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Koh Tao murder suspects retract confessions: 'interpreter assaulted us'


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Yesterday, 22:51

Somtamnication, on 22 Oct 2014 - 06:13, said:

"A police spokeswoman said police from New Scotland Yard had yet to contact Thai police about how or when their detectives would start "work" with them. Pol Lt-Colonel Chanchai Rattanaphanich said all details on the case including crime-scene investigation had been readied for them."

Can't wait for the UK bobbies to read the Engrishee translation of those thousands of pages. They will go nuts reading "two peoples has killd two peoples". "kon burma very maidee and run with from away bodys" and the ever incredible "DNA of two kon burma maidee bad have on them and on bidys of two peoples and all police peoples love uk peoples and wes too".

Mate please can I elect you to write the book of the story of the Thai police investigation that will be made into a miniseries. I laughed so hard at your telling of the extracts of the report. I almost spat my beer. This is priceless and bloody SPOT ON ! Well done mate.


Agreed, and if the mini series ever gets off the ground can I play the banana pancake interpreter man. I've been told i make a GREAT pancake.

You'll be killed off in the first 15 minutes of the mini series though !

Hardly seems worth the trouble for you :)

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I bet the RTP are considering bumping off the visiting UK detectives, as that is how they like to make problems disappear. Doubtful it would work in this case, however.

If the RTP were really that stupid to 'bump' off the UK detectives, the next thing you will see would be a nuclear submarine popping up in the Gulf of Thailand coffee1.gifcoffee1.gif

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Lies! This was a perfect police investigation and you farrangs just need time to understand.

Happiness in the Kingdom now sits at 120% and corruption has been eradicated.

Love live the Generalissimo

What do you smoking buddy ??

Are you an American, just wondering is all...

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I'm usually an optimist. However we got to consider one major fact: it became a national THAI affair and it may have been brought up to the political level. My point is, once "politics" takes over, it's all set. You can rig, fake, manipulate and do whatever the hell you want to. That's the basic ABC of politics. Get over it! It's fact.

Is it in their interest to consult the public and speak out the true facts? Of course not. There are some things going on the background we don't know of and we might never going to know, because it's classified, diplomatic talks. It's in their interest to calm the public and give them whatever they want to hear. The people want to see results and thus the officials are under pressure. So that's what they give to us. Not the truth, but something we might want to hear.

You really think the Thai officials let the Brits stroll in and hand them everything on the silver platter? I think they (Thais) must've sent out a clear sign through diplomatic channels NOT to snoop around too much- politely. Or without sounding like a "conspiracy" guy, they set out a deal. You guys come in, let media go along with you. We're all fine.

Thai to Brits: "Let's not jeopardise our relationship because of SUCH MATTER" or as usually go hard rock solid:

"We have found some British spies, convicted criminals, and illegal activities by your citizens in Kingdom of Thailand. Maybe we have some more information about the Royal Navy, nasty child abduction business etc"

The Brit goes: "Ok, ok, ok, you got us. We still want your rice for cheap price. We like Thai pussy and it seems you've got some more cards on the table right now... We just going to send some investigators... make it look all look legit. Let's settle this as quickly as possible. We have to re-align our assets from vote-rigging on the Scottish independency... We're still busy"

Politics is far more what you see and hear on TV

Bla bla bla.

There will come a point, where the Brits are going to want to see the original samples that were used for DNA, and verify their chain of custody. Weren't these supposedly sperm samples. So unless they got the accused to produce some under duress, these will either match or they wont.

Do you really think, if asked directly for a part of the sample, the Thais will say yes or no? I would say, that diplomatically they will have to say yes. If it matches the accused, they will definitely say yes, if it is a fix up they will say no.

Either way, the mere act of asking will call the bluff of the Thais. Hands up, who thinks the embassy is so stupid they will take everything fed to them at face value? Anyone?

Exactly. So when plod gets back tot he UK he is going to be expected to produce a report about what he got up to. It will have to have something worth while in it,

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Not mentioned thus far, as far as I know: In Thailand, if you confess (to a crime you're accused of) you get a comparatively lighter sentence. If you don't, and it goes to trial, you will get a heavier sentence if found guilty.

The earlier 'confession' by the Burmese scapegoats probably was cushioned by a promise of 'no death penalty.' However now, since they've officially retracted, they could be facing execution.

Oh? The man who raped/murdered the teenage girl on the train confessed.... Death penalty.

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I see the usual suspects are out in force with their usual anti thai tirades.

Happy to live out their life in a country they despise so much. Mind bogglingly ironic but most of the morons can't see beyond the cheap beers and even cheaper carnal comforts.

