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If you can somehow get word to the the thieving wench maybe through some relatives or something, make sure she knows that if exported it becomes an International incident under International law of theft and it carries more serious penalties that may even be covered by the UK given it's registered there and that you'll get them involved in the investigation as well as Thailand and the country it is exported to. While in practicality you may not get much help it may just put enough scare into her to at least keep it here and give a bit more time to hunt it down.

Yeah if it gets to rich Thai, you can kiss it good bye, too many connections and funding to deal with, fortunately for you she has to have some pretty well connected Thai's behind her to make those connections.

I doubt that will work Warpy as it's illegal to export a car from the UK without declaring it as exported at which time the registration is canceled. If I were the OP, I wouldn't hang my hat on that too much, especially if he has kept the reg current. If the reg has lapsed and he hasn't completed a SORN each year, he faces another issue to overcome. In any event the UK authorities won't be too concerned about a car going missing in Thailand.

You may export your car from the uk without any deceleration.

By example you may depart by ferry to Europe and then drive to Thailand without any export from the UK. Entry into other countries requires the car to have a visa stamped over the persons visa and some countries also require a deposit that will be returned hen the car exits th country.

I did precisely this with my BMW 5 series - drove to Malta and back in 1988. The car visa was a red stamp over my visa - a blue stamp.

Doing it this way means the car may return on the original plate.

Declaring the car SORN is purely a road tax issue - so the UK DVLC could come after me for the unpaid tax for the past 24 years.

But only if I apply for road tax in the UK - so the car remains a valid UK registered car - only un-taxed.

You may find things have changed now.

I have a problem with a car on the wharf in Soton right now and it's become very messy, very quickly.

It was exported without notification to the DVLA in 2012. (not by me).

Of course this is not helping you find your car. Sorry you have a problem.

Yeah 2012 is not 24 years ago so certainly there is grandfather clause of some sort that applies to cars prior to any changes in regs. Still the suggestion is predicated on her ignorance of International law anyway, to intimidate her into giving it back and certainly to avoid it being sold out of country. Anyway OP good to hear that at least you have it located, it is a nice looking car and I'm not usually a TR6 admirer. The color is very nice, not too red, and the paint looks flawless.

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Thanks on your comments warpy.

In all fairness - the paint and interior are all by Thai hands so credt where it is due.

Found the color in car magazine - the Thai mixed by eye - no computer !!!!

The paint is Dupont 2K resin.

Still have not located the car.

Rumors (and that's all they are at the moment) say the car may be in Rayong region. It makes no difference but the car is registered there.

BTW - a poice report was made 8 months ago - apparently they sent letters requesting her to attend Sri Racha police station.

She has ignored this.

That's as far as it's gone with the Police.

If the car belonged to a police captain...........I wonder if 8 months would pass or 8 minutes.......


So the car has disappeared 8 months ago, and you still haven't located it ?

Good luck with that, but I think most of us were from the impression that it was a recent event.


So the car has disappeared 8 months ago, and you still haven't located it ?

Good luck with that, but I think most of us were from the impression that it was a recent event.

Long story - but basically I returned to the UK for surgery and was grounded until recovery.

By the time I returned she had stripped the house and property - as they do.

I figured she would have stored what was left (Inc the TR6) on the 500 TW land - that's not the case.

She disappeared back to Saraburi / Suphanburi region -presumably with the car.

I guess Chonburi police are not interested in crossing / contacting other provinces.

It may be an idea to try Bangkok police to see if we can get the ball rolling a bit better........????


So the car has disappeared 8 months ago, and you still haven't located it ?

Good luck with that, but I think most of us were from the impression that it was a recent event.

Long story - but basically I returned to the UK for surgery and was grounded until recovery.

By the time I returned she had stripped the house and property - as they do.

I figured she would have stored what was left (Inc the TR6) on the 500 TW land - that's not the case.

She disappeared back to Saraburi / Suphanburi region -presumably with the car.

I guess Chonburi police are not interested in crossing / contacting other provinces.

It may be an idea to try Bangkok police to see if we can get the ball rolling a bit better........????

Thai Baht is the only thing that will make the ball running, and I believe they prefer to get paid upfront.


I've found it online for sale but I'm sure you are the seller as the reason for sale matches.


I've added some more classic car classifieds sites for you to check.

The thaiscooter one really turns over fast.



Good luck in your search.

