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Thailand: Switzerland leads 10 best countries for expats - here is the list


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Also launder money well.

The list could read for the best places to hide your ill gotten money.

Sent from my LG-D858

I'm being forced to defend my country. There are plenty of places that are much much better than Switzerland for laundering money. Google it, you won't find Switzerland in there.

I think you mean before the USA forced Switzerland to comply with US law.

Feb. 19 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. government sued UBS AG, Switzerland’s largest bank, to try to force disclosure of the identities of as many as 52,000 American customers who allegedly hid their secret Swiss accounts from U.S. tax authorities.


I think you will find that the US were after tax evaders not money launderers, there is a difference a really big difference, all the US cared about under FATCA (Google it) was getting tax lost due to money being hidden abroad

thieves are "tax evaders" too, "old" stolen money kept over there decennia long, don't forget.

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My two cents reply can be found on Tripadvisor on Thailand ...


I have had enough and only making waves will things change as they have in every other country that protested. Thailand only understand MONETARY LOSSES as a protest . They must learn to be more open. What is wrong with being fair?

"MY STRONG ADVICE is seriously look at alternatives. there have been so many deaths lately of English, Germans, Australians and Danes locked up on false rape charges and freed after several months and exorbitant bribes."

Where are you reading this? It sounds like the Philippines, not anything i've ever heard occurring in Thailand.

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I enjoy living in Thailand, but It and India seem out of place. On one hand, there are countries on the list where there is opportunity to earn $200,000 annually, and in Thailand, it is nearly impossible to get a work permit which enables one to earn at best, a livable wage. Education for children might be adequate but only if one sends their children to a private school. Healthcare is not up to the standards of the other nations on the list. Air quality depends where in Thailand on lives. There is no mention about road safety.

If they are comparing countries where the living is affordable and easy, the people are friendly, the local food is cheap and plentiful, and there is the feeling of relative safety, then Thailand is right up there. However, this survey seems to be comparing apples and oranges.

I agree what will it cost you in the OECD countries on the list to maintain the same living standard you have in Thailand. But in return the OECD countries gives you standard of services you don't have in Thailand. The overside is that it is easy if you are retired to live in Thailand the B 800 k is not much, while you need much more money to get a longterm visa in OECD countries. If you are working you can earn much more in the OECD countries but your cost of living is also much higher.

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Well, what a rum list, why would anyone want to live in China or India apart from Chinese and Indians? Still good see Thailand at number 7, next time bound to be higher, its a hub you know.

You have experience living in China do you?

I've been in China 10 years and it exceeds life in Thailand by a long shot. (Apart from healthcare and I do love Thai cuisine)

If you have the ability to detach yourself from Western sensibilities, China is an amazing country to live in. If you require to maintain a Western existance, then you wouldn't do well here.

But then again, as an expat, you better be flexible or go back home just about anywhere.

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Well, what a rum list, why would anyone want to live in China or India apart from Chinese and Indians? Still good see Thailand at number 7, next time bound to be higher, its a hub you know.

why, indeed!! It would take a lot more than $200k to get me to live in godforsaken places like India or China.

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I don't think so,....this is a "bought" list. Bahrain, Taiwan, India, Hong Kong,...no way! Spent 2 weeks in Taiwan earlier this year and was very disappointed with the demeanor of the people. Stayed in a small town called Taoyuan, and used trains to travel around. The music of the trash collecting scheme got tiring.

The Muslim laws in Singapore and Bahrain are ridiculous.

Southern Germany I like,...Italy is beautiful, but too many Italians. Napoli is the filthiest city I've ever been to.

If I had a list of real places for expats, it would include Panama, Columbia, and Portugal. My favorite beach in the world used to be Playa del Carman in Mexico,...but the Americans "found" it about 15 years ago,...and as Americans do,...ruined it.

The worse place for a Caucasian to retire is Hawaii,...the most hateful, racist place I've been. Beautiful place, but stay away from Hawaiians,...and don't go to beaches alone or with a sweetheart,...only go in groups. I lived in Hawaii for one year, and verbally assaulted nearly every day with words like "you f--- haole."

Northern Thailand, IMO, has the best people on Earth.

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What's the best thing about Switzerland ?

Nothing but their flag is a Big Plus!

Watches. compulsively on time, compulsively clean, yodeling and let's not forget their neutrality during WWII. They wouldn't fight but would steal money and art from the Jews. yeah, I want to live their.

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Bahrain's probably my favourite place in the ME.blink.png

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Think of walking street---the drunken evenings---the joy of freedom---for minorities so secure----and not forgetting camel milk.

clearly you have never lived there. Its a better place to live than Dubai in the ME.

There are not many, if any, countries in the world with a walking street like Pattaya but there is a lot of drunken, and other, action to be availed in Bahrain if that is your want. Never heard of an ex-pat having security problems in Bahrain either.