The uk sends police help when in its own backyard law and order, public safety etc still remains one of the top 3 concerns of the average Brit.

Recreational drug use , alcohol abuse and the violence fuelled by these scourges grows by the day. Victims of these scourges continue to go unheard, despite the presence of the wonderful British bobby... Spare me this unequivocal claptrap!

Lord Lucan remains at large, Stephen Lawrence's disgraceful murder was whitewashed and UK police institutional racism continues unchecked.

But hey keep watching your reruns of ' only fools and horses', wipe away the tears when you hear Jerusalem at last night of the proms.

Pitiable small minded hypocrites the lot of you

i think you are confusing "anti-Thai" sentiment with a real concern about due process. Something that the UK police are familiar with and are often taken to task over. here the RTP are pretty much untouchable.

This is nothing to do with how Thai people are; it is how they are governed.

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I'm usually an optimist. However we got to consider one major fact: it became a national THAI affair and it may have been brought up to the political level. My point is, once "politics" takes over, it's all set. You can rig, fake, manipulate and do whatever the hell you want to. That's the basic ABC of politics. Get over it! It's fact.

Is it in their interest to consult the public and speak out the true facts? Of course not. There are some things going on the background we don't know of and we might never going to know, because it's classified, diplomatic talks. It's in their interest to calm the public and give them whatever they want to hear. The people want to see results and thus the officials are under pressure. So that's what they give to us. Not the truth, but something we might want to hear.

You really think the Thai officials let the Brits stroll in and hand them everything on the silver platter? I think they (Thais) must've sent out a clear sign through diplomatic channels NOT to snoop around too much- politely. Or without sounding like a "conspiracy" guy, they set out a deal. You guys come in, let media go along with you. We're all fine.

Thai to Brits: "Let's not jeopardise our relationship because of SUCH MATTER" or as usually go hard rock solid:

"We have found some British spies, convicted criminals, and illegal activities by your citizens in Kingdom of Thailand. Maybe we have some more information about the Royal Navy, nasty child abduction business etc"

The Brit goes: "Ok, ok, ok, you got us. We still want your rice for cheap price. We like Thai pussy and it seems you've got some more cards on the table right now... We just going to send some investigators... make it look all look legit. Let's settle this as quickly as possible. We have to re-align our assets from vote-rigging on the Scottish independency... We're still busy"

Politics is far more what you see and hear on TV

Bla bla bla.

There will come a point, where the Brits are going to want to see the original samples that were used for DNA, and verify their chain of custody. Weren't these supposedly sperm samples. So unless they got the accused to produce some under duress, these will either match or they wont.

Do you really think, if asked directly for a part of the sample, the Thais will say yes or no? I would say, that diplomatically they will have to say yes. If it matches the accused, they will definitely say yes, if it is a fix up they will say no.

Either way, the mere act of asking will call the bluff of the Thais. Hands up, who thinks the embassy is so stupid they will take everything fed to them at face value? Anyone?

Exactly. So when plod gets back tot he UK he is going to be expected to produce a report about what he got up to. It will have to have something worth while in it,

Limited sample found was likely used up during testing.....

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I'm usually an optimist. However we got to consider one major fact: it became a national THAI affair and it may have been brought up to the political level. My point is, once "politics" takes over, it's all set. You can rig, fake, manipulate and do whatever the hell you want to. That's the basic ABC of politics. Get over it! It's fact.

Is it in their interest to consult the public and speak out the true facts? Of course not. There are some things going on the background we don't know of and we might never going to know, because it's classified, diplomatic talks. It's in their interest to calm the public and give them whatever they want to hear. The people want to see results and thus the officials are under pressure. So that's what they give to us. Not the truth, but something we might want to hear.

You really think the Thai officials let the Brits stroll in and hand them everything on the silver platter? I think they (Thais) must've sent out a clear sign through diplomatic channels NOT to snoop around too much- politely. Or without sounding like a "conspiracy" guy, they set out a deal. You guys come in, let media go along with you. We're all fine.

Thai to Brits: "Let's not jeopardise our relationship because of SUCH MATTER" or as usually go hard rock solid:

"We have found some British spies, convicted criminals, and illegal activities by your citizens in Kingdom of Thailand. Maybe we have some more information about the Royal Navy, nasty child abduction business etc"

The Brit goes: "Ok, ok, ok, you got us. We still want your rice for cheap price. We like Thai pussy and it seems you've got some more cards on the table right now... We just going to send some investigators... make it look all look legit. Let's settle this as quickly as possible. We have to re-align our assets from vote-rigging on the Scottish independency... We're still busy"

Politics is far more what you see and hear on TV

Bla bla bla.

