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Yet another half are just media influenced (look at the peadophile!)

Paedo-hysteria is rife here in the UK. - Only last week i was walking down the road with my daughter when some boy-racers drove past shouting out "paedophile"!

I couldn't believe it. I'm 35 and my daughter is seven, so what must it be like for men with younger wives. :o

Edited by markt
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It seems to me that the OP is measuring his own choices against the reaction of others.

I’m not the first person here to bring up the question of insecurity, and I would say, not without good reason.

The Post says a lot about the OP and nothing but assumption about the views of other people the OP meets.

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Actually the insecurity is on the girl's side... absolutely lovely in every way except that she was sold by her mother after being abandoned by her father (and then bought back by aunty) when she was a year or so old and has decided to define herself by how attractive she is to men - in other words she gets a kick out of quick and dirty sex and if I was not around would be all over the place.

Whilst she has got a bit better after three years I still would not trust her out of my sight! She got kicked out of two past relationships when she got caught and has an ex-Thai "husband" from five years ago still wandering around Korat seeking revenge in the usual whisky lao blur.

So we are sort of stuck together until she gets totally pissed off and does a runner. I keep telling her to go but she has not yet done it. Why not finish with her - well she is lovely in every other way and it is no great hassle as I work from home anyway and I get wild sex every day, more or less for free these days (I did the house thing for 250k two years ago, she paid the other half). And, I have an awful feeling I will collapse emotionally when we finally part. Bloody ex-bar-gals!

But strange that I had no problems the previous two years and the harridans seem to be out in force now but no great problem as mentioned by others.

The guy with the 30 year age difference - right on, something to look forward to!

:D Sounds to me that you are the one with the insecurities and she makes the most of it. It must be awful sitting around waiting for her to take off :o
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A girl works in a 7/11, bank or in a bar doesn't matter and a lot of the time no one ever gives her a second glance. Then you become involved with her seriously and other guys come sniffing around your partner like bees to a honey pot. Why is it when she is without anyone no one really pays attention to her then when she has someone they all come sniffing? I would never hit on another guys girl it's just not right.

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Actually the insecurity is on the girl's side... absolutely lovely in every way except that she was sold by her mother after being abandoned by her father (and then bought back by aunty) when she was a year or so old and has decided to define herself by how attractive she is to men - in other words she gets a kick out of quick and dirty sex and if I was not around would be all over the place.

Whilst she has got a bit better after three years I still would not trust her out of my sight! She got kicked out of two past relationships when she got caught and has an ex-Thai "husband" from five years ago still wandering around Korat seeking revenge in the usual whisky lao blur.

So we are sort of stuck together until she gets totally pissed off and does a runner. I keep telling her to go but she has not yet done it. Why not finish with her - well she is lovely in every other way and it is no great hassle as I work from home anyway and I get wild sex every day, more or less for free these days (I did the house thing for 250k two years ago, she paid the other half). And, I have an awful feeling I will collapse emotionally when we finally part. Bloody ex-bar-gals!


Most bizarre post I have ever seen on here!

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luckily I never let the babe out of my sight so no great problem.

Why? did you expect her to disappear with the first twentysomething that came along?

Your post seems more about your insecurites than other peoples attitudes

Or could it have been that the OP was more concerned about the girl being harrassed by the young bucks when on her own without his protection...? :D

Exactly. Too many morons in this world these days. They see a woman with a man and then try and hit on her as soon as the guy turns his back. :o

Early in my career, I would never bring a woman to the mess on what ever base I was posted to. I saw guys come in with their wives, and while they were getting drinks from the bar, other prats would try hitting on the wives (too lazy to look for their own g/f's). The start of a lot of fights obviously.

Now put a young asian woman with an older white guy, and some of those brain-dead morons start thinking they've got a chance of landing her, if they can just get her away from the old git she's with. Let her wander around alone and she'll have a pack of slobbering dogs nipping at her heels. And heaven forbid if she scorns any of these would-be Romeo's.

What do you do then? Keep her locked up until you can go out and keep an eye on her? Perhaps you could employ a chaperone?

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Actually the insecurity is on the girl's side... absolutely lovely in every way except that she was sold by her mother after being abandoned by her father (and then bought back by aunty) when she was a year or so old and has decided to define herself by how attractive she is to men - in other words she gets a kick out of quick and dirty sex and if I was not around would be all over the place.

Whilst she has got a bit better after three years I still would not trust her out of my sight! She got kicked out of two past relationships when she got caught and has an ex-Thai "husband" from five years ago still wandering around Korat seeking revenge in the usual whisky lao blur.

So we are sort of stuck together until she gets totally pissed off and does a runner. I keep telling her to go but she has not yet done it. Why not finish with her - well she is lovely in every other way and it is no great hassle as I work from home anyway and I get wild sex every day, more or less for free these days (I did the house thing for 250k two years ago, she paid the other half). And, I have an awful feeling I will collapse emotionally when we finally part. Bloody ex-bar-gals!


