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KKK outfit worn in Australia Muslim veil protest


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As far as I can tell, this is a video of two dickheads picking on a KFC employee. Do you get your jollies watching others doin this?.

Did we watch the same video?

All I saw was A KFC employee with severe anger management issues lose control with an infantile temper tantrum, damage company property, threaten physical violence on a customer and then grab a weapon.

In which part of the video were the 'dickheads' picking on an employee?

And you still wonder why we call you an apologist? ohmy.png

So someone just randomly takes a video at kfc and the bloke behind the counter just randomly went off unprovoked?

Mate, you have issues getting off on shit like this and then using it to tar all and sundry. But I guess you've never had continual questioning by people just because of the way you look and how you were born. It is wearing.

Why don't you get back your Google link bingo for me? Either that your your Nige worship which is quite entertaining (oh he just looks soo good in his pinstripe suits...). You sound like a 13 year old 'belieber'.

Edited by samran
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Good on these guys you live in Australia follow our law, our leave .

One of then wants a return to a white Australia policy. Do you?

Whilst I understand your feelings samran, you are confusing the message with the messengers. These guys are probably total dix, but what they are saying, in this instance, is correct. The same rules of facial coverings should apply to all.

When I saw this on the news the security officer seemed to be allowing the guy with the burka to proceed inside, but not allowing the head coverings of the other two. Politically correct, or just plain stupid?

Political correctness can be and is usually "stupid" i.e. not realistic! coffee1.gif

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Yeah! With the usual liberal apologist BS!

"The Australian Christian Lobby’s Queensland director, Wendy Francis, who saw the protest, described the stunt as “so hurtful” and said Muslim women she knew “wanted a peaceful Australia every bit as much as much as my Christian friends”."


O kay everyone wants a peaceful Australia that's so easy every body show their face or <deleted>.Don't hide beyond some rags!

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For years in Aus, some fought hard to allow these types into the country....and they are now established.

Now everyone will have to fight harder and longer to rid them from our society, WHICH was reasonably peaceful before.

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As far as I can tell, this is a video of two dickheads picking on a KFC employee. Do you get your jollies watching others doin this?.

Did we watch the same video?

All I saw was A KFC employee with severe anger management issues lose control with an infantile temper tantrum, damage company property, threaten physical violence on a customer and then grab a weapon.

In which part of the video were the 'dickheads' picking on an employee?

And you still wonder why we call you an apologist? ohmy.png

We? We! Who are We? Or is it the Royal We? Are you now elevated so that your grubby little comments have the status of royal decrees? Or is this We your imaginary friends who go stomping around racially baiting people on the net? Saying things behind the anonymity of their usernames that would never be accepted in society.

You did not watch the same video as the poster to whom you address your baiting remarks. You watched a fantasy in your head. A fantasy brought into being by the protagonist having dark skin and probably being a Muslim but that video wasn't about religion. A dark skinned, minimum wage employee was baited by 2 white boys who want to eat bacon and are too lazy to go to a KFC in another part of town that serves it. A juvenile, nasty prank. Just like those twits at the Parliament building.

You know anything about Australia or do you just get your information from cable tv and reading the One Nation website? While dark skinned people in Australia get baited, bullied and barracked at by bigots like you, these incidents will continue. There is no meaning to the stunt at the Parliament building beyond a stunt to foster hatred and antagonism and reject mature debate. And you and your lot march right into it. Playground bully. Said it before and will say it again.

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Well if i go to a muslim country im also expected to wear a veil - so if they visit our country i think its only fair we expect them not to wear a veil.

That or dont come in - sounds fair to me!

I take it you are typing this form Thailand, living here speak read and write the language fluently? Have you stopped speaking English, eating your strange imported foods? I mean, people here speak Thai! Can't expect them to be tolerant of your foreign ways. Sounds fair to you still? Edited by samran
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For years in Aus, some fought hard to allow these types into the country....and they are now established.

Prey tell. Who were fighting hard? The only ones I can think of were the white supremisist anti immigrant idiots of the calibre who did this stunt in front of parliament.

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So if I want to build a Catholic church in down town Riyadh that is OK? If I choose to eat bacon that is OK? If I choose to become Buddhist and I am currently Muslim that is OK? etc.

It's not a 2 way street, and if you choose to live in a country / move/ emigrate, you should accept that country for what it is and assimilate.

