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Why do farang die naked


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The questions we should be asking are:

"Why do the Thai police allow all and sundry to trespass into (possible) crime scenes and take photos."

"Why do the Thai newspapers (especially the English language papers) publish pictures of the naked bodies of dead foreigners, regardless of the feelings of their friends and loved ones?"

It's sick and adds nothing to their reporting of the facts/news.

The strongest theories that attempt to explain our primal craving for violence look at our evolution into modern society. One such theory held by an evolutionary psychologist at the London School of Economics, Satoshi Kanazawa, uses the concept of observable disturbances in society as his example of why we hold such a special place in our interest for violence.


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The questions we should be asking are:

"Why do the Thai police allow all and sundry to trespass into (possible) crime scenes and take photos."

"Why do the Thai newspapers (especially the English language papers) publish pictures of the naked bodies of dead foreigners, regardless of the feelings of their friends and loved ones?"

It's sick and adds nothing to their reporting of the facts/news.

Well then, to try and give some reasonable explanations to your questions:

When it comes to blood and core the Thais don`t censor this as much as they do in western countries. Remembering back to the days prior to the Internet, road accidents were the favourite front page specials for the newspapers, people having been decapitated by trucks, motorbike accidents and so on, in vivid colour splashed all over the pagers. I suppose they believed it sold more newspapers.

Regarding who gets access to the crime scenes, I guess that is all to do with the lack of professional police training.

Thailand is far from the worse country for the explicitness of these kind of things. The middle east for example, China, India and such countries the lack of censorship way, way exceeds Thailand.

I don`t agree that most farangs found dead in Thailand are usually naked, perhaps it just seems that way.

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The questions we should be asking are:

"Why do the Thai police allow all and sundry to trespass into (possible) crime scenes and take photos."

"Why do the Thai newspapers (especially the English language papers) publish pictures of the naked bodies of dead foreigners, regardless of the feelings of their friends and loved ones?"

It's sick and adds nothing to their reporting of the facts/news.

The strongest theories that attempt to explain our primal craving for violence look at our evolution into modern society. One such theory held by an evolutionary psychologist at the London School of Economics, Satoshi Kanazawa, uses the concept of observable disturbances in society as his example of why we hold such a special place in our interest for violence.


I do accept that there is a natural human craving for gory scenes and such. But, most of the photos I see in the English language press here are just of old men who have died of natural causes, in their own homes, and happen to be naked or in their underwear.

Nothing gory, nothing sensational, nothing titillating. Just cheap and lazy journalism (IMHO).

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Three possibilities.

1) They were on the job, Thai (or other western) husband, gik, boyfriend, fiancee, or second husband turned either all alone or all together, and time to make a quick exit and "fell" over the low balcony railings!

2) they were clothed, fully clothed but it was much better to remove the female clothing an all ensemble as to not cause further embarassment!

3) Sleep walking, with Thai security for balcony door´s not that great and the railings rather low..rather easy to make your way to the balcony and fall over the railings when sleep walking.. I don´t know anyone who has almost sleep walked his way from 4th floor of a building unclothed and had no memory of it! whistling.gif

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The questions we should be asking are:

"Why do the Thai police allow all and sundry to trespass into (possible) crime scenes and take photos."

"Why do the Thai newspapers (especially the English language papers) publish pictures of the naked bodies of dead foreigners, regardless of the feelings of their friends and loved ones?"

It's sick and adds nothing to their reporting of the facts/news.

Well then, to try and give some reasonable explanations to your questions:

When it comes to blood and core the Thais don`t censor this as much as they do in western countries. Remembering back to the days prior to the Internet, road accidents were the favourite front page specials for the newspapers, people having been decapitated by trucks, motorbike accidents and so on, in vivid colour splashed all over the pagers. I suppose they believed it sold more newspapers.

Regarding who gets access to the crime scenes, I guess that is all to do with the lack of professional police training.

Thailand is far from the worse country for the explicitness of these kind of things. The middle east for example, China, India and such countries the lack of censorship way, way exceeds Thailand.

I don`t agree that most farangs found dead in Thailand are usually naked, perhaps it just seems that way.

I agree with most of what you are saying there.

Personally, I am not upset at all by even the most gory photos, having been de-sensitised over many years.

However, I do feel some empathy with the family and friends of some old chap who has come to the end of his days and just happens to be on the toilet or in bed naked, when the explicit photos appear in the English language press.

Do their readers really want to see a glimpse of some wrinkly old man in his underpants? No, it's just dirt cheap "journalism", cheaper than gathering some real news or even upgrading the crossword/sudoku section.

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What people wear in the privacy of their homes is up to them. If they want to potter about in their knickers, so be it. And, perhaps, sadly they will die just wearing their undies. You can't expect everyone to be dressed to the nines when they die.

I often just wear a t-shirt and knickers at home. Tonight it is quite cold so have some sweatpants on over my knickers. Also, my laptop is overheating so a bit uncomfortable on the nekkid thighs!!!

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In my case,, I sometimes find the heat in Thailand to hot.

When I am at home I tend to wear the least amount of clothes as possible,, Normally strutting around the house <deleted> naked.

So when it comes the time for me to pop my clogs there is a 50/50 chance I will die naked to smile.png

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When you fall from great distances your clothes are stripped off your body due to wind resistance. This isn't likely to have much of an effect from typical condo buildings unless the clothes are very loosely worn.

The answer to your question is most likely because they're normally naked anyway. If you read the news in areas where farangs kill themselves (e.g. Pattaya), you'll see that farangs are typically naked when they appear on news, etc. So the real question is, why don't they put some clothes on before falling?

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I've often wondered about this.

Just about every other farang death reported in the Thai language media from eg a heart attack etc has an accompanying photo of the deceased farang lying dead either naked or in his underpants.

The odds of this repeatedly happening are too small to be coincidence.

A few years ago there was a story of a farang and Thai girl who died from a drug overdose in the Nana hotel. The newspaper photos showed the couple dead in their hotel room. The pixelated photo had the Thai girl with her teeshirt still on but raised up high exposing herself and the story went into detail about their clothing and how they were found like this.

You were left with the feeling that the photo could have been 'arranged' like this to be more dramatic.

Either that or maybe the secret to eternal life in Thailand as a farang is never take your clothes off.

Very likely.

Forget forensic science and crime scene preservation here. Police and crime story photographers often rearrange the bodies for a better pic. They have newspapers to sell, don't you know!

This has been widely reported by members of the public (a.k.a. the gawping onlookers at every scene of death of Thailand) and in press reports.

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When you murder someone, it's hard to keep your own DNA off their clothing.

Better to strip them after the event, and remove the clothes from the scene, just in case.

Pattaya Balcony jumps,

No need to remove any clothing they are stripped and ready for action when the girl lets the two 'tossers' into the room.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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