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Japanese man sets himself on fire, plunges to his death at Thaniya Plaza in Bangkok

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How very crass, giving out the man's identity before notifying next of kin. Imagine learning that your son/husband has died from a newspaper or, worse still. A website.

There is another thread going with 8 foreign countries coming together and asking the Thai media to curb their enthusiasm. The police should never have released the name until after the next of kin was notified. The police release information before it should be public and the media doesn't care who they hurt they will print it. Business as usual in the news media.sad.png That is pretty much world wide. All though a lot of police departments won't release the name until the next of kin is notified.wai.gif

The Japanese have an ungodly high rate of suicide. I'm surprised more of them don't come to Thailand to do it.

I believe they even have a ritualistic method of doing it. Kind of falling out off favor now. I think the set your self on fire was started by the Buddhist Monks way back when China over ran Tibet. Now that I think of it there was a few protesting Viet Nam.

Self immolation is more a South Asian method. Absolutely horrid way to die.


Poor sod. What a way to go.

He is not an object of pity. He, freely and voluntarily chose his own time and method of 'checking out'. It would not be my choice but I am not going to judge him now that he is deceased. Whatever motivated him to act in this way is no longer a problem for him, so at least he's got that going for him. In my opinion, suicides are individuals who are so greatly troubled that death seem the better option. I am happy for them when they are successful for they are no longer troubled and they died doing something successfully i.e. suicide. His family and loved ones deserve the sympathy, so, condolences to the man's family and friends.

p.s. I'm glad he didn't land on someone who wasn't as ready as him to 'check out'.

pp.s. What a spectacular sight that must have been. I'll bet some witnesses are scarred, mentally, and will never be able to 'unsee' that.


This is sad.

In any other situation, I would say he was a flaming idiot, but that would just be a self fuel-filling prophesy.

Seeking help before showing the world how awful things are, is a better way.

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Tragic, but very selfish of him, not just the suicide but the manner of it. There are quieter and more considerate ways to go into the night.

So in his darkest hour you are asking for political correctness??

Give us a break!!

It shows you do not know the actual meaning of political correctness which is not the same as being considerate. Political correctness means "the avoidance, often considered as taken to extremes, of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against." Let me give you that break so you can brush up your vocabulary.

Also, one can be driven to the point of despair and yet be considerate of others. My favourite comedian, Robin Williams, sadly, did go quietly into the night. He is sorely missed.


"It was not immediately known the cause of the suicide attempt, but police established two theories, whether from work or love."

wow... thai police experts surprise me every day

specialy when they can predict the suicide of some scapegoats


Does Thailand attract the unstable or does it make them unstable ?.

I've been next to a few people on the aeroplane over the years who seemed to be hanging on by a thread. They are usually alcoholics and proceed to get smashed during the flight. The fun and games starts later : one guy was punching the seat in front going "why, why why ..."

Yes i was on a flight some time ago from Bkk to Syd , sat next to an elderly guy who was obviously heartbroken , mentioned the why why words then got smashed then later quite affected by the consumption showed me a pic of him and a much younger scantily dressed Thai lady sitting in a bar somewhere in Thailand ... i then moved seats and got some sleep , a walk to the bathroom several hours later found him sitting very still and very very depressed just gazing at his feet


Tragic, but very selfish of him, not just the suicide but the manner of it. There are quieter and more considerate ways to go into the night.

So in his darkest hour you are asking for political correctness??

Give us a break!!

It shows you do not know the actual meaning of political correctness which is not the same as being considerate. Political correctness means "the avoidance, often considered as taken to extremes, of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against." Let me give you that break so you can brush up your vocabulary.

Also, one can be driven to the point of despair and yet be considerate of others. My favourite comedian, Robin Williams, sadly, did go quietly into the night. He is sorely missed.

Feeling better now??

In my posts I use whatever words I want!!

Who says that your "official" meaning of political correctness is correct??

Funny thing is, that with your post you are being not political correct towards me as a non-native speaker!


Tragic, but very selfish of him, not just the suicide but the manner of it. There are quieter and more considerate ways to go into the night.

Thats got to be the most disgusting, ridiculously opinionated post ever!


Tragic, but very selfish of him, not just the suicide but the manner of it. There are quieter and more considerate ways to go into the night.

I also agree.....You want end it all that's fine, but do it in a way where it wouldn't effect innocent people!....But then again suicide is nothing more than a selfish act!


Tragic, but very selfish of him, not just the suicide but the manner of it. There are quieter and more considerate ways to go into the night.

Thats got to be the most disgusting, ridiculously opinionated post ever!

Yeah, think of the trauma for those that saw what happened.


Tragic, but very selfish of him, not just the suicide but the manner of it. There are quieter and more considerate ways to go into the night.

Thats got to be the most disgusting, ridiculously opinionated post ever!

Isn't this an opinionated statement about someone else expressing an opinion that is different from his?


Tragic, but very selfish of him, not just the suicide but the manner of it. There are quieter and more considerate ways to go into the night.

So in his darkest hour you are asking for political correctness??

Give us a break!!

It shows you do not know the actual meaning of political correctness which is not the same as being considerate. Political correctness means "the avoidance, often considered as taken to extremes, of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against." Let me give you that break so you can brush up your vocabulary.

Also, one can be driven to the point of despair and yet be considerate of others. My favourite comedian, Robin Williams, sadly, did go quietly into the night. He is sorely missed.

