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Pheu Thai fully cooperating with govt, former MP assures Prayuth

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The junta's action in taking absolute power was illegal under the existing Constitution and a number of articles under the Criminal Code. Is Pheu Thai now conceding that its performance as the legitimate government of Thailand was so bad that it justified the coup and that they are now repenting on the creation of a situation in which treason was in some way a legitimate response?


Thaksin is again outsmarting those opposed to him.

He will simply sit back and let the military fail by themselves so that when they do fail they cannot blame it on his interference the same way that PTP can lay blame for most of their failures at the feet of the Yellows.

The current regime will wear out it's welcome and self destruct as the economy tanks and then who will ride into town to save the day.....

just one group fits the bill, Mr T and his jolly band of Reds.

Uncle T aint a saint, but he's head and shoulders above and three steps in front of the clowns opposite him.

Completely, incontrovertibly wrong. Logic stood on its head. And remember what happened to Robespierre... (spelled correctly with two 'r's, incidentally). But never mind, no doubt you intended your error.

Just saying something wrong doesn't mean it is, you have to work a little harder than that my friend.

The above is a very logical explanation as to why Thaksin and his allies are acting as they are.

As for the moniker, of course it is a deliberate misspelling. Robespierre has been referenced by others on this forum quite a few times so the different spelling enables me to search without all the excess results. No doubt your birth certificate has Dru2 on it, because surely you wouldn't be a hypocrite with double standards would you?


Why would the PTP even have to do anything to disrupt this government?

The novelty will wear off and there is no 93% support just made feel good headlines which the yellow dems lap up.

If the PM things he is winning the hearts and minds of the Thai people then he is sadly mistaken.

All the PTP have to do is sit back and wait for an election date and they will be back bigger and better than ever.

I know it's hard fir the yellow dems on here to accept but really they have no candidate in the same stratosphere as likes the of

Yingluck .

The north don't like the elite the elite don't like the north and believe they were born to rule however whether you like it or not Thaksin casts a mighty big shadow over Thailand and the name shinawatra is huge for the disenfranchised and they treat him and Yingluck as heroes .

If he got off the plane tomorrow he would be hailed a hero if he spent time in jail on the day of his release even more than that.

These are just the cold hard facts that the dems have to face!

So the PTP really don't need to do anything except wait for the day!


In reality the PTP don't need to push any buttons until election time, then if they win , push all of them the second year of office, the country people are offside with the ruling elite , whether they are prepared for another ten years of disorganization is another thing, also the intimidation , attacks ah-la small villages from brought off village elders, has the same effect as before remains to be seen , it all looks the same from the outside, Thailand has not moved positively under this junta either so what is coffee1.gif the difference.


All the PTP have to do is sit back and wait for an election date and they will be back bigger and better than ever.

If he got off the plane tomorrow he would be hailed a hero if he spent time in jail on the day of his release even more than that.

These are just the cold hard facts that the dems have to face!


Fortune teller-like future prognostications are somehow called "cold hard facts."

Clearer now why you like Thaksin. He believes in fortune tellers also, and that has worked out so well for him and his family.



Where exactly has PTP failed?

Every time there is a fair contest, they win.

This is why the Yellows keep having to play outside the rules (i.e. cheat).

Realizing that you must not have been here at the time, but both of Thaksin's parties (TRT and PPP) were the ones guilty of cheating.

In typical "brilliant" Thaksin style they cheated in elections that they would have won even without cheating, but, yet, they still cheated.

And after they were disbanded the first time.....they repeated it a second time... and were disbanded again.

Yes, Thaksin is a genius.


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So Pheu Thai are now supporting the good works of the General/PM?

Why not when PM Prayuth approved all Pheu Thai infrastructure projects in the North and increased the investments for all border trading with new roads etc. All this will delight Taksin as it will provide new wealth to the North and North East. The government is doing what Pheu Thai could not do with all the political and court obstacles.

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"I don't know if the Prime Minister meant Pheu Thai Party when he mentioned an underground movement," Somkid said. "If he does, I'd like to assure him not to worry. Please relax ... I'd like the government to continue their administration of the nation.

Well, then in that case Pheu Thai Party just admitted that it has no purpose nor function...disband yourself.