There will come a point, where the Brits are going to want to see the original samples that were used for DNA, and verify their chain of custody. Weren't these supposedly sperm samples. So unless they got the accused to produce some under duress, these will either match or they wont.

Do you really think, if asked directly for a part of the sample, the Thais will say yes or no? I would say, that diplomatically they will have to say yes. If it matches the accused, they will definitely say yes, if it is a fix up they will say no.

Either way, the mere act of asking will call the bluff of the Thais. Hands up, who thinks the embassy is so stupid they will take everything fed to them at face value? Anyone?

Exactly. So when plod gets back tot he UK he is going to be expected to produce a report about what he got up to. It will have to have something worth while in it,

Limited sample found was likely used up during testing.....

Only a microscopic amount of blood, sperm or saliva is needed to test for DNA so I imagine that won't be an issue, its even possible to get DNA from hair but its not very successful that way

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I'm usually an optimist. However we got to consider one major fact: it became a national THAI affair and it may have been brought up to the political level. My point is, once "politics" takes over, it's all set. You can rig, fake, manipulate and do whatever the hell you want to. That's the basic ABC of politics. Get over it! It's fact.

Is it in their interest to consult the public and speak out the true facts? Of course not. There are some things going on the background we don't know of and we might never going to know, because it's classified, diplomatic talks. It's in their interest to calm the public and give them whatever they want to hear. The people want to see results and thus the officials are under pressure. So that's what they give to us. Not the truth, but something we might want to hear.

You really think the Thai officials let the Brits stroll in and hand them everything on the silver platter? I think they (Thais) must've sent out a clear sign through diplomatic channels NOT to snoop around too much- politely. Or without sounding like a "conspiracy" guy, they set out a deal. You guys come in, let media go along with you. We're all fine.

Thai to Brits: "Let's not jeopardise our relationship because of SUCH MATTER" or as usually go hard rock solid:

"We have found some British spies, convicted criminals, and illegal activities by your citizens in Kingdom of Thailand. Maybe we have some more information about the Royal Navy, nasty child abduction business etc"

The Brit goes: "Ok, ok, ok, you got us. We still want your rice for cheap price. We like Thai pussy and it seems you've got some more cards on the table right now... We just going to send some investigators... make it look all look legit. Let's settle this as quickly as possible. We have to re-align our assets from vote-rigging on the Scottish independency... We're still busy"

Politics is far more what you see and hear on TV

Bla bla bla.

There will come a point, where the Brits are going to want to see the original samples that were used for DNA, and verify their chain of custody. Weren't these supposedly sperm samples. So unless they got the accused to produce some under duress, these will either match or they wont.

Do you really think, if asked directly for a part of the sample, the Thais will say yes or no? I would say, that diplomatically they will have to say yes. If it matches the accused, they will definitely say yes, if it is a fix up they will say no.

Either way, the mere act of asking will call the bluff of the Thais. Hands up, who thinks the embassy is so stupid they will take everything fed to them at face value? Anyone?

Exactly. So when plod gets back tot he UK he is going to be expected to produce a report about what he got up to. It will have to have something worth while in it,

Limited sample found was likely used up during testing.....

Only a microscopic amount of blood, sperm or saliva is needed to test for DNA so I imagine that won't be an issue, its even possible to get DNA from hair but its not very successful that way

Oh? Is it not true that the larger the sample the more reliable the results?

Exactly what type of DNA test will they have run?

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Oh? Is it not true that the larger the sample the more reliable the results?

Exactly what type of DNA test will they have run?

While you are about it JD, why no reply to this question I posed?

ParadiseLost, on 16 Oct 2014 - 20:05, said:

There is still the question of the third DNA trace found on the female victim's torso. This was confirmed during an interview with police representatives on Channel 3 news - is this not pertinent to the case??

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No not true at al, the test of a recognized DNA result that is permissible in a a US court is not to do with the amount but with the following:

"DNA testing is a highly sensitive test, and because of this careful and precise steps must be taken to ensure the correct result is reported. In a DNA testing laboratory, there should always be at least two independent teams of DNA analysts that run every DNA test twice, they must use state-of-the-art equipment, and the final results are verified by a trained scientist with a PhD degree. For all legal DNA testing, the laboratory that performs the testing MUST be accreditied by the American Association of Blood Banks"

I wonder if the Thai testing procedure was as vigorous as this

Regards what sample they had, successful results are had from saliva, blood, urine, sperm, any body fluid, so it does not really matter what type is tested, the results are the same