Fine then. Why didn't you write all that in Thai then? Surely you could lead by example given the importance you place on assimilation.

As for two way streets. Fine too. where are you from? Shall we apply the same rules for you to get a tourist visa to come here as your home country makes Thais get to go there?

Fairs fair right?

Edited by samran
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You did not watch the same video as the poster to whom you address your baiting remarks. You watched a fantasy in your head. A fantasy brought into being by the protagonist having dark skin and probably being a Muslim but that video wasn't about religion. A dark skinned, minimum wage employee was baited by 2 white boys who want to eat bacon and are too lazy to go to a KFC in another part of town that serves it. A juvenile, nasty prank. Just like those twits at the Parliament building.
Ah get it now. It's all whitey's fault. Forever the Islamist apologist, eh?

Just the mention of 'bacon' is enough of send the Muslim into a violent rage. How moderate of him!

Strange the vdo didn't show the 'baiting' part.unsure.png

You know anything about Australia or do you just get your information from cable tv and reading the One Nation website? While dark skinned people in Australia get baited, bullied and barracked at by bigots like you, these incidents will continue. There is no meaning to the stunt at the Parliament building beyond a stunt to foster hatred and antagonism and reject mature debate. And you and your lot march right into it. Playground bully. Said it before and will say it again.

'dark skinned people in Australia get baited, bullied and barracked at' do they?

Isn't it the other way round?

Not exactly in the same league as white Oz girls getting gang-raped by Muslim gangs now, is it?

Or being sexually harassed and abused because their manner of dress isn't to the liking of these pious 'moderate' muslims.

Anyway, keep up with the personal attacks. They're just proof of your weak argument. wink.png

What argument? I do not debate you. You have nothing to say of relevance. I have told you repeatedly that I will respond to you when you use serious and meaningful words. Whitey. Muslim Gang Rapes. Moderate Muslims. Your garbled, disassociated, incoherent ranting is not serious or meaningful. You bait people who do not accept your particular bile. You get back what you give out. You use serious and meaningful words, then I will be happy to respond to those. Until then I call you out as a bigot and provocateur.

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Sign in front of my bank in USA requires customers to take off sunglasses before entering. Saw good docu on BBC or Al J about difficulty young Muslim men have in the west: too much freedom! Don't know what to do if someone is not telling them what to do, be it family, iman, police..... You want to move to country that has freedom, fine. But dump your symbols of repression and inequality in the bin at customs. Or perhaps require Muslim men to also wear Burka when in public....

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So if I want to build a Catholic church in down town Riyadh that is OK? If I choose to eat bacon that is OK? If I choose to become Buddhist and I am currently Muslim that is OK? etc.

It's not a 2 way street, and if you choose to live in a country / move/ emigrate, you should accept that country for what it is and assimilate.

Fine then. Why didn't you write all that in Thai then? Surely you could lead by example given the importance you place on assimilation.

As for two way streets. Fine too. where are you from? Shall we apply the same rules for you to get a tourist visa to come here as your home country makes Thais get to go there?

Fairs fair right?

Firstly this is an English speaking forum and what you are asking is against forum rules. Secondly I work in MANY different countries with MANY different languages (including Libya, Saudi and Algeria) and although my technical skills, with what I do, are good my language skills are not. That coupled with working for many years in generator rooms has "garbled" my tonal balance. There would be nothing I would like better than to speak, read and write fluant Thai, and I hope one day when I get the chance I will at least become more proficient..

So I appreciate you cutting my reply to you down to a sentence and trying to divert the subject away from what I posted. I was born in England, raised in New Zealand but spent most of my life in Australia, which I consider my nationality, I have 3 children and 2 grandchildren there.

I have no trouble holding a visa here I am old enough and have more than enough money in the bank. I have had no problem taking girl friends back to Australia.

Yes fair is fair.

Could you answer my last post point by point as I have yours PLEASE, I am curious and have a reasonably open mind...convince me, go ahead.....

OR are we to assume you are a hypocrite and a troll trying to justify your own mistakes in life.

My apologies mods but as was stated, fair is fair..... And I believe the "debate" is justified under the context of the OP.

So I take it you are making excuses already about your inability to speak Thai.

I was making an analogous point about two way streets on the visa issue which you skipped around. Should there be like for like laws for you to come visit and live here that Australia applies to others?

As for what Saudi does? Why should i care?

