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Koh Tao: Prosecutors unfazed by retraction of confession in British tourists' killing


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If you keep your eyese close hard enough, no conspiracy is impossible. And by the way since everyone knows the semen DNA matched that on the cigarette then a match to one is the same as a match to the other .... please use your brain.

“The two [DNA] samples matched the semen found in the deceased,” said Pol.Maj.Gen. Manu Mekmok, commander of Office of Police Forensic Science. He said the DNA test results were finalised at around 8 am this morning. http://www.samuitimes.com/police-say-forensic-tests-implicate-2-burmese-koh-tao-murder/

PHUKET: A police source has confirmed that DNA samples from two of three detained Myanmar workers matches the DNA extracted from semen found on the body of British tourist Hannah Witheridge http://www.phuketgazette.net/thailand-news/Myanmar-workers-DNA-matches-semen-found-Koh/36077#sthash.gzshsYMC.dpuf

On Friday, Police Commissioner Gen. Somyot Poompanmuang told CNN that DNA in semen taken from Witheridge matched samples taken from the two men.


JohnThailandJohn: My hats off to you,, People mistake you for being a troll like jdinasia .. but you actually do what jdinasias avatar says ,, you stay informed .. This information you provide has given me a healthy perspective on this whole mess... Still highly doubt that the scapegoats are anything but scapegoats,, but you made me think again smile.png thanks .. and stay strong against the haters smile.png

Well that's my mind changed.... Guilty, and no doubt about it !!!

Well except JDJ has managed to post a link to a newspaper dated 23 October 2014, with a 3 week old story in it.

How did that happen ????

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"When asked about international concerns over the investigation, Mr. Thawatchai said that Thai police will be able to answer every doubt raised but no outside authorities can send their people to work on this case as Thai laws do not permit such a scenario."

I thought Martial Law trumped everything else.....

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If you keep your eyese close hard enough, no conspiracy is impossible. And by the way since everyone knows the semen DNA matched that on the cigarette then a match to one is the same as a match to the other .... please use your brain.

“The two [DNA] samples matched the semen found in the deceased,” said Pol.Maj.Gen. Manu Mekmok, commander of Office of Police Forensic Science. He said the DNA test results were finalised at around 8 am this morning. http://www.samuitimes.com/police-say-forensic-tests-implicate-2-burmese-koh-tao-murder/

PHUKET: A police source has confirmed that DNA samples from two of three detained Myanmar workers matches the DNA extracted from semen found on the body of British tourist Hannah Witheridge http://www.phuketgazette.net/thailand-news/Myanmar-workers-DNA-matches-semen-found-Koh/36077#sthash.gzshsYMC.dpuf

On Friday, Police Commissioner Gen. Somyot Poompanmuang told CNN that DNA in semen taken from Witheridge matched samples taken from the two men.


JohnThailandJohn: My hats off to you,, People mistake you for being a troll like jdinasia .. but you actually do what jdinasias avatar says ,, you stay informed .. This information you provide has given me a healthy perspective on this whole mess... Still highly doubt that the scapegoats are anything but scapegoats,, but you made me think again smile.png thanks .. and stay strong against the haters smile.png

Well that's my mind changed.... Guilty, and no doubt about it !!!

Well except JDJ has managed to post a link to a newspaper dated 23 October 2014, with a 3 week old story in it.

How did that happen ????

All hes done here is quoted the Police. The very people were all criticising - cut through the JTJ BS people - he has NOTHING to say except to support murderers and rapists and their corrupt allies.

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Amazing I actually asked the question to JDINASIA but that's all good. You are 100% both people.

How has he been cleared by the police. What part of his lawyers alibi checks out. Why did his lawyer need to come out with an alibi if he was already cleared. That right there is nonsensical. My client has been cleared but here is his alibi. Who does or says that. Links to where it says police have cleared this kid due to his alibi.

JDINASIA you can jump in here also whenever you want or do you fully concur with JTJ.

He was cleared and the police made a statement as such saying he was not on the island at the time of the murders. They released this information to the press and stated he was at university and that there was times stamped video of him in Bangkok. The is actually more than they needed to do because they certainly don't need to provide a police report to the public of private citizens they cleared and not accused of a crime. Besides nothing they can say you will believe any any witness or evidence will be called a liar or simply ignored.


I asked my wife about this but she told me that it was reported in the Thai press that they used his fathers DNA to clear him. There are a lot of questions unanswered, the police have learnt their lessons by now and are keeping quiet it seems. The police must have a lot more evidence then what they are saying and hopefully it will come out during the trial and all questions will be answered. And the real murderers will face justice.

it was reported in the Thai press that they used his fathers DNA to clear him.

1. was that the DNA check that was done in less than the necessary time?

2. Can we believe the Thai media?

3. Can we believe the Thai police?

4. Can we believe suspects who seem to have an interest in not being investigated?

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Just wonder why the cops do not want to catch the real killers?

A family related DNA test done by all residents of koh tao would reveal the killer and or what family the killer comes from,.

