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DSI urged to act against foreign scammers who prey on Thai women


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The best form of defence is Attack.

This is utter BS and they know it, this is not to say this has not happened on the odd occasion.

Thailand is having it's true colours shown to the world over the Koh Tao business so a distraction is needed, much the same as you would dealing kids when they've done something wrong.

Think of the logic you get when having an argument with your loving Thai lady.

For example, On my last trip to LOS i brought my good ladies family some gifts, as you do. Her brother got some nice Armani After shave.

Some months later, the family was in distress, the brother had been found to be having an affair with one of the office girls.

He could not do this said the family, so all manner of reasons were put forward, including the fact that it could have been the aftershave I had given him had attracted the ladies to him.

Don't rise to

It's a form of victim credentials

Yep, so true. Last time when I came back from Europe, I brought some sexy lingerie for wife and her single and good looking sister as well.

Not long and she was pregnant with twins.

Now they're blaming me and want me to pay for child support. I should have bought some aftershave for her sister........facepalm.gif

Edited by lostinisaan
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The best form of defence is Attack.

This is utter BS and they know it, this is not to say this has not happened on the odd occasion.

Thailand is having it's true colours shown to the world over the Koh Tao business so a distraction is needed, much the same as you would dealing kids when they've done something wrong.

Think of the logic you get when having an argument with your loving Thai lady.

For example, On my last trip to LOS i brought my good ladies family some gifts, as you do. Her brother got some nice Armani After shave.

Some months later, the family was in distress, the brother had been found to be having an affair with one of the office girls.

He could not do this said the family, so all manner of reasons were put forward, including the fact that it could have been the aftershave I had given him had attracted the ladies to him.

Don't rise to

It's a form of victim credentials

Yep, so true. Last time when I came back from Europe, I brought some sexy lingerie for wife and her single and good looking sister as well.

Not long and she was pregnant with twins.

Now they're blaming me and want me to pay for child support. I should have bought some aftershave for her sister........facepalm.gif

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Would you date or marry a hooker in your home country ? Agree the bar girls should never be trusted. Having said that the foreigners are either 24/7 drunks and or brain dead to deal with these girls. ZERO COMMON SENSE. Are these guys really that dumb ? YES!

Edited by Jungle Jim
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Would you date or marry a hooker in your home country ? Agree the bar girls should never be trusted. Having said that the foreigners are either 24/7 drunks and or brain dead to deal with these girls. ZERO COMMON SENSE. Are they guys really that dumb ? YES!

If you mean as dumb as to believe meeting a woman in a shop is a safe bet she is not a hooker, then you might be right there.

But then again, some claim to speak good enough language yet can not read, write or pronounce. So who am I to judge.

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Sorry i hit a nerve guys. I know the truth really sucks! No i don,t live on an island. How many stupid foreigners go bareback with bar girls.? There are numerous articles on the subject. But hey continue your weirdness and sicken people no better than apes.

Island / rice paddy same same but different.....

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

And what about Thai women scammers who pray upon foreign men???

Too numerous to count let alone prosecute.

And it's also true that plenty of farang who come here and marry Thai women then give them, and their kids, a life of hell including physical abuse and mental abuse and more.

Far more than the Thai boys that knock them up at 15 and leave them to go and work the bars to support their families and children huh ???

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Agree bitter old and young . Add stupid and likely alcoholic to that list. I never said women outside bars should be trusted either. Take it slow . Gold diggers are in every country. BUT the Thai girls sure know how to spot a SUCKER! Beer in hand and dumb as a rock.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

And what about Thai women scammers who pray upon foreign men???

Too numerous to count let alone prosecute.

And it's also true that plenty of farang who come here and marry Thai women then give them, and their kids, a life of hell including physical abuse and mental abuse and more.

In 25yrs that's the first I've heard of that happening, not saying it does't happen, but it so must be very rare. Have known plenty of Farangs giving their wives and children a very good loving life. Must be the people I mix with.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

And what about Thai women scammers who pray upon foreign men???

Too numerous to count let alone prosecute.

And it's also true that plenty of farang who come here and marry Thai women then give them, and their kids, a life of hell including physical abuse and mental abuse and more.

In 25yrs that's the first I've heard of that happening, not saying it does't happen, but it so must be very rare. Have known plenty of Farangs giving their wives and children a very good loving life. Must be the people I mix with.

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Again there are numerous articles out there. Known about more than a few foreigners on Koh Samui and Pattaya. Your head would have to be in a hole to believe the foreigners that visit here are grade A high quality. Look around Pattaya on any given day and that is all the proof you need. If that is not a gross example of humanity i don,t know what is. As r as speaking Thai i do just fine thank you. No need for your sickening insults. Your just pissed i hit a nerve nothing more. Not worth even reading your weirdness. Many foreigner men in Thailand have no problem giving their bar girls, girlfriends and wife a living hell. As a few have mentioned. Every foreigner i have met that has had a problem with Thai women can,t speak a word of Thai. The women love it and wish to keep it that way. Drunk drunker and stupid.

