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KKK outfit worn in Australia Muslim veil protest


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KKK outfit worn in Australia Muslim veil protest

(BBC) Three men, one of them wearing a Ku Klux Klan (KKK) outfit, have tried to enter Parliament House in Canberra.

The men are reportedly calling for a nationwide ban on the full-face Islamic veil.

One of the three was wearing a motorbike helmet and the third had donned a Muslim niqab.

Earlier this month, parliament said anyone visiting the building with their face covered would have to sit in a separate area of the public gallery.

That ruling, subsequently overturned, sparked intense national debate about the Islamic veil and about possible discrimination against Muslim women.

The three men were met by a security official outside the building on Monday morning, who told them they could not enter parliament wearing a helmet or a KKK hood.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-29782151

-- BBC 2014-10-27

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It's institutionalized discrimination, the 'man' wearing the same niqab was refused entry. Muslim women can enter parliament AFTER showing their faces for security purposes, why would this not be afforded to anyone? Regardless of whether it is a KKK shroud, helmet or Ronald Reagan rubber mask.. You can't distinguish like this. Blank rule, yes or no.


Edited by ozsamurai
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Time that bank robbers start wearing a Muslim veil, which would mean in court they didn't try to conceal their face, as they would when wearing a closed motorbike helmet or mask.

Many have done in the past and will continue to do so in the future, if the law aids it.
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So easy to attack the protesters instead of their message.

Hats off to the 3 guys. Shown the discrimination to all.

Well, when the parties they are members of have policies that would want to kick me and my family out of Australia, then yep, I will.

But I guess you have no problem with their policies?

But you go on and complain about how you feel discriminated against.....I'm sure Nige will be the saviour for you from all of your problems! Nige Nige Nige!!! Baby.

Edited by samran
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It's institutionalized discrimination, the 'man' wearing the same niqab was refused entry. Muslim women can enter parliament AFTER showing their faces for security purposes, why would this not be afforded to anyone? Regardless of whether it is a KKK shroud, helmet or Ronald Reagan rubber mask.. You can't distinguish like this. Blank rule, yes or no.


Blank rule? Thou shalt not ______.

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Yeah! With the usual liberal apologist BS!

"The Australian Christian Lobby’s Queensland director, Wendy Francis, who saw the protest, described the stunt as “so hurtful” and said Muslim women she knew “wanted a peaceful Australia every bit as much as much as my Christian friends”."


What's the expression....."Gods don't kill people, people with Gods kill people" My invisible friend is stronger than your invisible friend! Does Wendy Francis know that some Muslim men and women I know would kill her for being a Christian? sad.pngbah.gifwai.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Good on these guys you live in Australia follow our law, our leave .

One of then wants a return to a white Australia policy. Do you?

Unfortunately "our law" usually means white and Christian without room for others. Show the face to a female security officer and then allow them in with the covered face. No big deal. And those idiots with the KKK hoods. Good lord, American culture exported to Australia. Couldn't we have exported something more positive than the KKK?!

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So easy to attack the protesters instead of their message.

Hats off to the 3 guys. Shown the discrimination to all.

Well, when the parties they are members of have policies that would want to kick me and my family out of Australia, then yep, I will.

But I guess you have no problem with their policies?.

its not their policies that are under discussion here. It's the issue of discriminating who can wear which type of face covering and where.

But I should have expected you'd try to deflect and spin it onto something completely irrelevant.

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So easy to attack the protesters instead of their message.

Hats off to the 3 guys. Shown the discrimination to all.

Well, when the parties they are members of have policies that would want to kick me and my family out of Australia, then yep, I will.

But I guess you have no problem with their policies?.

its not their policies that are under discussion here. It's the issue of discriminating who can wear which type of face covering and where.

But I should have expected you'd try to deflect and spin it onto something completely irrelevant.

Hmm, who's the apologist now?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Good on these guys you live in Australia follow our law, our leave .

One of then wants a return to a white Australia policy. Do you?

Unfortunately "our law" usually means white and Christian without room for others. Show the face to a female security officer and then allow them in with the covered face. No big deal. And those idiots with the KKK hoods. Good lord, American culture exported to Australia. Couldn't we have exported something more positive than the KKK?!
Can't agree with your first sentence.

Our constitution is secular. The White Australia policy was done away in the early 70s and saved us from becoming a pariah like South africa.

If you want to point out to me where our laws are about White christian without room for others, I'd be interested in seeing.

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Good on these guys you live in Australia follow our law, our leave .

One of then wants a return to a white Australia policy. Do you?

Whilst I understand your feelings samran, you are confusing the message with the messengers. These guys are probably total dix, but what they are saying, in this instance, is correct. The same rules of facial coverings should apply to all.