  • Like 2

it doesn't matter who wins the next election as long as the current reforms plug all the gaps that PTP tried to exploit

No more abuse of power - cheating - lies - stupid populist policies - breaking laws - corruption, with a good dose of transparency - responsibility - institutions in place to take serious action against those breaking the law and heavy penalties

and a government that is forced to represent all of the people and banned from engaging mafia/terrorist organisations like the redshirts

  • Like 1

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The junta's action in taking absolute power was illegal under the existing Constitution and a number of articles under the Criminal Code. Is Pheu Thai now conceding that its performance as the legitimate government of Thailand was so bad that it justified the coup and that they are now repenting on the creation of a situation in which treason was in some way a legitimate response?


Thaksin is again outsmarting those opposed to him.

He will simply sit back and let the military fail by themselves so that when they do fail they cannot blame it on his interference the same way that PTP can lay blame for most of their failures at the feet of the Yellows.

The current regime will wear out it's welcome and self destruct as the economy tanks and then who will ride into town to save the day.....

just one group fits the bill, Mr T and his jolly band of Reds.

Uncle T aint a saint, but he's head and shoulders above and three steps in front of the clowns opposite him.

Just your opinion, many would totally disagree.

But keep posting, at least you might convince yourself.

Scorecard you are in denial. Thaksin is still the number one name in Thai politics. Love or hate him hes not going away. 15 years and two coups and his name is still on everybody's lips. He must be doing something right


The junta's action in taking absolute power was illegal under the existing Constitution and a number of articles under the Criminal Code. Is Pheu Thai now conceding that its performance as the legitimate government of Thailand was so bad that it justified the coup and that they are now repenting on the creation of a situation in which treason was in some way a legitimate response?


Thaksin is again outsmarting those opposed to him.

He will simply sit back and let the military fail by themselves so that when they do fail they cannot blame it on his interference the same way that PTP can lay blame for most of their failures at the feet of the Yellows.

The current regime will wear out it's welcome and self destruct as the economy tanks and then who will ride into town to save the day.....

just one group fits the bill, Mr T and his jolly band of Reds.

Uncle T aint a saint, but he's head and shoulders above and three steps in front of the clowns opposite him.

Do you write comedy scripts for a living?

Thaksin the Brilliant ....... outsmarts everybody. The brilliant amnesty plan to whitewash all his and his families crimes succeeded in getting his puppet regime thrown out and nearly causing civil war. Master plan.

Off to India to make merit with a few of the boys and little sweetie sis. Very inconspicuous - keeping a low profile. Tell them we aren't discussing politics or scheming to get back in control and they'll believe us.

Thaksin repeatedly makes the mistake of believing everyone will believe anything he or his gang say, no matter how absurd. PTP regularly lied, and when caught tried to lie their way out.

PTP can't blame anyone for their failures but themselves. Lying repeatedly through a mixture of arrogance, stupidity and contempt for the electorate. A feature of all Thaksin governments.

Thaksin repeatedly.......wins election after election after election.

Where exactly has PTP failed?

Every time there is a fair contest, they win.

This is why the Yellows keep having to play outside the rules (i.e. cheat).

ps. they'll win the next election too.

Thaksin repeatedly fixes wins election after election, repeatedly lies,cheats and breaks the law in office, gets caught, kicked out, buys a new political party and starts again.

The failure might be in not learning from past mistakes. But an egotistical billionaire megalomaniac who has no respect for the law probably finds it hard to learn.

Dream on - too many people have rumbled PTP and the Shin family now. They can fix so many votes but lost by elections they thought were certainties.

  • Like 1

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The junta's action in taking absolute power was illegal under the existing Constitution and a number of articles under the Criminal Code. Is Pheu Thai now conceding that its performance as the legitimate government of Thailand was so bad that it justified the coup and that they are now repenting on the creation of a situation in which treason was in some way a legitimate response?


Thaksin is again outsmarting those opposed to him.

He will simply sit back and let the military fail by themselves so that when they do fail they cannot blame it on his interference the same way that PTP can lay blame for most of their failures at the feet of the Yellows.

The current regime will wear out it's welcome and self destruct as the economy tanks and then who will ride into town to save the day.....

just one group fits the bill, Mr T and his jolly band of Reds.

Uncle T aint a saint, but he's head and shoulders above and three steps in front of the clowns opposite him.

Just your opinion, many would totally disagree.

But keep posting, at least you might convince yourself.

Scorecard you are in denial. Thaksin is still the number one name in Thai politics. Love or hate him hes not going away. 15 years and two coups and his name is still on everybody's lips. He must be doing something right

Hitler's name is on many lips here. Did he do something right too?

