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Replacing 3BB Premier Service With 3BB 13/1 or TOT - Good Idea?

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Hi there

I currently have the 3BB Premier service (up to 3 Mbit) costing 1200 baht a month. Yes it is expensive as I set this up about 5 years ago. I could have changed it by now, but it has been very reliable, until recently that is.

Some of the problems I have had with it have been due to cabling in my house. However, that accounts for only some of the increasing problems I have had with it not working as well as it used to.

I have therefore decided to upgrade the service. I have had the house checked by both 3BB and TOT and I could have the following options installed;-

1. 3BB 13Mb/1Mb for 900 baht per month

2. TOT Advance ADSL 13Mb/1Mb for 750 baht per month.

I am not trying to save every single baht, so I would rather pay more for a service that WORKS.

So if anyone could please let me know your experience with any of these services, I would VERY much appreciate it.

Thanks very much for your help.

edit: one of my main uses of the internet is to watch live streamed sport - in particular 365Sport (mainly football), so if you use that I would be particularly interested in your experience. Thanks again for your feedback.

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TOT is horrible. Stay away from it!

Why don't you buy a cheap 590 baht True online internet and use them together?

When one doesn't work, switch to another wifi. Thats it.


Muratremix, Bkungbank

Thanks for the quick feedback.

I was limiting my options to TOT and 3BB as I already have 3BB internet and I still have an account and a telephone line with TOT.

The TOT line is never used now and I have been meaning to cancel the service. I actually 'bought' the TOT line 11 years ago for 10,000 baht.

This was when the local exchange did not have any ports left and local Thais sold 'their' ports. I used the line for my 56Kbit analogue modem up until I got he 3BB line installed about 5 years ago.

I also know that where I live outside Pattaya, people have TOT and 3BB, but I am not sure if this a True service area.

I will now have a look at the True option as well.

Thanks again


IMHO, thanks for your feedback. I did not realise that. In a previous post above I wrote that I have a TOT telephone line. That is in fact a TTandT line, which also uses TOT lines.

I suspect that it is the quality/number of engineers that makes the 3BB service better than TOT then. The local line to my house is 3BB though isn't it?


Best to examine all of the available options, talk with neighbors as they're sure to know what is available, then come back here and present all of the options.

At first blush, it's hard to figure how 3BB 13/1 can be any worse than what you have now? But maybe the current "premier" service offers something in the way of an SLA?

Without a clear understanding of all the available options I might pull a second 3BB line and use both for a few months, then cancel the older service, assuming you are satisfied with the newer service.

We support quite a few customers on 3BB 13/1 DSL and 3BB FTTx (most 30/3, one is 50/10) and I have to say that 3BB is very accommodating re: service transitioning, tech support, on-site installs, etc.

As more and more people stream video content from off-shore, you should expect that type of service to become increasingly challenged until such time as the content distribution migrates closer to Thailand.


I changed from TOT to 3BB as TOT were awful service. Why go for the 900 baht 3BB, i have the 590 baht 10mb and i doubt if you would see much difference for the extra 53% cost.


lomatopo, thanks for the feedback. I am no longer sure if there is any Service Level Agreement relating to the Premier Service. When I first had it installed 5 years ago, then it was not supposed to be put on a server that was (over)loaded with other users. Was that written down ? I cannot remember. I can personally state though that whilst I have read on various computing websites over the years about all the problems they have been having, my internet link has consistently run at 3 Mbps and has been almost entirely problem free.

However, now as I want to watch streamed TV, 3 Mbps is really only just fast enough. I would prefer something faster.

I recently stayed in a hotel with a 15Mbps internet link and when I started watching the football 30 minutes late, then it buffered up 30 minutes of data very quickly, meaning that even if the link had failed for a few minutes or even been up or down intermittently, then there was enough data buffered anyway in the time it was up to ensure the stream was steady.

So a slightly flaky faster link would still be better than what I have at the moment and cheaper.

If I were to have a new line installed from True or whoever, would they install the line right into my house? This current line is terminated on a post by 3BB on the other side of the lane and I have had to install the line into the house myself - a run of about 30-40 metres. I had this installed 5 years ago now, so I cannot remember why it was terminated short of the house.

Talk to my neighbours - I live in a gated community where very few people actually talk to each other. Perish the thought!


Chris2004, thanks for the feedback. The 3BB engineer was horrified when I said I was thinking of dumping the Premier service for the 10Mb 590 baht service. He said it was awful, especially for data coming from outside Thailand. He reckoned I should stick to the Premier Service.

That is a major reason that I have come on here to ask about the experiences of people like yourself who have these services. You sound like you are pleased with the service.

I live about 10KM outside Pattaya, so maybe he is telling me the service out here is horrible. Mind you, if that were the case, it would be bad for traffic both within Thailand and international data as well.

