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Does your wife Facebook pictures of things you buy for her?


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I do sometimes tell my wife not to be stupid with what she posts on facebook (more security reason stuff - like including a shipping box with address on it when she was saying my phone arrived) but yeah she does post a lot of that stuff. I do too though. Like buy a new sofa, or new bed I might post buying this with a photo in the shop or whatever. I also share lots of photos when on holidays but we have children doing cute things and just as much for them and grandparents etc. We have people living all over the world on facebook that do the same and we all stay in touch this way. So don't see the big deal.

As for stuff posting causing anything as far as it goes is Songkran, New Years etc. a lot of friends and cousins ask in front of her jokingly if they can be my mai noi. That's about it. We don't really know many Thai/Farang couples that live in Thailand though. Only really know well ones married a decade or more that visit here.

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I personally don't think this "phenomenon" is just confined to Thai women. I have female FB friends from Cambodia and the Philippines (and to a lesser extent from Vietnam) who are constantly posting pics of the phones, jewelry, and other trinkets that their foreigner boyfriends or husbands have given them. One girl I know in the Philippines landed an obviously very rich boyfriend and she's constantly posting pics of the expensive items (including a new car) that he's bought her and the expensive hotels they stay in everywhere. At first it didn't bother me, but then it just became a constant stream of boring, uninteresting posts like that so I "unfollowed" her. I personally find "the phenomenon" unbecoming and shallow, and would not be pleased if she (or any other girl who did the same) were my girlfriend….but to each his own.

Edited by morpho
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But you will almost never see a photo of the farang himself in any of the photos posted on Facebook.

Good point.

A few people I know are like that.

Perhaps though, it's that they don't want to be seen as a, you know, on their social media sites.

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A friend though allows his wife to make a running storyboard of where they go on trips.

They got robbed while away on holiday for 2 weeks. I do wonder if one is enjoying ur holiday so much, who do you have to share every minute with someone else?

The GPS pic app is a gift to thieves....pics taken at home tell them where you live....pics on vacations/evenings tell them how far away you are from your belongings....

Well exactly.

People who put up the fact that they are off to the airport for a holiday really are very stupid.

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To the OP, don't think too much about this. She is probably very happy about the things you give her and she wants to show off on Facebook; nothing wrong with that. Her Facebook friends should be happy for her. If they're jealous, then they are <deleted>. I mentioned a part of the female anatomy in the previous sentence.

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Perhaps I'm missing something, but I've never really understood Facebook. Apparently you put up all your personal information and embarrassing photos from the office party etc for complete strangers to look at and possibly use against you at a later date. Was up wit dat?

As someone once said, ego masturbation.

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Your wife has serious 'face' issues.

The concept of 'face' is very important to Asians.

To embarrass or try to prove someone wrong can mean they loose 'face' in front of others and to loose respect in their standing in the community.

Some feel that bragging about what they have gives them a higher standing in the community, that they will gain 'face' and more respect

Unfortunately, this kind of action can also lead to jealousy and the loss of friends.

I wouldn't condone bragging about what you have, but it obviously makes your wife feel good.

When friends stop coming around and the invitations stop........you'll know why!

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Many retail web sites will have an easy to click icon to do so (as free advertising) - expect she is just automatically clicking facebook icon when she sees it.

If a problem you might explain that it is a potential invitation for would be robbers to target her with such an open listing of possessions.

Apart from the invasion of privacy,they have no concept of damage that may be caused,I have had to have a word with two Thai women who see no harm in posting Family Photos on Facebook,without permission, they have no idea that Pedos are active on social websites!

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Boys boys boys, you don't know anything about young women. All young women put "stuff" on fb, food, new outfits, shoes bags, selfies, anything you think is strange is because you're not up with social media. This is very much an Asian thing. I have Korean students who do the same. It's harmless. It's the new interaction.

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Boys boys boys, you don't know anything about young women. All young women put "stuff" on fb, food, new outfits, shoes bags, selfies, anything you think is strange is because you're not up with social media. This is very much an Asian thing. I have Korean students who do the same. It's harmless. It's the new interaction.

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Yes, that is what they do. Its their Facebook let them post what they want. I spoke to my wife about that and they all post food and gifts. We don't do that but what is the harm? Why do you people always find fault with what the Thai women do? Shut up and be happy you have a women who is proud to show off what her hubby buys her. And they like their food....leave them alone!!

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Many Thai and more Asians like to show off. Traveling is a favorite issue as it is not common yet for Thais to make trips abroad.

Where most Europeans would take a picture of the landscape Asians like to have a picture of themselves in that landscape, if not famous enough like mount Fuji or the pyramids in Egypt, preferable with a sign naming the location in view. Facebook makes it easy to show these pictures to everybody they know.

Another symptom of this is the popularity of selfie sticks to extend the range of your arm in Asia ;-)

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Sorry about not sticking to the question, but I has the word 'Facebook' become a verb? To ask "Does your wife Facebook pictures,,,?" is hard for me to accept. I have no problem with people "googling" something as it's clearly an acceptable new verb to mean look for something with the Google search feature, something that millions of people do daily, but I'm going to hope that there isn't an more 'facebooking".

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Anyone have any experience with that happening? What would you do/say?

Most Thai's women & men like to post about their about life, their happiness, what makes/made them happy etc

Not a problem....All I ask of my wife is if posting pics of me let me see first

I would not make a big deal out of it.

For most men with Thai wives/girlfriends I think

their happiness or traits is in part what endeared them to us...Yes?.

Why would we want to squash that? Change them into something more self conscious/PC

in a Westerners mind? Then complain that they have become just like Western women

& something is different than who we fell in love with?

You know back when we lived in the US for a few years first thing my wife wanted to do was decorate the house.

This included putting up framed pics of us in the main living room. At first I thought uhhhh this seems a bit concieted

in some ways but I am glad I did not say anything because I realized later it was an expression of her happiness with her life

with me & that is what she wanted surrounding her. Not too mention any friends who came over always complimented her

on the pics & asked about the area etc the pic was taken.

This is all just my opinion for my own situation of course.

Many folks claim it is all vanity & perhaps for some it is.

But I also think sanuk means a lot to Thai's & they enjoy sharing their happiness.

Happy wife = Happy Life.......... your lucky wink.png

Edited by mania
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