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This applies equally to those living in Thailand as it does to the long time stayers here.

In case of emergency ... do you have a Plan?

For example, does a trusted Mate have your Family contacts back in the West?

Maybe the same Mate is good for a loan of a couple of Grand to get you out of a tight spot?

Do you keep a copy of your Passport/Visa as a photo image somewhere ... maybe stored on the computer in case you lose it?

Have you registered with your Embassy so that they have your Family contacts outside of Thailand, or other reasons that may be beneficial?

Have a separate Bank Account which is just yours (the Mrs/Miss doesn't know about) with some 'comfort money'.

Have you given a 'Power of Attorney'* to a trusted person to act on your behalf should you lose your marbles?

Do you have a valid will?

Just looking to read what you guys do and get some tips from what seems to work as my 'Plan B' is woeful ... facepalm.gif

* 'Power of Attorney' ... it's an Australian term, but I'm sure other Countries have something similar.

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Might be useful to leave instructions somewhere as to your wishes if involved in accident re: DNR (do not resusitate)

Are you allergic to any specific Meds ?

Are you taking any Meds regularly ? (I know some of you ought to be whistling.gif )

Good thread David, and maybe we should compile a list and PIN it on the forum.

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The wonderful British embassy cancelled their registration scheme some years ago, not that I would rely on them to fix a light bulb.

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"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


The wonderful British embassy cancelled their registration scheme some years ago, not that I would rely on them to fix a light bulb.

Mate ... that's disappointing.

The Aussie Embassy still encourages the practise.

Online Registration for Australians overseas

We encourage all Australians travelling or residing overseas to register their travel and contact information with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. You can register via the register with us facility on the Smart Traveller website www.smartraveller.gov.au The information you provide will help us to contact you in an emergency - whether it is a natural disaster, civil disturbance or a family issue. It may also be used to pass other information to you such as a change in level to the Governments Travel Advice or information on Federal elections.


The wonderful British embassy cancelled their registration scheme some years ago, not that I would rely on them to fix a light bulb.

Waste of space, they might as well pack up and go home.

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From https://www.gov.uk/living-in-thailand

We no longer use a system for registering visitors or residents with us. We advise all British nationals to read our up to date travel advice updates to ensure you stay safe, avoid problems and make informed decisions when living or travelling in Thailand. We will e-mail you with any changes to our travel advice when you subscribe to our travel alerts

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Last time i applied for a visa i gave them all the addresses and phonenumbers, then the visa was refused! I applied again without all adresses and said i was travelling here and then i got my visa.



Good post; my best friend in England is a barrister and handles all my affairs there.Just hope he out survives me. Other than that I have family contacts, but they do not have the clout he has.

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The wonderful British embassy cancelled their registration scheme some years ago, not that I would rely on them to fix a light bulb.

Waste of space, they might as well pack up and go home.
as I have said before after 8 years of dealing with them paper shufflers 3rd class and a few paper clip counters 2nd class
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There are several I.C.E. apps out there. One on my iPad shows my picture on the lock screen, along with my wife's phone number and my blood type O- (rather rare in Thailand, and bad reactions if I were to receive any other type). I'm sure there are similar apps for Android and Microsoft phones.

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