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How to find Thai girls that don't just want your money?

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What about fat young sex pots with their sleeveless vests and their hot sweaty hairy arm pits who think they are god's gift. You think they are a good catch?

Neither is a good catch. All things being equal, they are slightly better than the older version of that. Do you really think that you look better now than you did 10 or 20 years ago?

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It's not about the money, money, money

We don't need your money, money, money

We just wanna make the world dance,

Forget about the price tag

Ain't about the (uh) cha-ching cha-ching

Ain't about the (yeah) ba-bling ba-bling

Wanna make the world dance,

Forget about the price tag....

Find in the school...>_<

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It's not about the money, money, money

We don't need your money, money, money

We just wanna make the world dance,

Forget about the price tag

Ain't about the (uh) cha-ching cha-ching

Ain't about the (yeah) ba-bling ba-bling

Wanna make the world dance,

Forget about the price tag....

Find in the school...>_<

Much more fun with the visuals ... biggrin.png

(Top song BTW)


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office girls, nurses,

office girls, nurses, ... licklips.gif

especially the nurses

Khun WB ... may I?


Smattering of Fillie Girls in there mind you.


Dribble, drool.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, a million trillion billion thanks. wai.gif

I now feel all funny all over.

NURSE!!!! wub.png

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It also comes down to what attitude you project. If you meet a nice lady don't throw money on her the first thing you do. Test the waters a bit, if she offers to pay or split tabs and what not, you probably have a good thing going. If she starts asking for gifts and phone credit etc bye bye...Basically its easier to spot the gold diggers I would imagine, just stay away from those and eventually you will find a normal Thai lady who doesn't expect anything from you but your company.

unless you act like or are hugh heffner,

why would you buy a phone, pay for rent, pay for mortgage, car repayments, credit card,

the actual idea of it is absolutely absurd!

would you do this in your own country, I seriously doubt it,

then why the hell would you do it in thailand!?!?!!?!

frankly, if I was asked this, that would be the last time I spoke to them, and more importantly, its probably just as insulting as "you have a small penis"

I agree, but paying for somebody's company seems to be the norm for many.

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The main problem for a guy coming here on holiday is that all the women he will have time to meet ,work in bars ,they are there to earn money ,so if you want to delude yourself that after one night in the sack with a prostitute she is in love with you ,up to you ,its only when you have lived or worked here or in some cases been here many times and meet ordinary women ,that you can have a real relationship ,i came here a long time ago and rogered everything that moved ,butthey were working girls ,it was only when i had a buisness here(NO NOT A BAR) that i eventually met my now wife ,but it wasa long hard trek getting to that point ,albeit a happy one, when you do meet a woman like i did ,and so many others have ,its just the same as back home ,courting ,meeting the familly and eventually getting married then having kids and bringing them up ,as i am a good bit older than my wife i have retired and she has a job so now she buys me presents smile.png

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I met a waitress in Sukhumit just like that. Though, they are few and far between there. Plenty of them at the uni i studied at. I suppose they are all over.

It doesn't seem to be much about profession. My ex was a school teacher and her and her family were the worst leeches imaginable.

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office girls, nurses,

office girls, nurses, ... licklips.gif

especially the nurses

Khun WB ... may I?


Smattering of Fillie Girls in there mind you.


Dribble, drool.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, a million trillion billion thanks. wai.gif

I now feel all funny all over.

NURSE!!!! wub.png



They seem pretty ordinary to me. Strictly bread & butter.

Still, each to their own

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its easy.

find a girl on the same social standing as you.

if you are a fat old sexpat pushing 60 who wants a 20 year old petite and attractive Thai girlfriend, and you want this relationship based on something other than financial security? Keep on dreaming.

Date girls who have a job and a hobby. Date girls in your general age range. Date girls not "out of your league" in attractiveness. Date girls who you can connect with socially (learn thai, share hobbies / interests / personalities) etc

You can't just say "oh you will find X girl here" as it is all subjective. My experiences and options as a young and confident western man in Bangkok is not going to mirror those of the aging retiree.

