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Thai PM faces protest on first outing on world stage


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The General is about to find out that Farang land has a voice, and the people dont hide away.

That voice will be very loud indeed if he puts a foot on English soil, but at least the guy has bought plenty of baggage with him on his trip from Thailand which should keep his visit interesting.

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maybe this is why the shins have been quite for some time, they already knew the pm was going to become unpopular, and thailand will be there for the taking

Thailand will be there for the taking. We have been there. The Shins took a few billion before they were put on non-active. Won't happen again.

Edited by Nickymaster
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There's not a hope in Hell of him going to the UK.

I think he's in for a real culture sock on so many levels. With him being a General he will have been used to dealing with other foreign military officers. That is a complete different kettle of fish to dealing with foreign media and politicians from countries that are democratic and believe in law. Military officers all suck each other dicks and tell each other how great they are (I did 7 years in the Royal navy in case anyone feels like questioning how i can justify saying this) which is exactly what he happens in the PM position here.

When he meets with the foreign media, politicians and human rites people he will be like a rabbit caught in the headlights, he will be flapping and be seen as an inept fool which will lead to mockery, contempt and a real bad image problem for him (not that he doesn't have one already to outsiders)

The sad thing is, we will get back a very embarrassed, angry humiliated PM.

You know what his reaction will be? To make sure these two poor Burmese lads go down for the death penalty to show the world "who's boss" and that he won;t be dictated to by outsiders

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He will run and hide from western media.

I agree mate. I'd love the British press pack to hound him

They would, but about the murders, not the coup or current government.

Nothing could be worse than the 310:0 vote for the amnesty bill. A country is as low as it can get when one man can force the whole government to vote for such a disgraceful law. Not one single Pheu-Thai MP had the integrity to vote 'No'. This is why I support the General 100% in his reforms and also why there is so little response from other countries apart from the stock lines they are obliged to give. You can be sure these protests are being encouraged behind the scenes.

Will love to hear from you how a bill can become a law without going through the upper house and royal endorsement. Think you jump the gun by a million mile in your eagerness to take side.

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He will enjoy himself in Italy, lots of like minded people around, particularly in Sicily I hear. It would be poetic justice if the good general was made an offer that he couldn't refuse. He would then learn the soul destroying feeling of sheer impotence in the face of an undeserving superior power. Mind you, should that happen he would have to quickly fire his "no mafia on tao" police chief and get to work restoring Thailand's credibility.

its clear u have never been in italy and absolutely know nothing about italy or italian mafia

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Wait 'till he travels to London one day! thumbsup.gif

There will be at least two guys who are on Thaksin's payroll barking in the streets.thumbsup.gif

I'm not a particular admirer of Giles Ungpakorn but to desribe him as being on Thaksin's payroll is a comment of profound ignorance and stupidity.

Don't worry.

Neither of the trouble maker will have their Italian visa approved.

Italian government also wanted a successful event.

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Wait 'till he travels to London one day! thumbsup.gif

There will be at least two guys who are on Thaksin's payroll barking in the streets.thumbsup.gif

I'm not a particular admirer of Giles Ungpakorn but to desribe him as being on Thaksin's payroll is a comment of profound ignorance and stupidity.

Don't worry.

Neither of the trouble maker will have their Italian visa approved.

Italian government also wanted a successful event.

u are confused about visa policy in italy and europe

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Wait 'till he travels to London one day! thumbsup.gif

There will be at least two guys who are on Thaksin's payroll barking in the streets.thumbsup.gif

I'm not a particular admirer of Giles Ungpakorn but to desribe him as being on Thaksin's payroll is a comment of profound ignorance and stupidity.

Don't worry.

Neither of the trouble maker will have their Italian visa approved.

Italian government also wanted a successful event.

Not sure you're right about that.Prayuth has already arrived in Milan so he must have obtained a visa and Thanasak had no plans to travel so far as I know.You are right the Italians would like to keep out these trouble makers but there are diplomatic niceties to follow and Prayuth is of course head of a government.

More seriously your comment suggests you don't understand how free countries operate.It is beyond possibility that a country like Italy would deny visas to anyone like Acharn Giles or Robert Amsterdam.

