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Thai research on rubber latex helps fight against cancer


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Research on rubber latex helps fight against cancer
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BANGKOK, Oct 20 -- As rubber growers complain about declining prices of rubber latex and have asked the government to provide a financial subsidy, an academic at Prince of Songkla University is researching the use of latex in fighting against cancer.

Dr Rapepun Wititsuwannakul of the Faculty of Science has conducted study on rubber for more than two decades and has found that natural latex contains several qualities advantageous to human health and well-being, such as slowing aging, boosting health and helping to prevent cancer.

Tests have been conducted on animals and the outcome is satisfactory, she said, adding that tests are now being conducted on human volunteers.

She has asked for government assistance in marketing to assist rubber growers long-term such as in latex-based cosmetic products derived from her research to international markets.

Meanwhile, Dr Nares Damrongchai, CEO of Thailand Centre of Excellence for Life Sciences (TCELS) under the Ministry of Science and Technology, said TCELS has provided funds to Dr Rapepun since 2006 for research until it is found that compound from rubber latex could help in body whitening and also could help in reducing hair loss.

Dr Nares said TCELS recently signed an agreement with Prince of Songkla University to undertake further research on producing other cosmetic products for commercial purposes abroad. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2014-10-20

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"...natural latex contains several qualities advantageous to human health and well-being, such as slowing aging, boosting health and helping to prevent cancer." wai2.gifwai.gif

Quite a list of monumental Medical discoveries all of a sudden. w00t.gif

Do they want us to eat it? blink.png

Sounds like another snake oil/lotion.

"Thai research..."

Ok, never mind...

Edited by iReason
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natural latex contains several qualities advantageous to human health and well-being, such as slowing aging, boosting health and helping to prevent cancer. rubber latex could help in body whitening and also could help in reducing hair loss.

I'm fairly certain that rotten, aged rice, combined with rat feces has the same curative qualities, all Thailand's problems solved.

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So after ebola they cure cancer and being bald on the side plus whitening the skin? And the sods really believe foreign countries will pay millions for that crap and world trade of rubber will grow exponentially? In western countries an academic like that would lose the job and be poored in shame. Nothing will change in Thailand.

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Wonder where TCELS gets their funding/grants from? Looking at their list of "partners", I wonder if the government is funding skin whitening and hair loss studies? Possible, I guess. Among other significant, national priorities, my gov funds the study of sexual habits of the spotted humpback turtle in Montana.

Keep lathering on that whitening cream, ladies. You are helping rubber farmers and thereby your country!

Patriots one and all! a-soldier-saluting-smiley-emoticon.png

Edited by 55Jay
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A distinguished Thai scientist invests her considerable talent into finding ways of converting rubber sap into skin-whitening cream so her paranoid fellow Thais, other Asians and Africans can lighten up a little. . .

Is it just me, or might some ThaiVisa feminists regard this as not only a sad waste of talent but also a betrayal of the cause of equality being fought for by women across the nation.

What's that - Thai men slap on the wretched stuff, too?

OK, I'm out of here.

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"Dr Rapepun Wititsuwannakul of the Faculty of Science has conducted study on rubber for more than two decades and has found that natural latex contains several qualities advantageous to human health and well-being, such as slowing aging, boosting health and helping to prevent cancer."

Slow ageing? You can't slow ageing, time passes, you age.

Boosting health? How exactly? In fact what does that even mean?

Prevent cancer? Ok? How does rubber prevent cancer?

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Well the one who knows all at our house, was given the receipt for a cancer cure/preventive drink by the local head monk recently.

Pour juice from 1/2 a lime

1 tablespoon honey (tablespoon is my conversion measurement)

into 1 cup of soda water and consume 2 times/daily

These different groups attempting to raise more funds from the gulliable/taxpayer in some cases, seems to be indication that donations/scams may have been hit by a economic slowdown, thus they are trying to peddle something to get back on projected budget.

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