What i care about is that australian laws are respected. And despite what you hear here, freedom of religion is enshrined in the constitution. Has been since 1901. If you don't like it, run for parliament or get a referendum up.

As for security matters, I'll leave and respect the decision of parliamentary, banking and airport security to professionals. Not politicans and not vigilante keyboard warriors. And certainly not the three dickheads who fronted parliament today.

But for some reason if a decision by asio and the afp doesn't go the way of these idiots, all of sudden it is political correctness gone mad....

As I said, I'm all for following the rules. The constitution is a pretty big one. I really don't care what Saudi does. It's an intolerant craphole i have no intention of going to live in. I always find it funny that people raise Saudi as an example 'they are an intollerant bunch of idiots so let's do just as they do!!'.

But I note you seem to have swallowed your online moral outrage towards to place to go make a buck there...so don't go chastising me about my life choices please. Not that I've got any regrets on that front. I run a successful business which employs a few people. Happy family blah blah blah. What did you think I was, a poor English teacher or something?

Edited by samran
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So if I want to build a Catholic church in down town Riyadh that is OK? If I choose to eat bacon that is OK? If I choose to become Buddhist and I am currently Muslim that is OK? etc.

It's not a 2 way street, and if you choose to live in a country / move/ emigrate, you should accept that country for what it is and assimilate.

Fine then. Why didn't you write all that in Thai then? Surely you could lead by example given the importance you place on assimilation.

As for two way streets. Fine too. where are you from? Shall we apply the same rules for you to get a tourist visa to come here as your home country makes Thais get to go there?

Fairs fair right?

Firstly this is an English speaking forum and what you are asking is against forum rules. Secondly I work in MANY different countries with MANY different languages (including Libya, Saudi and Algeria) and although my technical skills, with what I do, are good my language skills are not. That coupled with working for many years in generator rooms has "garbled" my tonal balance. There would be nothing I would like better than to speak, read and write fluant Thai, and I hope one day when I get the chance I will at least become more proficient..

So I appreciate you cutting my reply to you down to a sentence and trying to divert the subject away from what I posted. I was born in England, raised in New Zealand but spent most of my life in Australia, which I consider my nationality, I have 3 children and 2 grandchildren there.

I have no trouble holding a visa here I am old enough and have more than enough money in the bank. I have had no problem taking girl friends back to Australia.

Yes fair is fair.

Could you answer my last post point by point as I have yours PLEASE, I am curious and have a reasonably open mind...convince me, go ahead.....

OR are we to assume you are a hypocrite and a troll trying to justify your own mistakes in life.

My apologies mods but as was stated, fair is fair..... And I believe the "debate" is justified under the context of the OP.

So I take it you are making excuses already about your inability to speak Thai.

I was making an analogous point about two way streets on the visa issue which you skipped around. Should there be like for like laws for you to come visit and live here that Australia applies to others?

As for what Saudi does? Why should i care?

What i care about is that australian laws are respected. And despite what you hear here, freedom of religion is enshrined in the constitution. Has been since 1901. If you don't like it, run for parliament or get a referendum up.

As for security matters, I'll leave and respect the decision of parliamentary, banking and airport security to professionals. Not politicans and not vigilante keyboard warriors. And certainly not the three dickheads who fronted parliament today.

But for some reason if a decision by asio and the afp doesn't go the way of these idiots, all of sudden it is political correctness gone mad....

As I said, I'm all for following the rules. The constitution is a pretty big one. I really don't care what Saudi does. It's an intolerant craphole i have no intention of going to live in. I always find it funny that people raise Saudi as an example 'they are an intollerant bunch of idiots so let's do just as they do!!'.

But I note you seem to have swallowed your online moral outrage towards to place to go make a buck there...so don't go chastising me about my life choices please. Not that I've got any regrets on that front. I run a successful business which employs a few people. Happy family blah blah blah. What did you think I was, a poor English teacher or something?

Great answer, more rhetoric but still no direct answers....

My being able to speak Thai (and I can but not good enough, and I can't read or write it) has nothing to do with the OP, which is about 3 people making an expression to point out inequalities in rights and justice, right or wrong, they have the right to highlight and bring their view to the people (unlike an Islamic country).

Yes i am a whore and take the money paid by American countries because the people there (in the countries I work in, which includes Thailand, PNG, Ukraine etc.) can't do what i do. And as crass as it is the money may as well go in my pocket (and come to Thailand) than someone else!!

