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Divided NLA postpones impeachment

Lite Beer

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A slightly different story in the BKK post this morning.

Not that the report was incomplete but because many of them have not read the 5000 pages therefor don't know the whole story.

Seems some of them are worried that if these two and the next one are impeached it might cause trouble, as in the reds may be upset and riot again.

So we let them get away with crime because of a threat of more crime if we do them.

Others are worried about themselves, there may be legal problems for them later if they go ahead with this.

Good idea, let them get away with it because they might cause more trouble, that the law has been broken doesn't come into it.

Possibly you have picked some of the wrong people General.

That might account for Charlem's rant that was posted this morning.

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Chill out, man.

Oh, and try not to ask questions if you're not interested in getting answers because you'll give your own answers.

Actually I didn't even agree with the 'dangerous to vote' part and least of all the suggestion by voting like they did those NLA members will now be investigated. It seems a bit of trying to put fear in people, suggest more than proof, hint at something obviously sinister. IMHO

Do you really believe that with just one man holding all of the power in the country that these NLA members are free to vote as they wish?

With just one man being the constitution and the law as he sees fit, do you think it possible that the color of shirts has anything to do with it? Or less troublesome, do you think it's possible that one man doesn't want to stir up a hornet's nest he has to deal with?

Are you mistakenly seeing an elected body which is free to vote on behalf of voters and the country according to some imaginary laws which don't exist any more?

Do you believe there is a democracy where the majority should rule?

Well, if the NLA is not free to vote as they wish, did someone 'force' this voting behaviour upon them and thereby causing this result?

If the NLA is not free to vote, but ordered on how to vote, why should they need to fear when doing so?

You can't have it both ways, now can you?

"If the NLA is not free to vote, but ordered on how to vote, why should they need to fear when doing so?"

Maybe because "someone" doesn't want any public dissention and no matter how the vote went, one group would be unhappy? Sweep it all under the rug and hope it goes away?

FWIW, I suspect that's why Yingluck hasn't been brought up for hearings. One side might blow a cork and prevent "happiness for (all) the people." smile.png

So whatever the NLA does, good or bad, halfhearted, strong, idiotic, etc., it doesn't matter they do it because there're told to do so.

OK, understood.

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If you must have this fun then please phrase correctly "dangerous to vote the wrong one"

Anyway, personally I'm disappointed in some posters here who time and again have tried to convince me of the slavishly obedience and servile nature of the NLA, If you cannot even trust your fellow posters who can you trust rolleyes.gif

I'm sorry but what's your point? None of us are entitled to a point of view? What would I think my posts would convince you of anything and vice-versa? In an interim constitution that gives the NCPO the ultimate power over every aspect of Thai society, makes every edict of the NCPO lawful, and confers immunity on every action of the NCPO, why would I ever conclude that the NLA is not a robust legislative body that will only bring additional happiness to Thai people? At least you agree it's dangerous to vote the 'wrong' one. Maybe we just don't agree on what's wrong?

Chill out, man.

Oh, and try not to ask questions if you're not interested in getting answers because you'll give your own answers.

Actually I didn't even agree with the 'dangerous to vote' part and least of all the suggestion by voting like they did those NLA members will now be investigated. It seems a bit of trying to put fear in people, suggest more than proof, hint at something obviously sinister. IMHO

You are patronising him in telling him to 'chill out man'? What are you smoking?

All he was doing was putting forward an opinion, in a forum where people put forward opinions.

Fact is the NLA is the NCPO's puppet. The NCPO wants to make it look like it has some internal opposition, for the sake of this or that façade, that's what will happen. Decision time - the NCPO will tell the NLA what to decide or override any decision that the dictator doesn't agree with. It's in the constitution.

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165 out of 220 voted to indefinitely postpone? The Corruption Commission will now go after these 165.

Most definitely! It's dangerous to vote in Thailand!

If you must have this fun then please phrase correctly "dangerous to vote the wrong one"

Anyway, personally I'm disappointed in some posters here who time and again have tried to convince me of the slavishly obedience and servile nature of the NLA, If you cannot even trust your fellow posters who can you trust rolleyes.gif

I'm sorry but what's your point? None of us are entitled to a point of view? What would I think my posts would convince you of anything and vice-versa? In an interim constitution that gives the NCPO the ultimate power over every aspect of Thai society, makes every edict of the NCPO lawful, and confers immunity on every action of the NCPO, why would I ever conclude that the NLA is not a robust legislative body that will only bring additional happiness to Thai people? At least you agree it's dangerous to vote the 'wrong' one. Maybe we just don't agree on what's wrong?

Well said mate.

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Just move forward and get on with the CURRENT business of government. Stop looking backwards.

I am still waiting to hear announcements about proposed new rules or laws to prevent future corruption within the government. Come on guys...get a move on.

All court cases are based on what happened in the past not the future. Using your logic there will be no need for courts.

What's going to happen about the deaths in 2010. Will the victims families be told that the deaths will be forgotten about because we're too busy looking to the future. It sounds a nice idea but I can't see it working.

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If you must have this fun then please phrase correctly "dangerous to vote the wrong one"

Anyway, personally I'm disappointed in some posters here who time and again have tried to convince me of the slavishly obedience and servile nature of the NLA, If you cannot even trust your fellow posters who can you trust rolleyes.gif

I'm sorry but what's your point? None of us are entitled to a point of view? What would I think my posts would convince you of anything and vice-versa? In an interim constitution that gives the NCPO the ultimate power over every aspect of Thai society, makes every edict of the NCPO lawful, and confers immunity on every action of the NCPO, why would I ever conclude that the NLA is not a robust legislative body that will only bring additional happiness to Thai people? At least you agree it's dangerous to vote the 'wrong' one. Maybe we just don't agree on what's wrong?

Chill out, man.

Oh, and try not to ask questions if you're not interested in getting answers because you'll give your own answers.

Actually I didn't even agree with the 'dangerous to vote' part and least of all the suggestion by voting like they did those NLA members will now be investigated. It seems a bit of trying to put fear in people, suggest more than proof, hint at something obviously sinister. IMHO

You are patronising him in telling him to 'chill out man'? What are you smoking?

All he was doing was putting forward an opinion, in a forum where people put forward opinions.

Fact is the NLA is the NCPO's puppet. The NCPO wants to make it look like it has some internal opposition, for the sake of this or that façade, that's what will happen. Decision time - the NCPO will tell the NLA what to decide or override any decision that the dictator doesn't agree with. It's in the constitution.

The only fact here seems your obsession with your NCPO and NLA. You remind me of people who first xomplain that things need to be done and than when things get done continue with 'but not like this'.

You state as if telling facts whereas you just profess your opinion based on beliefs and emotions rather than objective items.

So,chill out my dear Thainet,

PS as Thai you should know that smoking funny stuff is illegal. Are you accusing me of doing something illegal? Are you trying to create an atmosphere of fear and distrust to make members of TVF only posts what you like or not post at all? Democratically so of courserolleyes.gif

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