Uncles,brothers sisters cousins all have a match with the killer DNA...

It really easy cause Koh tao is a small island surely the killer has family members there. ....

Civil liberties?

Like the umpteen Burmese migrants had when they were rounded up? Civil liberties only apply to those more equal than others in Thailand.

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"When asked about international concerns over the investigation, Mr. Thawatchai said that Thai police will be able to answer every doubt raised but no outside authorities can send their people to work on this case as Thai laws do not permit such a scenario."

I thought Martial Law trumped everything else.....

The case is being heard in criminal court. Not a courts martial.

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I'm going to put my faith in the good retired general now PM. I believe he is waiting for the police to completely hang themselves so he can come in and make sweeping changes. All those involved in the investigation will be removed from their positions or jailed, some influential islanders will be jailed the Burmese boys will be released and the good general will be a hero to the Thai people and citizens all around the world...

Nice one. Then he can remove himself as Supreme Commander Police Dept (as PM) and his hand picked top cop Police Commissioner General who has been in charge of the case. Can`t wait but wont hold my breath. smile.png

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Yes, their DNA was already matched and confirmed to have been the same as the semen from the crime scene

I must have missed this very important point. I've only ever read that the BIB said they have a DNA match, not that it matches the semen from the crime scene (shouldn't it be the semen "recovered" from the victim's orifice?)

Could you kindly post a link to this, JTJ? I tried searching but in vain......

There will be no reply by jtj to this post

If you keep your eyese close hard enough, no conspiracy is impossible. And by the way since everyone knows the semen DNA matched that on the cigarette then a match to one is the same as a match to the other .... please use your brain.

“The two [DNA] samples matched the semen found in the deceased,” said Pol.Maj.Gen. Manu Mekmok, commander of Office of Police Forensic Science. He said the DNA test results were finalised at around 8 am this morning. http://www.samuitimes.com/police-say-forensic-tests-implicate-2-burmese-koh-tao-murder/

PHUKET: A police source has confirmed that DNA samples from two of three detained Myanmar workers matches the DNA extracted from semen found on the body of British tourist Hannah Witheridge http://www.phuketgazette.net/thailand-news/Myanmar-workers-DNA-matches-semen-found-Koh/36077#sthash.gzshsYMC.dpuf

On Friday, Police Commissioner Gen. Somyot Poompanmuang told CNN that DNA in semen taken from Witheridge matched samples taken from the two men.


This is old history. Did it ever cross your mind that this could also be a conspiracy orchestrated by the RTP? I ask this question because I want to know if you have ever watched the so-called re-enactment which was illegally directed by the RTP?

Regurgitated old news items like its some kind of proof means absolutely nothing.... It certainly dosnt make anything true

Its much simpler than that..... like so many other statements and quotes by RTP ... they are just flat out Lying.

There Isnt any mystery here why DNA isnt being allowed to be confirmed, its exactly as it seems.

Dont let the spammers distract and ruin every thread on this case by trying to get everyone bickering,

11 pages of which about half are the usual establishment sycophant shills,

its pathetic, just stick them on ignore. makes threads so much more worth following.

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The big question in my mind is why are most of the people so afraid to let it go to court? They have no proof either way other than what they have read in news papers that only print stuff that they will buy. To me that is a vicious circle. Like chasing their tail.

In a pre-trial hearing this case as it is, and you know just as much as anyone else here, would not pass the test as one that held that the accused had any case to answer, or probable cause. There are just too many holes and other conflicting circumstantial evidence. In other words, it would not go to Court, at all. The DNA cannot on it's own carry this case if it cannot itself, be held to be completely incontrovertible. A defense team will, given proper and correct access and ability to conduct proper Discovery of the facts of the case and relevant evidence, would rip that apart in quick order. And I would really like you to explain to me exactly what motive that there was in this case. Please?

The big issue that is preventing any proper outcome (the case not going to Court) is that there has been no defense allowed, at this stage, to rebut the evidence being presented. That is a travesty in itself.

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"When asked about international concerns over the investigation, Mr. Thawatchai said that Thai police will be able to answer every doubt raised but no outside authorities can send their people to work on this case as Thai laws do not permit such a scenario."

I thought Martial Law trumped everything else.....

The case is being heard in criminal court. Not a courts martial.

Hmmm, a court martial is a case tried by the military of someone in the military, nothing to do with martial law.

This is the firsat paragraph on the subject of martial law from our good friends at Wikipedia :


Martial law is usually imposed temporarily when the government or civilian authorities fail to function effectively (e.g., maintain order and security, or provide essential services). In full-scale martial law, the highest-ranking military officer would take over, or be installed, as the military governor or as head of the government, thus removing all power from the previous executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government.[1]

Please note the part I highlighted at the end of the paragraph. Martial law suspends all other laws, unless allowed by the military imposing it. It over rides all other laws. The military Junta (in this case and all others) can if they so desire over ride existing Thai law not allowing other parties (from Britain or Myanmar) to participate in the investigation. If they wish to do so.....