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No not true at al, the test of a recognized DNA result that is permissible in a a US court is not to do with the amount but with the following:

"DNA testing is a highly sensitive test, and because of this careful and precise steps must be taken to ensure the correct result is reported. In a DNA testing laboratory, there should always be at least two independent teams of DNA analysts that run every DNA test twice, they must use state-of-the-art equipment, and the final results are verified by a trained scientist with a PhD degree. For all legal DNA testing, the laboratory that performs the testing MUST be accreditied by the American Association of Blood Banks"

I wonder if the Thai testing procedure was as vigorous as this

Regards what sample they had, successful results are had from saliva, blood, urine, sperm, any body fluid, so it does not really matter what type is tested, the results are the same

I am not in the US, and the US has no relevance.

That being said... Rflp and pcr testing have different required sample sizes and inherent issues.

RFLP requires larger samples and is not usable after degradation occurs.

PCR needs smaller samples but is far more prone to cross contamination.

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Oh? Is it not true that the larger the sample the more reliable the results?

Exactly what type of DNA test will they have run?

While you are about it JD, why no reply to this question I posed?

ParadiseLost, on 16 Oct 2014 - 20:05, said:

There is still the question of the third DNA trace found on the female victim's torso. This was confirmed during an interview with police representatives on Channel 3 news - is this not pertinent to the case??

Umm I didn't see it? But frankly unless you consider all the police statements as accurate... Addressing one while you selectively ignore the next is futile.

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Let's get over DNA samples. We all know y Nomsod won't give a sample. Only a guilty man won't clear his name with a DNA sample. There is no rebuttle for this unless you are a complete and utter moron with the brain capacity of a cockroach.

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I bet the RTP are considering bumping off the visiting UK detectives, as that is how they like to make problems disappear. Doubtful it would work in this case, however.

If the RTP were really that stupid to 'bump' off the UK detectives, the next thing you will see would be a nuclear submarine popping up in the Gulf of Thailand coffee1.gifcoffee1.gif

I consider that a silly chauvinistic Rambo comment

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Every innocent man on this planet would give a DNA sample. Especially when you have the support of the cops in your back pocket. Anyone argueing this is either on the take or on the take or ummmmm well I don't want to corrupt the white virgin innosence of TV members but really beyond help.... Is that def OK mods.... I know your still laughing at the one you deleted...

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I bet the RTP are considering bumping off the visiting UK detectives, as that is how they like to make problems disappear. Doubtful it would work in this case, however.

If the RTP were really that stupid to 'bump' off the UK detectives, the next thing you will see would be a nuclear submarine popping up in the Gulf of Thailand coffee1.gifcoffee1.gif

I consider that a silly chauvinistic Rambo comment

Rambo was American... blink.png​ You mean Bond surely ph34r.png

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Yeah, I agree with the posts above that Nom Sod doesn't look like a killer, but he very well could have been involved, hence the rush off the island. I figure it was Nom Sod and the other two in that photo that Sean took, the AC Bar mngr and the cop....they would have to stay on the island, but Nom Sod is better off skedaddling to BKK. It adds up.

Did you guys see the photo of the kid who detonated bombs at the Boston Marathon a few years back, did he look like a killer?

What does a killer look like?

That was an FBI job, and the kids were patsy's

Everyone in the US knows that was a drill, and people, were killed so an immediate bill would be passed further restricting the rights of Americans.

those kids were set ups, same as Ramsey Youseff in the 1993 WTC bombings,

he was recruited by the FBI, and he was smart enough to carry a hidden microphone

he was told it was going to be a fake bomb, it the beginning, and then, they switched it to a real bomb and he caught them on tape.

the US is not what it seems

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Not my country nor my business, but wasn't the "access" granted only after the General met with Cameron in UK,

without any involvment of the UK embassy?

They didn't "meet"

the Thai PM was summoned

No he wasn't, they met and had a discussion at an international summit.


Cameron took him aside and pelted him about the murders and the nonsense investigation,

They had no other business to discuss, and there was no other mention of any other business discussed between them.

General Prayuth, was mugged by the UK elected leader

Edited by MJP to remove the 'D' word.

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the DNA results are already suspect because the same alleged suspects were already cleared by DNA the first time

the RTP has made themselves the complete fools here, why?

because social media has kept them accountable,

and on their heels because, they are liars and they proved it to the world

Correct. They were apparently cleared the first time...this alone will get them off. Indeed they are liars and most corrupt, even the Thais agree to that. Follow the money trail, if you can. That may prove to be difficult, if cash was delivered.

if the interpreter was paid, he will spend

he isn't on my list of people that will live out the year

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