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Living with smoker 'as bad as living in polluted city'

Lite Beer

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Being addicted to tobacco also reduces the users sense of smell and taste over time. That may well be why habitual smokers do not fully appreciate how disgusting the addiction is, how they stink etc, because they mostly can't smell it on themselves, so how can they possibly be doing any harm to others when they light up? Us non smokers should be sympathetic. Non smokers should just walk away, it's no good reasoning with them. For sure they will become painfully sick in later life if they ever reach that stage, sadly for their families.

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I just love how all the ex smokers come out of the woodwork on these sort of threads.

Yippee, you gave up 10,20, 100 years ago the terrible tobacco and now cannot stand it. The haze, the smell etc. but you loved it back then didn't you? Never gave a thought to who you were polluting then? Did you, as you puffed away

Well, here's news. Us smokers like our cigs and don't need to be told over and over again how bad they are for us. And some of us are the same age as you, and still alive and kicking and smoking and enjoying life. I know i will die one day, whether it is from smoking or not. I may choke on a peanut.

And i do know about cancer and stuff like that. But until my doctor tells me - Pats is going to continue enjoying her cigarrettes.

Signed with a smoky kiss - which i would prefer to a lager and curry flavoured kiss.

Mrs Benson and Hedges

Edited by Patsycat
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I just love how all the ex smokers come out of the woodwork on these sort of threads.

Yippee, you gave up 10,20, 100 years ago the terrible tobacco and now cannot stand it. The haze, the smell etc. but you loved it back then didn't you? Never gave a thought to who you were polluting then? Did you, as you puffed away

Well, here's news. Us smokers like our cigs and don't need to be told over and over again how bad they are for us. And some of us are the same age as you, and still alive and kicking and smoking and enjoying life. I know i will die one day, whether it is from smoking or not. I may choke on a peanut.

And i do know about cancer and stuff like that. But until my doctor tells me - Pats is going to continue enjoying her cigarrettes.

Signed with a smoky kiss - which i would prefer to a lager and curry flavoured kiss.

Mrs Benson and Hedges

Do what you like in private. No one cares.

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Hate to disagree Brian, but many many studies have shown nicotine to be highly addictive. Better bone up on your research before you express opinion as fact. Nicotine addiction is what makes it very difficult for smokers to quit. I know.. I am a former smoker.

I have to somewhat disagree. I think if Scott thought about it, he might agree with me based on his use of cigarettes.

Nicotine is addictive and quickly so. The smoker also gets a lift out of it although after a time he may not consciously realize it.

The real problem is that a smoker gets that lift, and when it starts to die off, he wants another.

It isn't the chemical addiction that makes it so hard to quit. It's a lie the smoker believes, telling him the cigarette is his friend. It makes him feel good. A quitter will have all nicotine out of his system within 72 hours but he'll still believe the lie and even months later he'll want a smoke. Months and maybe a year or more.

The trick to quitting is to see the lie and realize that a true friend isn't trying to kill you, sap your energy, or make you stink. Once a person truly sees the cigarette as an enemy, he can quite easily quit. It's 3 days of not really being that bad off physically, and not being bad off at all emotionally if he decided to hate that enemy.

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Smoking is a complex issue, but it is nicotine addiction which is the worst part. That is where the physical craving is and the craving causes physical reactions. They vary from person to person. I was fortunate to be in a hospital where I was sedated and went without smoking for a length of time. Once home, moving around was difficult, so going out to get a pack of cigarettes wasn't really an option.

Nothing at home is associated with smoking any more and that makes it easier, but there is seldom a day that goes by that I don't think about smoking and I think about it fondly. When I walk outside of a mall, I head directly toward the group that is smoking. The smell of a freshly lit cigarette is tempting. The smell of stale cigarettes inside a closed room isn't.

Now, as I said, I limit any contact with cigarettes to very specific outside events where I can puff away to my hearts content, leave the cigarettes and lighter, go home, go to bed and the following day leave the habit behind me again.

I cannot sneak a cigarette during the day without the entire rush of nicotine addiction coming back.

Here's some things that make it easier:

1. Places that do not allow smoking. Having smoking areas well segregated from non-smoking areas.

2. Keeping cigarettes out of sight (7-11 should keep those little doors closed). It's more tantalizing when I see my favorite brand.

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And I used to worry about second hand smoke around my pets. I don't smoke anymore, or at least not very often, but always try to make sure I am sitting outside away from non-smokers, kids and pets.

there is outside and “ outside “ – i.e in a restaurant that has no walls so the smoker considers it is still okay to indulge despite the fact that the person on the adjoining table is still eatingbah.gif

Get a life; if there are no walls what about traffic pollution and sub 10 micro hydrocarbon particles.

I am a smoker and I try to pander to all the screaming tree huggers, however, if you live in a major city such as Bangkok which is highly polluted then second hand smoke is the least of your worries, just easier to bitch about.

So you are saying it is acceptable to smoke wherever if you happen to live in a highly polluted city?

With the availability of these E-cigs I am surprised that people are so inconsiderate as to still smoke close to others.

Edited by jacko45k
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Well, here's news. Us smokers like our cigs and don't need to be told over and over again how bad they are for us.

The problem is that you only "like" them because you are addicted to them. You would probably find them disgusting if you weren't. You made a poor choice long ago when smoking was fashionable - probably before all the dangers were known - and now you are stuck with it.

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And I used to worry about second hand smoke around my pets. I don't smoke anymore, or at least not very often, but always try to make sure I am sitting outside away from non-smokers, kids and pets.