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What's the best thing about Switzerland ?

Nothing but their flag is a Big Plus!

Watches. compulsively on time, compulsively clean, yodeling and let's not forget their neutrality during WWII. They wouldn't fight but would steal money and art from the Jews. yeah, I want to live their.

Nothing compulsive about being punctual, it makes life easier. Nothing wrong with clearing up your own rubbish instead of dumping it next door. Sorry about us not wishing to participate in that war, when was it that the USA joined in after making money from both sides? Three years after the start I think. Oh yes, the Jews... Switzerland took in many more Jews than any other country despite officially being supposed to turn them back. Stealing? a lot of stuff was deposited in banks and never got reclaimed for obvious reasons. After the mandatory period had passed, things came out into the open. Many art dealers all over Europe got hold of Jewish property by nefarious means.

You probably wouldn't be employable in Switzerland anyway, so don't worry. They work hard.

Why do these stupid clichés come up every time Switzerland is mentioned?

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It would be interesting when considering overall places for Expats to live and work/retire, is the general safety of the country. I never read any negative news about Switzerland, I wonder how many foreigners are murdered, raped, scammed, beaten. So it is not just just salary that people need to take into consideration, some things as important or even far more so.

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I left the place after 40 years and only miss a few things.

U left Switzerland after 40 yrs? Where did you move to?

I forget now, was it... yes I think it was.... Trinidad, no Tunesia... no wait, I know it starts with a T.

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Well, what a rum list, why would anyone want to live in China or India apart from Chinese and Indians? Still good see Thailand at number 7, next time bound to be higher, its a hub you know.

China was great for me, but I worked for a major American corp. India haha, even the Indians want to leave. It is a hard country and corrupt to the core. The thing I liked best about Bombay was Gate 8 for the flight to Thailand

Edited by BlueSkyCowboy
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It would be interesting when considering overall places for Expats to live and work/retire, is the general safety of the country. I never read any negative news about Switzerland, I wonder how many foreigners are murdered, raped, scammed, beaten. So it is not just just salary that people need to take into consideration, some things as important or even far more so.

Yes and the weather is great both months out of every year but only 3 days at the time LOL. A lot of foreign trash from the old Yugoslavia moved to Switzerland

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Bahrain's probably my favourite place in the ME.blink.png

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Think of walking street---the drunken evenings---the joy of freedom---for minorities so secure----and not forgetting camel milk.

clearly you have never lived there. Its a better place to live than Dubai in the ME.


There are not many, if any, countries in the world with a walking street like Pattaya but there is a lot of drunken, and other, action to be availed in Bahrain if that is your want. Never heard of an ex-pat having security problems in Bahrain either.

I used to pass through Bahrain either on the way into, or out of Saudi Arabia, where I worked for 3 - 4 years. Quite often I would have a night or two in Bahrain on the way through (at least on one occasion because I got drunkblink.png in the Gulf Hotel, (or similar, & missed my flight to BKK)). As you say, Bahrain nowadays is overshadowed by Dubai, very close by. I have been lucky enough to call Thailand home since '98.

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Well, what a rum list, why would anyone want to live in China or India apart from Chinese and Indians? Still good see Thailand at number 7, next time bound to be higher, its a hub you know.

You have experience living in China do you?

I've been in China 10 years and it exceeds life in Thailand by a long shot. (Apart from healthcare and I do love Thai cuisine)

If you have the ability to detach yourself from Western sensibilities, China is an amazing country to live in. If you require to maintain a Western existance, then you wouldn't do well here.

But then again, as an expat, you better be flexible or go back home just about anywhere.

China is full of the most annoying people on the planet.

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What's the best thing about Switzerland ?

Nothing but their flag is a Big Plus!

Watches. compulsively on time, compulsively clean, yodeling and let's not forget their neutrality during WWII. They wouldn't fight but would steal money and art from the Jews. yeah, I want to live their.

Nothing compulsive about being punctual, it makes life easier. Nothing wrong with clearing up your own rubbish instead of dumping it next door. Sorry about us not wishing to participate in that war, when was it that the USA joined in after making money from both sides? Three years after the start I think. Oh yes, the Jews... Switzerland took in many more Jews than any other country despite officially being supposed to turn them back. Stealing? a lot of stuff was deposited in banks and never got reclaimed for obvious reasons. After the mandatory period had passed, things came out into the open. Many art dealers all over Europe got hold of Jewish property by nefarious means.

You probably wouldn't be employable in Switzerland anyway, so don't worry. They work hard.

Why do these stupid clichés come up every time Switzerland is mentioned?

