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PM Prayut worried about underground anti-government movements


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Yknow gin i was being mildly flippant but.... seeing as you made a thing about it. and claimed its loony....

The only strange behaviour would be walking up and down with a hand in the air......... but hardly loony, unless doing the ministry of silly walks act at the same time of course.

Sitting reading a 50 year old book while eating a sandwich with a red T shirt on is about as normal as it comes. In fact people do it all over the world especially at lunch times.

You want to talk about being loony, being paranoid about every day objects becoming a threat is to a lot of people .... loony

The thing that i find strange is when people from educated and western backgrounds think its ok and normal to ban these kind of things and think its necessary, now thats loony.

I will just simply go outside do what you said is banned and see if I get pulled in. Also I will again say to go outside and do this you would be classed as near loony in the UK.

Go with 4 friends. Take your sandwiches and 1984, wear a red hat or shirt, sit in a public place, like park or shopping mall, and enjoy your lunch! If you are brave enough, I will try to get Red Cross packages to your detention center.

I simply said anyone wanting to do this is crazy anyway. or even thinking of doing it---all this is OTT stupidity at it's best---surely there are better ways to show dissatisfaction ??? suppose writing to the general will have your fingers off.

Your right it is OTT worrying about and banning sandwiches books and symbols etc and stupidity at its best. Glad you agree

Anyway the topic is someones paranoid about their own people even though 93.3 % are happy and according to you everyones happy.... so the reason for martial law nationwide still is 6.3 % unhappiness ?

Either someones being overly sensitive and everything is safe and well .....or someones telling porky pies about the popularity and the Junta

arnt that popular at all. It cant be both.

Having said that the likely real reason for continued ML not being lifted probably has more to do with something else.

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I'm still wondering how the Dems will win the next elections, whenever they come..............

I know they will, I'm just wondering how.

Probably won't have much to do with the electorate, though.

I would hazard a guess and say that money and patronage will be key - funnily enough, the very things that the PTP (well any Thaksin associated Political Party really ) are accused of by those very same people.......................coffee1.gif

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I'm still wondering how the Dems will win the next elections, whenever they come..............

I know they will, I'm just wondering how.

Probably won't have much to do with the electorate, though.

No one's been able to explain to me how the 2007 constitution was supposed to help the Democrats when the election then, but that doesn't stop people from rabbiting on about how the Democrats lost even though the junta tried to make it so they couldn't lose.

I imagine the same thing will happen this time around. The Democrats will lose, and you and your mates will spout the same crap without being able to point to anything that was done to help them win.

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You have the all the information in the world at your fingertips, log onto www.google.com and discover for yourself how the 2007 constitution helped the Democrats.

My guess is that you won't because you don't want to know and would rather remain wallowing in your ignorance.

Should you decide to seek enlightenment, a good place to start wold be the changes made to the composition of the Senate.

What was once a fully elected body became a half appointed body (giving rise to the gang of 40 who were to play a pivotal role in the overthrow of Yinglucks elected government).

No better way to help perennial losers than to eliminate the contest and just hand them the spoils of victory.

Ahhh ... the good old "Search for yourself to prove what I'm saying" defence.

The red/Thaksin supporters keep saying that the constitution was changed to ensure the Democrats got elected.

How was a half appointed senate supposed to help the Democrats get elected in 2007?

What other changes were made to help the Democrats get elected. I've read the 1999 and 2007 constitution and the failed to see what changes would help the Democrats get elected. And no one can tell me what they were, even though they keep repeating that the changes are there. There weren't that many changes. It shouldn't be so hard to point out which ones were supposed to help the Democrats elected.

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