gif

True, PTT did not rip up the constitution, they ignored it, which resulted in the protests. PTP is the opposite of Burger King, they do it their way, and they disregard any advice or laws that get in their way.

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Here we go again!! If we can't win at the ballot-box, let us use the "independant" Thai judiciary to get rid of them!!whistling.gif

"Oh it is not legal, so let us change the constitution"

Im am not saying, that the "reds" are any better, but at least let the Thai people have a say in, who is stealing from them!!coffee1.gif

How can the reds impeach them?

Also, what has it got to do with election victory capabilities, as far as I can see had the Feb elections gone ahead, PTP would have taken a hammering at the polls.

PTP politicians are not elected because of who they are as people or how capable they are to serve their voters, they are voted in because they are Thaksin henchmen. Si impeaching those who were caught with their trousers down while in office wouldn't change anything... They would simply be replaced and voted for by Thaksin oriented voters no matter what.

So impeaching this scum isn't going to change anything at the voting booth.

It seems to me that every time justice is trying to be served on bad red politicians, people always come out with the weak argument that it is because the Dems can't win an election..... Pathetic. The Dems would have walked the last on had they taken part... The strongest voter base up north and northeast had clearly dumped PTP by the fact they lost almost 6 million votes between then and 2010.

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I think I am as capable of reading as the next man. Where is it you have discovered the remarkable electoral success of the Democrat Party? Do you realise how ridiculous it is to pretend the Democrats could have won that, or any elections?

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I think I am as capable of reading as the next man. Where is it you have discovered the remarkable electoral success of the Democrat Party? Do you realise how ridiculous it is to pretend the Democrats could have won that, or any elections?

Does this have anything at all to do with the topic at hand?

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I think I am as capable of reading as the next man. Where is it you have discovered the remarkable electoral success of the Democrat Party? Do you realise how ridiculous it is to pretend the Democrats could have won that, or any elections?

Remind me again please - who won the Don Meuang by election and the Bangkok Governor election?

Have a look at the last general election. PTP's largest minority vote was not that much greater in absolute terms than the Democrat vote.

They were losing popularity and the cash flow was suffering. They couldn't even buy many people to attend their "war drum" rallies and the threatened masses who would take to the streets to defend Yingluck never materialized.

I know many who voted for PTP who would never do so again.

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typical coup leader.... Y is thrown out by a military coup.... impeached de facto... now double impeachment.... beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu

Actually in my timeline Ms. Yingluck was already on the way out as caretaker PM, but impeached and out by a 'guilty ruling' in a 'conflict of interest' case ('promoting' someone to make space for a relative). This case is on her alleged 'negligence', the 700++ billion Baht debt guaranteed by her government and to be paid off by the NLA and any succeeding governments. Plus the Thai taxpayers of course.

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Does anyone else draw parallels between 2014 in Thailand and 1640 in England, The Short Parliament followed by the Long Parliament followed by a Civil War etc.. need I go on

Seems there are a few centuries to go before some form of consensus is arrived at... Yawn

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I think I am as capable of reading as the next man. Where is it you have discovered the remarkable electoral success of the Democrat Party? Do you realise how ridiculous it is to pretend the Democrats could have won that, or any elections?

Remind me again please - who won the Don Meuang by election and the Bangkok Governor election?

Have a look at the last general election. PTP's largest minority vote was not that much greater in absolute terms than the Democrat vote.

They were losing popularity and the cash flow was suffering. They couldn't even buy many people to attend their "war drum" rallies and the threatened masses who would take to the streets to defend Yingluck never materialized.

I know many who voted for PTP who would never do so again.

You could add to that for the information of the in town poster :

Of the 4 by elections held during the PT term the Dems won 3. The Don Muang by election which PT considered a safe seat the Dems won by a swing of a little over 12%.

The only by election PT won was won by Thaksins rellie who got less votes than her driver, who had been used as a ring in in the general election. He had been used as such because she was banned from politics at that time.

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Here we go again!! If we can't win at the ballot-box, let us use the "independant" Thai judiciary to get rid of them!!whistling.gif

"Oh it is not legal, so let us change the constitution"

Im am not saying, that the "reds" are any better, but at least let the Thai people have a say in, who is stealing from them!!coffee1.gif

How can the reds impeach them?

Also, what has it got to do with election victory capabilities, as far as I can see had the Feb elections gone ahead, PTP would have taken a hammering at the polls.

PTP politicians are not elected because of who they are as people or how capable they are to serve their voters, they are voted in because they are Thaksin henchmen. Si impeaching those who were caught with their trousers down while in office wouldn't change anything... They would simply be replaced and voted for by Thaksin oriented voters no matter what.

So impeaching this scum isn't going to change anything at the voting booth.