Most bizarre post I have ever seen on here!

hhaha i totally agree, hey mods why you keep deleting my posts??

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Actually the insecurity is on the girl's side... absolutely lovely in every way except that she was sold by her mother after being abandoned by her father (and then bought back by aunty) when she was a year or so old and has decided to define herself by how attractive she is to men - in other words she gets a kick out of quick and dirty sex and if I was not around would be all over the place.

Whilst she has got a bit better after three years I still would not trust her out of my sight! She got kicked out of two past relationships when she got caught and has an ex-Thai "husband" from five years ago still wandering around Korat seeking revenge in the usual whisky lao blur.

So we are sort of stuck together until she gets totally pissed off and does a runner. I keep telling her to go but she has not yet done it. Why not finish with her - well she is lovely in every other way and it is no great hassle as I work from home anyway and I get wild sex every day, more or less for free these days (I did the house thing for 250k two years ago, she paid the other half). And, I have an awful feeling I will collapse emotionally when we finally part. Bloody ex-bar-gals!


Most bizarre post I have ever seen on here!

hhaha i totally agree, hey mods why you keep deleting my posts??

You drunk Donz? You know better post-4641-1154085962.gif

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She; "You wont get round me with flowers."

He; "I couldnt get round you with a bike!"

Seriously though,life being grim as it is in the U.K, I am not suprised at dirty looks.Look at the overcrowding, sad shabby crowds and the astronomical cost of living. People are depressed and hate to see happy faces.

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Ladies are ladies everywhere let's remember that - yes some are bigger than others, but in the end they are ladies and deserve respect.

Very well said.

I am currently in the UK, and the percentage of attractive women is minute in comparison to those who obviously have no respect for themselves. In this I mean the respect for their bodies, and their health, quite apart from how unattractive it makes them to most men.

The larger majority of Asian women do seem to look after themselves and at least try to maintain their health by not stuffing themselves stupid.

My wife is much younger than me, but we have always been accepted everywhere (both at home in Thailand and overseas) as a couple. I have never noticed anyone staring, except in obvious envy!

I suspect that the dark looks the OP is receiving may even be more based on racism (rife in the UK now) than with the age difference, although as another poster said, the paedophile hysteria currently being whipped up by the press certainly makes walking down the street with anyone younger than you a challenge.

I wouldn't be very comfortable walking around in the UK with my 10 year old daughter (half Thai), that's for certain. I even feel worried that people may hear me talking to her on the phone calling her "sweetheart" as many dad's do, in case it is taken out of context.

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Actually the insecurity is on the girl's side... absolutely lovely in every way except that she was sold by her mother after being abandoned by her father (and then bought back by aunty) when she was a year or so old and has decided to define herself by how attractive she is to men - in other words she gets a kick out of quick and dirty sex and if I was not around would be all over the place.

Whilst she has got a bit better after three years I still would not trust her out of my sight! She got kicked out of two past relationships when she got caught and has an ex-Thai "husband" from five years ago still wandering around Korat seeking revenge in the usual whisky lao blur.

So we are sort of stuck together until she gets totally pissed off and does a runner. I keep telling her to go but she has not yet done it. Why not finish with her - well she is lovely in every other way and it is no great hassle as I work from home anyway and I get wild sex every day, more or less for free these days (I did the house thing for 250k two years ago, she paid the other half). And, I have an awful feeling I will collapse emotionally when we finally part. Bloody ex-bar-gals!


Most bizarre post I have ever seen on here!

hhaha i totally agree, hey mods why you keep deleting my posts??

You drunk Donz? You know better post-4641-1154085962.gif

But evenything I said is the truth. Im wasnt drunk at the time, probaly jusy abit tipsy

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Seriously though,life being grim as it is in the U.K, I am not suprised at dirty looks.Look at the overcrowding, sad shabby crowds and the astronomical cost of living. People are depressed and hate to see happy faces.

Well i'm still in the UK and believe me, i'm not feeling grim, depressed or hate to see smiling faces. In fact, the current heatwave has been fantastic and there have been many smiling faces. Yes, there is much room for improvement but that goes for anywhere in the world.

Stop painting the country as a miseable place to be because i don't think it is. And neither do all the immigrants and asylum seekers, who are queing up in their thousands, think so either.

I suspect that the dark looks the OP is receiving may even be more based on racism (rife in the UK now)

Have you got any facts to support that "racism is rife in the UK"? I don't believe it is. Yeah, you will always get the odd fracas etc and everybody puts it down to racism but that doesn't warrant the word "rife". What is it called when two whites fight each other?

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well said MrBojangles. I think there is a lot more to the reasons for the ops problems than rascism or jealousy (why be jealous of a man who cant let his bird out of his sight for fear she will shag a younger, better looking guy!) .