Feeling better now??

In my posts I use whatever words I want!!

Who says that your "official" meaning of political correctness is correct??

Funny thing is, that with your post you are being not political correct towards me as a non-native speaker!

I'm not a politician, so I don't owe you any political correctness. Even if I were one, your half-baked vocabulary does not make you 'socially disadvantaged or discriminated against.' And your insistence on using whatever words you want to mean whatever you want condemns your vocabulary to remain half-baked.

  • Like 1

Yes, Madam Nhu called the self-immolating Buddhists "Barbecued Monks." How's that for insensitivity? The suicide rate is very high in Japan and thousands of commuters are annoyed by people who jump in front of trains, sometimes bringing the Chuo Line to a stop for two hours or more. Japan is the land of the famous "Hara Kiri" which is considered a noble way to end one's life.


Tragic, but very selfish of him, not just the suicide but the manner of it. There are quieter and more considerate ways to go into the night.

So now it's considered political correctness to want people not to harm others by their own actions.

By you, anyway.

I take umbrage on behalf of Decency. You cannot barricade the exit doors and then complain when the windows are smashed.

I can understand why someone would want to die. I don't understand why they would do it in the most unpleasant way possible.

I speculate it's driven by intense unresolved emotion (frustration, betrayal, etc). When they die like this, I do not think they wanted to die. It's a statement, of some kind.


He is not an object of pity. He, freely and voluntarily chose his own time and method of 'checking out'.

His family and loved ones deserve the sympathy, so, condolences to the man's family and friends.

I'll bet some witnesses are scarred, mentally, and will never be able to 'unsee' that.

Freely and voluntarily chosen? No doubt you wear clothes by choice, but that is not how liberty works.

"I didn't know I was a slave until I found out I couldn't do the things I wanted."
- Frederick Douglass

Why do his family and loved ones deserve anything but blame for failing to represent a compelling reason for him to suffer on? His appraisal of their (in)ability to do so seems irrefutable.

Any traumatised witnesses are victims of Society's Dark Ages perspective on free will and individual liberty. The argument could be made that, at least technically, the victims are yours. coffee1.gif


He is not an object of pity. He, freely and voluntarily chose his own time and method of 'checking out'.

His family and loved ones deserve the sympathy, so, condolences to the man's family and friends.

I'll bet some witnesses are scarred, mentally, and will never be able to 'unsee' that.

Freely and voluntarily chosen? No doubt you wear clothes by choice, but that is not how liberty works.

"I didn't know I was a slave until I found out I couldn't do the things I wanted."

- Frederick Douglass

Why do his family and loved ones deserve anything but blame for failing to represent a compelling reason for him to suffer on? His appraisal of their (in)ability to do so seems irrefutable.

Any traumatised witnesses are victims of Society's Dark Ages perspective on free will and individual liberty. The argument could be made that, at least technically, the victims are yours. coffee1.gif

Hard to disagree with you since I don't know what you are going on about.

Freely and voluntarily chosen?

There are at least 8 million ways to die. No one, as far as has been reported, forced him to pour gasoline all over himself and become a falling fireball from the fourth floor of a very public mall.

"I didn't know I was a slave until I found out I couldn't do the things I wanted."

I must be a slave, then, because I couldn't be a world-famous rock star or King of the World.

Why do his family and loved ones deserve anything but blame for failing to represent a compelling reason for him to suffer on?

Three questions: Why, in your mind, is his family to blame for letting a grown man live his life? You have no idea what his family situation is/was like; he may have rejected them long ago, as far as you know. Judgmental, much? Why should his suffering continue on when he has clearly demonstrated that, for him, a fiery death is better than life?

Any traumatised witnesses are victims of Society's Dark Ages perspective on free will and individual liberty.

I don't know where you got that line but most normal folks would call that claptrap i.e. absurd or nonsensical talk or ideas.

It was a sight of horror for any feeling human being as you may have noticed from the other posts on this thread. Are you a narcissist or psychopath that you have no feelings for those who witnessed this horror? I'm sure some will suffer from PTSD and nightmares. Any children seeing such a sight will forevermore be changed; and not in a positive way.

The argument could be made that, at least technically, the victims are yours

What are you going on about? Obtuse, much?


That's right, you are above the world and non of this really affects you. Enjoy you coffee and newspaper.

You can reply, Scooter, my boy, but I won't be able to read it as I block your sort of posts. I responded this once because of good manners.

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Does Thailand attract the unstable or does it make them unstable ?.

I've been next to a few people on the aeroplane over the years who seemed to be hanging on by a thread. They are usually alcoholics and proceed to get smashed during the flight. The fun and games starts later : one guy was punching the seat in front going "why, why why ..."

Are you for REAL?

YOU do realize what thailand is famous for? it aint rock and roll! You dont see Steve JObs and his kind in any of thais naughty boy bars...................lol. Unless they are incognito...................lol.


i was on a flight some time ago from Bkk to Syd , sat next to an elderly guy who was obviously heartbroken...showed me a pic of him and a much younger scantily dressed Thai lady sitting in a bar somewhere in Thailand

Thailand doesn't make Caucasian men emotionally exploitable. I'm not blaming the victims, but the reasons for their victimisation are a lot closer to home.

When men are victims, they find little sympathy and even less redress. Many jump to their deaths. Some in flames, even.

When women are victims: Thai Beauty Pageants Call for Capital Punishment

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