And you are right the constitution does give freedom of religion (and expression), not like Saudi, Algeria, Libya, Egypt....

Why should you care what Saudi thinks, because you think Australia should follow suit (judging by your posts). Name ANY other Islamic country with equal tolerance as Australia has, just one.......

Who do you think sets the guidelines for airport and banking security....... the politicians, this is where laws come from.....

Well once again I have answered your questions point by point, do you think you could do the same, starting with my first post ?????

PROBABLY NOT, prove me wrong PLEASE !!!

Edited to add

Edited by RigPig
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So if I want to build a Catholic church in down town Riyadh that is OK? If I choose to eat bacon that is OK? If I choose to become Buddhist and I am currently Muslim that is OK? etc.

It's not a 2 way street, and if you choose to live in a country / move/ emigrate, you should accept that country for what it is and assimilate.

Fine then. Why didn't you write all that in Thai then? Surely you could lead by example given the importance you place on assimilation.

As for two way streets. Fine too. where are you from? Shall we apply the same rules for you to get a tourist visa to come here as your home country makes Thais get to go there?

Fairs fair right?

Firstly this is an English speaking forum and what you are asking is against forum rules. Secondly I work in MANY different countries with MANY different languages (including Libya, Saudi and Algeria) and although my technical skills, with what I do, are good my language skills are not. That coupled with working for many years in generator rooms has "garbled" my tonal balance. There would be nothing I would like better than to speak, read and write fluant Thai, and I hope one day when I get the chance I will at least become more proficient..

So I appreciate you cutting my reply to you down to a sentence and trying to divert the subject away from what I posted. I was born in England, raised in New Zealand but spent most of my life in Australia, which I consider my nationality, I have 3 children and 2 grandchildren there.

I have no trouble holding a visa here I am old enough and have more than enough money in the bank. I have had no problem taking girl friends back to Australia.

Yes fair is fair.

Could you answer my last post point by point as I have yours PLEASE, I am curious and have a reasonably open mind...convince me, go ahead.....

OR are we to assume you are a hypocrite and a troll trying to justify your own mistakes in life.

My apologies mods but as was stated, fair is fair..... And I believe the "debate" is justified under the context of the OP.

So I take it you are making excuses already about your inability to speak Thai.

I was making an analogous point about two way streets on the visa issue which you skipped around. Should there be like for like laws for you to come visit and live here that Australia applies to others?

As for what Saudi does? Why should i care?

What i care about is that australian laws are respected. And despite what you hear here, freedom of religion is enshrined in the constitution. Has been since 1901. If you don't like it, run for parliament or get a referendum up.

As for security matters, I'll leave and respect the decision of parliamentary, banking and airport security to professionals. Not politicans and not vigilante keyboard warriors. And certainly not the three dickheads who fronted parliament today.

But for some reason if a decision by asio and the afp doesn't go the way of these idiots, all of sudden it is political correctness gone mad....

As I said, I'm all for following the rules. The constitution is a pretty big one. I really don't care what Saudi does. It's an intolerant craphole i have no intention of going to live in. I always find it funny that people raise Saudi as an example 'they are an intollerant bunch of idiots so let's do just as they do!!'.

But I note you seem to have swallowed your online moral outrage towards to place to go make a buck there...so don't go chastising me about my life choices please. Not that I've got any regrets on that front. I run a successful business which employs a few people. Happy family blah blah blah. What did you think I was, a poor English teacher or something?

Great answer, more rhetoric but still no direct answers....

My being able to speak Thai (and I can but not good enough, and I can't read or write it) has nothing to do with the OP, which is about 3 people making an expression to point out inequalities in rights and justice, right or wrong, they have the right to highlight and bring their view to the people (unlike an Islamic country).

Yes i am a whore and take the money paid by American countries because the people there (in the countries I work in, which includes Thailand, PNG, Ukraine etc.) can't do what i do. And as crass as it is the money may as well go in my pocket (and come to Thailand) than someone else!!

And you are right the constitution does give freedom of religion, not like Saudi, Algeria, Libya, Egypt....

Why should you care what Saudi thinks, because you think Australia should follow suit (judging by your posts). Name ANY other Islamic country with equal tolerance as Australia has, just one.......

Who do you think sets the guidelines for airport and banking security....... the politicians, this is where laws come from.....