Sent from my LG-D858


I've found it online for sale but I'm sure you are the seller as the reason for sale matches.


I've added some more classic car classifieds sites for you to check.

The thaiscooter one really turns over fast.



Good luck in your search.

Sent from my LG-D858

Thanks Hans

Yes we are aware of bhatsold site - we are chasing down the IP address as to who posted this.

It appears the S***t hacked my email account - but that was stopped soon after - if inadvertently, by my doing a regular password change.

She missed attending the last divorce hearing as the police alerted her that I had requested them attend to arrest her.

Lets see what happens at the next hearing.

Meanwhile - she has not been charged with theft - she has been charged with embezzlement - that suprised me but having googled it - then it's right - basically ""Planned"" theft.

For all the ""Bush lawyers"" out there - please do not swamp me with thai law - I am only stating what the ""Police"" preffered to charge her with.

She has also emptied the marital home - again this is embezzlement and has seriously damaged her standing in the divorce courtthat would by default go 50/50 otherwise depending on any party being found guilty and forwhat cause of guilt in destroying the marriage.

Thus we now aim to have the marriage annulled on the basis of embezzlement - if we win then the property of the marriage returns 100% to the injured party.

On this one - we will certainly keep all concerned posted.

Regarding the house and sperate 500TW land - although in her name - this is illegal as Foreign money was used and so the chanoot's are illegal and both must now go into a company name. She broke the law on this one also. Thai property must be purchased with Thai money - now that was a complete eye opener for me !!!!

The deeds are now locked.

Cheers - john


Regarding the house and sperate 500TW land - although in her name - this is illegal as Foreign money was used and so the chanoot's are illegal and both must now go into a company name. She broke the law on this one also. Thai property must be purchased with Thai money - now that was a complete eye opener for me !!!!

The deeds are now locked.

Interesting solution to past illegal wrong-doing.... is this the courts ruling ? I guess the owners of the company have to be you at 49% and the ex at 51% ?


I've found it online for sale but I'm sure you are the seller as the reason for sale matches.


I've added some more classic car classifieds sites for you to check.

The thaiscooter one really turns over fast.



Good luck in your search.

Sent from my LG-D858

Thanks Hans

Yes we are aware of bhatsold site - we are chasing down the IP address as to who posted this.

It appears the S***t hacked my email account - but that was stopped soon after - if inadvertently, by my doing a regular password change.

She missed attending the last divorce hearing as the police alerted her that I had requested them attend to arrest her.

Lets see what happens at the next hearing.

Meanwhile - she has not been charged with theft - she has been charged with embezzlement - that suprised me but having googled it - then it's right - basically ""Planned"" theft.

For all the ""Bush lawyers"" out there - please do not swamp me with thai law - I am only stating what the ""Police"" preffered to charge her with.

She has also emptied the marital home - again this is embezzlement and has seriously damaged her standing in the divorce courtthat would by default go 50/50 otherwise depending on any party being found guilty and forwhat cause of guilt in destroying the marriage.

Thus we now aim to have the marriage annulled on the basis of embezzlement - if we win then the property of the marriage returns 100% to the injured party.

On this one - we will certainly keep all concerned posted.

Regarding the house and sperate 500TW land - although in her name - this is illegal as Foreign money was used and so the chanoot's are illegal and both must now go into a company name. She broke the law on this one also. Thai property must be purchased with Thai money - now that was a complete eye opener for me !!!!

The deeds are now locked.

Cheers - john

But the Bahtsold ad was posted 16 months ago, not 8 months, so it will definitely be your IP address

I notice your lawyer is blowing your ears full as well. Keep your money in your pocket, just a simple advice.


Good time to remind everyone, if you have something a bit special that is vulnerable to theft, get one of the gps trackers, They're pretty cheep these days.


The car doesn't have the same value to the OP's (soon to be ex-) wife as it does to the OP. The primary motivation is to mess with the owners head but if it can be sold, it will be. It only has financial value inasmuch she may have already shifted it for whatever amount of baht she could get which probably isn't much as the purchaser can't legally own the vehicle whilst the OP has the only legal proof of ownership. Some Thai's maybe aren't that worried about receiving stolen goods when the chances of getting caught driving such a lovely motor are fairly remote.

That said, this is Thailand and 'ownership' can be bought.

Same can be said for the police. If the OP really wants the police to work for HIS best interests, he better be prepared to pay for it and that may mean paying more than the ex- has already paid for them to look after HER best interests.

