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Suthep declines court summons over killing of Japanese reporter

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Zero? Do you think every division uses different guns? It's a fact that the red shirts were using similar weapons.

It's not me, it's not an opinion, THE Bangkok Criminal Court ruled that Italian journalist Fabio Polenghi was killed by a bullet fired by the security forces during the May 19, 2010 dispersal of the red-shirt protestors.

You want to keep arguing when even the bangkok court inquest found he was shot by the military??. Unbelievable.

Go back an look at my first quote. I was referring to your statement about the red shirt protester being shot. The court hasn't ruled on that as far as I'm aware.

I am fairly sure they did rule on that several weeks ago & said they have no personal responsibility. Quote from OP. "Suthep and Abhisit have repeatedly insisted on their innocence, claiming that the military operation was necessary to restore order in the capital city. They also alleged that many of the civilian casualties were in fact caused by "Blackshirt" militants allied to the protesters, not security forces." Personally, I agree with Suthep, but as a point of law I feel strongly he should attend as "requested."

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I am fairly sure they did rule on that several weeks ago & said they have no personal responsibility. Quote from OP. "Suthep and Abhisit have repeatedly insisted on their innocence, claiming that the military operation was necessary to restore order in the capital city. They also alleged that many of the civilian casualties were in fact caused by "Blackshirt" militants allied to the protesters, not security forces." Personally, I agree with Suthep, but as a point of law I feel strongly he should attend as "requested."

I think the ruling you are referring to is the murder charges as civilians in the criminal court. The court ruled that it wasn't in their jurisdiction, as Abhisit and Suthep were "office holders" and it should be dealt with in another court. It wasn't actually a ruling on the cause of death of any protesters.


He declines to show up to a court summons? Arrest his ass and make him attend.

Attend what? and for what reason?

Just to repeat the same BS thrown at him over the years?

Just to explain once more the reasons behind the order, he and Adhisit issued to supress the clashes?

They had every right to order these actions.

And I hope this case is thrown out of the court.

Not because I'm not against the killings although nobody still knows where the bullets came from, but for the reasons politicians still pursue these court hearings to gain political benefits.

ok then

reds have to follow the law and be quiet

yellows can do what the frunk they want..eventually turning monks until everything calm again...and ignoring the law

can i eventually refer to suthep as the mass killer monk?

You would have done better to be silent and perhaps have some people think you are an idiot than to make a post like that & remove all doubt.

except he has been charged with mass murder .....before doing such statements have a good look to the mirror at home

as the thread says court summoned him over a killing..so i assume in your opinion the court is a bunch of idiots

u know what..the court does not give a chit,me neither


Well here we go again .

The self proclaimed peoples champion is now the bullet proof monk.

Yinglucks got the gonads to go the distance yet this bloke hides behind monks robes and thinks he's above the law.

Oh those elite there just a little bit above the average thai so why should any of them take notice of the law.

Basically the reason why he became a monk, and why he wont leave the temple down south is that he has got a price on his head. Most Thais know this. He is basically receiving sanctuary whilst wearing the robes. This happens a lot.

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Suthep "declines" a court summons? Another semantic genuflection by the yellow press in the direction of one of the architects of events leading up to the coup.

The word the headline writer should have used is "refuses".

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He declines to show up to a court summons? Arrest his ass and make him attend.

Couldn't agree with you more. Who in the hell does he think he is. What is wrong with Thai law? He is so full of his own importance that he is unable to feel anything for the families of those killed. It doesn't matter how many courts he has attended or who killed who, he was involved in one way or another and should be made to explain how and divulge what he knows. If he has nothing to fear then why is he refusing to attend and maybe assist in bringing the culprits to justice. His actions certainly leave a lot to desire.


This is not a case against him, but an inquest.

There are multiple 'on the record under oath' in court sources of this same testimony

saying the same thing the inquest could draw on for the information. But that avoids the point.

There are some who would still wish to stitch him up, so he never returns to the scene.

That is the real reason for needing his presence at the inquest.


Well here we go again .

The self proclaimed peoples champion is now the bullet proof monk.

Yinglucks got the gonads to go the distance yet this bloke hides behind monks robes and thinks he's above the law.

Oh those elite there just a little bit above the average thai so why should any of them take notice of the law.

That's funny. I remember when the protests started, Yingluck and her gonads ran away up country while Suthep walked the streets while grenades were going off for his belief.

Have you managed to spot the back-room manoeuvring yet from Yingluck to avoid having to take her gonads to court and face her accusers - like Suthep and Abhisit already did ?.