Edited by jayboy
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maybe this is why the shins have been quite for some time, they already knew the pm was going to become unpopular, and thailand will be there for the taking

Are you saying you did NOT know that - the part about his being more and more unpopular? Is there some different possibility I missed? This very uncharismatic, stubborn, bad-tempered old (by legal definition, not to mention character) man might become more popular as time goes by? You think that is a possibility? Like he said in the "Prayut loses his temper yet again but who's counting?" thread: He issues orders. He doesn't even expect people to do things for him because they want to. He's probably pretty right.

So far as "for the taking", there's no certainty there. Events will occur, spanners will be thrown, etc. I wouldn't be surprised if those who never are named might THINK they are cleverly lying low, but I don't think things are quite as certain as you (they?) believe.


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Oooh ooooh here we go, there we are, we have stepped out of our eggshell into the real world, and ohh those stupid foreigners they have complaints against our "Happy State" how dare they, stupid farang what do we need them for apart from building our planes, technology, medial systems etc etc etc

Hope they throw the book at him stupid prick.

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I have generally been a supporter of the PM up to now but I must admit I am seeing a few cracks forming in his almost stellar performance - talking the talk is not the same as the walk

His "quality Tourist" remarks were very confusing and mentioning the KT murders in the same context and statement disappointing and misplaced

The lawyers of the 2x accused murder suspects should obtain DNA samples from the accused and ask the murder victims families to allow samples to be taken from the victims and carry out independent tests in the UK - Thailand would have no say in this process or it's outcome - granted it could not be submitted in the court case in Thailand but would certainly put an end to the speculation. It would be better for Thailand if the PM ordered that these tests be carried out using existing evidence samples but it seems that is never going to happen and in my opinion is a grave error

Yellow regret.

I expect to start seeing a lot more of this in the coming months.

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If Prayuth can implement REAL reforms in Thailand and get corruption under control, nobody will care if he was elected or not. Results are the only things that matters. Look at Singapore their iron man, Lee Kuan Yew, the greatest statesman in modern history. He got results, and that mattered, both at home and abroad.

Prayuth were off to a good start, but he has fumbled badly in the Koh Tao scandal. If he can't reform the police and the Thai feudal system, all his efforts will be useless in the long run. It's still to early to tell, but they need to step up the game a bit. Now they have been going after the small people, the street vendors and beach chair operators. Now they have to go after the big fish. They could start with the red bull heir.

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He will run and hide from western media.

I agree mate. I'd love the British press pack to hound him

They would, but about the murders, not the coup or current government.

Nothing could be worse than the 310:0 vote for the amnesty bill. A country is as low as it can get when one man can force the whole government to vote for such a disgraceful law. Not one single Pheu-Thai MP had the integrity to vote 'No'. This is why I support the General 100% in his reforms and also why there is so little response from other countries apart from the stock lines they are obliged to give. You can be sure these protests are being encouraged behind the scenes.

Last time I looked parliament comprised 500 MP's. 4 PTP MP's abstained. If after 19 hours of debate the democrat party decided it would be a good idea if they boycotted the vote they're really not worth defending. If that's the reason you support a coup (as you say it is) you are not worth defending.

As for the idea that Thaksin or someone "behind the scenes" is "encouraging" these protests...............................coffee1.gif

Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, that there might be people who do not "support the general 100%" and that they are capable of coming to this conclusion without the alleged "encouragement" of the ousted government or the UDD, people who respect and cherish the idea of democracy and an elected government, of any political hue?

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He will run and hide from western media.

And the Thai media will report that he was loved, embraced and adored overseas.

They most likely have a westerner on the pay roll pretending to be someone important for the propaganda photo shoot-

Wonder if the protesters have a psycho or two in their ranks that really want to vent.?

Shit happens -

And he isn't exactly a recognised legit leader-

This might be interesting?

Edited by Fred Flinstone
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He will run and hide from western media.

And the Thai media will report that he was loved, embraced and adored overseas.

Sorry mate--this was the case with Thaksin, control freak---ego boosting--limelight hogger.----short memory.????

Maybe being VOTED into power gave Thaksin's ego a little boost. What's Napoleon's excuse?

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If Prayuth can implement REAL reforms in Thailand and get corruption under control, nobody will care if he was elected or not. Results are the only things that matters. Look at Singapore their iron man, Lee Kuan Yew, the greatest statesman in modern history. He got results, and that mattered, both at home and abroad.