I would get another lawyer too. Since when has a parked motorbike been an immovable object? There are recovery trucks for hire as well... saw one yesterday with a Ferrari on the back on the motorway near Laem Chabang.

With regard to the embezzlement versus theft charges for emptying the marital house whilst the other partner was overseas; I emptied ours whilst the (eventual) ex- was out of the country. That didn't have any impact in my eventual divorce where she got exactly bugger all of nothing and that with the house in her name too. I mean I got nothing which was a given but she managed to get even less.


Good time to remind everyone, if you have something a bit special that is vulnerable to theft, get one of the gps trackers, They're pretty cheep these days.

Good Tip, but in this case Mrs Crafty would have known about it,and zapped it. My Friend had a new Road King disappear last year just like this case. Hes gone home, Wife n Bike never located.


Good time to remind everyone, if you have something a bit special that is vulnerable to theft, get one of the gps trackers, They're pretty cheep these days.

Good Tip, but in this case Mrs Crafty would have known about it,and zapped it. My Friend had a new Road King disappear last year just like this case. Hes gone home, Wife n Bike never located.


I am not going home though.

The land and house were in her name - but that was illegal as it wasn't Thai money. So the deeds HAVE to be changed into company name - after the divore / annulment - so she will not be a part owner.

If she is a no show at the next divorce hearing - then we have the marriage annulled - so then no property issues and the embezzlement charge stands only rock solid.

I hear all your comments on the tea money and agree - so it's down to the deepest pockets - I know.

If the car is sold on and then recovered - the ""New owner"" has issues with the ex - not me - the car returns to the legitimate owner - the buyre will then have issues recovering his money fom the ex.

But again - my biggest fear is the car disappearing like a lost / stolen painting - into a private museum / collection.

The worst part being its such a thrilling lively drive......


Depends on intelligence of people that handled car, none = car still intact stored somewhere and really not much use to them apart from maybe as being a ticking bomb , intelligent = car dismantled separate chassis frame and engine block discarded owner of a identical car has a nice stock of spare parts .


That brings up another thought, any chance of instead of paying others tea money etc. contacting the wife through family and buying it back for a small reasonable sum and at the same time dropping the charges as a negotiating ploy? Also using it as leverage to get the annulment and move on with your life? Instead of continuing to bash your head against the Great Wall of Thailand and making no progress, after all the primary goal here is to free yourself from the wench and get your car back, parting with a few more baht to accomplish that is inevitable anyway so why not just make the offer and be done with it?


Another question. I noticed that the OP listed his car on Bahtsold for 3 Million Baht.

I don't know much about classic car prices, but is this a realistic value for a car that goes a few hundred thousand at most in Europe?


Ermm is that a few hundred thousand Euro's? If so that's one thing but still there's no way to value anything automotive compared to the west, let alone a likely, close to a one of a kind, there in Thailand.


Ermm is that a few hundred thousand Euro's? If so that's one thing but still there's no way to value anything automotive compared to the west, let alone a likely, close to a one of a kind, there in Thailand.

When the rebuild was completed in 2010- Tr-Bitz offered 45K sterling based on foto evidence and the fact that they supplied many of the parts and new the specification.

Import duty is then 280%.

Then you might guess that ""T"" money may drop in at 10K sterling but that's strictly a guess.

Do the maths.

I believe there is another TR6 in Phucket - condition unknown, a TR3 selling at 3M THB - condition unknown but looks good.

A number of Stags - mainly re-engined with 2j's

I did not place the add at 3M thb - the S**T did.

The value is whatever a new owner is prepared to pay - but If the car is ever found - trust me - it's simply not for sale !!!!

As to the renovation quality I estimate the build at 120% compared to new from the factory owing to the car being ""Hand built"" with new materials and in particular the paint protection. Then the safety modifications to suspension etc and vented discs etc....


I've found it online for sale but I'm sure you are the seller as the reason for sale matches.


I've added some more classic car classifieds sites for you to check.

The thaiscooter one really turns over fast.



Good luck in your search.

Sent from my LG-D858

Thanks Hans

Yes we are aware of bhatsold site - we are chasing down the IP address as to who posted this.

It appears the S***t hacked my email account - but that was stopped soon after - if inadvertently, by my doing a regular password change.

She missed attending the last divorce hearing as the police alerted her that I had requested them attend to arrest her.