When I saw this on the news the security officer seemed to be allowing the guy with the burka to proceed inside, but not allowing the head coverings of the other two. Politically correct, or just plain stupid?

My point is you don't debate with idiots. Especially idiots who don't think I have a claim to live in my own country cause my skin is the wrong colour. They speak with forked tongues and nothing on their agenda will ever be aligned with mine.

I've already made the point that I'm more than happy for this issue to be outsourced to these security services, not left in the hands of politicans who like to pander to one side or another.

Edited by samran
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So easy to attack the protesters instead of their message.

Hats off to the 3 guys. Shown the discrimination to all.

Well, when the parties they are members of have policies that would want to kick me and my family out of Australia, then yep, I will.

But I guess you have no problem with their policies?.

its not their policies that are under discussion here. It's the issue of discriminating who can wear which type of face covering and where.

But I should have expected you'd try to deflect and spin it onto something completely irrelevant.

Hmm, who's the apologist now?

Seeing as I don't agree with the white Australia policy, what am I apologising for?

From what I've seen, asians have made a valuable contribution to Oz. Can't say the same for certain 'others' though.

But how predictable to turn the discussion onto race.

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So easy to attack the protesters instead of their message.

Hats off to the 3 guys. Shown the discrimination to all.

Well, when the parties they are members of have policies that would want to kick me and my family out of Australia, then yep, I will.

But I guess you have no problem with their policies?.

its not their policies that are under discussion here. It's the issue of discriminating who can wear which type of face covering and where.

But I should have expected you'd try to deflect and spin it onto something completely irrelevant.

Hmm, who's the apologist now?

Seeing as I don't agree with the white Australia policy, what am I apologising for?

From what I've seen, asians have made a valuable contribution to Oz. Can't say the same for certain 'others' though.

But how predictable to turn the discussion onto race.

Oh do tell me how I am an apologist. Outline each instance where I have sided with the terrorist and supported them. Go on, play Google linky bingo. You are good at it......

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Many KFC stores have stopped bacon, as a minority sector complained.

Two PizzaHut restaurants in the same suburb have removed pork products, Pork free Peperoni and Pork free Hawain. There delivery drivers with these products were being assaulted and they heeded to these demands, of course not intimidation or anything.

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How in the world is banning face coverings in Parliament discrimination? Isn't everyone treated the same? Show your face so we know who you are or skedaddle.

Yup, and while you're at it, shave your face you bearded Duck Dynasty Mountain Man Redneck! tongue.png

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Many KFC stores have stopped bacon, as a minority sector complained.

Two PizzaHut restaurants in the same suburb have removed pork products, Pork free Peperoni and Pork free Hawain. There delivery drivers with these products were being assaulted and they heeded to these demands, of course not intimidation or anything.

And here I though it was only communists and thought they could tell private businesses how to run themselves.

As far as I can tell, this is a video of two dickheads picking on a KFC employee. Do you get your jollies watching others doin this?

If you've got issues, with it, take it up with KFC.

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Here is a link with more info from ABC. I think what they are getting at is that it is discrimination to those who wish to were head gear but can't. I find it difficult that cops can not demand these veils be removed.


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Here is a link with more info from ABC. I think what they are getting at is that it is discrimination to those who wish to were head gear but can't. I find it difficult that cops can not demand these veils be removed.


Different laws in different States / Territories. In NSW for example if someone refuses to reveal their face for identification purposes, at police request, subject to a $5000.00 fine.

Regarding the topic a bit more detail has emerged.

The Department of Parliamentary Services said in a statement that the men's facial coverings were "protest paraphernalia" and they were asked to remove them because protests are allowed on Federation Mall in front of Parliament but not inside the building or on the forecourt.

"The policy requiring the temporary removals of facial coverings that came into effect on 20th October 2014 enables security staff to identify a person who may be a security risk.

"The visitors were requested to remove the items obscuring their faces as the items were deemed to be protest paraphernalia,"

However wearing bike helmets inside Parliament is not permitted, so I guess there may be further review of wearing the Niqab / burka or any other facial covering, bit of a political balancing act...

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'The three men were met by a security official ... who told them they could not enter parliament wearing a helmet or a KKK hood.' Presumably, since wearing a niqab is now permitted, that counts as discrimination, even though the niqab wearers are in a non-Muslim country, of their own volition.

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As far as I can tell, this is a video of two dickheads picking on a KFC employee. Do you get your jollies watching others doin this?.

Did we watch the same video?

All I saw was A KFC employee with severe anger management issues lose control with an infantile temper tantrum, damage company property, threaten physical violence on a customer and then grab a weapon.

In which part of the video were the 'dickheads' picking on an employee?

And you still wonder why we call you an apologist? :o

Edited by H1w4yR1da
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