Well once again I have answered your questions point by point, do you think you could do the same, starting with my first post ?????

PROBABLY NOT, prove me wrong PLEASE !!!

They weren't answers, mostly just hyperbole on your behalf.

Dunno how you missinterpret my remarks of Saudi being an 'intollerant crap hole' as something I want Australia to become. Do show me where I said that?

I'll say it again. I'll even type it slowly for you. I respect the australian constitution. Including the bit about freedom of relgion.

Question is, do you respect the australian consitution? Or only the bits that you like?

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So if I want to build a Catholic church in down town Riyadh that is OK? If I choose to eat bacon that is OK? If I choose to become Buddhist and I am currently Muslim that is OK? etc.

It's not a 2 way street, and if you choose to live in a country / move/ emigrate, you should accept that country for what it is and assimilate.

Fine then. Why didn't you write all that in Thai then? Surely you could lead by example given the importance you place on assimilation.

As for two way streets. Fine too. where are you from? Shall we apply the same rules for you to get a tourist visa to come here as your home country makes Thais get to go there?

Fairs fair right?

Firstly this is an English speaking forum and what you are asking is against forum rules. Secondly I work in MANY different countries with MANY different languages (including Libya, Saudi and Algeria) and although my technical skills, with what I do, are good my language skills are not. That coupled with working for many years in generator rooms has "garbled" my tonal balance. There would be nothing I would like better than to speak, read and write fluant Thai, and I hope one day when I get the chance I will at least become more proficient..

So I appreciate you cutting my reply to you down to a sentence and trying to divert the subject away from what I posted. I was born in England, raised in New Zealand but spent most of my life in Australia, which I consider my nationality, I have 3 children and 2 grandchildren there.

I have no trouble holding a visa here I am old enough and have more than enough money in the bank. I have had no problem taking girl friends back to Australia.

Yes fair is fair.

Could you answer my last post point by point as I have yours PLEASE, I am curious and have a reasonably open mind...convince me, go ahead.....

OR are we to assume you are a hypocrite and a troll trying to justify your own mistakes in life.

My apologies mods but as was stated, fair is fair..... And I believe the "debate" is justified under the context of the OP.

So I take it you are making excuses already about your inability to speak Thai.

I was making an analogous point about two way streets on the visa issue which you skipped around. Should there be like for like laws for you to come visit and live here that Australia applies to others?

As for what Saudi does? Why should i care?

What i care about is that australian laws are respected. And despite what you hear here, freedom of religion is enshrined in the constitution. Has been since 1901. If you don't like it, run for parliament or get a referendum up.

As for security matters, I'll leave and respect the decision of parliamentary, banking and airport security to professionals. Not politicans and not vigilante keyboard warriors. And certainly not the three dickheads who fronted parliament today.

But for some reason if a decision by asio and the afp doesn't go the way of these idiots, all of sudden it is political correctness gone mad....

As I said, I'm all for following the rules. The constitution is a pretty big one. I really don't care what Saudi does. It's an intolerant craphole i have no intention of going to live in. I always find it funny that people raise Saudi as an example 'they are an intollerant bunch of idiots so let's do just as they do!!'.

But I note you seem to have swallowed your online moral outrage towards to place to go make a buck there...so don't go chastising me about my life choices please. Not that I've got any regrets on that front. I run a successful business which employs a few people. Happy family blah blah blah. What did you think I was, a poor English teacher or something?

Great answer, more rhetoric but still no direct answers....

My being able to speak Thai (and I can but not good enough, and I can't read or write it) has nothing to do with the OP, which is about 3 people making an expression to point out inequalities in rights and justice, right or wrong, they have the right to highlight and bring their view to the people (unlike an Islamic country).

Yes i am a whore and take the money paid by American countries because the people there (in the countries I work in, which includes Thailand, PNG, Ukraine etc.) can't do what i do. And as crass as it is the money may as well go in my pocket (and come to Thailand) than someone else!!

And you are right the constitution does give freedom of religion, not like Saudi, Algeria, Libya, Egypt....

Why should you care what Saudi thinks, because you think Australia should follow suit (judging by your posts). Name ANY other Islamic country with equal tolerance as Australia has, just one.......

Who do you think sets the guidelines for airport and banking security....... the politicians, this is where laws come from.....

Well once again I have answered your questions point by point, do you think you could do the same, starting with my first post ?????

