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Relationship with RTP


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I'll bite as you appear to be trolling.

Brother in Law is a LT. a really nice guy that rarely drinks. He's part of the family and acts the same as my brother in laws back home.

My next door neighbour is a Senior Sergeant. He's totally different. He likes to drink and originally tried to get me involved in his regular drunken parties. I politely declined the offer from first invite and since then we have an understanding. We exchange regular greetings and his kids come and play at my place.

Wife's friend is married to a senior CIB officer. We've met at dinners a few times but that's as far as the friendship goes.

As for the rest I stay clear of them.

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I think that everyone should tread very carefully on this one because I will not hear a bad word said about Thailand’s finest.

They always dress snappy in those figure hugging uniforms and look like real policemen should (especially the motorcycle police who wear those gorgeous riding jodhpurs).

I have been fortunate enough to spend a lot of time entertaining some of the senior members of the RTP and they have always treated me nicely and gently.

The only problem that I have had with the RTP was a couple of weeks ago.

I had been drinking in the Telephone Pub in Silom 4 with some of the other digital nomads and when I got home I caught ‘J’ playing Twister with a couple of luk kreung officers.

Well, at first I was extremely jealous but ‘J’ managed to clam me down and invited me to join in the festivities.

At the end of the day all worked out well and as a result I now have two more officers of the RTP in my little black book.

So in short, I have no relations in the RTP but plenty of relationships.

If any of you chaps want to post pictures of the RTP in their tight fitting brown uniforms (or even without uniforms, lol), there would be no objection from me darlings.

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Ask Beetlejuice.

Yeah BJ's you're man. Isn't his whole family Plod?

Might be the right person to ask, BJ seems to be pretty tight wit The BIB, although Gayllips seems to be pretty familiar with them to

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The only problem that I have had with the RTP was a couple of weeks ago.

I had been drinking in the Telephone Pub in Silom 4 with some of the other digital nomads and when I got home I caught ‘J’ playing Twister with a couple of luk kreung officers.

So GL I understand the Telephone Club is a swinging place for you young guys but what do you do if some 60 year old calls the phone your table?

Do you wind him up or what? Do your buddies get jealous?

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The only problem that I have had with the RTP was a couple of weeks ago.

I had been drinking in the Telephone Pub in Silom 4 with some of the other digital nomads and when I got home I caught ‘J’ playing Twister with a couple of luk kreung officers.

So GL I understand the Telephone Club is a swinging place for you young guys but what do you do if some 60 year old calls the phone your table?

Do you wind him up or what? Do your buddies get jealous?

Oh ATF, stop being a naughty boy or I will be tempted to spank you.

Can Mr. JS watch if I do darling?

Mind you, if he gets jealous we could have an angry boys club.thumbsup.gif

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The only problem that I have had with the RTP was a couple of weeks ago.

I had been drinking in the Telephone Pub in Silom 4 with some of the other digital nomads and when I got home I caught J playing Twister with a couple of luk kreung officers.

So GL I understand the Telephone Club is a swinging place for you young guys but what do you do if some 60 year old calls the phone your table?

Do you wind him up or what? Do your buddies get jealous?

Oh ATF, stop being a naughty boy or I will be tempted to spank you.

Can Mr. JS watch if I do darling?

Mind you, if he gets jealous we could have an angry boys club.thumbsup.gif

Is there a suggestion that Gayllips is involved in some BIB love??

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I have noticed that there are at least some who do their job well. In that I mean they do help to ensure the law is kept but the way they do it may be a little different to how we find it. I know someone who is rightly in jail for 6 years for dealing yabba. He received several warnings from the BIB before being busted finally (each of which had a price) but took no notice and he finally was caught again. I look on the earlier bribes as warnings...strong ones. It is not as if they planted anything on him. What they wanted was for him to stop if he could. It is a little like the old days in Australia where the warnings would be a good bashing. (I agree it is better that they have now stopped) the idea was to keep it out of the court system unless absolutely neccecary.I have no sympathy at all with those who complain about being fined on the spot for not wearing helmets. It is their own fault.

This island business is different. It is political with the local heads holding the reins. No one dares go against them, even the BIB but luckiy things now seem to be changing,

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I have noticed that there are at least some who do their job well. In that I mean they do help to ensure the law is kept but the way they do it may be a little different to how we find it. I know someone who is rightly in jail for 6 years for dealing yabba. He received several warnings from the BIB before being busted finally (each of which had a price) but took no notice and he finally was caught again. I look on the earlier bribes as warnings...strong ones. It is not as if they planted anything on him. What they wanted was for him to stop if he could. It is a little like the old days in Australia where the warnings would be a good bashing. (I agree it is better that they have now stopped) the idea was to keep it out of the court system unless absolutely neccecary.I have no sympathy at all with those who complain about being fined on the spot for not wearing helmets. It is their own fault.

This island business is different. It is political with the local heads holding the reins. No one dares go against them, even the BIB but luckiy things now seem to be changing,

A voice of reason Harrry , thanks for a good post

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I have noticed that there are at least some who do their job well. In that I mean they do help to ensure the law is kept but the way they do it may be a little different to how we find it. I know someone who is rightly in jail for 6 years for dealing yabba. He received several warnings from the BIB before being busted finally (each of which had a price) but took no notice and he finally was caught again. I look on the earlier bribes as warnings...strong ones. It is not as if they planted anything on him. What they wanted was for him to stop if he could. It is a little like the old days in Australia where the warnings would be a good bashing. (I agree it is better that they have now stopped) the idea was to keep it out of the court system unless absolutely neccecary.I have no sympathy at all with those who complain about being fined on the spot for not wearing helmets. It is their own fault.

This island business is different. It is political with the local heads holding the reins. No one dares go against them, even the BIB but luckiy things now seem to be changing,

A voice of reason Harrry , thanks for a good post

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Have my gf's father as a ex rtp whom i have never met but he has helped myself my gf and 1 of my thai friends who was arrested and jailed for hiring a underage girl who was offering sexual services,that was a hard one getting her off the hook,although it did cost several hundred thousand in guarantees,so it's good to be related i guess.

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My uncle is a Bell Helicopter pilot for the BIB in Bangkok and he is a great guy. Always tells me to have the correct visas and pay my taxes on time.

His wife is such a lovely person. She keeps telling my Lassie that she too was a farmer girl when she married him 30+ years ago and she learned everything from scratch to get used to the HiSo peoples in Thailand.

She is now a Khunying but a down to earth person and we often have a great time when we meet.

Not every copy in Thailand is bad.

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