Never let facts get in the way of a good whine cheesy.gif

Suthep walked the streets while grenades were going off because he most likely was directing the grenade throwers and knew he was never in harms way.

PS: Yingluck is actually female and therefore has no gonads (perhaps the Thai ladies that you've been fraternising with aren't exactly ladies - better do a quick check or you could end up in all sorts of trouble my friend)

I really hate to break the news to you but gonads are not limited to tetis. Gonads refer to sexual organs that produce Gametes. Female gonads are called ovaries. SO perhaps some review of your biology will help you.


I said Suthep would use the robes to hide behind, its a well known trick used for decades

It should be simple ... you get a court summons you either appear or get charged.

Putting on a robe for him was a strategy then as it is now.....to thwart any attempt at making him accountable for his actions.

Becoming a monk is a well know method of avoiding responsibility here....the amount of dodgy people hiding from accountability as citizens by becoming monks is huge.. simply huge

The Irony is becoming a monk should make you more humble not more arrogant.


He probably believes the courts want to mess him about and he is probably right with that view.

However he should respect the summons to appear as then I am sure his rights will be respected due to his high profile.

As well I am sure the Government and the courts know where he is so they can just come and take him.

Its odd that its reported that he won't go and some weird etiquette stops him being picked up and taken!.


The yellow foamers believe everyhing the right wingThai press tells them.

Now, I'm no fan of Mr T and his clan. Snakes in the night etc. Did some of the reds overstep the mark? Absolutely. I've seen the pics of them attacking the rescue services. That was a disgrace and they would deserve to be shot for that in my book.

However, to claim the sun shines out of the yellow's backsides and that they did not wrong is idiotic. I also worked with an odious American (btw I don'tthink all Americans are odious) who claimed that all the deaths of the red shirts were caused by other red shirts to make the yellows look bad.

That is the sort of utter tripe we've been hearing for a few years. And it really p..sses me off!

The FACT is this. The PM and Suthep ordered troops to fire live rounds on many unarmed protesters. Independent press reports confirm this. Some reds were armed, but not many.

Just look at how many reds died compared to yellows. Look at what the yellows actually did (thugs took over gov buildings and airports). Can you imagine the body count if the reds tried to take over the airport? I dislike both reds and yellows, but the odds are heavily against the reds when it comes to fairness.

Suthep is responsible for deaths as is the Old Etonian. They know it, but couldn't care less as they are on the right side of the law. By right side, I mean 'far right'.

Until Thailand can rid itself of the influence of the 'elite' (Thaksin and clan included) it will never become a first world nation.

The order wasn't to shoot unarmed protesters. It was to carry live ammunition to use when justified (paraphrasing). The fact that protesters had live ammunition is certainly justification for the army to carry live ammunition. Obviously it wasn't justification to shoot unarmed protesters.


Yinglucks got the gonads to go the distance yet this bloke hides

Yingluck is actually female and therefore has no gonads (perhaps the Thai ladies that you've been fraternising with aren't exactly ladies - better do a quick check or you could end up in all sorts of trouble my friend)

It's heart warming to see Yingluck defenders helping one another out.



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The yellow foamers believe everyhing the right wingThai press tells them.

Now, I'm no fan of Mr T and his clan. Snakes in the night etc. Did some of the reds overstep the mark? Absolutely. I've seen the pics of them attacking the rescue services. That was a disgrace and they would deserve to be shot for that in my book.

However, to claim the sun shines out of the yellow's backsides and that they did not wrong is idiotic. I also worked with an odious American (btw I don'tthink all Americans are odious) who claimed that all the deaths of the red shirts were caused by other red shirts to make the yellows look bad.

That is the sort of utter tripe we've been hearing for a few years. And it really p..sses me off!

The FACT is this. The PM and Suthep ordered troops to fire live rounds on many unarmed protesters. Independent press reports confirm this. Some reds were armed, but not many.

Just look at how many reds died compared to yellows. Look at what the yellows actually did (thugs took over gov buildings and airports). Can you imagine the body count if the reds tried to take over the airport? I dislike both reds and yellows, but the odds are heavily against the reds when it comes to fairness.

Suthep is responsible for deaths as is the Old Etonian. They know it, but couldn't care less as they are on the right side of the law. By right side, I mean 'far right'.

Until Thailand can rid itself of the influence of the 'elite' (Thaksin and clan included) it will never become a first world nation.

The order wasn't to shoot unarmed protesters. It was to carry live ammunition to use when justified (paraphrasing). The fact that protesters had live ammunition is certainly justification for the army to carry live ammunition. Obviously it wasn't justification to shoot unarmed protesters.