Lets see what happens at the next hearing.

Meanwhile - she has not been charged with theft - she has been charged with embezzlement - that suprised me but having googled it - then it's right - basically ""Planned"" theft.

For all the ""Bush lawyers"" out there - please do not swamp me with thai law - I am only stating what the ""Police"" preffered to charge her with.

She has also emptied the marital home - again this is embezzlement and has seriously damaged her standing in the divorce courtthat would by default go 50/50 otherwise depending on any party being found guilty and forwhat cause of guilt in destroying the marriage.

Thus we now aim to have the marriage annulled on the basis of embezzlement - if we win then the property of the marriage returns 100% to the injured party.

On this one - we will certainly keep all concerned posted.

Regarding the house and sperate 500TW land - although in her name - this is illegal as Foreign money was used and so the chanoot's are illegal and both must now go into a company name. She broke the law on this one also. Thai property must be purchased with Thai money - now that was a complete eye opener for me !!!!

The deeds are now locked.

Cheers - john

But the Bahtsold ad was posted 16 months ago, not 8 months, so it will definitely be your IP address

I notice your lawyer is blowing your ears full as well. Keep your money in your pocket, just a simple advice.

As stated - I did not post it for sale - as I never valued it so low at 3M bhat.

Why do you state my lawyer is blowing my ears full....?????


Another question. I noticed that the OP listed his car on Bahtsold for 3 Million Baht.

I don't know much about classic car prices, but is this a realistic value for a car that goes a few hundred thousand at most in Europe?

You can still pick up classic cars in running condition for under 5,000 GBP in the UK (watch the TV program Wheelers Dealers).

Try getting anywhere close to that in Thailand and you will see that the value in the West in no way reflects the value in Thailand.


I've found it online for sale but I'm sure you are the seller as the reason for sale matches.


I've added some more classic car classifieds sites for you to check.

The thaiscooter one really turns over fast.



Good luck in your search.

Sent from my LG-D858

Thanks Hans

Yes we are aware of bhatsold site - we are chasing down the IP address as to who posted this.

It appears the S***t hacked my email account - but that was stopped soon after - if inadvertently, by my doing a regular password change.

She missed attending the last divorce hearing as the police alerted her that I had requested them attend to arrest her.

Lets see what happens at the next hearing.

Meanwhile - she has not been charged with theft - she has been charged with embezzlement - that suprised me but having googled it - then it's right - basically ""Planned"" theft.

For all the ""Bush lawyers"" out there - please do not swamp me with thai law - I am only stating what the ""Police"" preffered to charge her with.

She has also emptied the marital home - again this is embezzlement and has seriously damaged her standing in the divorce courtthat would by default go 50/50 otherwise depending on any party being found guilty and forwhat cause of guilt in destroying the marriage.

Thus we now aim to have the marriage annulled on the basis of embezzlement - if we win then the property of the marriage returns 100% to the injured party.

On this one - we will certainly keep all concerned posted.

Regarding the house and sperate 500TW land - although in her name - this is illegal as Foreign money was used and so the chanoot's are illegal and both must now go into a company name. She broke the law on this one also. Thai property must be purchased with Thai money - now that was a complete eye opener for me !!!!

The deeds are now locked.

Cheers - john

But the Bahtsold ad was posted 16 months ago, not 8 months, so it will definitely be your IP address

I notice your lawyer is blowing your ears full as well. Keep your money in your pocket, just a simple advice.

As stated - I did not post it for sale - as I never valued it so low at 3M bhat.

Why do you state my lawyer is blowing my ears full....?????

Because that is what lawyers do, to keep the payroll going, and it is not only restricted to Thailand.

My remark was specifically because you said that the Chanotes are illegal because foreign money was used, which is an utopia.

Foreign money isn't crime money, and normally when you're married you have to sign a document at the land department at the time of purchase, that you don't make any claims on the property and the money is hers. Even if you can proof you gave the money to your wife, it would not make the deal illegal as it would be considered as a gift, but if it was purchased during the marriage you will make a chance to get 50% of the proceeds.

Maybe that is actually what the lawyer meant when he said the title deeds are blocked.


Another question. I noticed that the OP listed his car on Bahtsold for 3 Million Baht.

I don't know much about classic car prices, but is this a realistic value for a car that goes a few hundred thousand at most in Europe?