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I suspect that the dark looks the OP is receiving may even be more based on racism (rife in the UK now)

Have you got any facts to support that "racism is rife in the UK"? I don't believe it is. Yeah, you will always get the odd fracas etc and everybody puts it down to racism but that doesn't warrant the word "rife". What is it called when two whites fight each other?

Rascism in the U.K. is what Witchcraft was a few hundred years ago.Once charged, guilty until proven innocent.It needs stamping out of course but we do still have presumption of innocence.

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Seriously though,life being grim as it is in the U.K, I am not suprised at dirty looks.Look at the overcrowding, sad shabby crowds and the astronomical cost of living. People are depressed and hate to see happy faces.

Well i'm still in the UK and believe me, i'm not feeling grim, depressed or hate to see smiling faces. In fact, the current heatwave has been fantastic and there have been many smiling faces. Yes, there is much room for improvement but that goes for anywhere in the world.

Stop painting the country as a miseable place to be because i don't think it is. And neither do all the immigrants and asylum seekers, who are queing up in their thousands, think so either.

I suspect that the dark looks the OP is receiving may even be more based on racism (rife in the UK now)

Have you got any facts to support that "racism is rife in the UK"? I don't believe it is. Yeah, you will always get the odd fracas etc and everybody puts it down to racism but that doesn't warrant the word "rife". What is it called when two whites fight each other?


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well said MrBojangles.

Thanks Boo :D:D

Don't these bashers get on your nerves though. They moan and groan about a place and then move somewhere else. 6 months later theyr'e moaning about that place. If they get to Heaven (or your preffered destination) they'll moan about how hard it is, to keep their white clothes clean :o:D

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Seriously though,life being grim as it is in the U.K, I am not suprised at dirty looks.Look at the overcrowding, sad shabby crowds and the astronomical cost of living. People are depressed and hate to see happy faces.

Where are you from baboon, just out of interest.

It would appear that your comment does not appear to be well supported here and I would suggest any other news body that I am aware of.

Perhaps some grievance at foreign imports maybe, but their is a chasm of difference between grievances and 'rife racism', I would suggest.


Edited by Mossfinn
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I quite agree. Britain is quite a fine place if you have a positive attitude and motivation. Sure its got its down sides but i'd just as happily live there as in Thailand.

It's encouraging to see that there are at least a few people who can enjoy living in Thailand without slagging off their own country, UK in this instance.As a Brit I find there's so many positives about both countries although obviously in both there are problems.I feel privileged to spend time in both places.I suppose Thailand has a slight edge for me because most of my family are here, and I really appreciate Thai courtesy and good manners.But then again is there anything closer to heaven than the English countryside shimmering on a perfect summer's day?

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I quite agree. Britain is quite a fine place if you have a positive attitude and motivation. Sure its got its down sides but i'd just as happily live there as in Thailand.

It's encouraging to see that there are at least a few people who can enjoy living in Thailand without slagging off their own country, UK in this instance.As a Brit I find there's so many positives about both countries although obviously in both there are problems.I feel privileged to spend time in both places.I suppose Thailand has a slight edge for me because most of my family are here, and I really appreciate Thai courtesy and good manners.But then again is there anything closer to heaven than the English countryside shimmering on a perfect summer's day?

Yes, the English countryside on one of the cold, bright, blue sky winters days with a ground frost, a nice country walk and a pub at the end of it. Man I really miss that!

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Me to

Two pints of stella and a jacket potato followed by a cheroot in a cold pub garden.

still the stella helps with the uk women i guess. :o

before you flame me still happily married 10yrs to a very fine British lass.

Our last visit to uk last mth first in 5yrs.:quote from my British wife " no wonder our mates are running of to Asia to find a women, The women in here are as miserable as sin have forgotten how to smile and have more excess baggage (around ther body) than a family of skiers"

Still iwas happy on buying new clothes i went from Thai xl to Uk medium what does that tell ya.

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Me to

Two pints of stella and a jacket potato followed by a cheroot in a cold pub garden.

still the stella helps with the uk women i guess. :o

before you flame me still happily married 10yrs to a very fine British lass.

Our last visit to uk last mth first in 5yrs.:quote from my British wife " no wonder our mates are running of to Asia to find a women, The women in here are as miserable as sin have forgotten how to smile and have more excess baggage (around ther body) than a family of skiers"

Still iwas happy on buying new clothes i went from Thai xl to Uk medium what does that tell ya.

Does it occur to you for an instant that your wife's comments reflect much more about you, your socio-economic status (lower class = obesity) and educational background than a reasonable comment on English women? I think we can assume you wouldn't give it a thought.

I think Thai girls are often beautiful and charming.But last time I was back in the UK London was full of happy and pretty English girls.

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