..."the boat is full". Switzerland turned away more than 20,000 Jews. As for the bankers, does anyone seriously suggest they were NOT fully complicit in the theft and laundering? They had to be dragged screaming and kicking to any resolution of the issue. While Switzerland was in a very difficult position and ordinary Swiss did what they could, please don't offer lame excuses for the bankers.

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I left the place after 40 years and only miss a few things.

You mean Switzerland?

Let me think now... yes, the thread IS about Switzerland....

I was going to ask the same question as it was not at all clear where you left 40 years ago, so no need to be sarcastic. The article IS NOT about Switzerland, it is about where expats are happiest and Switzerland happened to be number 1. The fact the title starts with 'Thailand' meant you could have been referring to leaving Thailand or Switzerland or any other country on the planet.

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Having had the (mis)fortune of growing up in apartheid era South Africa, I can vouch for the beauty and climate of the country - but today, (as it always has been) safety obviously is a concern. I left there 20 years ago, all hope lost in a corrupt and hate filled country - ashamed of having a white skin.

In apartheid SA, a small minority had an iron-fist grip on power, police were brutal and the majority were disenfranchised, oppressed and even enslaved. It took the entire world to displace the evil scum who held power, and an iconic man in Nelson Mandela to give poor people hope. Sanctions destroyed the currency and economy, forcing the oppressors to surrender. Unfortunately they also chose to honor the outgoing president with a Nobel prize - the biggest insult to the world - ever!

In SA you could identify the oppressed - they were 'Non-Whites' as the government so handily labeled them, whites had access to excellent schooling and advanced education, and just about any other privilege you can imagine - naturally all the top jobs were reserved for them, and even lowly paid work like council, railway workers, etc. The vast majority were denied a decent education, effectively robbing them of any future - this is today's problem, leaders are hard to find.

So, it is with heavy heart that I admit that I am returning to SA, as once again I find myself living in a country which shamelessly oppresses the majority, where the 'elite' hold a firmer grip on power than even apartheid era SA, the police and armed forces merely an extension of said entrenched power holders. The divide here is money, not race - 0.1% have more than 50% of the wealth.

There is no Mandela here - the poor are not black but their plight is worse. The world will never recognize the oppression the way they did in the 1980's, but that does not mean it is any better. Shame on these people, may Buddha turn his back on them.

The Koh Tao disgrace has shown me just how similar the two countries are, 30 years apart. Apartheid is alive and well, now living in SE Asia...

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Well, what a rum list, why would anyone want to live in China or India apart from Chinese and Indians? Still good see Thailand at number 7, next time bound to be higher, its a hub you know.

why would anyone want to live in China?

well. find it out by yourself. I suppose, you've never been there. It's wonderful in Qindao (former German colony), Shanghai and Hainan .In Beijing people are looking too gloomy

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Having had the (mis)fortune of growing up in apartheid era South Africa, I can vouch for the beauty and climate of the country - but today, (as it always has been) safety obviously is a concern. I left there 20 years ago, all hope lost in a corrupt and hate filled country - ashamed of having a white skin.

In apartheid SA, a small minority had an iron-fist grip on power, police were brutal and the majority were disenfranchised, oppressed and even enslaved. It took the entire world to displace the evil scum who held power, and an iconic man in Nelson Mandela to give poor people hope. Sanctions destroyed the currency and economy, forcing the oppressors to surrender. Unfortunately they also chose to honor the outgoing president with a Nobel prize - the biggest insult to the world - ever!

In SA you could identify the oppressed - they were 'Non-Whites' as the government so handily labeled them, whites had access to excellent schooling and advanced education, and just about any other privilege you can imagine - naturally all the top jobs were reserved for them, and even lowly paid work like council, railway workers, etc. The vast majority were denied a decent education, effectively robbing them of any future - this is today's problem, leaders are hard to find.

So, it is with heavy heart that I admit that I am returning to SA, as once again I find myself living in a country which shamelessly oppresses the majority, where the 'elite' hold a firmer grip on power than even apartheid era SA, the police and armed forces merely an extension of said entrenched power holders. The divide here is money, not race - 0.1% have more than 50% of the wealth.

There is no Mandela here - the poor are not black but their plight is worse. The world will never recognize the oppression the way they did in the 1980's, but that does not mean it is any better. Shame on these people, may Buddha turn his back on them.

The Koh Tao disgrace has shown me just how similar the two countries are, 30 years apart. Apartheid is alive and well, now living in SE Asia...

Agreed, Thailand needs to be dragged kicking & screaming into the 21st century,

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Ocasionally people who live in Switzerland are asked how they enjoy living in Swaziland.

I have often been asked if i speak Swiss or Swedish.

Cooked left here 40 years ago - I arrived here 40 years ago!!

We do have summers - usually the temp gets up to the low 30's, it can get cold in the Winter but not too bad.

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