And you moved here (assuming you did) because of the social benefits, the chaste women and because you pictured yourself in the village in Isaan as your retirement plan when you were 20.

I am sure your H So wife appreciates your noble outlook on life.....

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Again there are numerous articles out there. Known about more than a few foreigners on Koh Samui and Pattaya. Your head would have to be in a hole to believe the foreigners that visit here are grade A high quality. Look around Pattaya on any given day and that is all the proof you need. If that is not a gross example of humanity i don,t know what is. As r as speaking Thai i do just fine thank you. No need for your sickening insults. Your just pissed i hit a nerve nothing more. Not worth even reading your weirdness. Many foreigner men in Thailand have no problem giving their bar girls, girlfriends and wife a living hell. As a few have mentioned. Every foreigner i have met that has had a problem with Thai women can,t speak a word of Thai. The women love it and wish to keep it that way. Drunk drunker and stupid.

And you moved here (assuming you did) because of the social benefits, the chaste women and because you pictured yourself in the village in Isaan as your retirement plan when you were 20.

I am sure your H So wife appreciates your noble outlook on life.....

Are you one of the above i just spoke about. ^^^^^^ I don,t live in Issan , My wife is not a high so and yes some foreigners are smart enough to stay out of trouble. I did not drain my bank account buying her a new home , car, gold chains etc. Does that bother you ? She works for herself and i work for myself.

No it doesn't bother me that you have rose coloured glasses and blinkers on, there is "none so blind as those that don't want to see". It's obvious to me you haven't an idea what any women is about, but hey we can agree to disagree on that.

I don't care what you say 99.99% of male "farang" that came here are "running away" from something., and looking for a better life What annoys me is how you want to think you are "hollier than thou", you are the only one that got it right, well guess what, if you had have got it right you wouldn't be here!!!

We are all here for our own reasons and we are all entitled to make our own mistakes in life!!

Just because your choice of life (which is your choice and I am happy for you if it fits) doesn't mean we all have to go that path and doesn't mean we are all bad, just different.

The simple fact is more Thai women take advantage of foreign men than the reverse, that's OK buyer beware and all the rest of it, but it;s a 2 way street, and should be treated as such.

Just like the doubt over Kho Tao is because most of us know what can (and does) happen behind the scenes in this country. And that's OK too, just accept it for what it is, but don't stop doing what is right and change things for the better and benefit of everyone.

But please don't come the " I got it right and the rest of you are all A'holes" bah.gif

You are not Thai and NEVER will be and when it hits the fan you to will be out on your own..........

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It's a well-known fact that scamming is a form of employment protected by the labour office in Thailand. Foreigners cannot get a work permit to do that.

But seriously, It's pretty clear that the Thai women who are giving foreigners money over the internet aren't doing it out of the goodness of their hearts. They expect an unrealistic rate of return on it, probably in the form of a rich foreign husband. Perhaps the DSI should focus on teaching them not to be so stupid and greedy.

I don't understand your logic. Why would a woman think she is getting a rich foreign husband if he needs her to send him money?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Ever heard the words (Loo mak mai dee ?) Because the majority of dodgy Thai women will avoid you. Learn Thai !!! 99.999 percent of foreigners can,t count to five in Thai. No wonder they get taken advantage of.

I wonder where you learned your Thai, which bar or an uneducated woman?

Loo???? It is Roo รู้

Rorua, not Lo Ling

Well said. You can obviously count to more than five. I wonder if Jungle Jim can ...?

Only low class or (most often) lazy Thais use 'L' instead of 'R' - puut lor ling, mai raw rua. (it isn't Rorua)

Without getting into a useless argument, It is not lor ling, but lo ling and NOT raw but Ro,

There are many different ways to transliterate Thai using the Roman alphabet, so you are both correct. The only "correct" way to spell Thai is to use the Thai alphabet.

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I met a Russian Woman in Moscow, and she pulled off the same tricks.

" I am Russian woman, I am suffering more than other Russian woman " If you could have seen the very sad face presented with this line, it looked like a face on a charity aid advert on TV

" Russian women, have too much worry, need money "

" Russian man only want vodka, no good "

Did not send her any money until I sent the money to pay for a visa to visit My home.

Got the money, and the proceeded to whine how she had paid the British Embassy, and they had refused her a visa.

The next step is unique.

Bet you never came across this one.

British Embassy have stamped russian passport with official stamp that forbids me to enter the U.K. for 5 years.