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And in this case the Judiciary stayed in place...

Any military court is a court's martial. The case is not being heard in a military court.

If you want a working definition see the TVF rules for crimes being tried in military court.

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What you are missing is that most disbelievers here will not believe it if it matches -- they will simply say the police here replaced it or gave bad samples or blah blah blah. Have you not seen that already? They simply ignore or say they don't believe whatever fact is out there if it means accepting the two guys in customdy ... who confessed to the police, their embassy, lawyers and a human rights group before reportedly now taking it back and whose DNA matches and who numerous witnesses and video put them in and around the scene at the time of the murders and who had an item belonging to a victim at their home ... are likely the ones guilty and should stand trial.

They would rather believe the some of a wealthy islander did this because airlines have not shared with them their manifests and the university has not come out publicly saying he was in Bangkok attending classes and that the video showing him Bangkok was faked and that the police are protecting him. Why do they suspect him ... no logical reason at all accept they think because his father (well not his actual father if his DNA cleared the son) is rich he could get away with it.

You have just hit the nail right on the head, all the Thai policeman slip up sometimes, revealing what they actually know about this case (and others before it), what a douchebag....cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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so the good general could over ride the RTP instruct the guest police force to conduct a PROPER investagation

and Mr Thaowatchai cant hide behind a constatuition because there is not one

pryath has the ace card i wish he use it clear up this awful mess

Organic laws are still in place. It's not constitutional law but UK law. International law, and domestic law that precludes your scenario.

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so the good general could over ride the RTP instruct the guest police force to conduct a PROPER investagation

and Mr Thaowatchai cant hide behind a constatuition because there is not one

pryath has the ace card i wish he use it clear up this awful mess

Organic laws are still in place. It's not constitutional law but UK law. International law, and domestic law that precludes your scenario.

Yes organic laws are still in place, however with Martial law they can be over ridden at any time the military see fit. Its was only a few weeks ago that the military said they would not lift martial law in Phuket yet as they still had a lot of mess to clean up with local influential people. With martial law in place they do not need warrants, or court orders, they can do as they please. Its the same with this case, the military can over ride any of the current laws if they wanted

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"When asked about international concerns over the investigation, Mr. Thawatchai said that Thai police will be able to answer every doubt raised but no outside authorities can send their people to work on this case as Thai laws do not permit such a scenario."

The answers the BIB give to every doubt is the cause of international concern.

As to what Thai laws allow, you might want to check with the PM about that, as Burmese and UK police are coming over/already here to look at the case.

And also what happens under martial law?

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Confessions are recanted in every country. It doesn't mean the confession is gone. It means the judges will weigh the confessions against the recantation.

Please see JLCrab's posts on what the UK police can do.

Ummm.... No confessions aren't even taken in most countries.

A digitally recorded interview is submitted into evidence in most countries, pretty hard to recant that, especially when the accused is asked multiple times in different ways the same questions.

Only at the end of the interview are the accused asked to make any comments.

BTW the record of interview is transcribed and the law states a copy must be given to the accused, along with a copy of the digital interview. That's why they make 3 copies.

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I think you should look up the word "hyperbole"


Hyperbole: "frightened little bunny trying to gain reassurance with every step taken"

Yes BETTY eat them words...

ps. sorry for that bertty smile.png

edit: post script

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Getting kind of sick the extent some are going to in order to defend the suspects who very likely brutally murdered two innocent lives. Time to stop this nonsense with the conspiracy crap and let the case play out ... they have good lawyers and have both the UK and Myanmar officials who will be observing the case and evidence presented.

It has just gotten to the point of being sick the extent some are going to in either making BS up or just coming up with ridiculous theories and speculation based on ignorance about the facts of the case and born out of personal issues and feelings.

Just pathetic some of the things said by folks who don't have a clue about the case or how the process of observation works or even the circumstances that one country would allow (ask) another country help in an investigation (as Thailand has and will continue to do when needed).

Free world - move onto the next post... facepalm.gif

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Confessions are recanted in every country. It doesn't mean the confession is gone. It means the judges will weigh the confessions against the recantation.

Please see JLCrab's posts on what the UK police can do.

Ummm.... No confessions aren't even taken in most countries.

A digitally recorded interview is submitted into evidence in most countries, pretty hard to recant that, especially when the accused is asked multiple times in different ways the same questions.

Only at the end of the interview are the accused asked to make any comments.

BTW the record of interview is transcribed and the law states a copy must be given to the accused, along with a copy of the digital interview. That's why they make 3 copies.

Quoting Oz law does not mean most countries. Confessions are taken in the US and UK and Canada...

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I think it would be very easy for the BiB to pull the wool over the Brit police eyes. The land of smiles and it takes a while before you see behind that smile .....

But not Facebook or Thaivisa posters who have no access to see any evidence in context at this point cheesy.gifcrazy.gif

If I can read your gibberish, so you have access to evidence?

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