PROBABLY NOT, prove me wrong PLEASE !!!

They weren't answers, mostly just hyperbole on your behalf.

Dunno how you missinterpret my remarks of Saudi being an 'intollerant crap hole' as something I want Australia to become. Do show me where I said that?

I'll say it again. I'll even type it slowly for you. I respect the australian constitution. Including the bit about freedom of relgion.

Question is, do you respect the australian consitution? Or only the bits that you like?

And freedom of expression, the Eureka Stockade comes to mind.

However still no point by point answers, just more rhetoric.

If you like you can change "Saudi" to Islam, same same and not different....

Answers PLEASE!!!

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And freedom of expression, the Eureka Stockade comes to mind.

However still no point by point answers, just more rhetoric.

If you like you can change "Saudi" to Islam, same same and not different....

Answers PLEASE!!!

Here I'll make it easier for you :

So if I want to build a Catholic church in down town Riyadh (added :, or any other Islamic country) that is OK? If I choose to eat bacon that is OK? If I choose to become Buddhist and I am currently Muslim that is OK? etc.

Insert ANSWER:

It's not a 2 way street, and if you choose to live in a country / move/ emigrate, you should accept that country for what it is and assimilate. NOT TRY TO CHANGE THAT COUNTRY into the place you just left!! Why did you leave Saudi, Algeria or wherever to come live there?

Insert ANSWER :

When I was in Saudi, there were 2 doors to the Pizza Hut, is this what you want? Then go live there, don't try to force your views on a population that has done OK so far without it.

Insert ANSWER :

If face coverings are not permissible (and that is only because of the threat from Islamic terrorists) then it should be the same for EVERYONE!!!

Insert REPLY :

I don't remember any Australian "fundamentalists" threatening to cut off the heads of random people in Saudi......

Insert REPLY :

My opinion is, right or wrong, these men had the right to express their views as to what is happening in the Western world with regard to religious (cult) beliefs and take overs

If my opinion is wrong, I am willing to listen to other views / opinions and that is what these forums / venues are about, informed and intelligent debates on controversial subjects. How else do you see another persons point of view.

I welcome your' opinion and anyone else on this subject and feel it is important the way the world situation is changing, including Thailand.

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Many KFC stores have stopped bacon, as a minority sector complained.

Two PizzaHut restaurants in the same suburb have removed pork products, Pork free Peperoni and Pork free Hawain. There delivery drivers with these products were being assaulted and they heeded to these demands, of course not intimidation or anything.

Nice presentation of "Australian"w00t.gif

Got to love the "threats" of what he would and could do if the cousins were aroundwhistling.gif

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When I was in Saudi, there were 2 doors to the Pizza Hut, is this what you want? Then go live there, don't try to force your views on a population that has done OK so far without it.

Insert ANSWER :

If he answers your questions at all, I doubt he will be able to answer this one.

He likely won't have a clue to the two door question.

Edited by chuckd
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Here I'll make it easier for you :

So if I want to build a Catholic church in down town Riyadh (added :, or any other Islamic country) that is OK? If I choose to eat bacon that is OK? If I choose to become Buddhist and I am currently Muslim that is OK? etc.

Insert ANSWER:

I do not believe you when you say you are interested in other opinions. You are attempting to set some moral equivalency trap. Go read Noam Chomsky on that issue instead of demanding answers to unanswerable questions. The question is intended to make someone look hypocritical or naive. It is a non sequitur and so cannot be answered. An Australian white supremacist should be able to wear a helmet in Parliament because you cannot build a Church in Saudi Arabia? The conclusion does not follow from the premise.

If you were interested in other people's opinions you would not demand people answer your questions and, instead you would listen to their statements and comments.

I know this would prevent a bunch of right wingers from dancing in glee when you trap a liberal with your forensics and garner their 'likes', but you might actually learn from another's point of view.

Edited by Tep
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When I was in Saudi, there were 2 doors to the Pizza Hut, is this what you want? Then go live there, don't try to force your views on a population that has done OK so far without it.

Insert ANSWER :

If he answers your questions at all, I doubt he will be able to answer this one.

He likely won't have a clue to the two door question.

Oh Charles, I know you have trouble keeping up with the young ones, and probably still kicking yourself for leaving all those munitions lying around for ISIS to play with, but the above question is easy to answer.

No I don't want segregated facilities.