I have decided I am going to replace the Premier service anyway, it is too slow for what I need it for now. so it is more a case of what with?

I am looking now at True (if it is available around here), 3BB and then TOT in that order.


If I were you, I would keep 3mb premier service.

Just add another available (no TOT) into the mix.

Maybe AIS Airnet 590 baht (10/4 mbit or 7/7 mbit) ?

With a dual wan router, you can also load balance your internet but it is extra cost. 2 wifi will work fine.


I had 3 BB 13/1 and when it worked 365sport.com was no problem unless you wanted to skip forward,..... slow time to reload.

Gave it up in the end as so many days with slow or no service(Pattaya area darkside)

Now have True online 30/3 and runs a treat on a Sunday you get 45/.3.5

I use a VPN in the UK and can stream BBC i player with no stalls!


TOT just sent me an offer today for Fiber2U 18/2 690 THB, 20/2 790 THB, 22/2 890 THB

and 30/3 990 THB. I have had TOT for 5 years without problem,(lucky),plus you get some

free stuff, don't know if this is just for Chiang Mai or National.

regards worgeordie


TOT just sent me an offer today for Fiber2U 18/2 690 THB, 20/2 790 THB, 22/2 890 THB

and 30/3 990 THB. I have had TOT for 5 years without problem,(lucky),plus you get some

free stuff, don't know if this is just for Chiang Mai or National.

regards worgeordie

Although TOT sucks, these prices seems great compared to its competitors.


If I were you, I would keep 3mb premier service.

Just add another available (no TOT) into the mix.

Maybe AIS Airnet 590 baht (10/4 mbit or 7/7 mbit) ?

With a dual wan router, you can also load balance your internet but it is extra cost. 2 wifi will work fine.

I have been looking at the AIS Airnet thing, but haven't decided yet because of complains from users on their facebook page. I was told by a Thai that I could try it without the one year contract stuff without telling me how to go about it.

It's been really difficult to stream anything at weekends, especially in the evening.

Is there anyone here that can vouch for the reliability of AIS Airnet?



Based on what little detail you've provided re: your requirements I'd say that AIS AirNET may not prove satisfactory. Maybe look for another solution?

We've had quite a few customers on this service, as initially it was all that was available. It was OK, but problematic during peak usage periods, perhaps owing to restricted back-haul?

We've transitioned most customers off to fixed line access, although some have chosen to keep AirNET for back-up purposes.


muratremix, thanks for the feedback. I never thought of doing that with the AIS Airnet. OK, I will add that to the mix.

Burl Ives, an interesting comment for sure. I have a horrible feeling that the Darkside service quality for 3BB 13/1 is similar to where I live towards Laem Chabang. I am going to go to the True office in North Pattaya on Wednesday and see if they can provide their service over here.

wordgeorgie, thanks for your information. I guess I am living in my 'comfort' zone only considering a copper wire solution. OK I will see if TOT offer the fiber optic option to where I live, they have it on their price list. I will ask True and 3BB as well.

phil2, hey you are a man after my own heart. Cautious about how well a service works.

Well thanks to everyone for the advice.

I did not expect to have so many good ideas, I thought I was being quite 'adventurous' considering the TOT and 3BB options that I listed in the first post!

My next task then is to contact 3BB, TOT to see if they offer fiber optic in my area, True to see what services they offer and Ais to see what it would cost.

Thanks to all of you for your help



Based on what little detail you've provided re: your requirements I'd say that AIS AirNET may not prove satisfactory. Maybe look for another solution?

We've had quite a few customers on this service, as initially it was all that was available. It was OK, but problematic during peak usage periods, perhaps owing to restricted back-haul?

We've transitioned most customers off to fixed line access, although some have chosen to keep AirNET for back-up purposes.

We on have TOT ADSL in the mooban, and we can't go for more than 12 mbps. I know the Internet is the problem because I can stream from most addons that aren't geographically restricted that are available on Kodi/XBMC on my phone.


Im getting 3bb fiber 30/3 installed off soi siam today 1200baht p/month. They've run at least a 1000'of this small cable at a flat installation rate. Im the only house in my moo baan getting it with over 140 houses.


We on have TOT ADSL in the mooban, and we can't go for more than 12 mbps. I know the Internet is the problem because I can stream from most addons that aren't geographically restricted that are available on Kodi/XBMC on my phone.

I doubt that you'd be satisfied with AirNET; are there any other fixed-line options (DSL from another provers, FTTx? DOCSIS)?

Im getting 3bb fiber 30/3 installed off soi siam today 1200baht p/month. They've run at least a 1000'of this small cable at a flat installation rate. Im the only house in my moo baan getting it with over 140 houses.