But they did it anyway and the military are exempt from any prosecution so.......

Obviously a mistake and mix up in order interpretations and just one of those things, just happened to be mistakes repeated on a large scale right ? whistling.gif

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Suthep "declines" a court summons? Another semantic genuflection by the yellow press

The word the headline writer should have used is "refuses".

You should inform the red press known as Khaosod that scribbled the OP.


The only reason Suthep organised a mob to take over BKK was to save his own ass. For those that feel he was doing it to save his beloved nation, are fools. He was due in court on charges of mass murder. He faced the death penalty. The PM at the time also had similar worries.

A life in prison or the possibilty of facing a firing squad and suddenly they organise a 'people's' coup by proxy? Give me a break.

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I also worked with an odious American (btw I don'tthink all Americans are odious) who claimed that all the deaths of the red shirts were caused by other red shirts to make the yellows look bad.

That is the sort of utter tripe we've been hearing for a few years. And it really p..sses me off!

For impartiality, can we presume that similar other tripe also p..sses you off?

Suthep walked the streets while grenades were going off because he most likely was directing the grenade throwers and knew he was never in harms way.


The yellow foamers believe everyhing the right wingThai press tells them.

Now, I'm no fan of Mr T and his clan. Snakes in the night etc. Did some of the reds overstep the mark? Absolutely. I've seen the pics of them attacking the rescue services. That was a disgrace and they would deserve to be shot for that in my book.

However, to claim the sun shines out of the yellow's backsides and that they did not wrong is idiotic. I also worked with an odious American (btw I don'tthink all Americans are odious) who claimed that all the deaths of the red shirts were caused by other red shirts to make the yellows look bad.

That is the sort of utter tripe we've been hearing for a few years. And it really p..sses me off!

The FACT is this. The PM and Suthep ordered troops to fire live rounds on many unarmed protesters. Independent press reports confirm this. Some reds were armed, but not many.

Just look at how many reds died compared to yellows. Look at what the yellows actually did (thugs took over gov buildings and airports). Can you imagine the body count if the reds tried to take over the airport? I dislike both reds and yellows, but the odds are heavily against the reds when it comes to fairness.

Suthep is responsible for deaths as is the Old Etonian. They know it, but couldn't care less as they are on the right side of the law. By right side, I mean 'far right'.

Until Thailand can rid itself of the influence of the 'elite' (Thaksin and clan included) it will never become a first world nation.

The order wasn't to shoot unarmed protesters. It was to carry live ammunition to use when justified (paraphrasing). The fact that protesters had live ammunition is certainly justification for the army to carry live ammunition. Obviously it wasn't justification to shoot unarmed protesters.

Thing is, I've seen loads of footage of armed yellow shirts during the protests (faces covered with scarves etc). Usually in the back of pick ups. We've all seen them. We all knew about them. The army knew about them. I have a feeling Suthep knew about them.

But somehow, we never did see the military open fire on them with such reckless abandon. Funny that...

I do take your point btw, but there is one thing that bothers me..

Close your eyes and imagine the scene. Thousands of red shirts storm BKK International Airport during Abhisit's period in office.

Which of the following would be the iikely outcome.

1) Same as the yellow's effort. The Democrats would allow the airport to remain closed for months and let them have parties inside on live TV. How the police and armed forces would smile and join in the fun.

2) The army would be sent in as soon as the reds got within a mile of the airport. Then, anyone brave enough to climb the final hill into the airport would be gunned down instantly. Not one red shirt would make it into the airport, hundreds would be shot trying to get near the place and thousands arrested on charges of terrorism. Any survivors would still be in jail today.

Any honest man knows the answer.

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The only reason Suthep organised a mob to take over BKK was to save his own ass. For those that feel he was doing it to save his beloved nation, are fools. He was due in court on charges of mass murder. He faced the death penalty. The PM at the time also had similar worries.

A life in prison or the possibilty of facing a firing squad and suddenly they organise a 'people's' coup by proxy? Give me a break.

Somehow I don't think he was worried about murder charges as a civilian for orders he supposedly gave to the army as a Deputy PM.

Either he was a civilian and any orders he supposedly gave would have been ignored by the army, or he was the Deputy PM and any orders he gave were as a public official.


If K Suthep has nothing to hide and is blameless why does he not just get it over with, he can't just say "no I'm not going to bother"? Has guilt driven him to become a monk?

Is that what he said?

What did he really say?

Nobody knows, because there's not a single quote in the red press Khaosod so-called article.