Problem is a lot of older guys live in delusions of reality. They get a bit of attention from some poor girls or hit the bars and suddenly think they can play above their station with a girl "who doesn't want money"

Luring young girls in with promises of cash, and a higher standard of living. That is all good if you live up to expectations.

Reading through the forums, you will find all sorts of retirees that put out a lot of money up front (weddings at those affiliated traditional flaunting of wealth). After the marriage, the girl is working for 6000 baht a month, or getting an allowance of 9600 baht. I actually read many posts that agreed anything more is too much money....especially for support when the marriage fails.

We are old and ugly.....no matter how many times she pinches your beer gut and calls you handsome. One or two of us might be tolerable...but handsome??? Compensate....compensate. The neighbors are all saying..."Where is the beef? You have an old farang.!!!" Money gives back some face, I suppose.

There are many ladies, closer to our own age, that are pleasant, and can take care of us. Get one that fits. As mentioned above.

Edited by slipperylobster
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office girls, nurses,

office girls, nurses, ... licklips.gif

especially the nurses

Khun WB ... may I?


Smattering of Fillie Girls in there mind you.


Not a bad idea, admit yourself to this hospital for a few days......for "therapy", and hook up with a nurse.

Only thing is, you will find that most of these nurses will not leave their profession to become a farang's playtoy... Perhaps a serious marriage with something more to offer...

My girl tried to become a nurse, but was told she had to "buy in" during an interview. Very hard to qualify. They will not leave their nursing jobs just to comb your balding head and give you your sponge bath and meds. Not for less than a considerable amount.

reality is painful.

Edited by slipperylobster
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  • 4 weeks later...

it really does depend on the ages of the two people

girls in their 30's are in oversupply in Thailand, so they look to us as good alterntives, not the best alternatives, but better than what they have already had, or they wouldnt look at us, no matter what is in the wallet,

if its a pretty girl and she has her own life before you,

you need to stack up and not be cheap about it because, they want love, they want babies and if they are pretty,

there will always be another guy trying to get her,

pretty girls in their 20's that aren't bar girls, are rarely interested in white men, because they want a normal life in Thailand, and aren't interest in guys older than their fathers,

dark skinned girls with no education will apparently go with anyone

does anyone really want that?

Edited by SteveFong
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its easy.

find a girl on the same social standing as you.

if you are a fat old sexpat pushing 60 who wants a 20 year old petite and attractive Thai girlfriend, and you want this relationship based on something other than financial security? Keep on dreaming.

Date girls who have a job and a hobby. Date girls in your general age range. Date girls not "out of your league" in attractiveness. Date girls who you can connect with socially (learn thai, share hobbies / interests / personalities) etc

You can't just say "oh you will find X girl here" as it is all subjective. My experiences and options as a young and confident western man in Bangkok is not going to mirror those of the aging retiree.

Problem is a lot of older guys live in delusions of reality. They get a bit of attention from some poor girls or hit the bars and suddenly think they can play above their station with a girl "who doesn't want money"

I can add one to your list of the deluded: there are the young potless bucks, that kids himself that he gets all his pleasures in life for nothing,and believes he is an Adonis reincarnated,and just needs a continuation of the all important work permit,to remain one of the worlds top ten desirable males!.... any of that ring a bell??

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its easy.

find a girl on the same social standing as you.

if you are a fat old sexpat pushing 60 who wants a 20 year old petite and attractive Thai girlfriend, and you want this relationship based on something other than financial security? Keep on dreaming.

Date girls who have a job and a hobby. Date girls in your general age range. Date girls not "out of your league" in attractiveness. Date girls who you can connect with socially (learn thai, share hobbies / interests / personalities) etc

You can't just say "oh you will find X girl here" as it is all subjective. My experiences and options as a young and confident western man in Bangkok is not going to mirror those of the aging retiree.

