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Flaunting Your Wealth is it Wise?


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I feel like flaunting your wealth is one of the dumbest things a person can do. It is like putting a bullseye on you and making you a target for thieves.

I have been riding on a motorcycle in traffic and seen a man yank a gold chain right off a womans neck.

Having expensive rings and gold jewelery just increases your chances of being robbed and assaulted.

How many times do you read about a necklace snatch in Thailand? Almost everyday but yet flaunting your wealth is a goal of most Thai people.

How about when you are trying to buy something large like a car or boat. Is it wise to look like you are made of money if you are trying to haggle on the price?

This is not only Thai people so don't jump on me about Thai bashing I see people in America driving cars bought on credit cards and other ridiculous things too.

But I can't think of why you would want to be a target like this.


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its not so much that the have's like to flaunt it,its the dont have,s get my goat,expecially when in co,we are THINKING OF BUYING THIS AND THAT,yet they are up to their kneck in debt.but they cant help theirselves to trump them that have,and are thinking about going to have.as for wearing gold in public serve them right if they get mugged.

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I was hired by a small company 25 years ago (a company / related company that I have worked on and off for for 20 years) which was owned at the time by the son (3rd generation of wealth) of a family that was probably worth close to half a billion dollars. I have met both his father, and his brothers - and none of them ever flaunted their wealth. Yes they have nice places to live, nice cars but not what you would call exorbitant. Nothing that would indicate that they were rich beyond having to work. Having to flaunt your wealth is more a sign of your own insecurities, and is not really financially wise (or criminally wise as being targetted). If you care that much at what other people think - you will never be happy.

Funny side note: As a side note, when we were moving to new building he was showing me around the new offices, and I saw some modern looking paintings - I am not a big fan of "modern art" and I was joking.... which way is up.... I got an elbow in my mid-section.... he whispered to me that his mother painted them (and his father and mother were right behind me).

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Funny side note: As a side note, when we were moving to new building he was showing me around the new offices, and I saw some modern looking paintings - I am not a big fan of "modern art" and I was joking.... which way is up.... I got an elbow in my mid-section.... he whispered to me that his mother painted them (and his father and mother were right behind me).

Nice one. A chuckle to start the day.

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"flaunting your wealth is a goal of most Thai people."

Did you just make this up OP? I don't see this at all. It's the goal of most to increase their wealth, not necessarily to flaunt it. Do you consider everyone in the west who wears expensive jewelry or drives expensive cars to be flaunting?

Most of the folks I see flaunting in Thailand are farang men trying to impress young females, which I think is a silly thing to do.

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I am positively secretive when it comes to discussing net worth or income.

If you do, people will either be jealous, look down on you, call you cheap, or ask for a loan.

There is no upside.

Good point, though if they meet you at your home they get the picture in the end. It s not like you can hide it all.

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Flaunting wealth is the national past time. It's all about how many Mercedes Benzes you have. My inlaws are extremely proud of all three of their Benzes, even though they're all around 30 years old, emit a foul stench and have various internal parts (glove box, sun visors, etc) being held together with duct tape. I bought a suzuki swift last year which they turned up their nose at, but now they admit it's nice to have a car where you don't need to get out and push every so often.

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Poor people do it because it gives them a sense of self worth and status .

In reality it is very foolish and risks theft and injury , especially in a third world country .

From another point of view Foreigners should not flaunt wealth , as they will soon be taken advantage of .

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I think similar logic is applicable for people who care about (judge) what other people do and how they live their lives ...

MYOB applies.

That is like telling someone not to think. People make judgements about everything -- it influences how they live their life. There is a difference between making an observation, thinking, and making judgements and their actions. I could not care a less about someone flaunting their wealth, don't care that they have money - but I do make judgements about people's behaviour all the time.

I remember riding an elevator down in a hotel in Singapore at checkout time with two other people. One spent the whole time having their wristwatch lose and making sure to rattle it - and make everyone aware that he was wearing an expensive watch. I would of not have noticed it since I don't notice expensive jewelry - but then when some is shaking it to make sure it is noticed -- even I notice. Of course if I was a criminal I would have noticed it even without it being rattled.

I made judgements about the mentality of someone doing that, did not bother saying anything because it was none of my business....

Are you saying you don't think, don't observe, and don't make judgements?

Edited by bkkcanuck8
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I wear an Omega but most people don't think it's real

My friend in Singapore has an Omega as well... He does not wear it it sits in a safety deposit box, he does wear a knockoff of it though.... he said it is so good it took 10 minutes comparing the two visually to notice any difference.

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