So it's all left to conjecture and endless speculation as to what really did occur and what specifically was said.

Worse than pathetic reporting from the sham news source.


Thing is, I've seen loads of footage of armed yellow shirts during the protests (faces covered with scarves etc). Usually in the back of pick ups. We've all seen them. We all knew about them. The army knew about them. I have a feeling Suthep knew about them.

But somehow, we never did see the military open fire on them with such reckless abandon. Funny that...

I do take your point btw, but there is one thing that bothers me..

Close your eyes and imagine the scene. Thousands of red shirts storm BKK International Airport during Abhisit's period in office.

Which of the following would be the iikely outcome.

1) Same as the yellow's effort. The Democrats would allow the airport to remain closed for months and let them have parties inside on live TV. How the police and armed forces would smile and join in the fun.

2) The army would be sent in as soon as the reds got within a mile of the airport. Then, anyone brave enough to climb the final hill into the airport would be gunned down instantly. Not one red shirt would make it into the airport, hundreds would be shot trying to get near the place and thousands arrested on charges of terrorism. Any survivors would still be in jail today.

Any honest man knows the answer.

"Loads of footage of armed yellow shirts" ... so it should be easy to show some footage of armed yellow shirts in pickups then.

The Yingluck government didn't get the army involved. That's the main reason the military didn't fire on any protesters.

As far as your scenario goes, any honest man knows you're talking complete BS.

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i dont care now does my this family or many friends what he might be like what he did before weather he's a hiso or whatever i my this family and many this friends are just thankful he stood up to most evil nasty would be dictator controlling it all from Dubai and hopefully put an end to that person and whole vile shin clan for ever.

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I said Suthep would use the robes to hide behind

It should be simple ... you get a court summons you either appear or get charged.

Putting on a robe for him was a strategy then as it is now.....to thwart any attempt at making him accountable for his actions.

Even from the red press Khaosod, there is zero corroboration of your speculation in the OP.



Thing is, I've seen loads of footage of armed yellow shirts during the protests (faces covered with scarves etc). Usually in the back of pick ups. We've all seen them. We all knew about them. The army knew about them. I have a feeling Suthep knew about them.

But somehow, we never did see the military open fire on them with such reckless abandon. Funny that...

I do take your point btw, but there is one thing that bothers me..

Close your eyes and imagine the scene. Thousands of red shirts storm BKK International Airport during Abhisit's period in office.

Which of the following would be the iikely outcome.

1) Same as the yellow's effort. The Democrats would allow the airport to remain closed for months and let them have parties inside on live TV. How the police and armed forces would smile and join in the fun.

2) The army would be sent in as soon as the reds got within a mile of the airport. Then, anyone brave enough to climb the final hill into the airport would be gunned down instantly. Not one red shirt would make it into the airport, hundreds would be shot trying to get near the place and thousands arrested on charges of terrorism. Any survivors would still be in jail today.

Any honest man knows the answer.

"Loads of footage of armed yellow shirts" ... so it should be easy to show some footage of armed yellow shirts in pickups then.

The Yingluck government didn't get the army involved. That's the main reason the military didn't fire on any protesters.

As far as your scenario goes, any honest man knows you're talking complete BS.

One is a doc I saw on youtube recently. Just put 'driving ferraris with thai elite' or something like that and you'll find it. That is a must see, not so much for the clips of yellow shirts with guns, but for the overall content. I've seen a few more. Just look for Thailand/coup/yellow shirt docs and you'll find a few. I did.

I obviously touched a nerve. I do not apologise.


He declines to show up to a court summons? Arrest his ass and make him attend.

Attend what? and for what reason?

Just to repeat the same BS thrown at him over the years?

Just to explain once more the reasons behind the order, he and Adhisit issued to supress the clashes?

They had every right to order these actions.

And I hope this case is thrown out of the court.

Not because I'm not against the killings although nobody still knows where the bullets came from, but for the reasons politicians still pursue these court hearings to gain political benefits.

ok then

reds have to follow the law and be quiet

yellows can do what the frunk they want..eventually turning monks until everything calm again...and ignoring the law

can i eventually refer to suthep as the mass killer monk?

He can be bracketed with the sadistic torturer monk. No names, we all know who he is.

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Suthep has done so much for Thailand the opposition will always try and make false stories .

He is completely innocent should have been awarded for all his effort in containing the red shirt armed militants . The day will come when recognised for being a brave and courageous man that took on these heavily armed people and bought back peace to the country.

Nearly choked on my Ovaltine reading that. Still, it's good to have a laugh before bed.

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