But I seriously though you'd be in favour of something like this. You of all people!!! I mean werent the Jim Crow laws for you the hey day of US civilisation?

I'm also a bit confused about you not liking my constitutionalist stance...it is all well and good for you to run around protecting your constitution when some idiot goes around shooting up a dozen people as it does happen every other week in the US, but when I stand up for my own consitution, I become a Islamist? Good god, what a hypocrite you are sometimes.

Edited by samran
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I too do not get the comparisons to places such as KSA & then suggesting Oz government also enacts discriminatory laws contrary to the Australian Constitution and culture.

The Speaker of the House put inplace an initial ban on the burka due to information that a protest was to be held in the public gallery (illegal) of the Chamber; this was immediately recinded in the next sitting of Parliament, when policy was put inplace for additional security vetting. The three men were also banned as protests are not permitted. These guys may have a fair point, I strongly doubt the point they were raising was based upon reasonable grounds, rather than to generate yet more discord in Oz society to try and garner support for their bigoted / racist agendas.

A senator, Lambie, has now put forward a private members bill to ban all facial covering, with very heavy penalties, specifically aimed at the Islamic community; it will not be passed. Politicians such as Lambie & the the behaviour of the three men are examples of contributing to ever more hostile social environment, it is not needed. Australia can get on top of the extremists without destroying or severly curtailing freedoms supported by the Australian Constitution.

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It's institutionalized discrimination, the 'man' wearing the same niqab was refused entry. Muslim women can enter parliament AFTER showing their faces for security purposes, why would this not be afforded to anyone? Regardless of whether it is a KKK shroud, helmet or Ronald Reagan rubber mask.. You can't distinguish like this. Blank rule, yes or no.


it is not their religion to wear it, it is a choice the women wears it, mainly originated from the men not wanting anyone to look upon them, but it is not part of their religion only choice, and if a man chooses the same then so be it, otherwise he will be discriminated against, this muslim crap is starting to annoy many people around the world, they are the most racist people that I have met, they force people to convert, they kill you if you say anything against their child molesting prophet mohamad, and they think they are the most superior race, &lt;deleted&gt; em

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And freedom of expression, the Eureka Stockade comes to mind.

However still no point by point answers, just more rhetoric.

If you like you can change "Saudi" to Islam, same same and not different....

Answers PLEASE!!!

Here I'll make it easier for you :

So if I want to build a Catholic church in down town Riyadh (added :, or any other Islamic country) that is OK? If I choose to eat bacon that is OK? If I choose to become Buddhist and I am currently Muslim that is OK? etc.

Insert ANSWER:

It's not a 2 way street, and if you choose to live in a country / move/ emigrate, you should accept that country for what it is and assimilate. NOT TRY TO CHANGE THAT COUNTRY into the place you just left!! Why did you leave Saudi, Algeria or wherever to come live there?

Insert ANSWER :

When I was in Saudi, there were 2 doors to the Pizza Hut, is this what you want? Then go live there, don't try to force your views on a population that has done OK so far without it.

Insert ANSWER :

If face coverings are not permissible (and that is only because of the threat from Islamic terrorists) then it should be the same for EVERYONE!!!

Insert REPLY :

I don't remember any Australian "fundamentalists" threatening to cut off the heads of random people in Saudi......

Insert REPLY :


1) you should be able to do all those things. I believe in a strong secular democratic state where religion should not have any sway over laws. I dislike fundamentalist anything, whether they be Christian islamic.

2) as a child of migrants most people move to a place for a better life. As said, I'm all for maintaining the Australian consitution and the protections and freedoms maintained under it and so should people who move to oz. The question is, do you support the Australian constitution?

I note again that you seem happy enough to swallow your moral outrage to go live and work in these despotic countries.

3) I've answered your Pizza Hut question previously.

4)if face coverings aren't permissible then it should be the same for everyone. But if security experts have made assessments that certain face converings are fine to be worn after security checks have been done I have no problem withy that either.

If the same security people said wearing face coverings is not permissible even after security checks then Id agree with then too. Im just not going to rely on the edicts of online bigots. What is so hard to understand about that??

Again I note you continue to be happy to work on a country where face coverings are mandated by law and you feel your safety is fine doing so, otherwise you wouldn't be there.

5) neither do I, but that wasn't really a question wasn it? So how am I supposed to answer a statement?

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