Prayuth were off to a good start, but he has fumbled badly in the Koh Tao scandal. If he can't reform the police and the Thai feudal system, all his efforts will be useless in the long run. It's still to early to tell, but they need to step up the game a bit. Now they have been going after the small people, the street vendors and beach chair operators. Now they have to go after the big fish. They could start with the red bull heir.

Big difference between LKY and Prayuth. LKY won an election and become PM while Prayuth become PM without an election. LKY got the results via consensus and participation and most importantly democracy. The world accept him as a democratic elected PM and Singapore prospered because of external trade and investments. Coups are a rarity in the world and the free world do not see kindly to countries governed by military junta even if Prayuth brings in results.

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I have generally been a supporter of the PM up to now but I must admit I am seeing a few cracks forming in his almost stellar performance - talking the talk is not the same as the walk

His "quality Tourist" remarks were very confusing and mentioning the KT murders in the same context and statement disappointing and misplaced

The lawyers of the 2x accused murder suspects should obtain DNA samples from the accused and ask the murder victims families to allow samples to be taken from the victims and carry out independent tests in the UK - Thailand would have no say in this process or it's outcome - granted it could not be submitted in the court case in Thailand but would certainly put an end to the speculation. It would be better for Thailand if the PM ordered that these tests be carried out using existing evidence samples but it seems that is never going to happen and in my opinion is a grave error

Yellow regret.

I expect to start seeing a lot more of this in the coming months.

I take great insult in you reference, it's attitudes like yours that cause the defunct polarisation that divides this country and almost destroyed it

as usual you post utter nonsense - I have no colour as you suggest - just see things with an open mind for what they are

Just because you don't plug for one team does not mean you support the other - there are many teams in the game and some yet to emerge

now run along and preach your rhetoric someplace else

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Rid Thailand of corruption, what a joke. He just rewarded the Koh Tao police for thier activities. He is a huge supporter of corruption and getting what he wants by any means.

I gotta eat crow on this one. I really thought this guy would bring change. It's like Obama all over again. I should've knownfacepalm.gif

I'm glad that people are realizing what the General is really about. What has he actually done that has true substance? Things like bullying some powerless people off beaches when it was their only livelihood hasn't done anything to make Thailand a better place. I really think he's nothing but a huge ego and a lot of hot air.

Edited by waynethor
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He will be the pariah at this meeting, to be avoided at all costs. Welcome to the real world Prayut!

I understand your sentiment but the reality is likely to be more prosaic.

1.He will be received politely by the heads of delegations.Thailand is a friendly country and most will believe dialogue better than confrontation - even with the Junta.As long as the Junta doesn't start killing its own people, stability is valued more than human rights.

2.There will be private pleas for an early return to democracy, elections and freedom of expression.The Junta leadership will lie through its teeth saying these too are its objectives, but time is needed.

3.There will be small protests by activists well away from the ASEM participants.

4.Photographs will be taken of Prayuth together with Barroso and other key leaders.These will have much exposure in the Thai press.They mean nothing but great significance will be placed on them by the Junta - not to mention our in house cheerleaders.

5.The Junta's spokesman will say foreign leaders now have a much better understanding of why the coup was necessary.

6.In short, nothing too significant or surprising.

Meanwhile in Thailand itself the pressure grows day by day.

Agree that the new "pragmatic" diplomacy that pervades in the West will continue. Lots of initial hot air spouted by these so called Western champions of democracy, followed by business as usual.

Did you read the recent speech by the German Ambassador to Thailand about the increasing German / Thai collaborations? Making sure to point out how much Germany provides in "aid" to both Thailand and ASEAN in case anyone mistakenly thought it was from the EU. Closely working on vocational and professional education with the Thai MOE. Even the British Council are wakening up and starting to do things. Hardly sanctions and all while the politicians make token comments about democracy.

I suspect the protesters will be organized by the Shin PR lobbyist fraternity. (Wonder who organized the protests against Thaksin on his USA visit?) - quite frankly nobody else would give a fig.

Anyone who believes the EU are going to take any real action to help restore true democracy, and help create a fair and just society are dreaming. Many EU member states don't really enjoy that.

ps - in what capacity will Barroso be attending?

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