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Without a Thread it's just threads .............. again


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I've noticed that since Mobi's thread ceased (me being a regular follower of that as I have posted earlier) I find myself just randomly browsing TV again with no real incentive to open too many threads. If the Title tittilates then and only then I may open. Nothing to focus on I suppose. What say you?

Maybe Raro's new café thread will capture the imagination and fill the gap - some contentious posts so far and it's early days.

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Dear prk888 ... if you rely on ThaiVisa, as good as it is to 'capture the imagination and fill the gap', then maybe a passing glance at the mirror as you pass it by and a little self assessment maybe in order.

Go catch a Baht Bus with JT ... sure to liven up any journey.

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well thank you for that most pertinent, interesting and relevant reply David. I shall follow your future posts with interest hereinafter and maybe they can fill the void which you have incisively identified.

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Loved the "do you live in a Thai Village" thread....thank you

Yes ... that is a classic.

I did PM the OP of that some years ago when I first read it, sadly no reply.

But definitely a good read.

We have a lot of talent her on TV ... just that sometimes, the light is not shone where it need to be.

If you ever have lived in a This Vliiage, this is definitely worth a read ... do-you-live-in-a-thai-village-full-time (mainly because it wasn't penned by me!)

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I would happily start a new thread about the life and times of a recovering alcoholic in Pattaya - there is rarely a week goes by when something of interest doesn't occur in my eventful life.

The problem is that without the protection of a 'Sponsor's Thread' - such as I had with my bar thread - the trolls and ne'er-do-wells would descend upon it, and I would have to spend my days fighting them off and defending what I have written.

Sorry, but it just ain't worth the aggravation.

At least on my blog, I am the sole arbiter of what comments I allow to be published....

As you say, maybe Raro's thread will provide a little light relief....

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^^ No more 'likes' ATM.

The shirts, hi quality ... not TESCO branded.

None other then Khun Toddy

also smart enough to not split Mum and Dad.


Apologies to the OP (but we have talked through a PM).

Just making light of the available time you have @ Home.

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Dear prk888 ... if you rely on ThaiVisa, as good as it is to 'capture the imagination and fill the gap', then maybe a passing glance at the mirror as you pass it by and a little self assessment maybe in order.

Go catch a Baht Bus with JT ... sure to liven up any journey.

Talking of mirrors.

My condo has a huge one alongside the bed, a large one in front of the bed and another large one in front of the sofa.

Definitely not a wonderful view of my extra weight. I need to be hidden behind a sexy little Thai (or nurse) to make me look better in the mirror(s).

But I think these mirrors tell lies because the mirror in my mind shows me to be slim, handsum, sexy and brainy too.

On the other hand my mind might be regressing to an earlier stage in my life.

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At first I thought it read "Mr Toad is a star" wink.png 555555

I think they are already printing the Mr Toad tshirts at the TV HQ. Word has it, he will the honoured with the OP of the Year Award. rolleyes.gif ...whistling.gif

Edited by Morakot
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Yeah, well, in order to come up with such entertaining stories as mobi did, I would have to sit in my shop day in day out, which is not my intention whatsoever.

I enjoyed, however, the lively discussion about imported beef and some other posts.

As for Thaivisa, it is what you want it to be, there are certainly some entertaining gems around.

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