Er indoors smokes, but not when I'm driving or eating. Once her step dad came and sat down where I was eating and lit a cig.. I asked her to ask him not to smoke. He laughed, so I then said if he wants my breakfast on his head tell him to carry on. Great result, now we only see him when there is a blue moon. Wife's happy and so am I.

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I'm a smoker yes it is bad habit but trying to find stuff to help you quit here is rarer than hens teeth. But rule 1 smoke out doors away from everyone rule 2 never smoke indoors. But what I hate I'm sitting in the shade smoking away from everyone and some butthead comes to sit and says do you mind? I say what? Your smoking Yes I'am but it bothers me, So move I was here smoking by myself not bothering anyone.

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Does not apply to me..

I would never live with a smoker.

I would not even have a smoker as a friend.

Smokers stink, they make us stink.

There should be a day in this era when people will not believe that one day, paople willingly breathed poison that did shorten their life by more than 8 years.


I feel the same about non smokers.

Always whining, sniveling, complaining and feeling sorry for themselves with no sympathy for the feelings of all of the smokers.

I have been smoking for over 50 years and am doing fine thank you.

I do feel a little guilty when I snicker after hearing that someone who has scolded me for years about the how smoking will kill me has died much younger than I am and they had never experienced the pleasure of a good smoke with a good cup of coffee in the morning or after a good meal or a good woman.

I do believe that genetics have more to do with cancer deaths than smoking.

Cancer does seem to run in some families and not in others, regardless of smoking.

George Burns lived to be over 100 and said," the secret to long live was good cigars and young women"

Only 10% of life long tobacco smokers die of cancer.

I wonder how many non smokers have been killed for incessant complaining?

Edited by willyumiii
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And I used to worry about second hand smoke around my pets. I don't smoke anymore, or at least not very often, but always try to make sure I am sitting outside away from non-smokers, kids and pets.

Er indoors smokes, but not when I'm driving or eating. Once her step dad came and sat down where I was eating and lit a cig.. I asked her to ask him not to smoke. He laughed, so I then said if he wants my breakfast on his head tell him to carry on. Great result, now we only see him when there is a blue moon. Wife's happy and so am I.

" I then said if he wants my breakfast on his head tell him to carry on." giggle.gifthumbsup.gif

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Does not apply to me..

I would never live with a smoker.

I would not even have a smoker as a friend.

Smokers stink, they make us stink.

There should be a day in this era when people will not believe that one day, paople willingly breathed poison that did shorten their life by more than 8 years.


I feel the same about non smokers.

Always whining, sniveling, complaining and feeling sorry for themselves with no sympathy for the feelings of all of the smokers.

I have been smoking for over 50 years and am doing fine thank you.

I do feel a little guilty when I snicker after hearing that someone who has scolded me for years about the how smoking will kill me has died much younger than I am and they had never experienced the pleasure of a good smoke with a good cup of coffee in the morning or after a good meal or a good woman.

I do believe that genetics have more to do with cancer deaths than smoking.

Cancer does seem to run in some families and not in others, regardless of smoking.

George Burns lived to be over 100 and said," the secret to long live was good cigars and young women"

Only 10% of life long tobacco smokers die of cancer.

I wonder how many non smokers have been killed for incessant complaining?

" I have been smoking for over 50 years and am doing fine thank you."

wow you must be quite remarkable w00t.gif . Do you have x-ray vision to check what your lungs probably look like right now?whistling.gif


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Some posters repeatedly said smoking is an addiction and Scott explained it

Smoking is a complex issue, but it is nicotine addiction which is the worst part. That is where the physical craving is and the craving causes physical reactions. They vary from person to person. ...

He is right by 100%, it's a fact. Smoking has so many health risk factors, too.

The harmfulness of smoking is improved by scientists as carcinogenic -->


Among the 250 known harmful chemicals in tobacco smoke, at least 69 can cause cancer. ...

The problem is, most of the the addicted are too much of a coward to admit it and are not able to find a way out of the addiction. Excuses, excuses .....

Instead of fighting against one's weaker self they use excuses ranging from childishly self-deluding, pointing to other dangerous conditions (pollution) to brainlessly repeating what the smoking mates or the tabacco industry tell them. I.e.

- #44 "...Always whining, sniveling, complaining and feeling sorry for themselves with no sympathy for the feelings of all of the smokers. ..."

- #14 "will take smokers anytime , but breathing the air in large cities can be fatal .clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gifclap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gifclap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif "

- #17 "will take smokers anytime , but breathing the air in large cities can be fatal .clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gifclap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gifclap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif "

- the highlight, with the word "brain" in the avartar

I really wonder how anybody can KNOW that smoking reduces my life experience by 8 years ....

A lot of pseudo argumentation here.

As a fact:

Tobacco does NOT make anybody addicted !

Nikotin does very slightly.

What really makes addicted are the so called "addictives" the tobacco industry puts ILLEGALLY into the FILTERS !!!

They have been convicted many times but paying the fines is cheaper than changing their illegal behavior.

Much brainwashing going on here .... and even more state propaganda.

[reading this threat makes it clear that very little is knowledge and much is simple repeating main media propaganda]

BTW, tabacco smoke contains already fine particulate matter. Dear smokers, Why don't you go on the city streets for breahting this discussed stuff for free ?

To the "complex issue" of smoking, there are social (group-) efefcts, as improved by some posters. But that doesn't wipe out te toxic effect.

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