You can still pick up classic cars in running condition for under 5,000 GBP in the UK (watch the TV program Wheelers Dealers).

Try getting anywhere close to that in Thailand and you will see that the value in the West in no way reflects the value in Thailand.

Agreed - saw an xj6 yesterday - well dilapidated but with a blue book. Looks like it's been stood for 2 years - toyota engine and box - asking 10,000 GBP - value in the uk = scrap = 150 GBP - stripped for spares and sold on E-Bay may raise 2,000 but the labour involved in the parting out........

What makes cars so expensive is the import duty in Thailand - 280% for a 2500cc or less - it goes to 380% over 2.5. Then add on the tea money. You simply can not compare apples to apples in Thailand


The one in question can go for as much as 25/27 GBP in Europe. Bit of a Poke in the Eye if it was up to that quality.Was it not Insured for Theft.?.

Impossible to obtain insurance in Thailand on a 30+ year old car.

It's difficult on cars over 12 yo

Possible to obtain temporary insurance to drive into Malay and Then Singapore.

But only allowed 90 days in both these counties owing to visa / temp import as explained earlier


Any update on the car? I stay around the Suphanburi area and now and then see the classic car congregation here preparing for their weekend drives

I've taken a pic of the car so I'll keep the eyes open, if I bump into any of those guys I'll show them the pic


Get a Thai friend to post an ad for you on Thaiscooter.com classified section. Post a wanted add with pics saying its stolen and reward is offered. You can post wanted adds. I think that would help. Also head to the following classic car websites which has a big group of enthusiasts, many are rich folks, they may keep an eye out for you.



May I ask which shop you used to work on your car and engine? Thanks


Any update on the car? I stay around the Suphanburi area and now and then see the classic car congregation here preparing for their weekend drives

I've taken a pic of the car so I'll keep the eyes open, if I bump into any of those guys I'll show them the pic

No updates other than the Police are about to become much more active.

I am only able to explain after the event so as not to interfere with this on-going investigation.

I am so terribly sorry for this mystery / intrigue, but trust me - I will report on this procedure once it is considered safe to do so.

Do you need more pictures?

Thanks to all your support to date.


Get a Thai friend to post an ad for you on Thaiscooter.com classified section. Post a wanted add with pics saying its stolen and reward is offered. You can post wanted adds. I think that would help. Also head to the following classic car websites which has a big group of enthusiasts, many are rich folks, they may keep an eye out for you.



May I ask which shop you used to work on your car and engine? Thanks

Good suggestion - thanks

BKK classic - K.Bhunn already informed - yes I am already a member.

Engine - speak to Don - American MD of PPS thailand near Sattahip. - custom built to my specification - top class ngineering - all parts supplied ex Tr-Bitz - warrington uk.

Gearbox - Gordon Barber - total expert in all car / bike mechanics - parts supplied by owner. This guy leaves no stone unturned and needs not give a gaurantee - he is so good.

re-build - Self

Paint : Contact me for details

Inerior and sound system - K. Wanchai - Turbo sound - Banglamung. Excellent English - custom specification / inerior copy od original panels - there is none better

I vouch 100% for all the assistance.


Get a Thai friend to post an ad for you on Thaiscooter.com classified section. Post a wanted add with pics saying its stolen and reward is offered. You can post wanted adds. I think that would help. Also head to the following classic car websites which has a big group of enthusiasts, many are rich folks, they may keep an eye out for you.



May I ask which shop you used to work on your car and engine? Thanks

Good suggestion - thanks

BKK classic - K.Bhunn already informed - yes I am already a member.

Engine - speak to Don - American MD of PPS thailand near Sattahip. - custom built to my specification - top class ngineering - all parts supplied ex Tr-Bitz - warrington uk.

Gearbox - Gordon Barber - total expert in all car / bike mechanics - parts supplied by owner. This guy leaves no stone unturned and needs not give a gaurantee - he is so good.

re-build - Self

Paint : Contact me for details

Inerior and sound system - K. Wanchai - Turbo sound - Banglamung. Excellent English - custom specification / inerior copy od original panels - there is none better

I vouch 100% for all the assistance.

Thanks for the leads. Are Don and Gordon working side jobs as a hobby? They sound like down to earth folks, I'm actually located around Bangkok, so perhaps these folks won't be suitable for me. But if you don't mind, please message me their contacts, I will keep it for future reference. Thanks and good luck with your car.

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