These long 'home-runs' can be problematic initially, as there are several splices from the shelf on the main road into your moo ban. And every person who props a ladder up against the cabling will (potentially) snap your fiber. Been there, done that. The good news is that it is easy to locate, and repair breaks.

Things get better when more people get the service and they put a shelf inside the moo ban.

Overall it's a good service, although the Huawei CPE has some WiFI issues.


yankee99, thanks for the information. Sounds like a good deal, please let us know how it goes. I have the details of this 3BB offer and that is plus VAT I am sorry to say! Mind you still a reasonable price. I see that the original price of 2490 baht has been reduced to 1200 baht per month. Is that an introductory offer, does it rise after a period of time?


The 3BB promotional pricing on FTTx (30/3 and 50/10) is a limited offer, I think until the end of this month, but often these offers get extended.

According to the contract I reviewed, this lower, promotional price remains in effect until such time as the contract is terminated, although there is a lot of wording protecting Jasmine (obviously), and which would allow them to raise the price at some point in the future. For the most part, promotional prices are honored here (amazingly) ad infinitum.


yankee99, thanks for the information. Sounds like a good deal, please let us know how it goes. I have the details of this 3BB offer and that is plus VAT I am sorry to say! Mind you still a reasonable price. I see that the original price of 2490 baht has been reduced to 1200 baht per month. Is that an introductory offer, does it rise after a period of time?

My understanding is this price will not rise and my guess will go down with competition. I also believe they are having issues selling the service. The lady sales rep called at least 6 times trying to sign us up. When she came to the house she said there were no customers in my moo baan and only a dozen in the area.

Costs are 2000 deposit, 1200 first month service and something like 2700 for the install. She originally said i had to pay a year up front or put it in the wifes name. She further says lots of falangs are bad pay which i resented the comment but thats her/their thinking.

I reminded her i have 5 other adsl accounts with 3bb for over 5 years. After some back and forth and providing acct numbers they agreed to monthly payments.

Normally i would pay the year for the 8% discount but i want to make it superior to my true ultra.


If you are a current 3BB DSL customer they can waive the deposit and the install fees, but you do need to prepay for the first month. We've overlapped DSL and FFTx installs for a few months just to insure connectivity, then cancelled the previous DSL service even though the contract(s) were only a few months old.

The price would not come down, per se. There might be subsequent promotions which you would have to proactively engage. 3BB is not having issues selling the service, it's just that they are being aggressive, sales reps are highly incentivized, once an area has been targeted for deployment they go all out. I am not in any way associated with 3BB or Jasmine.


Chris2004, thanks for the feedback. The 3BB engineer was horrified when I said I was thinking of dumping the Premier service for the 10Mb 590 baht service. He said it was awful, especially for data coming from outside Thailand. He reckoned I should stick to the Premier Service.

That is a major reason that I have come on here to ask about the experiences of people like yourself who have these services. You sound like you are pleased with the service.

I live about 10KM outside Pattaya, so maybe he is telling me the service out here is horrible. Mind you, if that were the case, it would be bad for traffic both within Thailand and international data as well.

I have decided I am going to replace the Premier service anyway, it is too slow for what I need it for now. so it is more a case of what with?

I am looking now at True (if it is available around here), 3BB and then TOT in that order.

That's not my experience of the 10mb service. Most days it's fine although it slows down a bit after 3pm. I use it every day and download around 100 GB of data a month, no problem. How is the premier service better?


I have true online for 3 years now. I think in my moo Baan it's overloaded. Between 7pm and 12 am streaming is poor. In the beginning it was good and speed test still shows 20+ down but that means nothing.


I had 3 BB 13/1 and when it worked 365sport.com was no problem unless you wanted to skip forward,..... slow time to reload.

Gave it up in the end as so many days with slow or no service(Pattaya area darkside)

Now have True online 30/3 and runs a treat on a Sunday you get 45/.3.5

I use a VPN in the UK and can stream BBC i player with no stalls!

My True package is THB 799/month with free cable TV box and 100 TV channels but only a feww farang ones, plus my wife got a phone cheap for her mother, no smart phone, just simple old fashioned phone for 299 one off payment plus a sim card thrown in.

Package last for 12 months then jump to something like THB 2500/month

Good deal for a year and no need for any extra things for digital TV, likee STB or antenna!


Burl Ives, I am going to the True office in Pattaya today. What will you do next, will you keep the package at 2500 per month?


yankee99 and Lomatopo, I am off to True and 3BB (again) today so I will try to understand their latest offers. I went to TOT (again) yesterday and they will send an engineer to assess the house for fiber optic connectivity. I suspect the 3BB engineers will have to come and inspect again as well, as I only discussed the copper wire options with them when they came to give the OK for the upgrade last week.

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