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MIND MANAGEMENT by V. Vajiramedhi, a Master Monk running a Meditation Retreat in Chiang Rai.


Overcoming a depression can be done without any professional help, many people do that all the time. Whether that is wise is another thing and also depend on the cause of the depression. Some people are naturally chemical imbalanced for others it is reaction to a stressful situation.

Medication to help you through it can be a good thing, as long as it is not the only thing one does to fight a depression. One of the most important things is to try and keep active with exercise, activities and work. Once people fall in a black hole and only lay in bed it becomes more difficult to fight a depression.

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I suggest you do some research on depression - there is a massive amount of information available on the internet - but go for main stream stuff from sites such as the Mayo clinic or the NHS.

Try to identify the type of depression are suffering from and whether it was triggered by a stressful or traumatic situation, alcohol. drugs or whether it just came out of the blue with no apparent reason.

Then follow the advice given and see if you can tackle it without recourse to doctors or drugs.

It could be dangerous to self medicate without professional advice, and if your depression is so bad that you feel you cannot cope by yourself, then I strongly recommend that you see a therapist, who may, if necessary refer you to a psychiatrist.

But just take it one step at a time and see how you get on.

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As a past mental health worker I can say yes but not easily. Best thing is Lamotrigine or Lamactil (copy). Can be bought in some places without a script. Ask around. It is not cheap 30 100mg tabs is about 1900 baht take one per day. Good luck.


Hi benalibina.

It maybe a chemical imbalance in yours, or the sufferer's system. "http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/232248.php" Have a read of this initially to get an understanding. It relates to the body's inability to produce a sufficient amount of serotonin.

" Fast facts on serotonin

Here are some key points about serotonin. More detail and supporting information is in the main article.

Serotonin is a chemical created by the human body. It works as a neurotransmitter.

It is commonly regarded as a chemical that is responsible for maintaining mood balance.

Serotonin is created by a biochemical conversion process."

If you would like to know something about the pros & cons send me a PM.

Trust this is of some assistance.

Cheers..... Mal.


I can really relate, firstly. And I'm sorry you're going through that.

One advice - which I need to take myself - is that every time I read this site, I become horribly depressed. No sarcasm intended there. It's the negativity, and reading people delighting in the hardships of others, the accusations, all of it.

I responded to this thread headline; but I'm seriously trying to avoid this site for the psychological effects it brings.

Also, there are some neighbors who delight in negative views nearby, who I was hanging out with because they spoke English. But, for the same reasons, no longer.

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The depression is most likely brought on by your family circumstances.

Positive things to do,

1. Start exercising, bicycle is good.

2. Sex helps, but you're not in Thailand, so that might not be an option for you.

3. Join a club or just participate more in stuff with other people.

4. Fill as much of your spare time as you can, stop brooding about the past.

Good luck!

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I just want to add to all the other good suggestions I see here is there is a relationship between hurt, anger, sadness and a depressed mood, so a good beginning is to deal with causes of hurt, anger, sadness. IF needed meds can help you get a jump start on all of that but are not a cure all.


depession its up to you, you alone can fix the problem, been down all the roads, drugs medical and every bodys comments and supposing help, IT IS UP YO YOU TO GET OVER IT BE STRONG, or just keep being depressed, easy


As a past mental health worker I can say yes but not easily. Best thing is Lamotrigine or Lamactil (copy). Can be bought in some places without a script. Ask around. It is not cheap 30 100mg tabs is about 1900 baht take one per day. Good luck.

Go easy on this one, rethaier. There are a host of potentially and surprisingly dangerous direct and indirect side effects associated with initiating use, using, and discontinuing use of this particular medication. I am familiar with its myriad applications, but some sort of caution should be issued with its suggestion. Especially in LOS where many things can be obtained and initiated with virtually no supervision. Some pharmacists are conscientious, others, not so much.

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Like the Readers Digest said....Laughter is the best medicine,

Here are 10 simple health-enhancing reasons to have a daily laugh.

1. Laughter helps boost your immune system by increasing T cell activity; those “killer cells” that help our bodies fight viruses and tumours.

2. Laughter helps lower blood pressure and cortisol levels, decreases pain and can also help stabilize blood sugar.

3. Laugher stimulates chemical changes in the brain that help buffer our bodies against the cumulative effects of stress.

4. Laughter burns a few extra calories: according to a recent university study, just 10 -15 minutes’ worth of chuckles throughout the day can burn up to 40 calories.