  • Like 2

it doesn't matter who wins the next election as long as the current reforms plug all the gaps that PTP tried to exploit

No more abuse of power - cheating - lies - stupid populist policies - breaking laws - corruption, with a good dose of transparency - responsibility - institutions in place to take serious action against those breaking the law and heavy penalties

and a government that is forced to represent all of the people and banned from engaging mafia/terrorist organisations like the redshirts

If any Thaksin controlled party wins an election they will behave as they always have.

Ignore the law, lie,cheat and slowly unpick any checks and balances, put family and friends into positions to subvert them and try to change the laws to favor themselves.

There is only one way to cure cancer.


A little like Prayuth in the months leading up to the coup was quoted almost every day saying:

"No coup, no coup, no coup, no coup, no coup, no coup............................................"whistling.gif

BANGKOK (AP) — Thailand's powerful army chief on Friday issued his strongest call yet for the nation's political rivals to overcome their bitter divide, refusing to rule out the possibility of a military coup as long as the conflict threatens to tear the country apart. whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif



A little like Prayuth in the months leading up to the coup was quoted almost every day saying:

"No coup, no coup, no coup, no coup, no coup, no coup............................................"whistling.gif

BANGKOK (AP) Thailand's powerful army chief on Friday issued his strongest call yet for the nation's political rivals to overcome their bitter divide, refusing to rule out the possibility of a military coup as long as the conflict threatens to tear the country apart. whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif


:lol: typical of Thaksin supporters..... Long on claims, short on reality....



The junta's action in taking absolute power was illegal under the existing Constitution and a number of articles under the Criminal Code. Is Pheu Thai now conceding that its performance as the legitimate government of Thailand was so bad that it justified the coup and that they are now repenting on the creation of a situation in which treason was in some way a legitimate response?

More likely they are just waiting for the wheels to fall off. In the meantime could you explain what treasonous acts were carried out? Unless of course you mean "overthrowing the democratic regime with the King as Head of State" for actually having the gall to attempt to amend the constitution by reverting to the 1997 Constitutions' arrangement for a fully elected Senate?

How about calling for an independent Lana state. Flying flags with one color deliberately missing. Turning a blind eye to attacks and killings of those who dare oppose. Allowing a non elected convicted criminal fugitive to run the government, dictate policy and select the cabinet. Cheating in parliamentary procedures.

Most countries would consider those treasonable acts.

"Calling for an independant Lanna State"? The PTP? Oh well, maybe you got confused with the Chiang Mai 51 Redshirt group deciding to put up a few banners and suggesting that they would be better off with a Secession because of the lack of justice as an official separatist movement. Disregarding that emotional overreaction, Chiang Mai 51 are not the PTP. By the way perhaps you heard of the recent referendum held in Scotland - that wasn't regarded as a treasonous act.

"Turning a blind eye to attacks and killings of those who dare oppose"? Presumably you missed the several public denunciations of the violence by the Government or did you just wilfully ignore that fact for the sake of your "argument"?

"Allowing a non elected convicted criminal fugitive to run the government, dictate policy and select the cabinet" OK, I'll let your version of how the government is run, lie, because I plainly can't be ars*d spending even more time disabusing you of your entrenched attitude. Suffice it to say that I think your statement is emotionally charged and far from the truth.

"Cheating in parliamentary procedures" - I'll need some details, or do just want to imply everything the PTP did in parliament was cheating? I believe the checks and balances in place (the Constitution Court, for example with respect to the use of id cards of MP's not in chamber) have dealt with any such cases - still, hardly treasonable offences.

Anything else you regard as treasonous to offer?

The only thing I can think of as treasonous is "overthrowing a democratic regime of government with the King as Head of State" (as defined by Section 68 in the ripped up 2007 Constitution). Oh, wait a minute, that's already happened.......................coffee1.gif

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The junta's action in taking absolute power was illegal under the existing Constitution and a number of articles under the Criminal Code. Is Pheu Thai now conceding that its performance as the legitimate government of Thailand was so bad that it justified the coup and that they are now repenting on the creation of a situation in which treason was in some way a legitimate response?

More likely they are just waiting for the wheels to fall off. In the meantime could you explain what treasonous acts were carried out? Unless of course you mean "overthrowing the democratic regime with the King as Head of State" for actually having the gall to attempt to amend the constitution by reverting to the 1997 Constitutions' arrangement for a fully elected Senate?