It seems to me that every time justice is trying to be served on bad red politicians, people always come out with the weak argument that it is because the Dems can't win an election..... Pathetic. The Dems would have walked the last on had they taken part... The strongest voter base up north and northeast had clearly dumped PTP by the fact they lost almost 6 million votes between then and 2010.

Also, what has it got to do with election victory capabilities, as far as I can see had the Feb elections gone ahead, PTP would have taken a hammering at the polls.

Well, not quite;

Ultimately, what the early election results have shown is three things. First, Pheu Thai will emerge as a “weakened” winner. There is no doubt that in both constituency and the PR systems, the incumbent will grasp electoral victory. What they have lost is support from the electorate, particularly some alarming results in the party strongholds in the North and Northeast. The PDRC met with some success in mobilizing the No Vote and will take credit for the rest of the non-Pheu Thai votes in their next move to demonstrate the illegitimacy of Pheu Thai. Third, Thai electorates have shown that despite the lower voter turnout, more than 50% of the country still wants to decide their government at the ballot box.


Oh by the way, "Impeach this scum"? You might be taken a bit more seriously if you tone down the hatespeech.

Edited by fab4
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Surely the issue is whether she should be brought to trial for allowing the country to suffer an enormous loss through the rice vote buying scheme and if not who should?

Different case. Impeachment will be faster. Stops her from running in the next election. Then they can hold the corruption case over her.

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Surely the issue is whether she should be brought to trial for allowing the country to suffer an enormous loss through the rice vote buying scheme and if not who should?

Different case. Impeachment will be faster. Stops her from running in the next election. Then they can hold the corruption case over her.

IMO nobody would be happier to see Yingluck banned from politics than herself.

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I think I am as capable of reading as the next man. Where is it you have discovered the remarkable electoral success of the Democrat Party? Do you realise how ridiculous it is to pretend the Democrats could have won that, or any elections?

Remind me again please - who won the Don Meuang by election and the Bangkok Governor election?

Have a look at the last general election. PTP's largest minority vote was not that much greater in absolute terms than the Democrat vote.

They were losing popularity and the cash flow was suffering. They couldn't even buy many people to attend their "war drum" rallies and the threatened masses who would take to the streets to defend Yingluck never materialized.

I know many who voted for PTP who would never do so again.

You could add to that for the information of the in town poster :

Of the 4 by elections held during the PT term the Dems won 3. The Don Muang by election which PT considered a safe seat the Dems won by a swing of a little over 12%.

The only by election PT won was won by Thaksins rellie who got less votes than her driver, who had been used as a ring in in the general election. He had been used as such because she was banned from politics at that time.

These are not general election results. They may or may not point to the general election results. We will never know because the general election was stopped. Remind us by who?

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Here we go again!! If we can't win at the ballot-box, let us use the "independant" Thai judiciary to get rid of them!!whistling.gif

"Oh it is not legal, so let us change the constitution"

Im am not saying, that the "reds" are any better, but at least let the Thai people have a say in, who is stealing from them!!coffee1.gif

The NLA isn't the Judiciary

If the NLA adopts the role of the Senate it can ban her from politics for 5 years but can't fine her or jail her. It is not a court. Prosecution of her court case is being decided now between the A_G and the NACC. If it proceeds she could face up to 10 years in jail for malfeasance. Then there is the possibility of a civil case to recover the B300 billion or so of taxpayers' money lost in the rice scheme.

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I think I am as capable of reading as the next man. Where is it you have discovered the remarkable electoral success of the Democrat Party? Do you realise how ridiculous it is to pretend the Democrats could have won that, or any elections?

Remind me again please - who won the Don Meuang by election and the Bangkok Governor election?

Have a look at the last general election. PTP's largest minority vote was not that much greater in absolute terms than the Democrat vote.

They were losing popularity and the cash flow was suffering. They couldn't even buy many people to attend their "war drum" rallies and the threatened masses who would take to the streets to defend Yingluck never materialized.

I know many who voted for PTP who would never do so again.

You could add to that for the information of the in town poster :

Of the 4 by elections held during the PT term the Dems won 3. The Don Muang by election which PT considered a safe seat the Dems won by a swing of a little over 12%.

The only by election PT won was won by Thaksins rellie who got less votes than her driver, who had been used as a ring in in the general election. He had been used as such because she was banned from politics at that time.

These are not general election results. They may or may not point to the general election results. We will never know because the general election was stopped. Remind us by who?

By the Thai people who had enough of the corrupt PT Govt for their trying to pass legislation which was aimed at giving themselves and their leader amnesty for all their crimes over several years as well as changing the law to give them more control.

But you will try to blame it on those who had the guts to come out and lead from the front.

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Rather I refer to those who didn't " have the guts" to challenge the government in a general election ( called as stipulated by the constitution) but, unsure of the outcpme because they may not have had an electoral majority, chose to engineer a coup, and thus remove the Thai people's democratic rights

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