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9 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

That's because you do not have the rich history we have and your a crappy little club with a lot of dough so you buy the title and I would not be surprised if you paid fans to attend. 

<deleted> hell, more childish crap! I'll ask my 13 year old if he's free to this morning to respond to you.

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On ‎21‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 10:47 AM, mrbojangles said:

I was back in the UK a couple of weeks ago and all my cousins (on my mother's side) are life long reds. We all went out for a pint and all they can try to do now is come up with garbage like Emptyhad (notice how empty OT was when WBA beat you :smile:). 


48 minutes ago, Bredbury Blue said:

Are you still labouring the point that City have empty seats, Jesus wept, more '14year old playground who can pisser higher' crap on TV forum.

As I posted the other day BB, all the RAGs (including my cousins) have nothing left to slag us off about, so they try to latch onto something by their fingernails. We are playing better football and winning more Trophy's than them nowaday's and they really can't stomach it. After all those years as top dogs, it must be really hurting them. I kinda feel sorry for them really, as they're like old famous movie stars who try to cling onto a bit of fame by scraping the barrel and going on "I'm a Celebrity"

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Enjoyed last Sunday's win over Swansea. Thought Gundogan had an excellent game - he doesn't like it fast and physical so it suited him. Delphy very solid. Interesting Sane and Walker benched for Bernardo and Danilo; Bernardo after a slow start now seems like our 12th man and should be better next season, Danilo isn't convincing for me. Lovely cameo by granddad Yaya, set up Jesus nicely but it should have been two (Kompany) - he'll be useful as a bit player for somebody next season, still got the skills but not the legs. Thought Foden had his best for City yet.

Well we didn't miss Dinho in the wins over Spurs and Swansea but be good to see him back at the weekend at WHU.

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MrBJ and Jelly

I really enjoyed this one hour radio special on Pep - https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p064qlpl

Excellent and long interview with Walker i particularly enjoyed, which gives a good insight. There's an interview with Zabba. Pat Nevin always hasn't something useful to say. Guillem Balague I'm not so keen on; comes across as a know all.

"Pep Guardiola - the man and the manager

5 live's Football Daily

Mark Chapman, Guillem Balague, Pat Nevin and the Daily Mail's Ian Ladyman examine the secrets of Pep Guardiola's success.

Manchester City defender Kyle Walker gives an insight into what it's like playing under the Spaniard, telling us Guardiola is a "friend as well as a manager."Hear also from Jordi Cruyff, who explains the influence his father Johan had on Guardiola."



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Manchester City's dazzling title success has underlined the failings of the Abramovich era



Liked this description : "...Between them, City and Chelsea have now scooped up four of the last five Premier League titles. They are, in terms of spending if nothing else, the closest thing English football has to an establishment. And yet, they have taken wildly different paths to get there: Chelsea the slash and burn, the permanent chaos, City the slow build, the long and predictable cycles of growth, culminating in perhaps the strongest expression of pure attacking football the English game has seen in a generation..."


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Everton 32,000

Liverpool 26,000

I assume there's a plausible reason why the Red Mickeys have so few season ticket holders.

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53 minutes ago, Bredbury Blue said:

Of course there is Trigg...As well as Season Tickets, there is a Membership Scheme. Tickets are purchased by Members in advance, July and November, and, the few that are left can be bought by Members (priority given to local postcodes) one month before the advertised game. The few (if any) remaining go on general sale a week before the match.


BTW Last I heard the Season Ticket waiting List is closed and the the waiting time was about 15 years!

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44 minutes ago, wilai said:

With a mental age/IQ of about nine and a half!:biggrin:

Yh but coming from you who cried like a baby when PC was sold, what a donut you looked. No player is bigger than the team lad no1.  Now get back in the burrow. Keep the youth updates coming there's a good lad.


This chieso looks a good un for us


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3 hours ago, Bredbury Blue said:

Trust you are all enjoying "Stevie 'Slippy' G Day".