How about calling for an independent Lana state. Flying flags with one color deliberately missing. Turning a blind eye to attacks and killings of those who dare oppose. Allowing a non elected convicted criminal fugitive to run the government, dictate policy and select the cabinet. Cheating in parliamentary procedures.

Most countries would consider those treasonable acts.

None of these things were much different from the Arab spring uprising apart from the criminal running from overseas, but that's open to debate

I didn't see the calling for Scotland to be called an independent country by those who run it and the failed vote wasn't seen to be treasonous either?

Which countries would these be as you said "most" countries ?


The easiest simplest and fairest way for the NRC to stop any further abuse is to implement changes on how future governments can make certain changes

Constitution amendments - require 2/3 majority of the house or a referendum of the people again needing 2/3 majority

Procedural amendments - 2/3 majority of the house

Changes to Institutions - courts - senate - high ranking officials etc - 2/3 majority of the house

no more problems in Thailand and everyone gets represented

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"I don't know if the Prime Minister meant Pheu Thai Party when he mentioned an underground movement," Somkid said

...actually he said bowel movement, and yes, he meant Pheu Thai Party.

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Where exactly has PTP failed?

Every time there is a fair contest, they win.

This is why the Yellows keep having to play outside the rules (i.e. cheat).

Realizing that you must not have been here at the time, but both of Thaksin's parties (TRT and PPP) were the ones guilty of cheating.

In typical "brilliant" Thaksin style they cheated in elections that they would have won even without cheating, but, yet, they still cheated.

And after they were disbanded the first time.....they repeated it a second time... and were disbanded again.

Yes, Thaksin is a genius.


All three of Thaksin's parties have been accused of cheating by sore losers. No reputable international body believes Thaksin bought or stole any of the 6 elections he has won - only yellow peanuts think otherwise.

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it doesn't matter who wins the next election as long as the current reforms plug all the gaps that PTP tried to exploit

No more abuse of power - cheating - lies - stupid populist policies - breaking laws - corruption, with a good dose of transparency - responsibility - institutions in place to take serious action against those breaking the law and heavy penalties

and a government that is forced to represent all of the people and banned from engaging mafia/terrorist organisations like the redshirts

What you describe has never existed in Thailand, ironically (for you) the closest this nation has ever come to achieving the above is when the country has been under Shinawatra rule.


Thaksin repeatedly.......wins election after election after election.

Where exactly has PTP failed?

Every time there is a fair contest, they win.

This is why the Yellows keep having to play outside the rules (i.e. cheat).

ps. they'll win the next election too.

Thaksin repeatedly fixes wins election after election, repeatedly lies,cheats and breaks the law in office, gets caught, kicked out, buys a new political party and starts again.

The failure might be in not learning from past mistakes. But an egotistical billionaire megalomaniac who has no respect for the law probably finds it hard to learn.

Dream on - too many people have rumbled PTP and the Shin family now. They can fix so many votes but lost by elections they thought were certainties.

Thaksin keeps on winning and those opposed keep on losing.

Not sure that with a 6 - 0 record that Thaksin is the one who needs some learnin'.

I couldn't make sense of your last sentence but, next election, Thaksin will again be an unbackable certainty


it doesn't matter who wins the next election as long as the current reforms plug all the gaps that PTP tried to exploit

No more abuse of power - cheating - lies - stupid populist policies - breaking laws - corruption, with a good dose of transparency - responsibility - institutions in place to take serious action against those breaking the law and heavy penalties

and a government that is forced to represent all of the people and banned from engaging mafia/terrorist organisations like the redshirts

If any Thaksin controlled party wins an election they will behave as they always have.

Ignore the law, lie,cheat and slowly unpick any checks and balances, put family and friends into positions to subvert them and try to change the laws to favor themselves.

There is only one way to cure cancer.

You're wrong!

1. Surgery 2. Chemotherapy 3. Radiation Therapy 4. Targeted Therapy 5. Immunotherapy 6. Hyperthermia 7. Stem Cell Transplant (Peripheral Blood, Bone Marrow, and Cord Blood Transplants) 8. Photodynamic Therapy 9. Lasers in Cancer Treatment 10.Blood Product Donation and Transfusion

I believe the opposition strategy is to sit tight and give the junta enough rope to hang itself. This strategy, by the way, appears to be working. It's like, "Don't worry, we won't get in your way; you're doing the job for us."

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