5. Laughter stimulates the release of endorphins, the mood-elevating brain chemicals behind the “runner’s high.”

6. Laughter helps reduce inflammation throughout the body – good news for your heart, brain and circulatory health.

7. Laughter “massages” internal organs – which is why it’s sometimes referred to as “internal jogging” – with effects similar to exercise.

8. Laughter provides a light workout for the heart, lungs, diaphragm and even the abdominal muscles.

9. Laughter releases tension in the muscles of the face, neck, shoulders and abdomen – all common areas where we tent to hold lots of tension

10. Laughter is physically and mentally therapeutic – an involuntary response that positively alters mood instantly – what could be better?

And now 5 instructions as to how you can laugh.

1. Surround yourself with people who make you laugh.

You don't have to dump unfunny friends, but make a point of seeking out new friends who make you laugh and who are ready to laugh. When you're around them, you'll be ready to laugh too.

2. Watch funny movies and TV programs

It doesn't matter how old you are: Tom & Jerry is funny. Pour a bowl of sugary cereal and recreate the Saturday mornings of childhood.

3. Switch off the news.

If you're a newspaper addict, start with the funnies and the human interest stories before you get too deep into the depressing stuff. Switch back and forth to keep your mood light. Don't overdose on darkness.

4. Laugh at yourself.

Laughing at yourself helps to distinguish between "who you are" and "what you do." Everyone mucks up at some point, and it doesn't have to define you as a person. Laughing at yourself communicates to both you and the people around you that it's no big deal.

5. Force a few chuckles

Start with three short "ha" sounds and do several sets of forced laughs to get started with. You'll be surprised at how quickly forced laughs can turn into legitimate ones.

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Depression usually has a cause, you need to address that also at some point otherwise it will come back.

Yes, if you're depressed about something(s) in your life then that should tell you the route to removing or at least ameliorating the cause. If it's apparently idiopathic, just an overwhelming sense of depression for no identifiable reason, then you should probably undergo a medical exam to see if there's a less obvious cause.

As others have said, alcohol or other things that mess with you mind and body should be eliminated, although if you're dependent on them, things could feel worse before they get better. For some people even cutting out coffee can cause short-term issues.

Counselling? Really depends on you, your counselor and your wallet.

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you may have culture shock, this can cause depression & quite severe. If you're a big drinker, drop it back to one or two a night, excersise & volunteer. Volunteering is a great way to over come depression and as some one said, find an English speaking companion.


Chadilac666, my suggestion , lay off the Thai females. Of you understood the culture of Thais it may have helped you but I doubt it. Not many relationships last, as when normal life sets in & the money's not running, the honey starts running, you're not the first & won't be the last. But I feel for you, I suggest a trip home my friend. Will do you the world of good . How long have you lived in Thailand ? Get rid of her belongings, drop them at her friends and as I said to another post, go volunteer, amazing how good u feel & you'll meet people u can talk to.


I've been through that guys. It became even worse - total burnout. I even had to leave school because I wasn't even able to stand or sit straight for an 1h without collapsing or breaking out.

What was wrong? I couldn't sleep due to severe depression. I thought about the people and the discussions we had. Once I laid on bed, my head would turn itself into a replay center. I would think of what we have talked about... Everything went through my head again.

Then I had anxiety and stress problems because I was having a serious breakdown on what to do in the future. There were so many negative things in my head, I wasn't able to do about it.

After months, I had to go to the psycho doc... which made me feel even more embarrassed. He diagnosed me with anxiety fear or "stress fear". That means being constantly under stress and having concerns about it and the uncertainty about tomorrow. This whole madness is very tiring and exhausting for the body. I couldn't sleep till 3AM everyday, because things would run through my head, concerns about my future and I was obviously overdoing it. Trying to figure out codes, designing things on my pc till late night. I just couldn't cope up with anything anymore. I was done, mentally broke.

You know what? It occurred during my early stages of adulthood - early 20s. I didn't know what that was- BURNOUT. It got treated like the topic, similar to haemorrhoids. It means people didn't speak about it and it wasn't that apparent in the last 7-10 years in Germany. Things have changed by now and this modern sickness became pretty much aware in the media lately, or in the West. More people would suffer from burnout, depression, overwork, everything!

There is a term in Japanese: KAROSHI - death from overwork/burnout.

Looking back it was the most brutal phase in my life. I cried everyday, I cried myself into sleep. However I had no signs of a suicidal condition. Every god damn day was exhausting. I didn't know what life was. My soul was empty and it was carrying my empty body. I've aged a lot...

I got some meds from my doc. It totally knocked me out - slept like a baby. I didn't think of ANYTHING. My head was empty. Empty as in I didn't think of good or bad. I could go out again and try to learn and figure out "how to be happy" and why people are all happy with their girlfriends and wives. I had nobody escorting me or picking me up. I wonder where was god?!