Problem is a lot of older guys live in delusions of reality. They get a bit of attention from some poor girls or hit the bars and suddenly think they can play above their station with a girl "who doesn't want money"

I can add one to your list of the deluded: there are the young potless bucks, that kids himself that he gets all his pleasures in life for nothing,and believes he is an Adonis reincarnated,and just needs a continuation of the all important work permit,to remain one of the worlds top ten desirable males!.... any of that ring a bell??

until he returns back home to his country where he is still the same loser as when he left,

its just now he has had the services of a few bar girls , which must make him more Hansum than when he left!

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The funny thing about Thailand and Farangs, if that most new farangs really believe that every Thai woman is a old digger, a cheater, etc, etc...but at the same time, Thailand is a place where independent and even rich women also supports lovers and husbands for companion and love.

Probably those women are not young beauty queens, but.....may be a good choice for some. Anyway...Thailand is also a place were very many mid age and older women are a lot more beautiful that the younger ones...

It is just to be in the righ places ...at the right times.

Edited by umbanda
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Don't look on the internet. Bar etc. Be happy and Smiley. Take your time. Being a bit cheeky helps in making the first move (expect a chaperone, friends etc on first couple of dates)

About the Internet...works in both ways, not only in Thailand. Bar girls and low income women are on it, but..at the same time very busy business and professional women are on too, because are not frequenting dating places. Time and image are a concern for those ones. I met some here, for friendship only, because were a lot younger than 70. Now I am married, but still friends with them. Very independent women that still looking for a relationship with a similar farang. One in particular, a 40 years old divorced medical doctor, it is not just a wonderful companion and festy woman. She is one of the most beatiful woman I ever met. Also, the Internet is full of teachers, nurses, and government employees with stable good salaries and benefits, proportionally a lot better than the same jobs in western countries.

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Don't look on the internet. Bar etc. Be happy and Smiley. Take your time. Being a bit cheeky helps in making the first move (expect a chaperone, friends etc on first couple of dates)

About the Internet...works in both ways, not only in Thailand. Bar girls and low income women are on it, but..at the same time very busy business and professional women are on too, because are not frequenting dating places. Time and image are a concern for those ones. I met some here, for friendship only, because were a lot younger than 70. Now I am married, but still friends with them. Very independent women that still looking for a relationship with a similar farang. One in particular, a 40 years old divorced medical doctor, it is not just a wonderful companion and festy woman. She is one of the most beatiful woman I ever met. Also, the Internet is full of teachers, nurses, and government employees with stable good salaries and benefits, proportionally a lot better than the same jobs in western countries.

I have met some very nice girls from Thai Friendly, so I stopped using the others.

I used Tagged when in BKK to, and found it good too.

I never ran into any of the bad one's, only nice girls, but that is also because, I am nice too

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Look for the warning signs - income earning - viable? / from where - more comfortable in heels - too good in English - Tattoos - likes wearing revealing clothing - multiple FB/dating accounts - gives a great massage - quick answer for everything - attitude when out and about - quick to latch on - too much gold / in a showy way - catching the eyes of other men - drinking habits - type of dancing & places......

Kind of a glossy look at a perplexing question but a lot of the little things add up......do the addition and subtraction.....

Read Thai Fever.....

Same type of things you'd run from in your home country.....unless you are into the same type scene

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Look for the warning signs - income earning - viable? / from where - more comfortable in heels - too good in English - Tattoos - likes wearing revealing clothing - multiple FB/dating accounts - gives a great massage - quick answer for everything - attitude when out and about - quick to latch on - too much gold / in a showy way - catching the eyes of other men - drinking habits - type of dancing & places......

Kind of a glossy look at a perplexing question but a lot of the little things add up......do the addition and subtraction.....

Read Thai Fever.....

Same type of things you'd run from in your home country.....unless you are into the same type scene

I was running into only one issue,

they wanted babies ansd husbands to raise them with,

I just didn't see it for myself again, so I am condemned to a lifetime that remains of relationships that end

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