You can keep toure you cry babies deserve him your peas in the sane pod. Is your name kolo by any chance?


The man SG litrually single handedly won us the ECL and anywhere on this planet if a discussion of the champions league takes place then one of the first references is our win in Istanbul. Were in Kiev don't you worry about that. The closest you have come is kolarov and dzeko and that aint happening. Best get your real Madrid shirts ironed.

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13 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

My estimation of you has never been so low as right now. Absolute bitter lemon

Its a bit sad when fans still harp on about one of the finest players of his generation because the guy slipped.  Typical England football fan, love him in an England shirt but just can't wait to knock him down at any other opportunity.


And now i see everyones doing their best to destroy Kane's confidence just before the world cup and if he plays poorly which under Southgate is quite likely the vultures will really be out.


And fans wonder why the national team is pony!!!

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16 minutes ago, carmine said:

Its a bit sad when fans still harp on about one of the finest players of his generation because the guy slipped.  Typical England football fan, love him in an England shirt but just can't wait to knock him down at any other opportunity.


And now i see everyones doing their best to destroy Kane's confidence just before the world cup and if he plays poorly which under Southgate is quite likely the vultures will really be out.


And fans wonder why the national team is pony!!!

After StevieG's big speech, it was a highly amusing and significant event wasn't it. Good to see the Manchester Evening News celebrating it.


Still a bit touchy about then R2D2. 

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23 minutes ago, carmine said:

Its a bit sad when fans still harp on about one of the finest players of his generation because the guy slipped.

He didnt "slip" though , he lost control of the ball and then fell over trying to run back and get the ball back

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31 minutes ago, carmine said:

Its a bit sad when fans still harp on about one of the finest players of his generation because the guy slipped.  Typical England football fan, love him in an England shirt but just can't wait to knock him down at any other opportunity.


And now i see everyones doing their best to destroy Kane's confidence just before the world cup and if he plays poorly which under Southgate is quite likely the vultures will really be out.


And fans wonder why the national team is pony!!!

That latest disparaging comment from the FA about Kane was beyond the pale. Don't those inept, racist old <deleted> have better things to do ?

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Just now, jellydog said:

That latest disparaging comment from the FA about Kane was beyond the pale. Don't those inept, racist old <deleted> have better things to do ?

They are clowns. A large percentage of the press are vile.  But fans should know better, for the love of the game and in Kane's case, the knowledge that that lads performance is pivotal to the national team putting in a respectable performance.


Gerard, an older more experiences player always seemed to me to treat the jibes in the contempt they deserve.

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5 minutes ago, jellydog said:

That latest disparaging comment from the FA about Kane was beyond the pale. Don't those inept, racist old <deleted> have better things to do ?

I wonder which team the person who posted that supported ?

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5 minutes ago, sanemax said:

I wonder which team the person who posted that supported ?

You don't have to be a Spurs supporter to know the FA was bang out of line.


But then again, it takes Chelsea fans to be taking the piss out of Huddersfield chanting "champions of England, you'll never say that", whilst being unaware that Hudderfield did it thirty odd years before you mugs and without the players bought with stolen russian rubles.  You really are a breed on your own.  

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The FA tweet was embarassing, but was probably a mistake by the kid who is running their social media account, rather than a ploy from the senior level management to unsettle Kane.


Either way Kane is under no more pressure than any England striker of the past going into a WC. He does need to deliver, and if he doesn't the vultures will be out to get him. If you don't like it, don't play for England.


Personally I couldn't care less. United over England every time. The best major tournaments are the ones which England don't qualify for. 

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26 minutes ago, sanemax said:

He didnt "slip" though , he lost control of the ball and then fell over trying to run back and get the ball back

Trust you are all enjoying "Stevie 'He didnt "slip" though , he lost control of the ball and then fell over trying to run back and get the ball back' G Day". :post-4641-1156694572:

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