Long story short: I dropped the pills. I started jogging and while I was jogging, I even had to cry... thinking about what hell I went through and I would continue walking, running till I reached my goal.

I changed my habits, my diet, the way of thinking. I spent a lot time in nature, reflecting. I did a complete U-TURN. With success... well... sort of...

Prior to my burnout, I had some casual hiccups with my stomach and intestine area. I always did, but now no more. Those pills, AND the newly acquired anti depression I was taking for months ruined my liver. I had a liver like an alcoholic. My liver function readings were so high, it got not unnoticed by the doc. Everytime I went to different docs, they would tell me that my liver was in some serious condition. Subsequently, it got so worse I was discharged from the German Armed Forces in the early stages. It broke my heart. I always wanted to go to the military. I was a total mess, had problems with stomach, and now my dreams have vanished. I thought, maybe I would do some workarounds, sign myself up to Afghanistan, look for some god damn forsaken place where nobody would find me and I end my life with just one bullet in the head. That was my thought. How f*cked up can it get?

Years have passed, I'm feeling a lot better, no more depressions... it was surely a memory I won't forget.

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When I feel the weight of depression starting to appear...I find a new massage parlor...pick the cutest lady available...and let her massage my bad karma away...works for me every time...I love a story with a happy ending...

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Recommend 2 books:

10% Happier -- a fantastic book!

Then read Mindfulness by Mark Williams

Best wishes. Hang tough.


Sometimes yes and sometimes no. It depends on the person and the severity of the depression.

Situational depressions, such as those which follow some type of loss or major life change, or result from loneliness, will often improve just with time. Occasionally though they can trigger the onset of clinical depression, which is a very different matter.

When in the throes of a true clinical depression people usually have neither the psychic energy nor clarity of thought to deal with it unaided.

I wish to repost Sheryl's comments above. Be aware that in some cases it is ok, it is important to seek the aid of someone other than your own council. IMO, Meds can often complicate or prolong problems, though in other cases aid us in passing insurmountable pain. Be wise, be kind to yourself, and seek the help of others without pride. Depression should not be borne alone, and it can be solved.


I've suffered depression for 30 years diagnosed bi polar 10 years ago.

The best thing for me is herbal medicine called 5 HTP 1 tablet a day & 30 minutes to 1 hour in the gym with a nice swim & sanna,so a mixture of meds & self help work well but as some point out there are different types of depression.

If I let myself go then it can take weeks/months to get back into self help mode as you fall into a black hole.


As a long term sufferer, yes it possible but you need mental strength & energy to force exercise and most of us feel tired & lacking in both those things. Regular exercise like swimming or walking are very good for depression sufferers. I had a bad first marriage and very stressful, difficult separation with her still involved in my business then her marrying my best friend & business partner. Then a stressful business life. My depression was caused by these things. I was on & off (mostly on) meds for over 25 years (April 88 to January 2014) and without them when I needed them, I could not have made it. If you need meds, don't be a fool and not go there. (1) They are not at all addictive (good). 2. When you find the right one they are "just what the doctor ordered." (good also). 3. the bad news. Sometimes it takes a while to find the right med & dose. There are 3 or 4 groups of anti-depressants and several variations of the same thing that should (logically) be almost the same for a given person to take. WRONG some of the close molecular brother meds act completely different. I did tri-cyclics, Parnate & the group that Prozac belongs in. I eventually ended up on Prozac & for me it was wonderful but did dampen the physical sex side a bit. But Kamagra (Indian Viagra) in thailand is less then 200b a card of 4 x 100mg so I carried on as normal.

I married again to a thai lady this time 9 years ago & I retired from business at 63, 3 years ago. My thai wife is a very calming influence on me & everyone I know says they do not recognise me as the same person as perviously married or between marriages. When we decided to come over here last year I decided to wean myself off Prozac & it has worked. 11 months now and it is like I never had depression. The causes have gone & I have changed my outlook on life with my new partner. I notice Sharon is advising you. Take most notice of what she says & avoid the know-alls who have never had it.

Do not be a fool. If you need meds, do take them. But be prepared for some experimenting till you find the right one for you. Ask Sharon for suggestions where to find the right help if you need it.

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It is best to get a counselor -- someone with a bonafide degree in counseling psychology. Is it only my impression, or is it a fact that these types of professionals cannot be found in Thailand?

Many people hesitate to seek help through a counselor, but it is often the smart thing to do. A good counselor can help one to frame the problem, and develop a plan and a way of thinking (and doing).

Best wishes.

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