Need new Russian passport to come see you, new passport cost $700 US, need to get new passport.

Send $ 700 US Love love kiss kiss.

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It's a well-known fact that scamming is a form of employment protected by the labour office in Thailand. Foreigners cannot get a work permit to do that.

But seriously, It's pretty clear that the Thai women who are giving foreigners money over the internet aren't doing it out of the goodness of their hearts. They expect an unrealistic rate of return on it, probably in the form of a rich foreign husband. Perhaps the DSI should focus on teaching them not to be so stupid and greedy.

I don't understand your logic. Why would a woman think she is getting a rich foreign husband if he needs her to send him money?

The one thing all con artists rely on is the greed of their mark. Without it the con will not work. People will only get 'taken" for something if they believe there is something greater in it for them at the end of the line. Greed, risk little gain much, so they think.

It works the same for both farang men and Thai women, I can not feel sorry for those that get taken because of their own greed. Myself included, the lure of a beautiful young girl or a lazy rich life, same same.

The trick is to know what you are risking and control it, if it goes South the gamble didn't work, walk away and accept it for what it is.....

This is true for both Thai women and Farang men IMHO. If it seems to good to be true, then it probably is...

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Ever heard the words (Loo mak mai dee ?) Because the majority of dodgy Thai women will avoid you. Learn Thai !!! 99.999 percent of foreigners can,t count to five in Thai. No wonder they get taken advantage of.

I wonder where you learned your Thai, which bar or an uneducated woman?

Loo???? It is Roo รู้

Rorua, not Lo Ling

Yes, but most bar girls will say /l/ not /r/ when speaking Thai with her colleagues, as you appear to realise.
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This is scary shit-

What they are really saying is we can make accusations against you -

And claim you tried to scam a Thai woman when you land in Thailand -

Which in itself is an indication of how far fetched and dishonest these guys are.

Held and fined and vanquished ..

Sinking very low (if so)

The odds of a Thai woman sending a westerner man money are about the same as ISIS changing into pink leotards and saying sorry to everyone.

Well,i know a Thai woman that done 300k.baht and she is a top line nurse.So expecting ISIS in pink next week.

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The time and energy would be better spent teaching Thai women how not to fall for this scam. The second someone asks you to send money -- don't walk, run the other way. The fewer the number of gullible women, the less effective the scam.

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The time and energy would be better spent teaching Thai women how not to fall for this scam. The second someone asks you to send money -- don't walk, run the other way. The fewer the number of gullible women, the less effective the scam.

Agree ! Perhaps also a six month class for foreign men on how to avoid dodgy Thai women. Not sure how many stories i have read about taking one to your room. She hands you a beer. Next morning bad headache and everything gone. Course should be called: "How To Gain Some Common Sense " or How To Deal With Alcoholism And Sex Addiction 101"

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This is scary shit-

What they are really saying is we can make accusations against you -

And claim you tried to scam a Thai woman when you land in Thailand -

Which in itself is an indication of how far fetched and dishonest these guys are.

Held and fined and vanquished …..

Sinking very low (if so)

The odds of a Thai woman sending a westerner man money are about the same as ISIS changing into pink leotards and saying sorry to everyone.

Another desperate attempt to discredit the current government when in fact this scamming is a big problem and it has been going on for years. Everybody who has been around knows that...The past governments haven't been serious solving these issues. To busy with their own agenda I guess.
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Nickymaster has a good point. Likely the last bunch was too busy filling their pockets with money. Question i have Nicky is why are some trying to discredit the current government ? My hunch is the Democracy argument is just a cover for something else. This PM has done more good in six months than the others have in decades. The Thai and foreign Mafia are likely crapping in their pants besides a number of very questionable foreigners. The Thai junta is worse than the Burmese junta give me a break. something smells really fishy here. But agree the scams need to stop. There are a lot of good Thai women here. The foreign guys get scammed because of a serious lack of common sense and other issues. How odd been here going on twenty years and no problems. ??????

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Nickymaster has a good point. Likely the last bunch was too busy filling their pockets with money. Question i have Nicky is why are some trying to discredit the current government ? My hunch is the Democracy argument is just a cover for something else. This PM has done more good in six months than the others have in decades. The Thai and foreign Mafia are likely crapping in their pants besides a number of very questionable foreigners. The Thai junta is worse than the Burmese junta give me a break. something smells really fishy here. But agree the scams need to stop. There are a lot of good Thai women here. The foreign guys get scammed because of a serious lack of common sense and other issues. How odd been here going on twenty years and no problems. ??????


Would you care to list some of the things this government have done that REALLY benefit the average person in Thailand??

I had to delete my next line as it was crossing the "line" which is wrong in itself !!!

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